
General => Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing => Topic started by: paul1801 on Sunday 14 February 10 17:25 GMT (UK)

Title: Cutler DNA
Post by: paul1801 on Sunday 14 February 10 17:25 GMT (UK)
Hi my name is

Paul Cutler, just wondering if you know any male Cutlers?,

the reason I ask is that I am trying to start a project for the DNA testing of Cutlers in the UK to see if there are any links further back past the paper trails.
My own line are in the midands around the Derbyshire/Nottingham borders but I am sure they moved around quite a bit, eventually living in the North East of England.

Several Cutler families moved to the USA and setled there, some in the 1600's.
I have had my own DNA tested and to date it does not match with anyone, the closest is a Mills surname, which itself is interesting.

If you know anyone that may be interested please pass on my details and I will be happy to discuss it with them. Obviously there is a cost to this so any participant must fund their own test.

It would have to be a male with a direct line back to Cutler surname ancestors as the Y chromsome is passed father to son down the years.

Any thoughts or comments welcome.

best wishes

Paul Cutler


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