
Research in Other Countries => Europe => Topic started by: LAS1015 on Monday 24 August 09 23:53 BST (UK)

Title: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: LAS1015 on Monday 24 August 09 23:53 BST (UK)
Alexander (Alec) Kingaby, (former British Officer) - one time proprietor of Astoria Hotel Nicosia in mid-late 1940's along with his wife at the time German born, Charlotte Goldmann (1912-1998).  They were divorced and Charlotte, (Lotti) married Norman Huber 1910-1971, (former British Officer).

Lotti Huber found fame as an Actress.

Any information about these people and particularly their life in Cyprus would be most welcome!

Many thanks.

Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: rivkah on Friday 16 December 11 00:53 GMT (UK)
Hi!  I am related to these people and would be very interested to hear from you and share information!

Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: LAS1015 on Friday 16 December 11 02:28 GMT (UK)
Hello ... Thank you so much for making contact. 

My interest in these folk really stems from the time they spent in Cyprus (around 1949ish) when  Alexander and Lottie were friends with a James (Jimmy) Carter .  I'm seeking any info. old photos (anything at all really) that can point me in the direction of their friend James Carter ... he just seemed to 'vanish' without a trace.  James Carter is such a huge brick wall for me so any crumb of information would be so very welcome.

Very best wishes

Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: rivkah on Friday 16 December 11 12:08 GMT (UK)
his second wife.  I met her only once at a big family gathering (a very impressive lady) 

If you could tell me anything more about Jimmy Carter - was he an American?  was he an officer?  what was his rank and his military corps?   I am sure that i can find out a lot more about him.    I have some photos with people whom i cannot identify at present (from the 1940s onwards).  I shall dig them out and put them on the 'net eventually.

Finally, as i am sure you'll already know, things went very badly wrong politically-speaking in Cyprus during the post war years and a lot of people from other countries living there either "disappeared" or got kicked out and went to other countries where they had relatives/friends.    I have heard stories (from Pat) of some terrible goings on with the military waving guns around at the hotel.  They left Cyprus circa the ?1960s or before.

Well, sorry I cannot tell you more at present - but being retired, I do have the time to do some research, so if you can supply me with any info. about Jimmy Carter at all i shall see what i can do.

There are a lot of these televised family history programs nowadays and it would be good if we could get them interested and they could do the research for us!!   It can be very costly and time-consuming - needing experts to help.   

I speak some Greek if you have any documentation in that language - I might be able to find out more?

kind regards!   Rivkah - (and Seasons Greetings of course!)
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: LAS1015 on Friday 16 December 11 16:37 GMT (UK)
Goodness me!  Thank you for all of this - I'll have to print it off so I can 'take it all in' so to speak.

The following is the only information I have concerning James Carter, so I hope that perhaps something here may 'ring a bell or two' with your brother or sister - indeed any additional information would be a giant leap forward ... Thank you (in advance), for taking the time to read all of this.

Name:  James Carter

Born:  c. 1916

Nationality:  American ... (although it is said that he didn't have an American accent!!!)  He came across as someone who was English 'public school' educated'

Residence:  Philadelphia, PA.

Occupation:  Restaurant proprietor.  He claimed his parents owned a restaurant in Philadelphia.

Described as being:  6ft tall; dark hair; brown eyes, slim (said to look a bit like James Mason!)

He could speak Greek.

He had his sister travelling with him at the time - they were both 'good looking', both musical - his
sister sang and Jimmy played the piano.  Both were said to be 'well educated'

Jimmy said he was 'associated' with the hotel and seemed to adopt a 'Master of Ceremonies' role.

Jimmy was friends with the lawyer Andrea Hadrianou, and he was also a friend to John Christophides, (at the time financial secretary to Archbishop Makarios (bishop of Kition in 1948 and Archbishop of Cyprus in 1950). 

Jimmy seems to have completely disappeared off the radar in late 1949.

I'm afraid that to date, this is all the information I have concerning James Carter ... not much, I know, so any light, (at all), any crumb of new information that could be found would be so very welcome!!!!

Yours most sincerely,
Season's Greetings,
LAS1015 (aka Lesley)

Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: rivkah on Friday 16 December 11 16:55 GMT (UK)
Hi Lesley!   Just a very quick message to say thanks very much for the info.

Gosh!  How interesting!!

I just might be able to find quite a bit more about Jimmy - I shall certainly try my best - i like an interesting piece of research to do.

The fact that he was a musician should be of great help too.

I did some more research about my stepgrandmother number 2 - Charlotte Goldmann - then Kingaby - then Huber - what an amazing woman - i so regret that i did not get to know her properly - she wrote some books as well as being a famous actress/singer/dancer - they seem to be mostly in German.  Fortunately my husband speaks fluent German so I shall try and track down her books and see what I can find there.

Kindest regards for now!   Rivkah
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: LAS1015 on Friday 16 December 11 20:02 GMT (UK)
Hi Rivkah ... Thank you so very much for your reply.  It would be absolutely wonderful if you were able to find out a nugget or two about the elusive Jimmy!  Bless you!
Many thanks - I just wish I had something further to give you to go on, but sadly there is nothing else.
Very best wishes,
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: LAS1015 on Friday 16 December 11 22:58 GMT (UK)
Hello Rivkah,

I'm in contact with someone who has a family connection with Jimmy Carter ... he is most interested in your information (and has quite a lot of his own) he would dearly love to pool his resources and share them with you. 
He has given me permission to pass on his email address to you which I have sent as a private message to you ... I do hope you dont mind - he was most excited when I told him about our messages to eachother.

Very best wishes,
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: IgorStrav on Friday 16 December 11 23:02 GMT (UK)
Hi Lesley

just to point out that it's not advisable to post email addresses on the site, otherwise you risk spam.

You should remove your email address and send a PM to Rivkah, which you can do by clicking on the green scroll underneath her name, and then you can give her the personal details required.

Your search sounds really interesting, very good luck with it!
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: rivkah on Saturday 17 December 11 00:35 GMT (UK)

I did wonder if Jimmy had left Cyprus at the beginning of the terrible political troubles.   

goodnight for now!  Rivkah
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: carinthiangirl on Saturday 17 December 11 11:23 GMT (UK)
german Wikipedia about jewish Lotti Huber:

Sie studierte Tanz und Pantomime und zog mit ihrem ersten Mann Alec Kingaby, einem britischen Offizier, durch den Nahen Osten. Sie arbeitete in Nachtclubs und Varietés als Tänzerin. Beide ließen sich auf Zypern nieder und eröffneten in Nikosia ein Hotel. Nach der Scheidung zog Lotti nach Kyrenia, eine Hafenstadt im Norden Zyperns, und betrieb ein eigenes Restaurant. Dort lernte sie ihren zweiten Mann Norman Huber (1910–1971) kennen, ebenfalls ein britischer Offizier, mit dem sie 1945 nach London ging.
She studied dance and mime, and moved with her first husband Alec Kingaby, a British officer, trough the Middle East. She worked in nightclubs and Varietés as a dancer. Both settled in Cyprus and opened a hotel in Nicosia. After the divorce, Lotti went to Kyrenia, a port city in northern Cyprus, and operated a restaurant. There she met her second husband Norman Huber (1910-1971), also a British officer with whom she went to London in 1945.

"1965 wurde ihr Mann in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland versetzt, und Lotti Huber kehrte mit ihm zurück. Das Ehepaar ließ sich in Berlin nieder. Nach dem Tod ihres Mannes musste sich Huber mit Gelegenheitsjobs durchschlagen. So übersetzte sie Liebesromane aus dem Englischen, eröffnete in ihrer Wohnung eine Benimmschule, verkaufte in Warenhäusern Kräuterlikör oder arbeitete als Filmstatistin."
In 1965 her husband was transferred in the Federal Republic of Germany and Lotti Huber returned with him. The couple settled in Berlin. After the death of her husband Lotti Huber had to beat by with odd jobs. she translated love novels from English, opened an etiquette school in her home, sold in department stores herb-liqueurs and worked as a film extra.

what she has written > Für Praunheims Film Anita – Tänze des Lasters von 1988 über die Nackttänzerin Anita Berber schrieb sie das Drehbuch./ For Praunheim film Anita - Dances of Vice in 1988 about the nude dancer Anita Berber, she wrote the screenplay.

Charlotte Huber ist auf dem Jüdischen Friedhof Heerstraße in Berlin neben ihrem Mann Norman Edwin Huber beigesetzt./ Charlotte Huber is buried at the Jewish cemetery in Berlin Heerstraße next to her husband Norman Edwin Huber.

Diese Zitrone hat noch viel Saft! Ein Leben. Edition Diá, St. Gallen 1990; DTV, München 1993, ISBN 3-423-11673-0
Jede Zeit ist meine Zeit. Gespräche, hrsg. v. Peter Süß. Edition Diá, St. Gallen 1991; DTV, München 1994, ISBN 3-423-11772-9
Gedacht. Gedichtet. Erzählungen. Yontown, Berlin, 1995, ISBN 3-931178-01-3
Drei Schritt vor und kein Zurück! Bargeflüster. Hrsg. von Max Christian Graeff. DTV, München 1998, ISBN 3-423-20222-X
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: rivkah on Saturday 17 December 11 14:35 GMT (UK)
Thank you very much for sending us this link!  I apologize that I cannot reply well in German - i speak some - but my husband speaks fluently and helps me.

Wishing you Seasons Greetings!   and kindest regards - Rivkah   (I am the "step"granddaughter of Lotti Huber - who was married to my Grandfather: Alexander Kingaby!
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: LAS1015 on Sunday 18 December 11 13:21 GMT (UK)
Hello Rivkah,

This afternoon Mike will be assembling some of the information he has.  I don't think the message you sent to him got through or he would have said.  I messaged you yesterday (via yahoo) and I'm not sure where you received it or not?  Hoping all is well?

Best wishes

Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: peterawhurst on Sunday 25 November 12 22:09 GMT (UK)
Hi!  I am related to these people and would be very interested to hear from you and share information!


Hi, I am also related to Lotte, Gertude Goldman was my Grandmother, she was married to Isadore Bergmann.  I am presently putting my family history together and my research tells me that Lotte only had 2 brothers, yet my Aunt in Sweden told me we are related, so I am not sure yet of the exact link.
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: LAS1015 on Sunday 09 December 12 23:47 GMT (UK)
Hello Peter,

Do you know anything at all about Lottie's time spent in Cyprus.  For example during late 1940's and early 1950's when she was co-running the Astoria Hotel in Nicosia.  Would any photographs still exist.  I am searching for information on behalf of a friend of mine ... although he is not related to her, his father was a friend of Lottie & Alex.  It would be wonderful if any photographs of that time exist? Best wishes.
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: peterawhurst on Monday 10 December 12 01:18 GMT (UK)
Hello Peter,

Do you know anything at all about Lottie's time spent in Cyprus.  For example during late 1940's and early 1950's when she was co-running the Astoria Hotel in Nicosia.  Would any photographs still exist.  I am searching for information on behalf of a friend of mine ... although he is not related to her, his father was a friend of Lottie & Alex.  It would be wonderful if any photographs of that time exist? Best wishes.

I'm sorry I do not have anything.  My aunt in Sweden told me that we were related through the Goldmann's but there was something in the history where she had nothing to do with the family.  I do not know details but can assume it was something to do with Berlin, maybe the business and the whole family leaving.  All write up's say she only had 2 brothers so I am confused where the links are ( I am researching this) and I now have no other family to discover secrets and information.

If I discover anything I will let you know, it's all very interesting to me.
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: carinthiangirl on Monday 10 December 12 07:27 GMT (UK)
Lotti Goldmann wurde 1912 als Tochter großbürgerlicher jüdischer Eltern in Kiel geboren. Sie wuchs mit zwei Brüdern auf. Walter war zwei Jahre älter und Kurt, der sich später Ruwen Golan nannte, drei Jahre jünger.
Lotti Goldmann was born in 1912 as the daughter of upper-class Jewish parents in Kiel. She grew up with two brothers. Walter was two years older and Kurt, who later called Ruwen Golan, three years younger.
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: peterawhurst on Wednesday 11 April 18 13:55 BST (UK)
Lotti (Charlotte) had 2 brothers Walter and (Kurt) Ruwen Golan.  Their parents were Robert Goldmann and Hennie Leipziger. Hennie’s parents were Lippmann Leo Leipziger and Sophie, nee’ Eisack.  I am related through one of Hennie’s 5 siblings, Gertrude Leipziger(1890-1951).
Gertrude married Isidor Bergmann (1896-1941) who had 3 children, all girls, Hanna, Rosa and Irma.  All are now deceased unfortunately with Irma passing away 4 weeks ago.  My mother is Rosa who married Arthur Herz in London 1945 and who adopted myself and my brother Richard. 
Hanna Married Marcell Hirschfeld, lived, died and were buried in Chicago. They had no children.  All the family except my mother went from Berlin to Sweden to escape the Nazis.  Irma married Manfred Schwarz and had 3 children, Walter, Irene and Judith.  All of who are now grandparents.
I would love more details on our relatives, I am guessing you are relatives of Ludwig Munch and Susanne/Eva, Are you in Stutgart? please contact me if you can, Peter
Title: Re: Alexander Kingaby, Lotti Huber, Norman Huber,
Post by: Punk Panther on Wednesday 24 January 24 21:59 GMT (UK)
Hi Rivkah , and everyone else,

Can you explain how you are related to your  stepgrandmother number 2 - Charlotte Goldmann - then Kingaby - then Huber - what an amazing woman ?

The is now loads of info out there on Lotti Huber's career in1980's and 90's .
She appeared in more than twenty films from 1978 to 1999. She became famous in Germany for her roles in Rosa von Praunheim's films. Lead in "Anita - Dances of Vice ",1988 about the nude dancer Anita Berber, she was involved in the script.
Having become famous through Rosa von Praunheim's films, Huber appeared until her death in solo programs that combined biographical stories, dance, cabaret and chanson, and was a guest on many TV talk shows and other television programs - see text below.