
General => For Sale / Wanted / Events => Topic started by: Jane0601 on Friday 05 October 07 10:17 BST (UK)

Title: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Jane0601 on Friday 05 October 07 10:17 BST (UK)
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but here goes.....

I have been thinking about setting up as a semi-professional researcher (for money) and wondered if anyone had done this, how they went about it, etc.

Due to other commitments I'd initially only be able to do online research (census/bmd stuff). 

Do you think there is a market for this?

I'd appreciate any views (positive OR negative) :)


Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Necromancer on Friday 05 October 07 10:21 BST (UK)
theres another thread around on this very topic.

Try searching RC threads ?

I think there is a market, based on what was said - and the ever increasing popularity of the 'hobby' .... but I suspect you wont get rich overnight !

You might just tackle it as a cottage industry, helping family, friends et al locally and see if it blossoms ....

A qualification would help - again, theres a thread on that topic.

I'll have a look for the threads.

Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: EDO on Friday 05 October 07 12:23 BST (UK)
Hello Jane0601

As you have no doubt noticed the members of Rootschat provide a wonderful service in all aspects of Genealogy, 'Free of Cost".

You will have these people who are very generous with their time and energy, as your competitors.

Also, you have no doubt noticed that CENSUS material is Crown Copyright.

\Good luck

Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Jane0601 on Friday 05 October 07 12:38 BST (UK)
Hello Jane0601

As you have no doubt noticed the members of Rootschat provide a wonderful service in all aspects of Genealogy, 'Free of Cost".

You will have these people who are very generous with their time and energy, as your competitors.

Also, you have no doubt noticed that CENSUS material is Crown Copyright.

\Good luck


Yes, I understand what you are saying re. Rootschat - people on here have indeed helped me out of a brick wall, and I have also offerred Lookups on other sites.  But if there wasn't a market for researchers, then there wouldn't be any!

I'm not sure what you are saying about the census material being copyright - what do other researchers do if the information can not be passed on to interested parties?  We're not talking about downloading the whole lot and offerring access free of charge to anyone who wants it!

Its not something I'm looking to make a lot of money on, but if you can earn a few pounds doing something you love, then why not?!
Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Jane0601 on Friday 05 October 07 12:46 BST (UK)
theres another thread around on this very topic.

Try searching RC threads ?

I think there is a market, based on what was said - and the ever increasing popularity of the 'hobby' .... but I suspect you wont get rich overnight !

You might just tackle it as a cottage industry, helping family, friends et al locally and see if it blossoms ....

A qualification would help - again, theres a thread on that topic.

I'll have a look for the threads.


Was this the thread you were talking about?,227683.0.html

Some useful suggestions and information there anyway, so thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)


Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: lizdb on Friday 05 October 07 13:21 BST (UK)
I have read this thread and the one linked with interest.

I too have often wondered about, and recently thought more seriously about, setting up as a self-employed researcher as a paid job.

I havent wondered so much about how much to charge - there are some good pointers though on the other thread - but more about things like:
 - Can you just advertise, or is there a 'prafessional' qualification needed before you can say you are a genealogist and charge for services as such?
 - do you need things like public liabliltiy insuarance in case someone sues you for ... well I dont quite know what!!
 - Where is the best place to see 'clients', regarding safety. This was my hubby's first thought, if I advertised say in the local newsagent and some unknown person responds and says he wants to make an appointment to discuss his family tree with me, if I am alone in the house, how do I know he isnt going to rob/attack/rape/murder me?

Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Jane0601 on Friday 05 October 07 13:51 BST (UK)
I have read this thread and the one linked with interest.

I too have often wondered about, and recently thought more seriously about, setting up as a self-employed researcher as a paid job.

I havent wondered so much about how much to charge - there are some good pointers though on the other thread - but more about things like:
 - Can you just advertise, or is there a 'prafessional' qualification needed before you can say you are a genealogist and charge for services as such?
 - do you need things like public liabliltiy insuarance in case someone sues you for ... well I dont quite know what!!
 - Where is the best place to see 'clients', regarding safety. This was my hubby's first thought, if I advertised say in the local newsagent and some unknown person responds and says he wants to make an appointment to discuss his family tree with me, if I am alone in the house, how do I know he isnt going to rob/attack/rape/murder me?

I hadn't really thought about your third point.  I was kind of working on the assumption that most of it would be done via email/phone/post.  I would be very wary about seeing anyone in their own home I think.

I suppose you could meet at a library or somewhere of that nature (although they may not like too much talking!)

Food for thought though!

Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: jksdelver on Friday 05 October 07 14:03 BST (UK)
I did research at one time. The only problem being is you may search for a full day and find nothing. How do you convince your client that's what you have done. You (in general) can only start searching with the information you are given by them. So if they say that their family comes from a small town in Yorkshire, that's where you start your research, looking at PR's and the like.  It may be that the family comes from a town some miles away, so your time has been wasted.
Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Necromancer on Friday 05 October 07 16:41 BST (UK)
if I advertised say in the local newsagent and some unknown person responds and says he wants to make an appointment to discuss his family tree with me, if I am alone in the house, how do I know he isnt going to rob/attack/rape/murder me?

probably best not to get up in the morning then   :D
Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: louisa maud on Friday 05 October 07 16:51 BST (UK)
All of the friends and family I have helped over the years I have never earnt a bean, neither has anyone offered me anything in return, my hairdresser asked me to do some work for her, I still paid for my hair AND  she got a tip, I never got anthing from her, I spent my own fare going to London for her on several occasions, so I don't think you will earn a fortune but I admire your courage.
I have spent many an hour at the FRC and the LMA and come home with nothing, people won't pay for no info.
I only do this to help people because I find it such a fascinating subject.
I don't want to put you off  but Good luck

Louisa Maud
Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: lizdb on Friday 05 October 07 17:04 BST (UK)
I know just what you mean, Louisa, sometimes I too have spent hours searching to no avail.

But , if one sets up a business as a researcher, then people will be paying you to search, not paying you only for information found. That would have to be quite clear in your advertising.
So ifor example, if you spend all day at the LMA for a client and find nothing, that doesnt affect your charge. Their 'invoice' (though I favour the idea of paying up front!) would read something like:

7 hours at LMA searching parish records for the parishes of A, B, c, d,e,f,g,h,and i  for the years 1770-1880 for members of the Bloggs family. No trace in any parish found. (fictional names and dates of course)

My plans (and it is all just a dream and I will most likely never do it!) would be to run it as a business. It would be completeyl separate to helping friends, rellies etc and to helping Rottschatters of course! That will always be free!!!! And fun, and willingly done.
Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: lizdb on Friday 05 October 07 17:06 BST (UK)
Quote from: Newf probably best not to get up in the morning then   :D

Been looking for an excuse for years!
Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Jane0601 on Friday 05 October 07 17:11 BST (UK)
All of the friends and family I have helped over the years I have never earnt a bean, neither has anyone offered me anything in return, my hairdresser asked me to do some work for her, I still paid for my hair AND  she got a tip, I never got anthing from her, I spent my own fare going to London for her on several occasions, so I don't think you will earn a fortune but I admire your courage.
I have spent many an hour at the FRC and the LMA and come home with nothing, people won't pay for no info.
I only do this to help people because I find it such a fascinating subject.
I don't want to put you off  but Good luck

Louisa Maud

I know what you mean!  I've done family trees for family members and have done a couple for people on another (non-genealogy) forum.  I enjoy it so much and I find it hard to ask for money from people I 'know' (albeit that the forum people I've never met in real life but you know what I mean!). 

And regarding people not understanding that you can search for hours and not find anything, yes this is very true.  Theres not many services that people would pay for and expect to (potentially) get absolutely nothing in return.

All in all I think its a nice idea, but theres so many potential pitfalls you could run into I'm not sure its worth doing for a 'few quid' as opposed to going into it as a full time profession.

Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: louisa maud on Friday 05 October 07 17:48 BST (UK)
Despite all of this I enjoy this subject, it has become my hobby and for the want of a better word "I love it" it is rewarding

Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: lizdb on Friday 05 October 07 17:56 BST (UK)
Hear hear!
Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Guy Etchells on Friday 05 October 07 19:14 BST (UK)
Sorry Jane but if you need to ask such basic questions then you are not ready to become a professional researcher.

Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Necromancer on Friday 05 October 07 19:21 BST (UK)
Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Jane0601 on Friday 05 October 07 20:03 BST (UK)
Sorry Jane but if you need to ask such basic questions then you are not ready to become a professional researcher.

Sorry, but I don't see what the questions I asked (is there a market for internet only research, and how you go about setting up) has any reflection on my ability to do the job?!

Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: sillgen on Friday 05 October 07 20:24 BST (UK)
I think that if I were employing a researcher I would expect them to do more than sit at a computer.  Do you have the knowledge to research early manorial records, parish chest entries etc?    There are many who can offer the census and BMD records.  You only have to look at ebay to see the number on there who offer that service for £1 a go.
I should keep it as a hobby and continue to enjoy it.  Once you take money for it then you have responsibilities which you may not be able to meet.
Title: Re: Setting up as a 'professional' researcher???
Post by: Guy Etchells on Friday 05 October 07 20:35 BST (UK)
You may have the ability, I don't know, but the questions you asked are very basic questions for anyone setting up their own business, no matter what the field.

The answers may be found by very simple research.
The fact that you felt the need to ask the questions leads me to believe you are not ready to become a professional researcher.
