
Research in Other Countries => South Africa => Topic started by: SAM100 on Friday 02 January 09 05:51 GMT (UK)

Title: William Kendall 45th Foot Regiment
Post by: SAM100 on Friday 02 January 09 05:51 GMT (UK)
Can anyone advise me how to confirm that my ancestor, William Kendall, arrived in South Africa with the 45th Foot Regiment sometime after 1849.

Thank you
Title: Re: William Kendall 45th Foot Regiment
Post by: John Young on Friday 02 January 09 23:16 GMT (UK)
The 45th (Nottinghamshire) Regiment of Foot arrived in South Africa in 1843, they would serve there until 1859.  In 1843 the regiment constructed Fort Napier just outside Pietermaritzburg, the main city of Natal.

You would have to search the 45th's Pay & Muster Rolls for the period to ascertain whether he came out as a replacement from the regiment's depot.

During their time in South Africa the regiment fought against the amaXhosa people in the Eastern Cape in the 7th (1846-7) & the 8th (1852-3) Cape Frontier Wars.  Given the date you have for your relative arrived in South Africa a search of Medal Roll for the 8th Cape Frontier War might help.

Title: Re: William Kendall 45th Foot Regiment
Post by: SAM100 on Saturday 03 January 09 08:08 GMT (UK)
 :) Thanks for the information.
The pay and muster rolls are not available online and as I live in New Zealand will have to wait.
I searched the Medal Roll for the 8th Cape Frontier War also without result.
Appreciate your help
Title: Re: William Kendall 45th Foot Regiment
Post by: SAM100 on Sunday 04 January 09 03:04 GMT (UK)

Just thought I would let you know that I found a web site that listed all the recipients of the South Africa Medal 1853.

The link is

and select databases to search

And happy days  :) :) I found William Kendall
Title: Re: William Kendall 45th Foot Regiment
Post by: SAM100 on Sunday 04 January 09 03:07 GMT (UK)

Should have included a list of all the databases.

Crimean War Casualty Roll - These are casualties from the London Gazette of 1854-1855. There are 16,315 entries. Original data is in the book Casualty Roll of the Crimea, compiled by Frank and Andrea Cook, (ISBN 0-903754-10)

 Natal Field Force - 11,188 casualties of the first part of the Boer War, 20 October 1898-26 October 1900. 

 Casualties of the Zulu and Basuto Wars 1877-1879 - 1,559 casualties from the book by I T Tavender (ISBN 0-903754-24X) 

 South Africa 1853 Medal Roll - 10,958 recipients of this medal from the book by G R Everson (ISBN 0-906304-024) 

 Casualty Roll for the Indian Mutiny 1857-1859 - 7,457 casualties from the book compiled by I T Tavender (ISBN 0-903754-98-3) 

 Casualty Roll of the Army of the Sutlej 1845-1846 - 3,209 casualties compiled from the Sutlej Medal Rolls held at the India Office Library 

 Officers of the Madras Army 1760-1834 - This book contains the dates of appointment of 4,627 offices who served from the beginning of the Madras Presidency, the British East India Company. The full entries often have the dates of promotions and death, and to provide this data I do make a charge. Please contact me for further details if you find a name of interest.
Title: Re: William Kendall 45th Foot Regiment
Post by: John Young on Sunday 04 January 09 09:49 GMT (UK)
Excellent,  Gordon Everson's book would expand things further giving his regimental number etc., it should be available through an on-line book dealers and should be too expensive.

You could also try the Regimental Museum at Nottingham Castle, they might have something.
