
General => The Common Room => Topic started by: rich23434565 on Sunday 02 December 07 18:00 GMT (UK)

Title: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: rich23434565 on Sunday 02 December 07 18:00 GMT (UK)
Hi all

I'm stuck at the moment with one branch of the family  :-\ I'm researching the Cripps family in Gloucestershire. I've got them in the 19th century and have followed them back through the 18th century, from Brimspfield to Colesbourne and then to Winson, a tiny little hamlet near Bibury in the Cotswolds. But then I've hit a brick wall. The problem is that they just appear in the parish register, Giles Cripps and his wife, Ann, having kids! The first one in the Winson register is for 1665 and the baptism of Mary. This is the first entry of the Cripps in the register. Giles Cripps was a blacksmith. I've looked in the surrounding parishes for their marriage (c1660s) but haven't found anything. I don't understand how they got to Winson in the first place? Why would someone, in the mid-17th century, just decide that they're going to set up shop there? Was there a usual process or set of circumstances that made people move around?

Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: ev on Sunday 02 December 07 18:20 GMT (UK)
hi rich

war , famine , better prospects , religion   ?                                                                                                                       would you move if family were well fed , earning a good living , and
were respected locally ?
i think it would take something major to make you move even
if it was lack of opportunity in your birth area

Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: rich23434565 on Sunday 02 December 07 18:34 GMT (UK)
I just don't know. I can understand if, for example, you got married to a woman from a different parish and then moved to her parish to live. But it doesn't look like Giles or Ann Cripps had anything to do with Bibury or Winson, and Winson is such a tiny place: just a small church, formerly a chapelry, and a scattering of cottages. I just wish I knew what their motivation was. It's annoying how such things are nearly always lost in the passage of time!
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: ShaunJ on Sunday 02 December 07 18:41 GMT (UK)
1665 was the year of the Great Plague. I imagine a lot of people were on the move trying to keep away from it. And the plague would have created a lot of job openings...
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: rich23434565 on Sunday 02 December 07 18:43 GMT (UK)
1665 was the year of the Great Plague. I imagine a lot of people were on the move trying to keep away from it. And the plague would have created a lot of job openings...

Oh yes. That's true. Perhaps that's why chose such an out-of-the-way location!
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: wheeldon on Sunday 02 December 07 18:46 GMT (UK)
Hi Rich, well at least you know what you are looking for...their motivation.

If I were you, as Ev suggested, research what was going on in their town before they moved, perhaps they had no choice but to leave???  Or perhaps they were following family that had moved there?

At the very least you will become an expert about your ancestors town and social history  :)

I do hope you solve the mystery  :)
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: rich23434565 on Sunday 02 December 07 18:50 GMT (UK)
Hi Wheeldon

Problem is I don't know where they came from originally.  >:( They just appear at Winson in the PR in 1665. Pesky ancestors!  ;)
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: ev on Sunday 02 December 07 19:12 GMT (UK)
hi all

shaunJ well done i knew this but the year just didn't click :-[
lots of opportunities , major change
next great fire of london
imagine if something like that happened today
small quite village here i come

Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: celia on Sunday 02 December 07 19:14 GMT (UK)
Was there a usual process or set of circumstances that made people move around?

He was a Blacksmith so would have been in demand,don't forget people traveled for miles by horse and cart to get to jobs. Horses worked the farmers fields and needed shodding
so blacksmiths would have been kept busy in the country side.Thats just another good reason ;)

Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: Dancing Master on Sunday 02 December 07 19:20 GMT (UK)
There were traders, and tallymen who travelled the length and breadth of the country and would know where there was any jobs going.

The housekeepers at the big houses used to gain a lot of knowledge from these men, through them the news spread to the families of the maidservants and male staff.

Then there were the tinkers who used to go around mending pots and pans, or sharpening knives and scissors for people.

lots of ways of spreading the news  good as well as bad.

Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: Bill749 on Sunday 02 December 07 19:25 GMT (UK)
Parishes on high ground often escaped the worst of the Plague, so it might be worth looking for low-lying parishes around the valleys for earlier generations.

Also, a great many people fled from London westwards towards Oxford - those who could afford to anyway - but this exodus didn't start until the plague took hold in London around May/June 1665.

Don't forget the "black hole" for records during the Commonwealth (1649-1660) which could make it impossible to find the marriage!

Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: g a r on Sunday 02 December 07 19:46 GMT (UK)
there are thses possibles from the IGI and an accompanying map showing placement relative to each other

Have you eliminated all of these?
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: rich23434565 on Sunday 02 December 07 20:00 GMT (UK)
Hi gar

I think I've eliminated most of those. The 1636 Giles Cripps seemed good until I checked the original register and discovered that he died in infancy   :'(  The one for Abt. 1680 is my gtx-something grandfather, bapt. at Winson in 1682 and the son of the Giles Cripps I'm hunting for. The 1610 Giles at Poulton also seemed hopeful but unfortunately the parish register only start in the 1680s and the bishop's transcripts are extremely fragmentary. And 1610 is a bit too early for someone who died in 1709, unless it was Giles's father. That leaves us with Fairford and Great Rissington. There's a big Cripps family at Great Rissington throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. The problem is that I just don't think I can connect them to my Cripps family. Hmm...I'll have to try harder!
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: g a r on Sunday 02 December 07 20:19 GMT (UK)
Hi rich,

Maybe that's a connection that is further back.

I have a similar thing with my Ives and fellows named Allen. Two groups seemingly distinct but there are only a handful in all of the UK (related? not that i've found out, yet  :D )

g a r
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: rich23434565 on Sunday 02 December 07 20:29 GMT (UK)
Hi rich,

Maybe that's a connection that is further back.

I have a similar thing with my Ives and fellows named Allen. Two groups seemingly distinct but there are only a handful in all of the UK (related? not that i've found out, yet  :D )

g a r

Good luck with linking them up! I've got a similar situation with another branch, the Timbrell family. An unusual name and in Wiltshire there are two huge clumps of them living within a couple of miles of each other (at Minety and Kemble) in the 17th century. I can't find a sniff of a hint that suggests they're related but they must be!  :D  I'll get there in the end.  :)
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: Cas (stallc) on Sunday 02 December 07 21:47 GMT (UK)
Hi Rich,

I have an Hester Timbrell in my tree c1699 in Kemble, married Richard Gibbens (Gibbons) 28/11/1720 Kemble. 

Do You have any info on this lady during your research?


Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: rich23434565 on Sunday 02 December 07 22:12 GMT (UK)
Hi Rich,

I have an Hester Timbrell in my tree c1699 in Kemble, married Richard Gibbens (Gibbons) 28/11/1720 Kemble. 

Do You have any info on this lady during your research?



Hi Cas

At the moment the answer is no, I've not got any info on Hester Timbrell. She would've been a contemporary of my greatxsomething grandfather, Joseph Timbrell, who was born in Minety in 1709. I'm still trying to piece together the Timbrells of Minety in the 1600s, the records are a bit fragmentary. I'm visiting the Wiltshire Archives during the coming week to look for a Kemble/Minety connection so I'll keep you posted  :)  There must be a connection somewhere, I' m sure!


Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: duckweed on Sunday 02 December 07 22:17 GMT (UK)
There is another reason for movement.  He may have been employed by a landowner who had several estates and moved to another estate because he was offered a cottage for him and his new wife there.
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: rich23434565 on Sunday 02 December 07 22:20 GMT (UK)
There is another reason for movement.  He may have been employed by a landowner who had several estates and moved to another estate because he was offered a cottage for him and his new wife there.

Oh yes. I hadn't thought of that but it sounds very plausible! They definitely settled there though as Giles Cripps's son, also a blacksmith, and *his* son, another blacksmith, as well as his son in turn, a yeoman by now, all lived in Winson. There were Cripps living there until the end of the 19th century.
Title: Re: How Did People Move Around???
Post by: Siamese Girl on Monday 03 December 07 10:33 GMT (UK)
People did move around - I have Gloucestershire ancestors. For example, Richard Child born in Upton St Leonards in 1636 was apprenticed to John Martin a baker in Gloucester in 1651, married Elizabeth Elton in Ledbury (Herefordshire) in 1662 and then set up as a baker in Minchinhampton where he died in 1678. Previously to setting up on his own the family  had been tenants/servants to the local land owning family the Robins, and one of their daughters married into a family at Minchinhampton, which I think, may give the link.

Was Giles Cripps apprenticed to anyone?

Gloucester will for Giles Cripps of Great Rissington 1676/181 and an earlier one for Giles Cripps of Clapton on the Hill 1633/37?
