
Scotland (Counties as in 1851-1901) => Scotland => Midlothian => Topic started by: Templar75 on Monday 09 November 09 13:33 GMT (UK)

Title: ( NOW COMPLETED ) WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: Templar75 on Monday 09 November 09 13:33 GMT (UK)
I am looking for any information please on the WOOD family who lived in Portobello ( Edinburgh ), all I know are some names, Robert Wood, James Wood, Mary Wood, and Ann ( Annie ) Wood.

Mary Wood may have married a man called Hugh Fallon and Ann ( Annie ) Wood may have married a man called David McDaid, as far as I have been told they may have lived at Kings Road Portobello.

My dads cousin was Robert Wood who married a lass called Margaret, I have no idea what her maiden name was, they had two children that I am aware of, Margaret and Robert, they may have lived at Northfield in the Portobello area.

I would be most gratefull for any help on these people, many thanks in advance.

Post by: susieq on Wednesday 11 November 09 15:39 GMT (UK)
Hi Templar,
around what years are we talking about, as my mum lives on the kings road, but originally comes from Northfield/Mountcastle.
Post by: Templar75 on Wednesday 11 November 09 17:35 GMT (UK)
Hi Susan,

              I am going back to the fifty's, I remember meeting Robert Wood around perhaps 1952ish, he had his son also Robert with him, as far as I know Robert was not a well man, I remember my dad telling my mum that Robert had passed away, I think a heart attack but I am not sure.

The WOOD family were my dads cousins through the YOUNG family who lived at Pipe Street then Craigmillar, we lived at Joppa.

Margaret Wood, Roberts wife was a very nice lady and I think when Robert died she found life pretty hard and a struggle.

Best regards.

Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: susieq on Thursday 12 November 09 20:18 GMT (UK)
Hi Archie,

I don't think given the years that my mum will remember, but who am i to say?
I will see her over the weekend and ask, again she may just not know anything about the 'Woods' but i can try!

Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: Commando13 on Wednesday 02 February 11 21:44 GMT (UK)

Hope you are still on line here, I think I may be able to help you.  All these names mean a lot to me, very close relatives !

Hope you reply and we can chat further.

Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: gasar on Wednesday 02 February 11 22:34 GMT (UK)
 :) To Archie,  Just joined rootschat i saw your message re wood family of portobello, am patricia  my maiden name was wood . my dad was robert,my mum was margaret, my nana was annie wood . i have a sister maureen  contact me if you can
Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: Templar75 on Thursday 03 February 11 00:22 GMT (UK)
Hi Comando13 and gasar,

           Great to hear from you both, My grandmother was a McDaid and they lived in Pipe Street Portobello, when my grandmother was married she was living with the Wood family in Kings Road, my dad always said that the Wood family were cousins, as stated I remember Mary Wood, very smartly dressed lady.

Gasar, the Robert Wood I knew died a young man, was it his heart ?, and I remember young Robert, he must have been around 5 years old the first time I met him, my dad gave him a sixpence that day, we all sat down on the benches at Portobello Town Hall.

I thought there was a daughter called Margaret ? or am I mistaken, Margaret the mother ran a catalog for I think clothing, a few bob a week, she was a nice lady and I think she had dark hair, I am going back to the 50's.

This is what I have on the Wood family from the 1901 Census.

24 Pipe Street

Robert McDaid born 1884, Portobello, Edinburgh, Age 17, Apprentice Thrower
( Sobbers ) Pottery. ( Lodger ).

James Wood Born 1870, Glasgow, Lanark, Age 31, Pottery Labourer. ( Head ).

Ann Jane Wood born 1876, Portobello, Edinburgh, Age 25. ( Wife ). 

Liza Jane Wood born 1890, Portobello, Edinburgh, Age 11. ( Daughter )

Catherine McDavid born 1881, Portobello, Midlothian, Age 20.  Pottery Worker,
( Lodger ). ( Notice the spelling of the name is wrong, it should be McDaid ).

Looking forward to hearing from you both again


Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: gasar on Thursday 03 February 11 14:24 GMT (UK)
 :)Hi  Archie  Iam so pleased that you have found us. There are a few of us old ones left.I am with Maureen just now and told her all about you trying to find us Maureen lives in magdalene ,i live in dalkeith maureen has three children, so do i  both 2 girls + 1 boy  Maureen + I  would like to know  who your mum dad  were . as far as we can remember  aunty kate and uncle charlie had 2 children , are you related to them 

Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: Templar75 on Thursday 03 February 11 16:38 GMT (UK)

      the answer is no, my gran was Elizabeth McDaid who married George Young, they all lived in Pipe Street, I think aunt Kate was my gran's sister, I remember Kate, was she the one that was very ill and was in bed all the time ?, I remember uncle Charlie he was a big man, like a Bull nobody would argue with him.

My dad was Archie young, he worked in the Bottle Works all his life, I served my apprenticeship there as an engineer, my mum was Helen Young, we used to live at Joppa, I think you lived at was it Mountcastle or Northfield.

Boy it is a small world, old Hugh McDaid is still alive, he is 93 years old, his daughter Helen looks after him, I have 3 boys all doing well, Helen and I are both retired now, we retired early.


Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: MonicaL on Thursday 03 February 11 18:38 GMT (UK)
Hi Archie and Gasar (welcome to RootsChat Gasar and Ricky  :))

Archie and Gasar, it might be good to exchange personal emails via the Private Message service to keep any names and personal details of the present generations off the open board for reasons of privacy.

Monica  :)
Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: Templar75 on Thursday 03 February 11 18:45 GMT (UK)
Hi MonicaLesl,

                        good idea thanks for the advice.


Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: gasar on Thursday 03 February 11 19:09 GMT (UK)
Hi Monicalesl     Thanks for your advice    Pat
Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: gasar on Thursday 03 February 11 19:20 GMT (UK)
Hi Archie,  Just a little note to let you no  Comando13 is my son ;)                  pat.                     
Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: Templar75 on Friday 04 February 11 21:36 GMT (UK)
Hi Ricky,

            can you send me your email address please in a private message, for some unknown reason I can't send you one, it states something about PM Limit, don't tell me we are limited to how many private messages we can send.


Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: MonicaL on Friday 04 February 11 21:52 GMT (UK)
Archie, the message you are getting is because Ricky has only posted once on RootsChat. He needs to have posted 2/3 times to be able to use the PM facility and anyone trying to send him a PM at this point will be getting the same message as you. No limits to how many PMs you can send or receive.

Monica  :)
Title: Re: WOOD family of Portobello
Post by: Templar75 on Friday 04 February 11 22:23 GMT (UK)
Hi MonicaLesl,

                        thank god you are here to guide us, many thanks again for your most valuable advice.

