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Messages - sillgen

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 1282
Cumberland Lookup Requests / Re: Graham Family Tree
« on: Saturday 07 September 19 09:56 BST (UK)  »
Hi and welcome to Rootschat,
You might be better starting a new topic so that a new set of people see it.  The original posters have not been on for some time but I am sure others will want to help.

The Common Room / Re: George Crummett born c1780 but where?
« on: Tuesday 20 August 19 18:39 BST (UK)  »
If you click on the letter icon under the user name you can send a personal message.

Sussex / Re: Selmes, Gurr
« on: Tuesday 19 February 19 08:40 GMT (UK)  »
Death registered in Hastings for Monica Catherine D Holmes in 1981.

Sussex / Re: Selmes, Gurr
« on: Tuesday 19 February 19 08:38 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder what Monica's middle initials stand for?    Often middle names can be a clue to a father if the child is illegitimate.  According to the 1939 register her birth date is March 16th 1916.   They are living at 28 Oxford Road, Hastings.

Sussex / Re: Selmes, Gurr
« on: Monday 18 February 19 09:18 GMT (UK)  »
Hi and welcome
Can you give a bit more information?    Where did Frances live?   Where were the children born?  Is Monica your ancestor?  Who did she marry?
Every bit helps with this sort of puzzle.

Sussex / Re: Robertsbridge, East Sussex
« on: Monday 11 February 19 08:27 GMT (UK)  »
You might find this site helpful.

Occupation Interests / Re: head-borough & surveyor of roads and ....
« on: Tuesday 05 February 19 08:36 GMT (UK)  »
The Headborough was basically the parish officer and a sort of policeman.   Joseph was obviously a village "worthy".

Sussex / Re: Lewes Baptism
« on: Friday 25 January 19 09:46 GMT (UK)  »
I can see "Ansley" in 1841 age 15 (which could mean up to 19) but not found a baptism.    Nice photo of her on Ancestry.  Is that yours?

Sussex / Re: selsby
« on: Wednesday 16 January 19 17:42 GMT (UK)  »
Hi and welcome
Warden is a common name in Cuckfield as there were very rich landowners of that name in the area.  Francis Warden lived at Butlers Green House and Warden Sergison at Cuckfield Park.  If you google them you will find a lot of information and I am sure many of the local people tried to curry favour by naming their children after them even years later.

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