
General => The Common Room => The Lighter Side => Topic started by: suey on Thursday 07 September 06 22:04 BST (UK)

Title: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: suey on Thursday 07 September 06 22:04 BST (UK)

Just nipped in to see if I had any new messages and found this

Dear members,

Many of our members find the message boards to be a useful way of discovering more about family history and provide a forum for members to assist each other’s research. Now here comes the boring bit…we need to draw everyone’s attention to the message board guidelines and remind you that members who do not follow the rules for the boards will be removed. Why? Because the behaviour of a minority of users who continue to ignore these rules means that our customer services team are spending all their time dealing with message board users, rather than helping members discover their family history. So regretfully we’ve decided to temporarily suspend new posts on the message boards to enable our customer services team to catch up with the genuine genealogy queries of our 5 million members.

The Genes Reunited Team

No wonder I can't get answers to my e.mails ie
Why can't I make changes to my tree?
Why am I not getting an e.mail to say I have a new contact message?
Why am I getting 'hot matches' for names which do not appear in my tree? 

I've had problems for over a month with GR sooooo in a fit of temper I've taken my tree off  the site >:(


Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kerryb on Thursday 07 September 06 22:09 BST (UK)
Having briefly tried the message boards on GR and hated it, I'm glad that at last the customer services have at last decided to do something about it!

Thank goodness for Rootschat!

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: suttontrust on Thursday 07 September 06 22:11 BST (UK)
Good for GR.  They're taking money to provide a service, not to deal with the lunacy of a few people.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: suey on Thursday 07 September 06 22:19 BST (UK)

Thing is though it's been a long time coming - their clear up I mean, I used to pop in for a look round quite regularly but gave up over a year ago - how can they keep getting it so wrong!

Thank goodness for Rootschat!
  Here here Kerry
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: subee on Thursday 07 September 06 22:30 BST (UK)
My membership is still valid until Feb 2007!! Had a quick look today to see if anything had changed's still rubbish!! I'm confused as to why I paid my subscription of nearly a tenner in Feb yet I still have to buy credits if I want to look at anything?!
I'm happy to pay but not over and over, at least with Ancestry it was a one off - although I now hear that's free too ... ( I never seem to find a bargain!!)  ;D

I spend most of my time on here supposedly looking for rellies but just trawling and having a go at the caption comps and googly things!!  ;D Much more fun and friendly too  ;D

subee x
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: suey on Thursday 07 September 06 22:41 BST (UK)

Hi subee, I never seem to get in on the freebies either ::)  Except for Rootschat that is; where everyone gives freely with everything, their knowledge, their laughter, fun and sometimes tears...this site is a one off, I've tried others but nothing comes close to Rootschat.


Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: suttontrust on Thursday 07 September 06 22:53 BST (UK)
The real lesson is about the need for moderators.  We've watched the usenet group go down the tubes because it isn't moderated and gives space to endless childish wrangles and rudeness.  GR let the lunatics in and then had to waste time dealing with them.  Here on Rootschat the quick intervention of the mods (too quick at times perhaps?  ;) ) keeps it all friendly and focussed.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: subee on Thursday 07 September 06 23:30 BST (UK)
Yep you're right suttontrust - three cheers for the mods!!  ;D

I wonder what I used to in the evenings before I discovered this site - it really is great!  8)

subee x
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: patrish on Thursday 07 September 06 23:34 BST (UK)
I think nearly everyone here thinks that also subee ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Silvilocks on Friday 08 September 06 07:03 BST (UK)
Hi all

The situation on GR, is that a long-time member who did a huge amount to help adoptees trace family was given a permanent ban a few days ago, following accusations of bullying by a comparatively new member. (I have no idea of the rights and wrongs of that one - wasn't around when it originally blew up). Once the ban became known about, a huge number of other members more or less took over the boards, literally bombarding all message boards with hundreds of posts demanding that GR review the situation. GR finally shut the boards to new posts (Wednesday night?) and I gather there's been bans handed out all round to the members organizing the protest.

No idea when it will be up and running again - or how useable it will be when it is. There were several messages from people who didn't want to get involved trying to use the boards for genealogical research, but the protestors wouldn't allow it and took over all their  threads!

Can't imagine it ever happening here somehow  :)

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Gigi on Friday 08 September 06 07:19 BST (UK)
Hi Silvilocks,

I came back from hols this week & when I logged onto GR was shocked to see the boards were suspended!! Thanks for the explanation! I think I know which member you are talking about!

I reckon that when it's up & running again a lot of members will have left!

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kerryb on Friday 08 September 06 07:46 BST (UK)
No Silvilocks

It wouldn't happen here because as Suttontrust says we have moderators who would be quick to jump on that sort of behaviour.  I am sure that is why RC stays such a friendly place and the best board I have ever chatted on!

I was looking at another one the other day (not geneaological) and there was this one character who commented on every other message, basically not answering but bullying and harrassing people.  A newbie came on and asked a question and the answer the newbie got was so insulting and horrible.  I counted a line of 15 rude answers from this person.  Thankfully that would just never be allowed here :) 

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Silvilocks on Friday 08 September 06 08:12 BST (UK)
No Silvilocks

It wouldn't happen here because as Suttontrust says we have moderators who would be quick to jump on that sort of behaviour.  I am sure that is why RC stays such a friendly place and the best board I have ever chatted on!

That's true and I'm all in favour of moderators. But I've never known a board that only seems to attract pleasant, friendly and helpful people the way this one does. I don't know how much difference it makes having the registration procedure in place where email addresses have to be verified, but it does seem that RC doesn't attract nutters the way the other sites do.

Well, not the nasty, vicious, bullying, spiteful type of nutters anyway - just the nicely nutty ones  ;D

Sorry, back on topic. I was going to say that if anyone has an interest on any long running tips threads on GR, it would be an idea to copy and paste any info you'd like to keep. As members are banned, any useful info they've posted will be deleted  ::)


Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: patrish on Friday 08 September 06 09:18 BST (UK)
I belong to a small privately run website, there are at least four global "moderators". We do not discuss religion or politics and if someone is rude or abusive to another member, they are barred from the site.  They review the situation periodically and they may be re in stated provided they comply with the rules, this had happend to a guy in Holland,  he has been barred  for the 2nd time. I think some people just cant help themselves.

If we had more consideration for our fellow being then the world would be a much better place I think.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: MarieC on Friday 08 September 06 10:06 BST (UK)
Not a member of GR (and not likely to be, from the sound of this!) but I agree so much that RC is streets ahead, and that the mods are essential and do a fantastic job!

You can log on here and talk to lovely people, and they are so helpful!  I have just had yet another instance of this, where I made a post saying how happy I was to have found a whole lot of new stuff about a ggggrandmother, and someone jumped in and found her on a census where I hadn't been able to find her.  I just mentioned that I didn't know who someone was who was living with her - a census said "Relative" - and the same someone has done a lot of looking and opened up a whole new view of the family!  All this without my even asking!!

I'm not likely to join any other genealogy chat group.  Rootschat Rules Forever!!!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Rick on Friday 08 September 06 14:13 BST (UK)
Perhaps the moral of this is to save your money and stay on RootsChat, but most importantly of all TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!

Rick :)
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: KathMc on Friday 08 September 06 14:18 BST (UK)
I am a member but have never posted on their messge boards, and have never found anything useful on their site. I hope that one day I find someone doing research on one of my branches, but I won't join again when my membership runs out. It hasn't been overly useful and I hate having to add my tree. It is a lot of work for very little response. I just come over here and put all my names in the surname interest table and enjoy the company while I wait for a relative to find me.  ::)

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: wheeldon on Friday 08 September 06 14:28 BST (UK)
Kath, I'm with you I also haven't found anything usefull - just keep my tree on there in the hope that someone might contact me.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kerryb on Friday 08 September 06 14:35 BST (UK)
I was going to say Rick and you beat me to it!

What price good manners - it's free on Rootschat!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: GalaxyJane on Friday 08 September 06 15:20 BST (UK)

Hi everyone,
           Since I was on the spot during the GR mutiny so to speak, I just wanted to have my say.  :)
        Firstly I have to say that the more genealogy sites on the net there are, the better, as it means more chance of finding an obscure rellie  ;D
      I think each site has its own particular flavour and its own strong points .
  For instance I spend much time here on wonderful Rootschat and have found out loads. from knowledgeable and helpful folk.
    Meanwhile I looked in quite a lot on GR and got some good contacts about my family tree which have also been invaluable.
       I have gained from their message boards too -- there were a core of regulars who knew their subject inside out and could come back with a point of information at the drop of the hat. They did this in a rather more  informal atmosphere than prevails here, it is true, and there was a great deal of cheerful mayhem going on.
        The trouble started when a certain element began to take exception to this, going as far as setting up  websites specifically to name and humiliate the people they objected to. They also posted malicious messages, and reported anyone who took exception to their rancour to the GR management, getting many of the people who contributed most to the site banned.
     It was because these people were banned without chance of appeal, while the troublemakers remained, that the mutiny started. Polite emails did no good. Phone calls did no good.  The attitude was that the matter would not be discussed. Thus the members in question, and their friends, saw their run of postings as the only way to get the management to listen to them.   
       Finally, over five hundred of their members voted with their feet.
       This sort of thing could never happen here, because the people who run it do so for the sake of their members. They are accessible and fair. No one feels they have been unfairly treated or regarded as a cash cow.
         I just wanted to try to set the record straight, especially in view of that top of the board message from the GR management which didn't give a full picture of the situation and was therefore somewhat misleading
                    Hope you will all read this in the spirit it was written, respectful and conciliatory  ;D
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kena on Friday 08 September 06 15:47 BST (UK)
Hi, I just had a contact yesterday from GR from somebody related to me, all very nice and friendly, I have also made contact with quite a few other people on there in the past who have also been really friendly to chat to including a lovely lady from Canada who gave me new information on one of my lines going back to the 1600's that I didn't know about, there has been a bit of negative with all this good though in that there have been quite a few people on there who I've tried to contact who just haven't answered me back, I wouldn't do this as I think it is only sociable more than anything to contact people back who have made the effort to try and contact you.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: wheeldon on Friday 08 September 06 15:55 BST (UK)
Gosh Jane, sounds like a lot of argy-bargy was going on  ??? :-\

I haven't used the message boards on GR - wish I had now and also wish that they hadn't been suspended, after the day I've just had  I could just do with a good argument  :-\ ;).

On a serious note though, what a shame for the serious genealogists.  As usual it sounds like the minority have spoiled things for the majority.

I don't know where these idiots come from? 

'humiliate people and send malicious messages' - what on earth is all that about ??? ??? ??? ??? >:(

Glad you and the rest of the 5 hundred have taken a stand - good for you  8)
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Silvilocks on Friday 08 September 06 16:10 BST (UK)

Hi everyone,
           Since I was on the spot during the GR mutiny so to speak, I just wanted to have my say.  :)

Hi Jane

I hoped someone would turn up who knew more about what actually happened than me. I picked it up at a time when the boards were in a complete frenzy, and it wasn't too easy to piece together what had happened.

I'd never posted on the site, but I used to visit the Tips board regularly. As you say, there were people on there with an encyclopedic knowledge of certain topics, and there was a huge amount of general information available for beginners. From what I've seen of the boards today, it does look as if much of the useful information is still there - presumably because members have left, rather than being banned.

The way GR have handled the situation hasn't done them any favours. The long-standing members of the site (ex-members now I suppose)  have been literally begging GR to introduce some form of moderation for ages. The fact that GR allowed no new posts without moderation for three days shows that they could do it if they wanted to do. Sadly, GR make it quite clear that once members have paid their membership, any interest on GR's part ends.

As a site for making contacts, I think it's always going to be pure luck whether you get a dozen contacts or none. Now the real enthusiasts have gone, I think GR will find they've ended up with a site which is just another chat forum with a few vague connections to family history. Can't see me going back there much somehow.I'll stick with Rootschat.


Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kerryb on Friday 08 September 06 17:02 BST (UK)
I have been a fully paid member of GR for about 2 years now, in fact just repaid at the beginning of this month.  When I started I put up some messages on various surname boards, I had one answer to my Baldwin request for info from Gary who is on here, he told me to try Rootschat and I've been here ever since.  I've never had any other answer to those messages.

However what I do find useful is the contacts I have had through the members of the my tree and as annoying as they are, the hotmatches.

Nothing beats Rootschat where you can post a question that has been puzzling for weeks and within 10 minutes sometimes you have an answer and you don't have to pay!!!!

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: wheeldon on Friday 08 September 06 17:26 BST (UK)
I've just had a scroll through the recent messages on GR

Can anyone tell me what a 'WUM' is?????? :-\
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: patrish on Friday 08 September 06 17:42 BST (UK)
From my own point of view, although it will never equal our lovely Rootschat I have found Genes very useful.

 I have never posted on the boards but have found several  relatives through them., two of whom I have become firm friends with, another one to talk to tonight for the first time.
I find building the family trees very confusing so I have not got very far with mine.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Silvilocks on Friday 08 September 06 17:49 BST (UK)
I've just had a scroll through the recent messages on GR

Can anyone tell me what a 'WUM' is?????? :-\

Weasel upto mischief  ???

What context was it used in? It's a new one on me!

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Rossolad on Friday 08 September 06 17:54 BST (UK)

I have never been a paid member of GR, just a guest but my school/service record etc is in there from when I was new to the computer.   However, I repeatedly get messages saying an old school/service pal is trying to contact me but not being a paid up member there is no way I can contact these old pals or they contact me.   It's a useless exercise obviously wanting me to join, if I paid to join all the sites where my interests lie I'd be broke in no time.  >:(  All messages from GR are now just deleted immediately ::)

With Rootschat you have it all and good friends too.

Isn't a WUM where babies live 'till they're born? ;D

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: willsy on Friday 08 September 06 18:00 BST (UK)

Wind up merchant

Well I usually have a look at a couple of slots on roots but have never been into the lighter side, glad I did, didn't realise how much was actually on this site
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: carol8353 on Friday 08 September 06 18:09 BST (UK)

Can anyone tell me what a 'WUM' is?????? :-\

I think it stands for Wind Up Merchant.......well I hope so  ;D

Hope it's nothing toooooo rude  ;)


Ooops sorry Elaine- I was a bit slow there wasn't I?  :P
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kena on Friday 08 September 06 18:12 BST (UK)
Hi Patrish, can recommend putting at least maybe part of your tree on GR. That's how I found my latest contact, he saw my names listed, you never know when somebody new is going to contact you, it can be just out of the blue.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Kevwood on Friday 08 September 06 18:12 BST (UK)
Hi all, i have been a member with GR for over two years, i have made contact or been contacted by 100s of people regarding my tree, about 20 were actually relatives and between us all we have progressed our trees massively, i always reply to people who aren't relatives and think for ten pounds a year it is fantastic value.

Subee why do you have to buy credits to look at things if you are a member? never heard that before.

I have only used the message boards once and had no luck.

I have also recommended Rootschat to lots of people and i think most of them have joined.

Kev. ;D
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: wheeldon on Friday 08 September 06 18:36 BST (UK)
Thanks peeps for the explanation of 'WUM' - hey ho I've learnt something new today  :)
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: CarolBurns on Friday 08 September 06 18:57 BST (UK)
Subee why do you have to buy credits to look at things if you are a member? never heard that before.

Kev. ;D

You have to buy credits to see the records such as the 1901 census on there Kev

Anyway I too have been a member of GR for about 2 or 3 years and have been contacted by hundreds of people with only a few being related. I posted my names on the Trying to find boards early on but have never used them since. I get messages by email, check them out and then make contact to say whether they are related or not and that is it.

I still tell everyone about RC everytime I get an email asking if my names are related to their names. Best advertising is free

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: subee on Friday 08 September 06 19:02 BST (UK)
If I want to look at the census I have to buy credits apparently! :o
I had an e mail from GR today, some addition to my names so I had a look on the message boards mainly for a quick nosey to tell the truth, and there is still some not so nice stuff being said about people,  ???
I don't think I'll be gonig on it anymore.... >:( :(

subee x
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: wheeldon on Friday 08 September 06 19:12 BST (UK)
I can't understand how the apparently 'nasties' have managed to stay on but the ones who were doing some good research have been banned.

I was also having a nosy today and people are very upset about some very genuine people that have been banned whilst the 'nasties' are still on  :-\

I think if GR can't moderate efficiently then they shouldn't include message boards on their site.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Biker on Friday 08 September 06 19:16 BST (UK)

Perhaps they should rename it GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Now I'm being a WUM  ;D

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: wheeldon on Friday 08 September 06 19:19 BST (UK)
Biker - aaaah now I know what 'WUM' means, perhaps you are - get me  ;) ;) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: suey on Friday 08 September 06 19:27 BST (UK)
I was also having a nosy today and people are very upset about some very genuine people that have been banned whilst the 'nasties' are still on  

What upsets me is that this is not a newproblem, it's happened before on more than one occasion, I came to the conclusion long ago that GR are happy to take your money but don't want to sort out genuine complaints and moderate their boards  They have a good site with many very genuine members but once again the bad apples have spoiled the whole barrel.

I too have made some great contacts and am having an ongoing conversation right now with a fellow researcher, we probably would not have met if it were not for GR.  And I certainly would not have been found by my Canadian cousin without them.......lets hope they learn a lesson from this because for all it's faults GR does have it's uses

ps I did'nt know what a WUM was either ???
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Mobo on Friday 08 September 06 19:29 BST (UK)
 ;D ;D ;D

Gave up on GenesReunited years ago !!  8) 8) 8)

 ;) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: willsy on Friday 08 September 06 19:48 BST (UK)
Found any Kirkmans in Leicester?, saw your list at the bottom of your posting
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: wheeldon on Friday 08 September 06 20:00 BST (UK)
Suey, glad I wasn't the only one who was oblivious to 'WUM'  ;) ;) :P

I just don't get why people can be nasty about family history - we all have a common goal and if we help each other we will all get there quicker.

I understand that we all may have different points of views and different personalities but being nasty about it is just beyond me - it surfs right over my head as I just don't get why?????

I think before FH hit the internet big style and before good sites like RC, there was a lot of snobbery about family history.  I encountered some of this whilst researching - now I'm thinking that these odd balls would surface in any hobby that you have - it's the down-side of the net  :-\

However, it seems like the odd balls have won the battle on GR but hopefully they haven't won the war  ???

Right, no more red wine for me - I'm strapped far too tightly to my high horse  ;) ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: downside on Friday 08 September 06 20:18 BST (UK)

I only joined GR about a year ago and had a honeymoon period of six months when I made a lot of contacts.  I didn't realise there were lookup boards (Records tab) until a couple of months ago.  :-[

It's the same with rootschat.  I only used rootschat for Sussex lookups until quite recently.  I didn't realise there was so much content.  :o


PS I didn't receive a message about guidelines etc from GR I wonder why?
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Alan b on Friday 08 September 06 20:42 BST (UK)
I have been using Genes for a number of years now and find it a valuable resource, without I would not have talked to many different people around the World who have interests in the same names as myself. I don't post on the boards very often but I do view them daily and have been given and have gave help to and from other members.

The more resources in the genealogy business the better...
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Gadget on Friday 08 September 06 20:45 BST (UK)
;D ;D ;D

Gave up on GenesReunited years ago !!  8) 8) 8)

 ;) ;) ;) ;)

Same here  :)

t was when they kept sending me all those hot links to Jones and Hughes and Roberts familes that I began to doubt their usefulness to me - think it was in the first week  ;)

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kerryb on Friday 08 September 06 22:10 BST (UK)

Why do you think I took Helena Lorraine Lovekin Stamford SMITH off!!!  Could you imagine the hot matches on that one :o :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Kevwood on Friday 08 September 06 23:51 BST (UK)
i understand now subee, but GR as far as i know dont or haven't ever said that you can get census info from them(for free), i think you will find the same on here, if you click on an advert at the top of any page they are all subscription sites.

I think you need to use it for what it is, you put your tree on and people that have matches contact you or vice versa, i use it conjunction with here(which is fantastic) and an ancestry subscription. For that i can't fault it, message boards well i feel i couldn't really comment having not really used them.

Kev. ;D

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Chipesch on Saturday 09 September 06 09:56 BST (UK)
I have been on GR for years and have found a few good contacts. The message boards have always been free and easy but certain clans were always apparent.  Some had blacklists and much backdoor messaging was going off. The recent events seemed to blow up over nothing.(as usual)

GRs handling of the whole thing has been totally amateurish. Turning off the boards to get at a few disruptive members.

Sad really

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: PaulaToo on Saturday 09 September 06 12:57 BST (UK)
I'm afraid I'm one of those silly bs who digs their heels in when there's trouble.
I have had such a good time with GR, made a couple of fantastic contacts and several more who were not as fantastic but jolly helpful all the same. I have never used the messageboards because I took one look, months ago, thought, nah, and was just content to have my tree up there, and take the da dada da Hot Matches! Got now that I delete the stupid things, all six pages of them, straight away. If they want me, they can find me.

The ripples of what happened on the BBC Family History Messageboard a few weeks back were felt over here, when a handful who have 'duel passports' went into a rugby huddle in the chatroom trying to sort out what to do. Thanks to being able to communicate here things got better. The GR meltdown could have happened there as well. It could have been the first scalp for these spoilers who seem to be just out to cause misery.
Thank you RootsChat, you let us in and I for one will always be glad that I joined you.

Look after yourselves here, the spoilers have tried and failed on the BBC, had what must be to them hilarious success with GR. You could be next. Don't drop your guard for one moment. I'm too fond of you, and too grateful to ever want to see that happen.
Bless this ship, and all who sail in her
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kerryb on Saturday 09 September 06 13:12 BST (UK)
Are you saying Paula that the same people caused trouble on the BBC Family history board and GR?  I hope they haven't come here with the intent of causing more trouble. :( :( :( :(

Let's hope here they meet moderation!  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) and fail!

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: wheeldon on Saturday 09 September 06 13:18 BST (UK)
I still don't get the motivation behind it - they obviously have something very lacking in their lives and personalities  :(
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: bearkat on Saturday 09 September 06 13:33 BST (UK)
I only have a limited understanding of what went was happening on these boards.

Looks as if some people were out to cause trouble but most were unhappy with the strict rules of the boards and the way in which they were moderated.

I think rootschat with its lighter side boards allows people the flexibility to post their genealogical questions and have a good time (keeping within the rules, of course).

I think our moderators do a grand job.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Berlin-Bob on Saturday 09 September 06 13:37 BST (UK)
Sorry Wheeldon, but that's just human nature, I guess.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, you will always find people joining in and enjoying it and adding something positive.  They are usually the majority  :) :)

and . . .

you will (nearly) always find people who join in, just to excercise their idea of enjoyment, which means being disruptive, demanding to have things their way, spoiling it for others, and being destructive.
It's the feeling of power, probably, which is otherwise lacking in their lives.

These people are in the minority, but if they are allowed to get away with it,
they dominate the tone of the boards.

On RootsChat we've always had good co-operation between members and moderators, and that's what makes the site so special.

If you notice anything "suspicious" the best thing to do, is not to answer straight away, thus compounding the nuisance value, but to use a PM or "Report to Moderator" to help us check this sort of stuff in the bud.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kerryb on Saturday 09 September 06 13:39 BST (UK)
And here's one of our moderators now, doing a grand job as you say bearkat ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Long may they all continue! ;D

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: PaulaToo on Saturday 09 September 06 14:03 BST (UK)
Yes, indeed. I keep saying how the moderators are always available here.
BBC have some, but the one from Family History seems to have gone off in a huff and hasn't been seen for weeks......thus letting the trouble makers in......... :'(
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: SandraC on Saturday 09 September 06 14:06 BST (UK)
There are several messages today on GR about keeping a low profile on GR & using "the other site"

Is this the BBC site or are they targetting another site - heaven forbid it's this one  :o

I've never used the message boards on GR [3 messages in 2 years on the "Looking for" side] as I had a quick look at the beginning and it all seemed a bit clic-ish [is that a word?]

I made contact with a distant rellie of the hubby's & she recommended Rootschat, so here I have stayed, initially on the Lancashire & Yorkshire boards but occasionally straying elsewhere.

Keep up the good work & keep the spoilers out - Mods keep your eyes peeled!


Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: GalaxyJane on Saturday 09 September 06 14:38 BST (UK)
No need to worry I don't think, SandraC. I am positive no one who has left GR is intending to disrupt Rootschat or the BBC. I think they have set up their own group somewhere where they can do their own thing in peace, that is the other site they are referring to.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: PaulaToo on Saturday 09 September 06 14:59 BST (UK)
As I hear it, that's about what has happened, GalaxyJane. Trouble is, the 'trouble' stayed with GR and the hard workers were sent out into the cold.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: suey on Saturday 09 September 06 15:03 BST (UK)
If you read a few more of the messages on GR it seems that wherever or whatever this new site is that they have defected to you need to be invited to join by an already member or you don't get in...


ps Welcome Bob  :D  hope you have a long and happy time as a new mwmber of Rootschat.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: sandiep on Saturday 09 September 06 15:11 BST (UK)
I really think its a great shame this has happened..........I have been with both GR and Rootschat since the start and love both sites for differant reasons...........I have had some great contacts from GR one just recently whom I was visiting when whatever blew up happened..........I find that the message boards do get a bit personal at times unlike here and so only answer if I can help a genuine query..........I shant stop looking as in this "hobby" you never know when the next great find will be

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Springbok on Saturday 09 September 06 19:12 BST (UK)
I have been using GR happily for years with some 36 shared trees and 4 or 5 people withwhom I keep in contact with by e-mail, but the boards have never been Moderated properly (and many BBC boards are bad)

 Many times members have complained that they received no replies to their e-mails to the GR owners (old and new)

Rootschat is great and for the first time ever I have joined a chat room (on here of course)

Good fun and instant search help if you feel like a bit of research between the wide ranging chat with new friends from around the World.

Keep Moderating as well as you do and thankyou for a superb site

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: PaulaToo on Saturday 09 September 06 19:52 BST (UK)
I'm with you on the way RootsChat is moderated, Springbok, I feel confident and safe here.
I don't agree that some of the BBC boards are bad, however. I'd call them diabolical!
We had a lovely friendly chatty, let's get this job done way of doing things, it worked well enough, but then the troubles came....and there was no one to help us. Other boards are just spite and anger, and they get away with it. No, definately diabolical. :'(
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: annieRN on Sunday 10 September 06 18:20 BST (UK)
I am a member of Genes and have been very unhappy with the way it has been run since it was taken over by ITV.  A big problem is that anyone can post on the success board without actually joining the site and recently very abusive posts have been added.

Some of the more active members have developed friendships and have set up their own private website They are screening membership to prevent the troublemakers following them.  As it was founded in a hurry I don't think they have the technology or finance to admit the 5 million members (surely an exageration claimed by genes.)  It has not reached the stage where it could be opened to the public and it is not intended to rival rootschat.

I don't think members want to spoil the Genes site for other users and most members intend to go on using genes as well.. I also use the Somerset and Gloucestershire boards a lot on rootschat and have recommended the site to others but have also made useful contacts through Genes.  I think it is a site which people often use to start their family tree.

However it won't work without a moderator and with the money they make from advertising and membership fees I am sure they could afford to pay someone.  The thread zapping antics last week were extrememly childish.

                                      Anne :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Springbok on Monday 11 September 06 00:52 BST (UK)
Anne,I went back to GR to check some info' and out of curiosity looked at the general and Tips Boards.
It is still very tense on there and some soul who had asked for help on the Tips Board  was given help by all except one person who was extremely scathing. Wrong board for Help etc 

It was then pointed out that the replies were ,in fact tips for other researchers.

Far too "scratchy" for me . I'm of the much older generation, who aren't perfect but have learned (some of us) that life is too short to be at odds with our neighbors.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: liverpool lass on Monday 11 September 06 06:52 BST (UK)
Hear, Hear Springbok! I use GR and have made some excellent contacts. I have also used the records office board but the rest is not my cup of tea.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: downside on Monday 11 September 06 12:59 BST (UK)
Hi AnnieRN

5 million members (surely an exageration claimed by genes.) 

Bear in mind that GR has members from all over the world.

Their accounts are audited so if they supplied false figures they would be found out.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: acceber on Monday 11 September 06 17:54 BST (UK)

Well as long as the GR trouble makers dont come in here thats fine, although i'm concerned that seeing as they have nowhere else to go they might move in here. Ive not found the BBC board anywhere near as friendly as Rootschat!

and long may rootschat continue ;D

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Siouxzie on Monday 11 September 06 18:12 BST (UK)
Love Rootschat - it is one on it's own.  I have had many good years at GR too, but I have always used it differently to this site.  I've left messages on the message boards, (just leaving my surname interests) but havn't participated in any chat, didn't know that happened frankly.  But had many a good contact just from having my tree there.  I always think, the more places you leave a trail for others who are researching your names, to find you, the better.  But the only place for friendly genealogy or otherwise banter is the site with "chat" in its name.

Was slightly annoyed however to find someone had pm'd me here about the ruckus on GR, which I wasn't even aware about.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Boongie Pam on Tuesday 12 September 06 11:14 BST (UK)

Well as long as the GR trouble makers dont come in here thats fine, although i'm concerned that seeing as they have nowhere else to go they might move in here.

You can rest assured your friendly volunteer moderation service will ensure RC stays as friendly and helpful as ever.  It is hard to be everywhere so please use the "Report to Moderator" function for anything you want investigating.

All the best,
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: downside on Tuesday 12 September 06 11:44 BST (UK)

I'm still waiting for someone to start a website called where all those people on GR who fail to respond to messages can go and ignore each other.  :)

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: GalaxyJane on Tuesday 12 September 06 12:31 BST (UK)
LOL, downside. 
I think a lot of the trouble you have encountered is that you are allowed to register and put up your family tree free, there . Some people wander over from the Friends Reunited site, put on a few rellies and then forget about it, or lose interest.
Also I am not sure that everyone had opted to receive email notification of any messages they may have been sent so they may not be aware you have tried to contact them.
 Infuriating when you have what you think is a hot match!

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kerryb on Tuesday 12 September 06 12:39 BST (UK)
So infuriating sometimes they should be renamed Luke Warm matches!!!!!

Kerry  ;)
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: wrjones on Tuesday 12 September 06 12:48 BST (UK)
Well I am a regular user of GR,if not a regular user of their Message Boards.I can honestly say that until I read this thread,I was totally unaware of the cause of the disruption.I speak as I find,and have had no problems with the parts of GR that I make use of regularly.I have to say that I will make use of any Site to further my research.

William Russell Jones
Cefn Mawr
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Shaztoni on Tuesday 12 September 06 12:56 BST (UK)
I have no idea how to use the GR messageboard seems far too confusing for me, I did put a reply in a thread a few months ago but I know can't remember the name of the thread so can't find if I ever did get a response.

Sharon  ???
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: LA.Blue on Tuesday 12 September 06 13:59 BST (UK)
I have found some FH boards quite cliquey and start going way off subject with personal or even gardening discussed then there is  "night, night" and all that kind of talk and it starts to sound like the Waltons. This one and one local to me are excellent.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: sallysmum on Tuesday 12 September 06 15:04 BST (UK)

I'm still waiting for someone to start a website called where all those people on GR who fail to respond to messages can go and ignore each other.  :)


Think I'm already signed up for that one ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: sallysmum on Tuesday 12 September 06 15:06 BST (UK)
Ooops, not that I mean that I fail to respond to anyone who contacts me!
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Helina on Tuesday 12 September 06 15:11 BST (UK)
Whats happened on Genes?  hlina
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: suey on Tuesday 12 September 06 18:58 BST (UK)

Helina see page 1 of this thread and see silvilocks  explanation of what happened - 

::) for some reason I can't add it to this as a quote ???
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Helina on Tuesday 12 September 06 20:28 BST (UK)
I have just had a good read, heard mutterings of problems on the BBC about Genes. I have subscribed to Genes for about 2 years, did not use their message board but found some useful contacts. Got fed up with their hot matches.  I have not been with Rootschat very long and still finding my way around, but find everyone very helpful.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Springbok on Tuesday 12 September 06 20:53 BST (UK)
With regard to Hot Matches ,I've had a few contacts through these.

I started to delete some  of the obvious non starters, then noticed that some had been upgraded with perhaps 2/3 matching names. I now wait until there are 3/4 and make contact.
This has paid off in 2 cases.

Also I don't have to keep going to shared trees to check if someone has put more info in. as the Hot matches show all my contacts with their growing entries.

Now I leave them all (even if doubtful) lots of pages but it has been worth it.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: PaulaToo on Tuesday 12 September 06 23:17 BST (UK)
Well, that's a new approach, Springbok. I've never thought of doing it like that.
Frankly, my lot are all Smith (why me why Smith?) Baker, Moore and Webb. I had no idea that there were so many people with those names. I mean, Smith you expect, but I was surprised with the Moores. I do wish they could date check them as well as name, it would be a lot more helpful, or at least get them in the right country. Thomas Smith (the cess pit man) would have been jolly clever to have been born in Portsea at the same time as he was being born in Canada.
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Helina on Wednesday 13 September 06 07:14 BST (UK)
Regarding the got matches, I only have my direct line on Genes. Deleted cousins, husbands/wives etc. I was getting contacts from people who had such a slight connection. Keep my full tree on Triblepages.   helina
Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: kerryb on Wednesday 13 September 06 08:06 BST (UK)
Well for all the problems on GR, whatever they may be and I really don't want to know, sometimes contacts come up trumps.  I contacted a lady yesterday who seemed to have a name that matched one on my tree and she confirmed a theory of mine.   ;D ;D

Good for GR - sometimes!!!!

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: annieRN on Wednesday 13 September 06 08:38 BST (UK)
A useful tip for hotmatches for a name like Smith is to add a graphics character after the name it defeats the system.  Having said that they do work sometimes.  I also  keep the ones that match or are in the right area and see if any more are added.  It is worth noting that ignored matches also add up so if you are very very bored you can look to see if you missed a distant match.

Genes does seem to have settled down now.  They have just added the 1851 census to their records.

Title: Re: Mutiny on GenesReunited?
Post by: Terance Jonathan Payne on Tuesday 26 September 06 18:43 BST (UK)
May i add i have been a member of GU for a year and a third of my tree from Tamworth was discovered there.
They have a very good tree builder which is simple to use and as such i can't knock it.
All that said did i say i love Rootschat to any-one fancy a pint in the three Barrels by the TA in Bury ??.