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Messages - MerRhosyn

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Kent Lookup Requests / Re: Henrietta Burt nee Odd/Hodd Death or Other Info?
« on: Thursday 13 May 10 19:14 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Casalguidi.  I've had my eye on that one for a while - need to get around to ordering the cert!

Perthshire / Re: Alyth MIs - Robertson
« on: Friday 26 March 10 14:53 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks.  I think I've pulled those up before.  I was hoping that finding John buried with Helen (who doesn't appear at all in the SP deaths with Helen/Hellen, I don't think) might shed some light on which of those (if any) was my John.

Appreciate you looking.

Perthshire / Re: Alyth MIs - Robertson
« on: Thursday 25 March 10 13:42 GMT (UK)  »
BruceL -

They were living in Blairgowrie in 1841:

John Robertson     45
Hellen Robertson    45
Hellen Robertson    14
James Robertson    12
John Robertson    10
Andrew Robertson    5
Alexr Robertson    2
William Robertson    1

But I suspect John and/or Helen died in Alyth.  In 1851, Alexander and William were found living with sister Helen in Alyth (Chapel St) with her husband John Robb and infant daughter.  William and Alexander's birth place is given as Alyth in that census.



Perthshire / Alyth MIs - Robertson
« on: Wednesday 24 March 10 17:20 GMT (UK)  »
Would someone be kind enough to look for this husband and wife:

Helen Robertson b1797 maiden name Ferguson
John Robertson b1796

They died sometime between 1841-1851.

Know Robertson is a tricky name, but any leads would be appreciated.

Perthshire / Re: Laird Surname In Perth
« on: Wednesday 24 March 10 17:16 GMT (UK)  »
Not particularly helpful, but I have an Elizabeth Laird in my tree.  She was christened 1745 in Kilspindie to Robert Laird and Helen Barnet.  She married William Guthrie in 1773 in Kilspindie.  I believe Robert Laird was christened in Errol in 1712.  He married Helen Barnet in Kilspindie in 1744.  Elizabeth is my 6th great grandmother.

Essex Lookup Requests / Re: Little Easton Parish Records Clark Lookup
« on: Friday 15 January 10 17:20 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for following up with this!  Speller it is  ;D

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: 1851-1861 census look up please
« on: Thursday 07 January 10 13:12 GMT (UK)  »
Lyn10 - I looked through the Horton Kirby parish registers and did indeed find a baptism for a William "Sanham" son of William and Sarah Sanham" date Sept 12 1802.   This is likely the brother of my Sarah.

Hope this helps.

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: 1851-1861 census look up please
« on: Thursday 07 January 10 04:02 GMT (UK)  »
I am researching my ancestor Sarah Salmon (sometimes name appears as Sanham).  She was born in Horton Kirby, Kent in 1809.  She was baptized on 7 May 1809 to William and Sarah Salmon.  I know the couple had two other children - Richard born in 1807 died in 1808 and Harrier born in 1813.  My Sarah Salmon went on to marry John Pratt in 1828.

Sounds like there may be some overlap with these individuals and the William that you're researching...although not quite old enough to be William the possibly Sarah's generation.

Let me know if you got anywhere or want extra info.

Hampshire & IOW Lookup Requests / Re: Winchester St. Lawrence Parish Records Look up
« on: Tuesday 29 December 09 18:03 GMT (UK)  »
Nell -

I suppose I could be wrong.  I have the parish marriage record stating the 26 Jun 1819 marriage date, William as a widower profession cutler.  Given the George Peaty mentioned on the record, I thought it more likely Amelia was baptized in St Lawrence.  I can't find another record about William's first marriage, which I suppose would give more information.  They were both dead before 1840, if I have those facts straight.

Appreciate your reply.


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