
England (Counties as in 1851-1901) => Suffolk => England => Suffolk Resources & Links => Topic started by: Suffolk Mawther on Saturday 28 November 09 01:06 GMT (UK)

Title: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Suffolk Mawther on Saturday 28 November 09 01:06 GMT (UK)
As many of you are getting in touch regarding the absence of the two above named websites I though I ought to put a message here.

Unfortunately I have no idea what has happened, the two websites were still coming from my late web partner Ray's home PC.  Possibly the family have changed PCs?

A friend in Australia has previously hosted an updated version of my website earlier this year, but two versions of the Surnames List was not a good idea.

As some of you know, my husband is presently involved with the setting up of a Framlingham Photographic Archive and this will be going live in the next few weeks.

All being well, I will use the same web designer to help me to re-launch the Surnames List in the new year - my search for another web partner proved fruitless, so I am having to save my pennies to see what can be done.

If you have any queries relating to the Surnames List I will be happy to help.

If we have lost the Cosford Database that will be very sad, Ray and several other researchers put such a lot into that web site - and all the information was taken from records held at the Suffolk Record Office over many years.

With best wishes and thank you for your support,

Pat ...

Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: sunnylew on Saturday 28 November 09 09:57 GMT (UK)
I've found an archived version of the Cosford Database on

Not everything will be there, but most of the site does appear to have been archived.
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Greensleeves on Saturday 28 November 09 22:49 GMT (UK)
Thanks for the link sunnylew - I have been heavily reliant on Ray's data over the years, and it would be the most awful shame if all that work is lost.  I was fortunate enough to have been in contact with Ray some years ago at the beginning of my research and he was enormously helpful regarding my Suffolk family tree and I really feel that these databases should stand as a memorial to his tireless enthusiasm for family history.

Regards to both sunnylew and pat, and all who read this post,

Greensleeves (whose main line emanates from Rattlesden/Hitcham/Brettenham but who now lives in Wales)
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: wardyfam on Wednesday 02 December 09 15:40 GMT (UK)
 ;) Thank you Suffolkmawther for that sad information concerning the lose of the site, and many thanks for the link to the archived site Pat. I was really panicking when I tried to get on the cosford-database and nothing came up this morning. If Rays site had been lost, it would have been such a disaster for all us whose ancestors originated in Suffolk, and would have been such a sad waste after all the hard work that Ray, and others did on it to make life simpler for us to find our Suffolk connections.

Pat x
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: ronfoss on Friday 11 December 09 09:44 GMT (UK)
Its such a shame that the cosford datebase has been lost i am wonding if the one the people had a list on the site because we were both related to ray long he was my 4 cousin he done some work for me in about 2005 and i have passed the cosford database on to other family memebers one of the people is monique on the list can help in anyway in new zealand
ron foss
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Suffolk Mawther on Friday 11 December 09 11:54 GMT (UK)
Ron, until Ray's widow decides what is to happen - there is an archived version of the Cosford Database at

Unfortunately my web site is not archived, but I do have a complete copy of it on my home PC if anyone needs to have a Parish Record Lookup or check a surname.

Certainly, if anyone thinks they can help with the Surnames List I would love to hear from them  :D
Pat ...
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: ronfoss on Friday 11 December 09 16:29 GMT (UK)
hi there pat we have chatted before the only person who i can think of is monique jones she had a list on the cosford database her email is (*) ty for the link back to the database which is still helpfull
best wishes and a merry christmas and a happy new year

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Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: kevan on Friday 01 January 10 16:36 GMT (UK)
Dear all,
            I have only found out today about Ray. Ray once sent me an extensive listing showing our family link, I think we were fifth cousins twice removed, if I remember!! The Cosford database was absoultely amazing and through this I was able to find an incredible amount about my Wilding ancestors from Kettlebaston and further afield. I often bounced ideas around with Ray.
            Sadly I spend far too much time on my deadpubs site these days, but hey ho.
            As I hate to see any excellent resources lost, e.g. I was able to rejuvenate the Essex Pubs site by Ian Hunter, if I can help in anyway, please let me know. I have already emailed Monique Jones, as a long shot.
            Have a great New Year to everyone, but this is a a real shame, and a real dampener to 2010.
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Suffolk Mawther on Friday 01 January 10 18:15 GMT (UK)
I will be speaking with Ray's widow again and there is someone willing to take on Ray's web site, of course it will be Ray's family who decide what will happen.

The Framlingham Photographic Archive is coming along nicely and as soon as that is up and running, I am hoping to get the Surnames List back on air.

Pat ...
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: ronfoss on Friday 01 January 10 20:24 GMT (UK)
hi there kevan i was also related to ray he was my 4 cousin i am also related to monique we have help each other its a sad loss of ray lets hope we can some form back its was good for so many people in sufflok surnames
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: AbbieC on Friday 01 January 10 21:02 GMT (UK)
I will be speaking with Ray's widow again and there is someone willing to take on Ray's web site, of course it will be Ray's family who decide what will happen.

The Framlingham Photographic Archive is coming along nicely and as soon as that is up and running, I am hoping to get the Surnames List back on air.

Pat ...

I see that in your list of names you list Fisk as one you are interested in.  I am related to the fisks of Laxfield, my great grandmother being Elsie Priscilla Fisk.  I have only just joined this site so not sure of the protocol as yet.
Abbie C :)
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Suffolk Mawther on Friday 01 January 10 23:19 GMT (UK)
Hello Abbie and Welcome to the wonderful world of Rootschat  :D  :D  :D

Have you found the definitive web site for Fisk/e researchers yet?

You must have a look at Hugh's web site which does have the Laxfield branch

The Suffolk Surnames List website is a listing of peoples surname interests in the county and a great deal of information for familyhistory research in Suffolk.

My husband's Fisk's were in Framlingham - not too far from Laxfield.

Pat ...

Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: robesur on Saturday 02 January 10 10:17 GMT (UK)
I can still get the Cosford Database at
It doesn't always work properly, but with perseverance it is passable.
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Paul R on Saturday 02 January 10 19:55 GMT (UK)
I have only just heard of Ray's death.  He was my sixth cousin and it was only through John Hanson's research and the work Ray did to put it on the web that I found a branch of my family going back to the 17th century.  My belated condolences to his family and friends.

Regarding the website, I raised a support call with the hosting company, PlusNet, and below is part of the reply I got.  In summary, it looks as though the website was removed when PlusNet discontinued their FrontPage service.   They went on to mention what we have already discovered, that some of the content is on the Web Archive (Wayback Machine).   Unfortunately the Foskew branch (my line) is not present.

"Dear Mr Robinson,
Thank you for your query. Unfortunately for data protection reasons we are not able to disclose why the site may have been removed or moved on by the site owner.  However if the owner of the site is now deceased this may have been removed when we discontinued the frontpage service.

If this is the case the next of kin for the customer would need to contact us to request if we still have a copy of this and to discuss the best way of putting this back.

If you are interested in taking over the site then you may wish to discuss with the next of kin migrating the domain to yourself and this is still hosted and registered by us as indicated on the public whois record for the domain."
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Suffolk Mawther on Sunday 03 January 10 17:04 GMT (UK)
Hello Paul,

Ray and I were web partners and friends for several years.

At first it was too soon for his widow to consider what to do with the web  site, now - almost a year and a half later we are hoping to get it sorted out this year.  Since November when I first wrote about the web sites, we are now fully aware of why the websites went down.

I certainly put notices on all the relevant message boards and mailing lists at the time of Ray's illness and at his passing.  I also had a guest book and together with the guest book on Ray's web site, everyone left messages - which the family read regularly.

So please - can we not have speculation and just let his widow and I sort things out.

I have said that there is someone willing to take it over.  We just have to get family agreement.

Pat ...

Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Paul R on Monday 04 January 10 11:55 GMT (UK)
Hello Pat,

I've been out of touch on the family history front recently and that is why I hadn't heard the sad news about Ray.

I'm sorry if I've been sticking my nose in where it's not required.  I was just trying to help. 

Best regards,
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Suffolk Mawther on Monday 04 January 10 16:01 GMT (UK)
No problem Paul, but I hope researchers realise that I am working on getting the web site restored asap.

One of the children will be getting married this year, Ray will not be there, I know how proud he would have been.

Pat ...

Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Suffolk Mawther on Tuesday 09 February 10 11:51 GMT (UK)
At the moment you can find the Surnames website at

I am very grateful to dear Terry Aspinall in Australia for helping out at this time.

Do have a look around his own web site too lots of interesting Suffolk pages.

Pat ...
Suffolk Surnames List
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: robbo43 on Wednesday 10 February 10 01:08 GMT (UK)
Great to see the site up again.  Thanks Pat for all your hard work.  Much appreciated

Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Suffolk Mawther on Wednesday 10 February 10 12:38 GMT (UK)
I should add that this is a temporary measure and the web site does need serious updating and a lot of TLC - however, at least some of the information is available.

Unfortunately you will not be able to correct outdated email addresses.

Thank you for the kind support Robert  ;)

Pat ...

Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Greensleeves on Wednesday 10 February 10 21:19 GMT (UK)
Great to see this again Pat and congrats and thanks to you and Terry for all your hard work.  Do let me know if there is anything menial I can do to help.
Title: Re: Suffolk Surnames List and Cosford Database
Post by: Suffolk Mawther on Thursday 11 February 10 00:10 GMT (UK)
I should have mentioned in my previous email that the version of the Suffolk Surnames List that Terry has kindly hosted, until we can get a new version of the web site on line, is purely for information.

The pages for submissions of names and amendments etc are not working on this version.

I am aware that when we do get the new version on line there will be hundreds of amendments and deletions and additions, which will of course take a long time to sort out.

Due to family health problems I have not been able to give the web site my full attention, but hope to be able to in the near future.

Thank you for your patience.

Pat ...