
Research in Other Countries => Australia => Topic started by: LYNIE on Friday 24 April 09 23:26 BST (UK)

Title: anzac day
Post by: LYNIE on Friday 24 April 09 23:26 BST (UK)
i went to the dawn service this morning for anzac day  to remember my ancestors who fought  for this country, a very moving service ...LEST WE FORGET.....
Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: johngirl on Friday 24 April 09 23:35 BST (UK)
I diddn`t go to a service for Anzac day  :-[   but yes LEST WE FORGET

  Johngirl  [a Legacy child]
Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: troods on Friday 24 April 09 23:54 BST (UK)
My first time at a Dawn Service today up @ Blackboy Hill in WA. What a touching experience it was.

I have driven past the memorial several times a week for years and never visited.

I will be going next year again and bringing my boy as well.

Lest We Forget

Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: down-under on Saturday 25 April 09 00:28 BST (UK)
I also went to The Anzac service for the first time, remembrance for The Australian and New Zealanders who die at Gallipolli first world war.  Also in remembrance for our other fallen.
Let us not forget that 30,000 British and 10,000 French also died at Gallipolli with 8,000 Aussies and over 2,000 Kiwis.


Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: craizi daizi on Saturday 25 April 09 00:30 BST (UK)

Lest we Forget,

Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: kiwihalfpint on Saturday 25 April 09 00:36 BST (UK)
Lest we forget.

Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: Siouxsie on Saturday 25 April 09 01:24 BST (UK)
...and a verse taken from
"For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Lest we forget


Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: forthefamily on Saturday 25 April 09 02:19 BST (UK)
Lest we not forget..... :'(

Also, let's not forget the young men and women who today are still deployed on foreign soils....and those that have lost their lives.

Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: tropicalj on Saturday 25 April 09 02:49 BST (UK)
Dawn Service has allways been a tradition  in our family. My husband and son  were service men as were  my father and his father and his father who both fought in WW1. 

Every year  we give thanks and say many a quiet prayer for those still serving and  those gone before.

I  remember in my  thoughts each year  my Great Uncle Arthur William Shoebridge who died at Gallopili  27th August, 1915. My Grandmother named my father after him.

There would not be too many Australian families who didn't lose a family member in WW1

We will remember them.

"Lest we forget"


Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: Iria on Saturday 25 April 09 03:02 BST (UK)
Lest We Forget

Iria (Liverpool England )

Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: deeiluka on Saturday 25 April 09 08:34 BST (UK)
My family lost two brave young service men in France in WW1, and a third when he couldn't live with his memories upon his return to Australia.

This year I didn't make a Dawn Service, but  did watch the televised ANZAC March in my home city.

Lest We Forget.

And may all those serving in troublespots around the world stay safe.


Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: Sarndra on Saturday 25 April 09 10:20 BST (UK)
Let's not also forget the men who came back from war missing limbs and shellshocked who had to entirely change their lives and assimilate back in to a society that ostracised some of them...the changed men, who's families would not talk about it...we forget about those who came back alive but felt dead....

Let's think of them to.

Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: newbe_nz on Saturday 25 April 09 10:40 BST (UK)
Lest we forget

I have watched it on TV today and remembered all my ancesters who were in all the different wars including WW1 and WW2

Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: cristobel on Saturday 25 April 09 13:52 BST (UK)
Went to the Dawn Service today.  I always find it very moving.

The rain actually held off for the duration of the service.

Remembering Great Uncle Harry -  K.I.A. France, 1st Oct 1917.  Lest we forget.

Cheers, Chris
Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: charlotteCH on Saturday 25 April 09 14:00 BST (UK)
Lest we forget.

My father was at Gallipoli , then in France.

 One of my brothers died in RAAF over Germany and another fought in the Middle East and PNG.

Title: Re: anzac day
Post by: bevbee on Saturday 25 April 09 14:01 BST (UK)
Remembering all those who didn't return home - and all those who did - with very grateful thanks to every one of them.

B. (South Wales, UK)