
England (Counties as in 1851-1901) => England => Gloucestershire => Topic started by: SallyCat on Saturday 08 July 06 04:21 BST (UK)

Title: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Saturday 08 July 06 04:21 BST (UK)
What am I doing wrong? 

I have used the free BMD searches on several sites, and still I can't find family births, marriages or even deaths... specifically families I am looking for in Bristol, even though I KNOW they were born and/or living there.

THese are mostly births early 1900's -1915 .....

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong???  IT's like they never existed yet I can't believe NONE Of the births etc were not registered :(   (as an aside, have had no problem with other family trees!)
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Ros Fornaro on Saturday 08 July 06 04:48 BST (UK)
Hi Sally,

Free BD&M's is an ongoing project and there is very little Gloucestershire content.

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Arranroots on Saturday 08 July 06 07:42 BST (UK)
Hi Sallycat

What part of Bristol are you searching for?  Remember that those parts of the city that are south of the river were Somerset until relatively recently, so if you are only searching for Gloucestershire that might explain it.

The full indexes are currently free here:

kind regards, Arranroots  ;)

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Pinetree on Saturday 08 July 06 07:45 BST (UK)
Hi SallyCat,

At the moment you can view the actual images of the GRO index pages free at:

You will need to look at each quarter for each possible year but it doesn't take too long particularly if you have some idea of date.

You may already be familiar with Gloustershire registration districts but if not this site should help.

I'm happy to have a look for some of your people for you if you're stuck just let me know.

Good luck and happy hunting  ;)


Ooops - sorry Arranroots  ;)
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: bodger on Saturday 08 July 06 08:59 BST (UK)
Re marriages, how doe's one tie in one partner to the other on BMD, IE i have Ida Jean Bacon ,b.1884, Keighley, m.1908, June, but who did she marry. Bodger
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Geoff E on Saturday 08 July 06 09:53 BST (UK)
Hi Sally,

Free BD&M's ... there is very little Gloucestershire content.


Not true ... FreeBMD transcriptions are from an alphabetical surname list; there is no selection by place.

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Necromancer on Saturday 08 July 06 10:13 BST (UK)
Bodger - if it was a pre-1901 marriage you can often establish the spouse in the following census, eg it would be an Ida Jean Bloggs, where Bloggs was one of the 2 male names in the Marriage Index entry.

However, its after 1901, so no census available - and also theres only 1 male name yet transcribed by FreeBMD - WALKER  Ernest     Keighley  9a 373

Sooo, sadly you are going to have to purchase the cert using that Keighly district, Vol and Page num... OR .... you may get lucky and see births after 1911 with mothers maiden name BACON - the actual birth surname would be the marriage partner - but you still have the current obstacle that only 1 male name is yet transcribed.

If you use, it will match all names married with that Keighly index info, and hopefully provide BOTH male names - then a post 1911 birth should pin it down for you.

But by the time you've paid a sub to FamilyRelatives, you might as well buy the Cert !
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Daffodilly on Saturday 08 July 06 10:20 BST (UK)
To find the other partner in a marriage on FreeBMD you need to have a note of the year, quarter, volume, page no and district then fill these in but no name in the search.  It will then give you a list of all the people for that entry which is usually 2 male and 2 female, so you have narrowed it down to 2 people, but that is as far as you can go on Free BMD.  Not much help but a bit nearer the answer!

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: newburychap on Saturday 08 July 06 10:51 BST (UK)
To find the other partner in a marriage on FreeBMD you need to have a note of the year, quarter, volume, page no and district then fill these in but no name in the search. 

It is a bit easier than that - do the search at the FreeBMD site and then click the page number alongside the search result you are interested in - this brings up the 4 names on that page (providing they have been transcribed). 

If you are using Ancestry's copy of the FreeBMD data you need to do the search, view the record and then click the page number.

Sometimes there will be more than 4 names - early registers  (up to somewhen in the 1850s) had 4 marriages per page hence 8 names and sometime a mistranscription of a page or volume number can result in an extraneous name or two.
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Saturday 08 July 06 13:10 BST (UK)
Arranroots,  I did the Somerset thing too. It got so frustrating I ended up trawling through pages and pages just to see if some of them were born elsewhere... 

I will check out the links you have listed and see if it makes a difference.

Pinetree, if I have no success, I might take you up on that offer.  ;D  As Arnie say's  "I'll be back"!!!

Thank you all for the help :)  Happy hunting indeed!

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Arranroots on Saturday 08 July 06 13:47 BST (UK)
Another aside: my great grandmother was definitely from Bedminster - until we found her birth in south Wales!!

Always worth considering other areas.

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Saturday 08 July 06 14:02 BST (UK)
Well I'm back...

LOL Arranroots.. I have a bunch I am trying to find where it looks like the kids were born all over the country too...!

I just went back and did the same search for both Glous. and Somerset, trying to find the birth of
George Lord 20/1/1913  I have a partial birth cert, stating he was born in Bedminster.  I haven't found it yet!  I have no idea what his fathers name was, but his mother is that lovely lady in the purple dress... one Florence R Brooks - and I can't find her   My mother tells me the whole family was in the Bristol/Bedminster area. (Including George's wife Violet Davis.. )  Ahhh the fun!!! LOL

I tried looking for his siblings, Walter and Lillian, and even Lillians marriage to a Jenkins... no luck there either.
Perhaps I will have to set my net further afield...

As a further PS - I am beginning to think that this Florence Brooks is his grandmother, not mother... hmmm... *whacks family member on head who gave the details with the photo* ????

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Joburg on Saturday 08 July 06 14:24 BST (UK)
   Birth Ref.

George Lord <Bristol 6a 133 Mar.qtr.1913>

Mothers maiden name Brooks


Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Saturday 08 July 06 14:27 BST (UK)
Oh Joburg.. just as I modified my post, there you go with the name Brooks... .THANK YOU...!!!!!

See, now I couldnt get a match at all.. the freeBMD site said no matches..... Oh I'm losing my mind........

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Saturday 08 July 06 14:46 BST (UK)
Being desparate, I did a search just for marriages between LORD and BROOKS... only one result, and its in Bedminster... HER name is Mary Ann Brooks....... perhaps the name with the photo is wrong?  Date is about right really,  Dec Q 1897.

So I guess I need to shoot over to the look up requests and see who they are and if there are any kids by 1901...   tis worth a try I guess!

Thanks everyone for your help! :)
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Joburg on Saturday 08 July 06 15:08 BST (UK)
   I found the birth reg. on the GRO indexes on Ancestry.I have checked the marriages for Lord to Brooks for Bristol or Bedminster from 1912 back to 1907 inc. with No luck.


Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Geoff E on Saturday 08 July 06 16:02 BST (UK)
See, now I couldnt get a match at all.. the freeBMD site said no matches..... Oh I'm losing my mind........

FreeBMD has very few births after 1910

Marriages are a bit better

Deaths ... nothing after 1911
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Saturday 08 July 06 16:18 BST (UK)
Thanks for that Geoff....

By the way, when I click on those links.. it says 'cannot be found'. 

Starting to think my puters playing up.. lol !
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Geoff E on Saturday 08 July 06 18:36 BST (UK)
Thanks for that Geoff....

By the way, when I click on those links.. it says 'cannot be found'. 

Same here! ???

Go to

and find "PLEASE NOTE: WE HAVE NOT YET TRANSCRIBED THE WHOLE INDEX. A breakdown by event and year can be viewed here" ... click on "here"
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Sunday 09 July 06 03:56 BST (UK)
I have since found Georges siblings:

Walter Lord born 1902 and someone found
Lily May Lord born 1903

Walter and Lily both born in Bristol. 

SO all the kids born in Bristol, but I still can't find Florence and hubby Lord.

I did find a Florence Lord born about 1881 listed on a Somerset 1901 census  (pay site that I am not subscribed to).. but no details as to town, etc.  Wondered if that was her. 

Would there be any reason I can't find their marriage.  I even tried just looking for Lord/Brooks anywhere that matches.  Very weird!

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: acorngen on Sunday 09 July 06 03:58 BST (UK)
You all know that at you can search the gro indexes up to 1983 free of charge

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Sunday 09 July 06 04:58 BST (UK)
Heh Rob, I just about live there now!

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Arranroots on Sunday 09 July 06 08:49 BST (UK)
Hi again Sally

The Florence you found in 1901 is unmarried - she appears to be holidaying in Weston with her (?) mother and sister and comes from Cirencester.

If you have double-checked your facts from your sources (living rellies? other documents?) I would now be inclined to buy the birth cert of one of the children. Preferably Walter b 1902 as this is nearest to the census & the address might be the same, but any of them would give you the parents' names & father's occupation.

Do you know what the "R" stands for in Florence's name?  Maybe she went by her middle name?

kind regards, Arranroots  ;)
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Monday 10 July 06 15:13 BST (UK)

It's all a big mystery to me now.. lol.  Noone knows what the "R" stands for, and as you say if she used that, and we knew it, it would make life a lot easier!

I think I will have to get birth certs for "George" as at least I know he is correct.  Funnily enough, I am having the same problem with his wifes family!    Birthday next month... no surprsie what I will ask for!!!!

Thanks for all your help everyone  :)
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: Pinetree on Monday 10 July 06 15:20 BST (UK)

Do you think Florence could have been married before she married Mr Lord?  In the photo she could be c. 20 meaning she'd be born abt. 1870.  If her first Lord child was born 1902 she could have been about 32 so may have been a widow when she married Mr lord.

Perhaps the R is from her first husband's surname.

On 1881 census there in a Florence BROOKS aged 8 living in London.  She was born in Cheltenham but her mother was born in Bristol.

Just thinking out loud really but may just be a clue somewhere  :-\

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Tuesday 11 July 06 14:31 BST (UK)
Pinetree, just chatting with another friend who is doing family research, and we came up with the same thought.

I also just got an email from mother in New Zealand (thank god snail mail is no longer the only option.. lol).   They pulled photo out... (sigh)... and on the back...

Florence Rebess BOWDEN - Brooks... husband, WIlliam Robert Lord.  So we are now wondering if Bowden was her first husband, as she is definitely called Brooks on georges birth info.

Found them in a 1901 census in Wales.. birth years about right, and with two children, 1898 and 1901 .. which is kind of consistent with the other two born 1902 and 1903 in Bristol.  George must have been a late edition!!!

Tis all very exciting!  So yes.. all the clues help! :)
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Tuesday 11 July 06 21:27 BST (UK)
PS - have since found a Florence Brooks living in Canada - from the 1881 census there.  Age is right, birth just shows as England, so I'm investigating that avenue. Possible that she married in Canada (family all there) and thats why I cant find a marriage in the UK !

Ahhhhh and so the plot thickens!
Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: alf on Monday 31 July 06 06:24 BST (UK)
Found this information

Marriage ref for Lord = Brookes

William Robert Lord = Mary Ann Brookes,
 Bedminster 5c, 1256, Dec 1897

1901 census  Living in Bristol
William Lord c 1876, born in Bristol Coal Carter
Mary Ann, wife, c 1875, born in Bristol, Firewood Dealer
William R, born Bristol, C 1899
Thomas H, c 1900, born Bristol
The names may have been  put down incorrect

BMD search found the following

William Robert born 1876, birth registed in Bedminster
William Thomas found in 1898, birth also registed in Bedminster
Thomas, c, 1900 birth registed in Bristol

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Monday 31 July 06 13:46 BST (UK)
Hi alf..
I too found that Lord and Brookes marriage and wondered if my family had got her name wrong, but they insist she was Florence Brooks

I have resigned myself to having to get Georges birth certificate.  Not cheap when I look at the pile I need. (Conversion is about $20Can).   

I do have a Florence and William Lord living in Wales in 1901 both say born in Bristol. I eliminated a few "Bristol" Florences... lol...  But the one I have remaining that could possibly be her is one born in Oxfordshire.  Her family went to Canada.  Her mother died and the father remarried in 1888.  Figuring perhaps she didnt like the new mother and went back to the UK? So, then I find her in London in 1891, 22, still single.
By 1901 she has disappeared all together. 

But then this Florence and William are in Wales in 1901.

The plot thickens......   but thanks for taking a look!  :)

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: acorngen on Monday 31 July 06 16:20 BST (UK)

A little bit of advice.  Just because a surname as an added letter doesn't mean it isn't the right one.  Remember not everyone could read and a lot of  the time registrars spelt it their way.  If he thought Brooks should have an E then it would have been added.  For example my own family contains the name WYATT yet I have seen it spelled on different documents as WHYATT WIATT and WIETT

Title: Re: FreeBMD searches
Post by: SallyCat on Monday 31 July 06 16:36 BST (UK)
Hehe Rob, tell me about it!  My Challis side goes from Challes, Challice, Chalice, to Challis, I found my Darke family as Durkes, Bowdens as Bawden, Boughton, and so on and so on...

The unfortunate thing... my cousin has been researching the Lord family tree but so far I have not been able to get any info from him over the past 3 years! Sad eh!?  It would be so much simpler if he would share with the rest of us!

So for now Im on my own :)