
General => Armed Forces => Topic started by: annsa on Sunday 25 March 07 11:47 BST (UK)

Title: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Sunday 25 March 07 11:47 BST (UK)

This list may be of use to some people whose relatives either escaped or evaded during WW2. Posted by another researcher that uses an air force research site that I use. Hopefully some other researchers may add additional information. Some of the WO208 files are available on documents online, but there isn't an index for some and it appears to me to be a bit hit and miss as to whether you get the one you are looking for!
Anyway, hopefully some of this information will be helpful, this is on Steve Brew's 41 Squadron site:

'During a recent visit to the National Archives at Kew, I tried to locate reports made by 41 Squadron pilots who evaded or escaped during WWII. The information desk at the NA do not hold a master index, so I photographed the personal name indexes in the front of the files I ordered, namely WO208/3314 (1943), WO208/3316 (1943), WO208/3317 (1943-1944), WO208/3326 (1945) and WO208/3327 (1945). I thought they may interest others so posted them on the internet at:

I have also included on this page the top level index shown in the NA catalogue, for quick reference to the Escape/Evasion Reports: Code MI9/SPG: 1-3122, held in WO208/3298-3327.'

I have a partial index to some of the later WO208 files (the liberation reports). These are NOT indexed at all and I also have some further information in my files from another researcher. However, I am afraid that I only have air force names and not army or navy. Steve Brew's index on his site includes army etc as the index is from the front of the files held at the NA.


Ann Sadler

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: Thudnut on Monday 28 May 07 09:51 BST (UK)
Thanks for this Ann.

Interestingly, the first image of the TNA WO208/3313 - Escape/Evasion Reports: Code MI9/SPG: 1162-1293, dated 1943 lists Marine Sparks at the top of the list.

He was one of the original Cockleshell Heroes, the forerunner of the modern day SBS.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Monday 28 May 07 10:08 BST (UK)
Hi Thudders,

Hopefully the information will help some people. A few of us have been trying to build up an index to some of the WO E&E files and the liberation reports as it can save a load of time at the NA. The next time I go I will work through the Lib reportsmore fully and try to make amore complete index.


Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Tuesday 05 June 07 19:16 BST (UK)

This list may be of use to some people whose relatives either escaped or evaded during WW2. Posted by another researcher that uses an air force research site that I use. Hopefully some other researchers may add additional information. Some of the WO208 files are available on documents online, but there isn't an index for some and it appears to me to be a bit hit and miss as to whether you get the one you are looking for!
Anyway, hopefully some of this information will be helpful, this is on Steve Brew's 41 Squadron site:

'During a recent visit to the National Archives at Kew, I tried to locate reports made by 41 Squadron pilots who evaded or escaped during WWII. The information desk at the NA do not hold a master index, so I photographed the personal name indexes in the front of the files I ordered, namely WO208/3314 (1943), WO208/3316 (1943), WO208/3317 (1943-1944), WO208/3326 (1945) and WO208/3327 (1945). I thought they may interest others so posted them on the internet at:

I have also included on this page the top level index shown in the NA catalogue, for quick reference to the Escape/Evasion Reports: Code MI9/SPG: 1-3122, held in WO208/3298-3327.'

I have a partial index to some of the later WO208 files (the liberation reports). These are NOT indexed at all and I also have some further information in my files from another researcher. However, I am afraid that I only have air force names and not army or navy. Steve Brew's index on his site includes army etc as the index is from the front of the files held at the NA.


Ann Sadler

Hi Ann,
          my ongoing project is to catalogue all the E & E Reports in T.N.A. Up to now I have done all the E & E 1940 - 1945.Escapers through the lines Italy. A couple of years ago appendix "C" to the 30 earlier E & E files were released,these I also catalogued.  The Liberation Reports in WO208 are the early ones which for the most part were closed. All these are now open in WO344. I did catalogue the 1900 or so Liberation Reports in WO208 though.At present I am working on the Files for Switzerland.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Tuesday 05 June 07 20:14 BST (UK)
Hi Brian,

Once you have catalogued all the files are you going to make an online index? If it is helpful I can pass you on the info I have. I had on a pretty loose basis, got together with a couple of other researchers, one of whom was going through and photographing all the E&E reports, however, unfortunately he became ill with cancer and subsequently died. I don't know what became of all his photos and information although I may be able to trace his widow (unfortunately I had a computer crash and lost e mail addresses). Derek was hoping to make a free searchable online database of the E&E reports. One of the big problems when you get to the NA is the fact that there is not even a card index to the Liberation reports, so you just have to plough through the files and hope that you find the right one.
Anyway, if I can be of help, please let me know. Unfortunately I don't get to Kew on a regular basis, but I must try to get up there in the near future and look at the Lib reports again (I have 3 smallish children and only manage to tunnel out occasionally!)

Best wishes Ann

ps It might be worth contacting Steve Brew as well as other researchers may have sent or have promised to send additional info.
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Tuesday 05 June 07 22:00 BST (UK)
Hi Anna,
            I am considering offering the whole issue to The National Archives as a research aid.  The Liberation Reports in WO344 is catalogued Alphabetically by name sequence.In other words what you get in the index is the first and last name in a particular file. This is the same as the E & E Switzerland. With over 50,000 reports it is one I am not going to tackle. Another three months or so the work on the Swiss files should be complete and I can get on with the main subject of my research. Prisoners of War in the North African Campaign.

Best  Wishes
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Tuesday 05 June 07 22:28 BST (UK)
Hi Brian,

I do know that the NA would be very interested in such a catalogue as I did talk with them about one a few years ago. The card indices are quite old and there are gaps especially as some 'researchers' have seen fit to nick stuff in the past!
Perhaps you might think about putting it online as well? I don't know how your information is stored, but I'm sure that there is some computer buff out there who would be willing to advise/help.
As for the WO344 series, I will trudge through some more next time I go to Kew. A french researcher has been doing the same and he has sent me an excel spreadsheet with air force ones. I shall do all the names next time, not just air force related ones. When you say that it is catalogued alphabetically, do you mean that there is some sort of index at the NA? If so is it in the card files somewhere or do you mean that you just get the first and the last name in that file. I couldn't see that there was any order in which the reports were filed but perhaps I and others have boobed somewhere along the line!
On the subject of the North African Campaign, my next door neighbour who is 94 is a veteran of that campaign, has absolutely all his marbles, but suffers from wounds he recived to his legs when blown up in an amoured car (I think that's right, although it may have been a tank). I keep meaning to go and have a long chat with him, when the kids aren't around and see if he has any recollections that would be of use to the Wartime Memories Project.
Anyway, if I can be of any help to you at anytime, please let me know. If you send me a personal message, I am happy to exchange e mail addresses.

All the best,

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Wednesday 06 June 07 08:33 BST (UK)
Hi Ann,
           over the last year I have photographed the first pages of reports and retyped them  to create a catalogue by name, rank, and unit. At present Counting the Liberation reports I have completed 81 Files. This has entailed taking thousands of photographs, and typing thousands of names.With the Swiss files I have been able to record date of capture and date of arrival in Switzerland.
T.N.A. online catalogue for WO344 will tell you which file to read, but only gives the first and last names within that Particular file. This tells you where the Report you are looking for Should be,but this is not always to so. The problem comes when like myself you have a journey of over 150mls that proves to have been a waste of time.
I returned home yesterday after a two day session at T.N.A. using the cheap rates Travelodge have been offering, but with Summer upon us that will end for a few months.
When the project is complete I will have to Index all the abbreviations. Then I will decide what access methods to arrange.
My North African research just need tidying up and putting together in sequence, which itself will be quite a task as it has been ongoing for 15yrs.

Best  Wishes
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Wednesday 06 June 07 18:38 BST (UK)
Hi Brian,

I don't have such a long journey, about a couple of hours if the traffic is good.  I invariably have a long list from some overseas researchers friends but am always happy to help if I can. I normally go down the digital photography route as I can photograph and then look at my leisure later (providing I don't rush too much and end up with some blurred images as last time). I know a couple of air force researchers that have a lot of E&E reports, would any of those would be of any good to you? Is your information in some sort of searchable database at present?
It seems to me, that if everyone tried to pool their info, that it would be of a great deal of use to many researchers as well as relatives of servicemen.
Do you have the refs of the files that you have completed?
I stayed up at Kew last year for a couple of days after having some radiation treatment for an overactive thyroid gland. Unfortunately, I didn't know that you could get cheap rates at the Travelodge and I ended up in a really grotty B&B, plus I had the added bonus of there being a fire drill at the NA and so I lost about an hours research on that day.

All the best,

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: Berlin-Bob on Wednesday 06 June 07 18:59 BST (UK)
Hi Ann, Hi Brian,

just a few technical thoughts:

if you are going to work together on this, or pool data, then why not talk about a suitable format first, so it's easy to exchange.  (If the TNA is the 'recipient', then maybe you should be discussing it with them first).

If not the TNA, then my suggestion would be an excel file. This has the advantage, that it is easily converted to CSV (comma-separated) files, and makes another possibility feasible:

how about putting your findings on a RootsChat website ??

I could write a program for you to add CSV files to a database (similar to the 1901 Leftovers site, ) and to display them, and then all you have to do is upload the CSV files, and add them to the data base, any time you have a fresh batch ready.

Happy to help,

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Wednesday 06 June 07 20:47 BST (UK)
Hi Bob,
           many thanks for the technical info and other suggestions,but the whole issue will be complete quite soon. I have been working on the project for about a year now. Another 1,000 frames on my hard drive to type up and one more visit to T.N.A. should about finish the job. I will discuss possibilities at T.N.A. when the job is complete.Perhaps the format could be converted after completion,if need be. There will perhaps be Copyright issues to discuss also. Hopefully a paper copy will be in the Research Enquiries Room.                                                                                                                                                                               Over 10yrs ago I recognised the need for such information,but hadn't had the time to take it on until recently. I will have to give a lot of serious thought soon to where else to place the work.
         Sorry to hear about your medical reasons for being in the area. During the period classed as High season the Travelodge offers are not so good, but at other times you can get a night for as little as £15 if you book well in advance. This week I managed one night at £15 by staying on the M4 Eastbound.The other night cost me £26 by staying on the M4 Westbound. On the 18th I will be stopping at Kew Bridge for one night,cost is £26 .   These bookings were made some weeks ago.   From the look of the Web site the offers for the next few months will not be so generous.
At present I have up to WO208/4269 of the Swiss Reports in the bag so to speak,so there are only 7 more Files to copy. All those from WO208/4238 in this group are complete. As I said in another message there are none of the other Reports left to work on as they have all been done now.
Some of the earlier work on the E & E Files is in the I.W.M. at Duxford along with some of my research on the N/African Campaign. There are also copies in Australia and New Zealand,with my research contacts.

Best  Wishes to you both
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Wednesday 06 June 07 23:34 BST (UK)
Hi Brian,

Somewhere like Rotschat would probably be a good place to put the information. I don't know whether the NA will have any copyright issues, I know that when I talked to them about going through the E&Es and making an index they were very interested, evidently something that they have wanted to do but had been unable to find the manpower to do it. It will be an invaluable resource for a lot of people but in order to it to be really useful it needs to be online in some form as there are many overseas researchers that are trying to get information. One of the original reasons that I started to look at the E&E reports was because I had been contacted a few times, by relatives of escapers/evaders who , in the case of some, had helped many allied servicemen. I was hoping if the files could be looked at an indexed, then we would be able to cross reference that info with the names of helpers. Of course, as you know, not all the reports are complete and so you don't always find the appendix with the information on helpers etc. For those that have never looked at them, they do have a lot of information in them and some can even bring a smile to your face.  Although not in the E&Es, but in the Liberation files I found one for a Lt Szegda who was involved in the battle for Arnhem here below the first bit of the report which made me chuckle:



17 Sep 44 - Our Horon No.478 landed about 1400 hrs. at approx. [Map Reference] 227385 East of UDENHOUT.  With us was S/Sgt W. CRAM 3656512 G.P.R. [Glider Pilot Regiment] R.A.F. Station: KEEVIL, WILTS.  Private Address:  41 BROUGHTON ROAD, SULFORD, LANCS.  There was also Sgt J. WHITEHEAD 3528646 G.P.R.  R.A.F. KEEVIL.


Landing - We landed near UDENHOUT, because the pilot had lost sight of the tug in cloud, and had cast off.


Move off towards GRAVE - The six of us moved off in two Jeeps to get to GRAVE 6253 to join up with some U.S.A. Airborne, whose objective was to take the town.


Shoot at Germans - On the way we passed many Germans, quite a number of which we shot from the Jeep.  As we proceeded the enemy became more numerous and our ammunition would have given out, if we had fought a pitched battle.  So I decided to turn off in the direction of BEST 3726.


S/Sgt CRAM PW [Prisoner of War] - While we were going round a corner in the village of ESCH 3137 at about 35 m.p.h. Sgt. WHITEHEAD shouted to me to stop, but as he had a strong LANCASHIRE accent, I could not understand what he intended to convey.  We were in the second Jeep as LUITWIELER being a Dutchman had been in charge of the leading Jeep, so that he could ask civilians for any information.  What Sgt. WHITEHEAD actually said was "My mate has fallen out of the Jeep". i.e. the one we were in, but as I could not understand clearly what he said I ordered the driver to carry on.  It is presumed that S/Sgt CRAM is PW.  The Dutch later confirmed this.'

Poor old Cram!!! What I want to know is what Cram had to say in his PoW report. I do hope that all the bits are there and am intending to look for it next time I go to the NA. If anyone has it or is related to Cram I would love to know what he thought.

All the best,


Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Thursday 07 June 07 09:16 BST (UK)
Hi Ann,
           T.N.A. started the project a few years ago by copying at their expense the first pages of all the reports that were available at that time.The project was taken on by a friend who abandoned it after a while due to a"Personality" Clash. T.N.A. experts are not always as infallible as they like to think . Last year I took a copy of the first 30 volumes that had been completed to T.N.A. A message was sent by one of the staff to the appropriate person that I had a paper copy for him. He was told where I was working but apparently declined the offer.
Yes there are many reports missing,almost 2,000 from the Post D Day group. A friend in Australia aquired a list from Berne of all those from the allied forces who arrive in Switzerland. It contains over 5,000 names,15 are missing from the "As"according to T.N.A.Files.
Now regarding amusing statements ; A P.O.W. from the West Yorks Regiment tried to Escape from a Camp in Poland but was soon caught. As he was an N.C.O. He didn't go out of the Camp on work parties. Being very determined to get away he changed identities with a Private so he could get out of the Camp. After a while he had made the necessary contacts and got away from the Work party.
He was obviously a very practical man as according to his statement his first week of freedom was spent in the local Brothel.
He stayed in the area until it was Liberated. I'll not publish his name.

                              Best  Wishes
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Thursday 07 June 07 13:36 BST (UK)
Hi Brian,

I like that story. I bet the debriefers had a chuckle about it too. Some ofthe comments made about the escape equipment that some of the aircrew were issued with makes good reading as well.
Anyway, I have just had my newsletter from the NA which says:

Find the hero in your family tree

You can now search and download recommendations for honours and awards to British army and Dominions personnel.

Flight Lieutenant Oliver Philpot's famous 'Wooden Horse' escape, immortalised in the film of the same name, is just one of the fascinating stories.

Often when these first come out they are free to download, so I'm off to look!!

All the best,

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Thursday 07 June 07 14:53 BST (UK)
Hi Ann,
             I get the same newsletter. There is also further amusement in christian names .I came across one this morning who's second initial was F.for Flower.

                              Best Wishes
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Friday 08 June 07 22:10 BST (UK)
Hi Brian,

You may be interested in this part of the National Archives site. I would think that you would be the sort of person that they are looking for to contribute:

All the best,

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Friday 08 June 07 22:42 BST (UK)
Hi Ann,
           I think it is a very good idea to try and get readers to pool specific information. I added a little to one document when the system first started . Mostly a one line description doesn't tell much about a File. One particularly springs to mind"Italian Camp Staff" was all that was indicated,but when it was opened it contained comprehensive lists of Camp Staff  in Germany and the Far East.

Providing people are prepared to give the information it should be a great help.

                    Best  Wishes
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: liverpool lass on Saturday 09 June 07 16:46 BST (UK)
I have just flicked throught he posts on this thread and am wondering if any of you have ever heard a story about a naval escape from Singapore just after it was invaded. My father was part of this group. I gather they had to steal a boat and after several 'adventures' were picked up by a naval vessel and taken to Freemantle in Australia. My dad never talked about his war experiences and this is a story that we would like to investigate. Where do I start? I have tried Google and the BBC war memories site but no luck.
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Sunday 10 June 07 00:32 BST (UK)

There might be a report filed in one of the WO208 or WO344 series. There is an card index to some of those in the National Archives, however, some of the latter series Liberation reports are as yet not fully indexed and so you may have to wade through quite a lot of files to find anything and that can take hours!!

It may well be worth while trying the National Archives of Australia as there might be a debriefing report held by them if they were taken to Australia.

Sorry to be a bit vague, but generally I have looked at European escapers/evaders/liberated servicemen and am not sure whether Far East ones are held in a different series. Brian may well be able to answer this one as he has looked at a lot more files than I have!!
Alternatively you could try searching PROCAT, the report, if there is one, should be in the WO series of files, or e mail the NA and see if anyone can point you in the right direction. You may well find something but not all the reports have survived intact with all their appendices and so you may only get minimal info.

Hope that helps a little bit.

All the best,

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: themonsstar on Sunday 10 June 07 01:21 BST (UK)
You could try a book called 'Singapore's Dunkirk' the aftermath of the fall of Singapore, by Geoffrey Brooke.Published by Leo Cooper in 2003, ISBN o-85052-971-9

The Book tells of some of the remarkable and shocking experiences that lay in store for those who chose this option. The only way out was by sea and every sort of craft was pressed into service. Ahead lay terrible dangers; storms, shipwreck, piracy,capture by a merciless enemy, starvation and death through lack of water to name but some.

The Book is written by one who did himself escape.

Geoffrey Brooke joined the RN as a Dartmouth cadet in 1934, he was serving in the battleship Prince of Wales when she was sunk by the Japs on 10 Dec 1941, He escaped from Singapore at the fall, only to be sunk again eventually making Ceylon in a Malay prauw after 37 days at sea. He later took part in the North African Landings.

The book is a very good read if you are looking for storys on the escapes from Singapore.

PM me I have a used copy of sale

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: liverpool lass on Sunday 10 June 07 18:16 BST (UK)
Thank you both. I did visit Kew but there was so much to go through! I was hoping for a pointer but I will try your suggestions Annsa (hadn't even considered Aussie archives! Doh!).

Themonsstar - I have seen this book and flipped through it. Fascinating but I didn't find the info I wanted. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: cassandra123 on Sunday 10 June 07 18:43 BST (UK)
My mothers brother was captured at the fall of Singapore, first sent to Changi and then onto the Burma Railway.

Came be a totally destroyed man. he was simply a bag of bones when I saw him come down the gangplank when they docked back in Liverpool.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: liverpool lass on Monday 11 June 07 21:00 BST (UK)
Well at least my dad avoided that. He had a fine time in Oz according to my mum!!
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Thursday 06 December 07 14:30 GMT (UK)
Thanks for this Ann.

Interestingly, the first image of the TNA WO208/3313 - Escape/Evasion Reports: Code MI9/SPG: 1162-1293, dated 1943 lists Marine Sparks at the top of the list.

He was one of the original Cockleshell Heroes, the forerunner of the modern day SBS.

   if you look at later releases you will find appendix B to that report. These were extracted from the original, but are now open. As you appear to have looked at the original you will know the files are indexed in reverse.
I have produced Catalogues by name of all the E & E Reports.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: dorset901 on Thursday 04 December 08 15:22 GMT (UK)
Dear Ann, can you tell me if there is such a list for WW 1?
Have a ancester who did just that.
Regards dorsetlad
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: annsa on Thursday 04 December 08 15:39 GMT (UK)

Not sure about WW1 records I suppose there might well have been E&E reports. Perhaps it's a question to pose on the WW1 board.


Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: dorset901 on Thursday 04 December 08 15:49 GMT (UK)
Trying to get into the GREAT WAR FORUM, but they seem a little cautious?
It is a little strange that I have not heard of any other first WW escapees, have looked on the Web, even asked the Army Museum, very strange, will post a question on the WW 1 boards.
Cheers Tim.
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: Simon007 on Wednesday 29 July 09 13:52 BST (UK)
Interesting project Brian.  Is it still ongoing or is the research available somewhere ?

My grandfather, William Anderson, was a baker with the RASC, presumably supplying bread to the troops.  For a long time I believed he had died in North Africa (as stated on his death certificate).  However, I recently obtained information from the CICR (Red Cross) in Zurich that he had been taken POW by the Italians at Tobruk on 20th June 1942, transported to an Italian POW camp, at some point escaped, probably around September 1943 when the Italian Armistice was announced, was recaptured by the Germans on 16th January 1944 and was last seen on 28th January 1944 travelling from Italy to Germany on a train which was bombed by the Allies !  Is that bad luck or what ?

I doubt whether the Escape Reports would contain anything about William Anderson since he didn't return to tell his tale, but perhaps some of his comrades might have recorded his fate.  Do you think it would be worth me searching the NA or would it be looking for a needle in a haystack ?

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Wednesday 29 July 09 14:03 BST (UK)
Hi Simon,
               there is a report in WO361 that contains enquiries into P.O.W. Lost when the train they were travelling on was bombed.
The date given was 28/1/44 and the place was Orvieto.

I recall reading a File some years ago where a similar incident occurred to a Train standing in the Sidings at Aquilla.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Wednesday 29 July 09 14:30 BST (UK)

Am I right in presuming your Grandfather was;Sgt. William Anderson S/151306 and that he came from Comrie in Perthshire.

Remembered on the Memorial at El Alamein.
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: Simon007 on Wednesday 29 July 09 15:34 BST (UK)

Am I right in presuming your Grandfather was;Sgt. William Anderson S/151306 and that he came from Comrie in Perthshire.

Remembered on the Memorial at El Alamein.

One and the same.  I went up to Comrie and his name is also on the local War Memorial there.  Will post a copy when I get home as is on my other computer.
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Wednesday 29 July 09 15:46 BST (UK)
The C.W.G.C. rules can be confusing at times.

When no Identifiable remains are recovered, Casualties are Remembered on the Memorial where they last served.

My Father is also remembered at El Alamein even though he is known to have died off the Tunisian Coast.
Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: 107 Bty 27 LAA Regt on Wednesday 29 July 09 23:39 BST (UK)

We have posted over on WW2TALK a few times.

I hadn't really considered looking at Escape and Evasion reports before, my Grandfather, along with so many others, escaped for about three weeks from Italian POW camp PG 54 in September 1943, brief mention in his Liberation Report, and then along with 12 other POW's from their Work Camp in Austria on 1 April 1945 and made their way to the Russian lines and repatriation via Odessa.

In your experince would Escape and Evasion reports also possibly have been submitted, and are they easy to locate, I have a list of all the names.

Also interested to learn about the work you have been doing on POW's in the North Africa Campagn, as you may recall my Grandfather was captured at Tobruk 21 June 1942.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Thursday 30 July 09 19:04 BST (UK)

We have posted over on WW2TALK a few times.

I hadn't really considered looking at Escape and Evasion reports before, my Grandfather, along with so many others, escaped for about three weeks from Italian POW camp PG 54 in September 1943, brief mention in his Liberation Report, and then along with 12 other POW's from their Work Camp in Austria on 1 April 1945 and made their way to the Russian lines and repatriation via Odessa.

In your experince would Escape and Evasion reports also possibly have been submitted, and are they easy to locate, I have a list of all the names.

Also interested to learn about the work you have been doing on POW's in the North Africa Campagn, as you may recall my Grandfather was captured at Tobruk 21 June 1942.


Hi Chris,
            I would consider the best place to look for anything would be in WO344 which are reports made by Liberated P.O.W.
Very doubtful that he made an Escapers Report,but would have mentioned any escapes on Liberation.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: jpresto on Friday 13 August 10 20:41 BST (UK)
I am seeking an evader report for RCAF member R128361 WO2 Cyril Simeon Barzeele shot down on 12/13 May 44.  I have a copy of his Appendix C from WO208/3350 in the UK National Archives, but have had no luck finding the main report.  The researcher I employed to do the search checked the card file and it indicated: “Main report not distributed.  App. C only (List 3.  IS9/WEA/MB1117)". 
Have checked military archives and national archives in Canada with no success, although Canadian military records have a document called a Loss of Bomber Aircraft report that refers to a "K Report", which I am not familiar with .  As well, the US National Archives and Records Administration has no reference to Barzeele's evader report.  Any suggestions as to other possible sources for the main report?

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Friday 13 August 10 22:11 BST (UK)
It is possible that the Canadian Archives have a copy of the original Report. They have Escapers  Reports open that are closed in the U.K.

WO 208/3305/1 contains Reports No. 455, 456, 457 are closed and exempt from F.O.I. Act.       These are open in Canada but were made members of the U.K. Forces.

The No.1117  given in the Barzeele appendix "C" should be duplicated in WO 208/3312 but is allocated to a Report made by Sgt. R. Arnott R.A.F.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: daisy1942 on Thursday 25 September 14 13:07 BST (UK)

   if you look at later releases you will find appendix B to that report. These were extracted from the original, but are now open. As you appear to have looked at the original you will know the files are indexed in reverse.
I have produced Catalogues by name of all the E & E Reports.


Hi Brian,

Wonder if your catalogue contains any of the following names?

     William Henry Walmsley of the Master Attendants Office. (traced and copied)
     William Campbell of Gatty & Bateman or possibly of United Engineers Singapore;
     John Dyce (b. 1899 in Edinburgh) Director Medical Hall Collyer Quay;
     W. McArthur (possibly spelt MacArthur); 
     Gerald Manning McMahon of Derrick & Co (Agent for Hammers);  (traced and copied)
     Peter Black Purvis (b. 1901  in Stirling) Manager of Wm Hammer & Co
     James George Stewart, (b. 1901 Drainie ?) Asst Manager Wm Hammer & Co. 
     A/Sub Lt. A. J. H. Gwynne  MRNVR
     A/Sub Lt L R Barnett-Smith   MRNVR  (traced and copied)
     P/O ME Pascall (CJX147366)
     ERA F E Green (DMX 70143)

Would be very interested to hear if they do.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: ADM199 on Thursday 25 September 14 14:32 BST (UK)
Hi Daisy,
             FindMyPast have my Catalogues and turned them into Alpha order.
What I have are as they are filed :- by year so at time it is necessary to hunt through several thousands to find a particular report.

There was an exchange of Naval POW with the Italians, in early 1943 I believe. Over 700.       These will have been interrogated on return to the UK, but no Reports appear to be around for any of those repatriated prior to the end of the War.

Best try FindMyPast.


   if you look at later releases you will find appendix B to that report. These were extracted from the original, but are now open. As you appear to have looked at the original you will know the files are indexed in reverse.
I have produced Catalogues by name of all the E & E Reports.


Hi Brian,

Wonder if your catalogue contains any of the following names?

     William Henry Walmsley of the Master Attendants Office. (traced and copied)
     William Campbell of Gatty & Bateman or possibly of United Engineers Singapore;
     John Dyce (b. 1899 in Edinburgh) Director Medical Hall Collyer Quay;
     W. McArthur (possibly spelt MacArthur); 
     Gerald Manning McMahon of Derrick & Co (Agent for Hammers);  (traced and copied)
     Peter Black Purvis (b. 1901  in Stirling) Manager of Wm Hammer & Co
     James George Stewart, (b. 1901 Drainie ?) Asst Manager Wm Hammer & Co. 
     A/Sub Lt. A. J. H. Gwynne  MRNVR
     A/Sub Lt L R Barnett-Smith   MRNVR  (traced and copied)
     P/O ME Pascall (CJX147366)
     ERA F E Green (DMX 70143)

Would be very interested to hear if they do.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: daisy1942 on Thursday 25 September 14 14:48 BST (UK)

Hi Daisy,
             FindMyPast have my Catalogues and turned them into Alpha order.  .......

Best try FindMyPast.


  Hi Brian,

Many thanks for the swift responses will have  look there :D

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: jpresto on Thursday 25 September 14 14:49 BST (UK)
Brian, thanks for the update.

Title: Re: Escape and Evasion reports
Post by: jpresto on Saturday 18 February 23 18:05 GMT (UK)
Yes, I know it has been years, just found this old post!

So if I read correctly, are you saying that there is also an Appendix B to the Barzeele Report available at The National Archives.  Would it be in the same location of WO208/3350  IS9/WEA/MB1117?