
Research in Other Countries => Canada => Canada Lookup Request => Topic started by: Lewy on Wednesday 10 September 08 17:30 BST (UK)

Title: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: Lewy on Wednesday 10 September 08 17:30 BST (UK)
hi there

Can anybody help me locate a grave of ALAN BLACKBURN born 1865 in Glasgow, Scotland, died 1925. He was husband of Esther MacLaren and son of Hugh Blackburn.

I'm in the UK so if anybody finds it and is willing to send me a photo I'd be very grateful.

Many thanks
Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: LemonMallie on Thursday 11 September 08 20:35 BST (UK)
You might want to try contacting the Salt Spring Archives (  They have catalogued some burials and photographed headstones, available on their website, but I don't see any Blackburns listed.  Do you have the name of the cemetery where he was buried?  There are three or four on the island but his death registration should list the burial place and date.  If you have that, the archives staff may be able to get you a photo.

I only wish I had time to go over to Salt Spring for is lovely over there. 

Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: Lewy on Thursday 11 September 08 22:01 BST (UK)
Thanks for the advice, since posting this message I have looked at that site but haven't contacted them - his death registration just lists Ganges so I don't know if that's where he died or where he was buried, but I will email them.

Thanks for your help.

Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: LemonMallie on Thursday 11 September 08 22:49 BST (UK)
Looking at the BC Vital Events Index, his place of death is recorded as Ganges.  This would be his actual place of death but not necessarily where he was buried.  If the archives cannot help you without the cemetery name or they can't find him buried on the island, let me know and I will look up the full registration details for you. 

Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: Lewy on Friday 12 September 08 08:24 BST (UK)
That's really kind, thank you.
Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: LemonMallie on Friday 12 September 08 22:47 BST (UK)
Hi Lewy,

I was at the library doing another lookup so I quickly checked Alan's death registration.  His burial date is recorded as 11 April 1925 but no cemetery is listed so I assume that means he was buried in Ganges Cemetery.

Here are the remaining details I jotted down in case you need them:

Residence - Ganges
Born 17 March 1865, Glasgow Scotland
Occupation - Rancher, from 1907 - 1925
Yrs in Canada, Province, Municipality - 18yrs for each one
Father Hugh Blackburn, Mother's maiden name Wedderhill?? (hard to read the handwriting)
Informant - Peter Blackburn, son, residence Ganges
Cause of Death - Angina Pectoris
Contributing Factor - Myocardial degeneration

Hopefully the Salt Spring Archives will reply to give you the final details you are looking for.

Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: Lewy on Saturday 13 September 08 10:07 BST (UK)
That's lovely Lynwen thanks so much. Yes the archives have replied and they have a wealth of info for me apparently. I'm so excited and am already thinking about a trip up there. Also my father in law, Alan's grandson, is over the moon.

I really appreciate your help and if I can help with anything for you in the UK pls just shout.

Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: lilybell on Friday 26 September 08 19:50 BST (UK)
Hello Lewy,

If you check out the following website

and click through the photos at the top you will come upon a picture of Alan Blackburn's headstone.

I hope this is what you are looking for.

Lilybell in sunny Alberta
Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: Langham on Thursday 18 March 10 17:04 GMT (UK)
Hi Lewy
Last I wrote to you was about the Post family in 2005.  I wrote under the name Langham.
Have you managed to find out any further information and can I ask you how you are connected to this family - if at all?
Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: J.J. on Friday 19 March 10 23:46 GMT (UK)
here is the listing from the BCCFA
 as Allan Blackburn   St Paul's Roman Catholic, Saltspring Island/Thetis Island/Gulf Islands/ ref: BCGS-C-43
No son Peter nor Esther listed on any site. This site has her listed as dying in 1950
Esther Joanna Marie McLaren:
Title: Re: Burial in Salt Spring Island, British Colombia
Post by: Lewy on Wednesday 31 March 10 16:36 BST (UK)
sorry for not replying, haven't been on here for a while - thanks for the info - will absorb and get back to you.