
Scotland (Counties as in 1851-1901) => Scotland => Fife => Topic started by: queenie3 on Saturday 07 November 09 22:56 GMT (UK)

Title: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: queenie3 on Saturday 07 November 09 22:56 GMT (UK)
I am trying to find my greatgreatgreat grandfather -Charles Goodwillie.
All that is known about him is what was noted by Bishop Selwyn when he legalized the unions of whalers and Maori women and their children in the early 1840's in Stewart Island New Zealand. Charles Goodwillie -engineer/whaler  originally from Fife, Scotland - period residing in New Zealand approximately 4 years.
I am not at all sure that whaling ships had engineers as they were sailing ships but I was wondering whether Charles may have been in the ship building industry prior to going to sea. He was [possibly!] born about 1799 - 1810.
Any help gratefully received.
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: diddymiller on Sunday 08 November 09 19:40 GMT (UK)
Hi & welcome to RC and the Fife board!!
The birth of Charles is on SP at :

however there seem to be 2 of them!!
Charles Goodwillie born 22/3/1795  father: John ,   Collessie
Charles Goodwillie born 27/3/1796 father:  Robert,  Collessie

any ideas which??    you can download the certificates by buying credits.
may be able to find both of them on census to see what occupation??

Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: queenie3 on Monday 09 November 09 05:57 GMT (UK)
Thanks Diddy
I must ask someone [anyone!] about Scotlands People - I have tried to register in the past but apparently I do not have the right plugins to read/receive information and being a tech no phobe I am not sure about what to do.
I have tried on Ancestry for information re Charles Goodwillie but census records start too late to be of help to me as Charles was not residing in Scotland in that period.
Not having any information does tend to stop a lot of investigation.
But perhaps Collesie is a starting point - and Parish Records might help me find parents or occupations etc.
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: davaar36 on Monday 09 November 09 09:52 GMT (UK)
The plugins you are liable to need with ScotlandsPeople site are viewers for the images. If you have a problem getting/installing those you can still choose the download option for any images you wish to view. The downloaded images will be in TIFF format and, especially if you use Microsoft Windows, you should have a viewer for those. If not the free viewer IrfanView can be recommended. To view images before download SP needs  either of 2 viewers, Prizm “ActiveX”, and the ViewONE Java™ applet. Once you register with SP you can use My Details menu to check your browser for compatibility. It is a long time since I registered and I can't remember if you are offered the option to install the SP compatible viewers from the SP site. Someone else will have a better memory. Persevere and Good luck. A quick check on the 1841 Census came up with only one Charles Goodwilie, in Strathmiglo, age (rounded) 40. Two others there ages 6 and 0. By 1851 there are 2 aged 55 in Kinghorn and Strathmiglo. However the 1841 Census records for Collessie were lost in transit to Edinburgh.
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: diddymiller on Monday 09 November 09 20:07 GMT (UK)
hi, you Can install the viewers from the site.

Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: diddymiller on Monday 09 November 09 20:31 GMT (UK)
I had a look on the fife FHS site - use the search facility and about 14 entries for Goodwillie come up.may be useful.

also looked on the fife death index  - there are quite a lot of goodwillies. interesting that a number went abroad - some to quebec - family lf Robert & Janet Dunn and others to USA. mention of a printed source 'The Goodwillies' searching the CD for further info.

Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: diddymiller on Monday 09 November 09 20:43 GMT (UK)
the Scottish genealogical society online also has this entry in their index:

GOODWILLIE FIF 1595-1940 T Many
A tree and a typescript history of the family.

go to the society page at:

Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: queenie3 on Tuesday 10 November 09 08:14 GMT (UK)
Hi Diddy
Thanks for your sterling efforts! Re the history as written by John Ross Goodwillie from Canada - I have his book 'The Goodwillies -1590-1986- Four Hundred Years of Family History' and my great great great grandfather Charles isn't in it!
The Canadian and American branches of the Goodwillie family originates in the parish of Kinglassie.

I think that the Goodwillie tree and typescript mentioned in the Scottish family files may be that one. But I will follow up even if I duplicate information that I have already.
I am going to buy credits of Scotlands People and get a knowledgeable [read as computer savvy!] friend to help me annexe the plugin situation and make sure I do it right .....
I am nothing if not determined to succeed in finding the ellusive Charles Goodwillie. He disappeared [not surprisingly given the wild/transient colonial era he actually resided in New Zealand!] from New Zealand approx. 1850 - probably died but no record of such. He left two children Charles and Charlotte and Mary a child of his wife's from a previous relationship and  it was only Charles [junior] who went on to have issue.Hey ho! the lengths one goes to in the search [obsession] of the past.
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: diddymiller on Tuesday 10 November 09 13:10 GMT (UK)
Hi Queenie, yes the book source said 1986 so that will be the one.

SP is quite easy to use and the plug=in situation is not a problem - there are clear instructions on what to do!

I have checked the SP entries. only extra info is that both fathers came from Kinloch. think they were probably brothers!

Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: diddymiller on Tuesday 10 November 09 13:11 GMT (UK)
might be worth a post on the NZ board??

Diddy  ;)
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: queenie3 on Tuesday 10 November 09 18:33 GMT (UK)
Hi Diddy
I have exhausted the Kiwi connection - and as a NZ resident that wasn't hard -very small population! And as the Goodwillie descendants were originally all South Island based -an even smaller population!!
The Maori connection via Kura [wife of Charles Goodwillie] and Caroline Hunt aka Queenie [the wife of Charles Goodwillie#2-son ofCharles]is a verbal history passed down through generations -it is called the whakapapa - but there are a few gaps there which must be pursued by other members of the family [in the Maori world family is referred to as whanau -wh is pronounced as 'f'] and I am trying for the only truly unknown /untraceable aspect to fill the gap in the history.
It feels very strange to say that we only started as a family in 1840.....because we have no information about Charles Goodwillie.
Am determined to solve the mystery
Thanks for the tremendously helpful and patience you have shown me.
Yes Caroline is a family name and the pet name of Queenie follows through generations often bestowed on the eldest daughter- that relates to Queen Victoria - much loved and respected monarch of the era.
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: Stuartd on Monday 14 December 09 15:45 GMT (UK)
I also have Goodwillie ancestors from Fife in Scotland but haven’t quite managed a connection to the New Zealand crew, but I’m sure it’s there. I have the following snippets of information which may be of use.

There was a Charles Goodwillie, an engineer from Strathmiglo in Fife who went to New Zealand about 1838 and married Kura on Stewart Island in 1844. In 1851 he was presumed dead.
Charles and Kura had two children:
(1)   Charles who had 12 children (Caroline, Charles, Mary, John, Catharine, Jane, Charlotte, Rachael, Albert, George, Thomas, Marion).
(2)   Charlotte who married John Davidson

I also have a note of a Charles Goodwillie who was born early 1800's and married Ngai Tahu Maori Kaumatua. Not sure if this is the same person.

Also the following from Riverton Cemetery, Southland Province, New Zealand:

Goodwillie, Caroline (Hunt), d. 25 Dec. 1907, age: 66yr, Beloved w/o Charles Goodwillie, s/w Marion and Thomas, [PA]
Goodwillie, Charles, d. 2 Dec 1930, age: 90yr, s/w Caroline, s/o Caroline & Charles Goodwillie, [PA]
Goodwillie, Marion, d. 17 Jun 1898, age: 16yr, s/w Caroline, d/o Caroline & Charles Goodwillie, [PA]
Goodwillie, Thomas Edward, d. 1 Nov 1906, age: 29yr, s/w Caroline Goodwillie age different in family records, [PA]

Good Luck!
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: queenie3 on Monday 14 December 09 18:12 GMT (UK)
Hi StuartD
Thank you very much. This is information I have already and yes the Goodwillie who married a Ngai Tahu kaumatua in the 1800's was Charles Goodwillie who married Kura.
I am grateful for any help at all as I feel someone must have a link to 'my' Charles Goodwillie.
But  perhaps he was a orphan with no siblings??  - that would account for not being able to find any information about him.
I am ever hopeful that eventually I will be able to extend the family tree.
We probably are related - we just don't know it yet - lol.
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: koozer65 on Wednesday 07 April 10 01:21 BST (UK)
My fathers name was Charles Frederick Goodwillie born 1901 at longwoods near colac bay I am very interested in any information he died 1983 and is buried at the Riverton cemetery
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: queenie3 on Wednesday 07 April 10 11:52 BST (UK)
I am the great grandaughter of Charles William Goodwillie who was your fathers' uncle.
I don't know much about your father  - two marriages -Hera Davis and Ruby Duncan - but I am in communication with two of your sisters and have passed info onto them.
You could PM me if you would like a little more info about the Goodwillie family.
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: koozer65 on Thursday 08 April 10 21:42 BST (UK)
hey there queenie any info you have would be great im new to this you can email me at (*) cheers

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Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: arohaa on Tuesday 28 January 14 07:54 GMT (UK)
HI guys/girls.. I was looking a someones facebook site and they had been give some pics from 1900 that were found at a Rubbish Dump. It had on it "Charlie Goodwillies gang came from Blackhead, Shearers 1900 at Motuotaraia"  If you want to see the pic drop me a line and I will email them through to you. The people in the photo aren't named bbut they are all Maori.

Aroha Allen
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: queenie3 on Tuesday 28 January 14 19:09 GMT (UK)
Kia Ora Aroha
I would be thrilled to have  photo of the shearing gang. I think this is Charles Goodwillie #2 [son of Charles and Kura and father of my great grandfather Charles #3] as he was well known in the shearing gangs in Southland.
I think Roots Chat requires three messages from you before you can PM me. The procedure doesn't allow email address's in the public forum.
Does that make sense?
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: arohaa on Wednesday 29 January 14 06:20 GMT (UK)
HI... I will send it through to you as soon as I have passed the 3 messages mark. When I saw the name Goodwillie I thought it was a "not very common" name and decided to google it...  I have just had a brain wave... if you go into Facebook and look for a Waimarama site you might find the pics
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: queenie3 on Wednesday 29 January 14 08:29 GMT (UK)
Kia Ora Aroha
Goodwillie is an unusual name - it is Scottish and apparently come from the saying  [if] 'God is Willing' - I am the main Goodwillie historian that I know of in New Zealand though other branches of the family have small amounts of history.I will try the Facebook thing - I am not so crash hot with social media but I will give it a go. Ideally I would like the original photograph - what are my chances?
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: loobylooayr on Wednesday 29 January 14 08:40 GMT (UK)
Hi Queenie,
I have no connection to the Goodwillie name but have read this thread with great interest.
Have you ever been able to establish which Charles Goodwillie from Fife was your ancestor?
Wish you luck with your research and obtaining the photos Arohaa has posted about,
Looby :)
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: queenie3 on Wednesday 29 January 14 08:55 GMT (UK)
Hi Looby
Thanks for your continuing interest. No luck in finding where Charles Goodwillie #1 was born. So frustrating. But I won't give up -this latest bit of luck finding out about Charles Goodwillie #2 and the shearing gang is a bolt out of the blue - fabulous good fortune.
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: ailsawarren on Saturday 11 August 18 06:22 BST (UK)
Hī Queen I have Charlie goodwill in my tree who married a Maori girl kuni have pic too of them but not sure how to get it to you. Kuni was my ggg grandfathers sister... Charles was a ship builder when he lived in purakanui, they moved to Riverton southland where he died. Their house is still there but just some planks etc now... You have relations from that side still living in bluff. Good willies married ackers, fowler's, etc... Hope this message gets to you c
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: ailsawarren on Saturday 11 August 18 06:38 BST (UK)
Riverton māere has info plus try Ngāi Tahu for whakapapa My dad the good Willie years ago being associated to kura from purakanui/ waitouaiti area outside of Port chalmers and above otago areas.... All her old bones are between there and waitouaiti
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: Kuini Goodwillie on Monday 13 August 18 02:20 BST (UK)
Hi Looby
Thanks for your continuing interest. No luck in finding where Charles Goodwillie #1 was born. So frustrating. But I won't give up -this latest bit of luck finding out about Charles Goodwillie #2 and the shearing gang is a bolt out of the blue - fabulous good fortune.
Title: Re: Charles Goodwillie
Post by: Kuini Goodwillie on Sunday 19 August 18 01:27 BST (UK)
Hello Queenie3, I,am the great,great grandson of Charles/Kura Goodwillie. I'm currently researching the Goodwillie whanau and came across the shearing gang photos in the latest Panui from the iwi. Charles Taare(William) Goodwillie and Kuini(Kararaina)are my great grand parents, their daughter Cathrine Kiti Stevens(Goodwillie)is my grandmother and Hilary Vivian Moyle(Stevens) is my mother.I would be interested in PMing you re the Goodwillies when I qualify to do so.If you want copies of shearing photos get in touch with Ngai Tahu archives.
Kuini Goodwillie