
Research in Other Countries => Immigrants & Emigrants - General => Topic started by: dawnyj on Tuesday 18 August 09 05:21 BST (UK)

Title: cant find on canadian passenger lists
Post by: dawnyj on Tuesday 18 August 09 05:21 BST (UK)
Rumour had it that the man i am researching Albert Davies/davis left the uk at some point to live in canada with a fred russell. However, I can only find 1 record where people of those names are travelling on same ship.  I have evidence that shows fred in canada but alas nothing yet for Albert..How comprehensive are the passenger lists on ancestry..Has anyone anyother suggestions for my search.
Title: Re: cant find on canadian passenger lists
Post by: les_looking on Saturday 29 August 09 18:22 BST (UK)
sadly not the most unique names to search,
when you say re Ancestery their records are for incoming passengers,
you need to check FindMyPast for outgoing, any dates of birth or where born
where living maybe to give a clue to where they travelled from?