
Ireland (Historical Counties) => Ireland => Kilkenny => Topic started by: acookey on Wednesday 27 June 07 23:41 BST (UK)

Title: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: acookey on Wednesday 27 June 07 23:41 BST (UK)
Hi from Qld Australia

I am looking for Martin Bohen (also spelled Bowen, Bohan and Boham), who was tried at Kilkenny on 15th July 1836. He was 16 years old and received a Life sentence.

He was transported in 1837 aboard the "St Vincent" to NSW.  He received a conditional pardon, married and was a shoe and bootmaker in Western NSW.

I have some of his convict records but none show what he was convicted of.

On the Ticket of Leave the Place of Trial is Kilkenny with a notation after it which is a little hard to read but looks like Sum.ass.

Can anyone help me with this, also maybe his birth date, family etc.

Very happy to provide details of his life in Australia if there are family in Ireland looking for him.

Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: Christopher on Monday 02 July 07 00:59 BST (UK)
Hello Annette,

The National Archives of Ireland holds a wide range of records relating to  the transportation of convicts from Ireland to Australia  ( covering the period 1788 to 1868. In some cases these include records of members of convicts' families transported as free settlers.

I've just posted a message to another member with an ancestor transported from Ireland to Australia. A Dublin member might be prepared to visit the Archives on your behalf. If I find several more queries about transportees I might head to Dublin to look at the Archives.

Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: acookey on Monday 02 July 07 05:54 BST (UK)
Hi Christopher

Thanks for the reply.  I have searched everything that I can from this end.
Any help much appreciated.

Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: acookey on Monday 02 July 07 08:41 BST (UK)
Hi Christopher

If you posted that offer re Dublin archives on the Oz board, I am sure you will get some takers.

Cheers Annette
Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: Christopher on Monday 02 July 07 13:56 BST (UK)
Hi Annette,

There's a link to Convicts - Ireland-Australia transportation database on both the Irish Resources board and Emigrants - Emigrants to Australia child board - Australia Resources thread.

There were 1043 matches for 'Kilkenny'. Have you found any details about Martin on that database?

Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: acookey on Monday 02 July 07 21:53 BST (UK)
Hi Christopher

Yes I did check that site.  I even went so far as to go through every entry for B, but could not find anything.  I have looked under Bowen/Bohan/Bohen/Boen/Boham.

I am not asking because I want someone else to do my research for me, but because I seem to have exhausted all possibilities from here.

I have got his convict records from NSW State Records, know where and who he married and where he died, what of, but do not know his crime.  It is just that last detail that is eluding me.


Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: Christopher on Sunday 15 July 07 14:27 BST (UK)
Hi Annette,

I've linked your  Convicts  (,241152.0.html) thread to this one as there are a couple of replies on that thread. The message from rsandes on that thread was interesting so I had a look at the  County Kilkenny Past and Present  ( page to see what was happening in Kilkenny around the time Martin was tried and transported. The 'Tithe War' was taking place in the county between 1830 and 1838.

Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: acookey on Sunday 15 July 07 23:23 BST (UK)
Thanks Christopher,

That is really interesting.  Patrick Tobin (supposed brother of Martin) was tried for felloniously killing sheep, and I wondered about that because some of the other sheep killing was for intending to eat it.

But how I wish I knew for certain.  I have found that Martin's "master" ie. where he was assigned to work off his sentence, the the "Australian Agricultural Company at Port Stephens, near Newcastle NSW.  I am doing some research on this company, which got 1 million acres for 1 milllion pounds, mainly to grow fine wool.

Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: Andcarred on Monday 16 July 07 04:59 BST (UK)
Hi Annette,

Have you looked at the passenger list for the ship St Vincent.  It is part of the NSW convict research kit.  I looked at it some years ago and I am nearly certain that all convicts had their crimes listed with their other details. 

Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: acookey on Monday 16 July 07 05:16 BST (UK)
Hi Carol

No I have'nt.  I did not know of the convict research kit, as I said I am still learning.  Being in Brisbane, how do I access it?

I have sent for his indent, hoping it might give me something, but all the other stuff I have got from the archives about him has had nothing about his conviction.

Thanks for the tip, and would appreciate you advice as to my next move.

Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: Andcarred on Monday 16 July 07 05:36 BST (UK)
Hi Annette,

The Qld State Library have the kit (called ARK) and so do most Genealogical Societies.  Some of the larger Brisbane City Council librarys also have parts of the kit but not the complete set.  Maybe you could ask for a lookup of the shipping records if you can't get there yourself. 

I will eventually be at the State Library but it could be months before I make it.  I think the Qld State Library will do research for anyone who is not able to get in personally.  Maybe you could give them a ring and ask them.

Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: acookey on Monday 16 July 07 06:07 BST (UK)
Thanks Carol,

I will contact them and try to get in myself.  I am going to Rockhampton in the morning to visit my son and granddaughter, so will be away for a while, but should still be able to access all my computer contacts.


Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: PaulJqckson on Monday 25 January 16 03:19 GMT (UK)
Hi Annette,

i read somewhere that he was sent with his half brother Patrick Tobin for stealing a sheep.

I am looking for info on his younger sister's migration - her name was Ellen Bohan, their mother was Mary Lahy/Bohan/Tobin who was sent on the Margaret in 30/5/1837.

Mary Tobin (the sister to Martin Bohan and Patrick Tobin) was sent to Australia on 25/12/1837 on the Charles Forbes.

Ellen Bohan is my GGGrandmother who married John Jackson who arrrived on the Mary Ann II in 1837.
Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: sarah on Monday 25 January 16 11:58 GMT (UK)
Hello Paul,

Welcome to RootsChat.

I am very sorry to tell you that whilst looking to fix Annette email address I sadly found an obituary for her from 2011 - how very sad.


Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: ethelsaxby on Sunday 06 March 16 04:12 GMT (UK)
Hi I have a 2nd G Grand Uncle called Martin Bohan born 1821 died 22/7/1891 Bungle Gumble Dubblo NSW Australia  married Elizabeth Sage 1/5/1851 St Michaels Talbot NSW Aust.  Offence was "Feloniously Killing Sheep" Sentenced for "Life" was a Labourer and  4foot 10 1/2inches, Fair, Ruddy and freckled with light brown hair and hazel eyes. As per NSW Aust Convict Registers of Conditional & Absolute Pardons via Ancestry
Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: rathmore on Sunday 06 March 16 12:47 GMT (UK)
Peter mayberry convict list

Martin Bohen, feloniously killing sheep
Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: Dundee on Monday 07 March 16 03:53 GMT (UK)

i read somewhere that he was sent with his half brother Patrick Tobin for stealing a sheep.

I am looking for info on his younger sister's migration - her name was Ellen Bohan, their mother was Mary Lahy/Bohan/Tobin who was sent on the Margaret in 30/5/1837.

Mary Tobin (the sister to Martin Bohan and Patrick Tobin) was sent to Australia on 25/12/1837 on the Charles Forbes.

Ellen Bohan is my GGGrandmother who married John Jackson who arrrived on the Mary Ann II in 1837.

The indent for Mary LAHY/BOHORN (ship Margaret 1837) states " Patrick LAHY, a prisoner, in the colony 15 years"

The indent for Mary TOBIN (ship Sir Charles Forbes) states "....mother Mary BAHAN, and 2 brothers Patrick TOBIN and Martin BAHAN, arrived prisoners about 12 months ago".

Ellen was about 12 years old in 1837 and it is quite likely that she came with her mother on the Margaret, especially if the parish would have to be responsible for her care.

Ellen BOWEN said she arrived on the Margaret in 1837 when she was tried and confined at Darlinghurst, and then discharged on 9 Feb 1843.  Her crime is not recorded.

Debra  :)
Title: Re: Martin Bohen - convict to Australia
Post by: rathmore on Monday 07 March 16 11:25 GMT (UK)
Patrick Tobin 1836 age 20, feloniously killing sheep

is on the peter mayberry site I gave you.