
Old Photographs, Recognition, Handwriting Deciphering => Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs => Topic started by: lynbee on Monday 21 November 05 08:38 GMT (UK)

Title: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: lynbee on Monday 21 November 05 08:38 GMT (UK)
This is the second one.  The Trade Mark at the bottom reads "Austin's Studio, 70, Seaside, Eastbourne".

Thanks for your help.

God bless you
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: kmo on Tuesday 22 November 05 22:21 GMT (UK)
Don't know how to  get rid of the frame. Haven't worked out to crop with an elipse. But here's the pic.
Looks like she's wearing a wrist watch, so relatively recent pic?
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: sue 1950 on Tuesday 22 November 05 22:36 GMT (UK)
I can get rid of the frame but that is about all
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: dennford on Tuesday 22 November 05 23:03 GMT (UK)
Needs more work yet
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: dennford on Tuesday 22 November 05 23:10 GMT (UK)
A bit better
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: PrueM on Tuesday 22 November 05 23:13 GMT (UK)
Wristwatch (well spotted!) and shoes and socks...I'm angling for perhaps 1910s-1920s?  That would go with the frame, too.

Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: deadants on Wednesday 23 November 05 00:40 GMT (UK)
That's one big wrist watch. I'd say it's a handkerchief of some kind. But I guess the period could be anytime after the 1920's because of the lace up shoes. She reminds me of Pollyanna.
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: lynbee on Wednesday 23 November 05 01:55 GMT (UK)
Thanks for that....I didn't know how to crop it in an oval either....that's why I left the frame.  I also thought that the frame style may help to date it.
She is looking great!
God bless,
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: lynbee on Wednesday 23 November 05 01:57 GMT (UK)
Hi Sue,
Thanks for your efforts.
I appreciate them
God bless you.
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: lynbee on Wednesday 23 November 05 02:02 GMT (UK)
Hi Den
Thanks....She is looking really great.
Now, I just wish I knew who she was!
I appreciate your efforts.
God bless you.
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: lynbee on Wednesday 23 November 05 02:16 GMT (UK)
Hi KMO, Prue and deadants,
Thanks for your comments.
They have really thrown the cat among the pigeons!
I did think that by the sailor suit that it may have been post WW1, but was hoping for earlier.
The only relative I have that would fit a post WW1 date and would be in England at that time, was my Auntie b.1911.  However, a few things don't fit.  If that is a wristwatch (which would make post WW1) I should have imagined that they would not have been very cheap and my Da's family was very much in the low-econmic bracket at that time.  Secondly, my da always told me that I had inherited his sister's snow white hair.  Like her, my hair was white blonde until I was about 14 when it became more golden.  Because of this my aunt was nicknamed "Snowball" ...a nickname I also inherited. 
This girl appears to have been darker than that.   
This is why I had hoped that the other photo, i posted may have been from about 1917, because the girl in that one is much blonder. 
I guess it will just have to go into the "Don't know" file for now!
Prue, I had not thought about the shoes & socks...good point.
Anyway, thanks heaps for your time, efforts & comments.
God bless you all.
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: deadants on Wednesday 23 November 05 02:17 GMT (UK)
I didn't know how to crop it in an oval either....that's why I left the frame.

To cut out an oval you use guides. If your software doesn't have guides you can draw straight lines across the top, bottom and vertical lines down the sides of the oval. You then get your oval marquee tool and place the crosshairs in one corner and drag to the diagonally opposite corner. you should know have your marquee perfectly around the oval shape.
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: dennford on Wednesday 23 November 05 02:25 GMT (UK)
Good one Deadants,
          I've always dragged mine out freehand, but the guides bit is definitely a winning tip - especiallt on the tricky ones.
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: deadants on Wednesday 23 November 05 02:31 GMT (UK)
Hi Denn, I learned that trick when I was learning Autocad some years ago but it's dead accurate.
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: rkaa on Wednesday 23 November 05 07:41 GMT (UK)
Edited: image removed - not pleased.
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: lynbee on Wednesday 23 November 05 08:56 GMT (UK)
Looking good in blue! 
Thanks rkaa.
God bless you.
Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: kizmiaz on Wednesday 23 November 05 15:49 GMT (UK)

The wristwatch, if that is what it is, looks like it would be a man's watch from the sheer size of it, in which case it may be an ex-servicemans watch, or possibly worn as a remembrance of a soldier who died in the war.

Not much of a help, but just a thought

Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: GaryH on Sunday 04 December 05 00:29 GMT (UK)

I have done a quick bit of reseach. George Austin was a Photgraphic Studio in Eastbourne in Sussex between 1899-1910+.

If that is so, and you have no idea who it could be, given the date, I think there is a high probability that I might be able to put a name to this face given our links.

Title: Re: A bit of a clean & Approx date, Please #2
Post by: lynbee on Sunday 04 December 05 04:28 GMT (UK)
Hi Gary,
I really hope so! It would be wonderful to know.  Have sent you an email.
God bless you