
General => The Common Room => The Lighter Side => Topic started by: c w on Sunday 24 April 05 09:25 BST (UK)

Title: why do I leave things to the last minute?
Post by: c w on Sunday 24 April 05 09:25 BST (UK)
Tomorrow I am meeting a cousin I have located through my research. She is travelling from Dorset to South Wales for a funeral so is calling in to see me. I am quite excited at the prospect and obviously would like to create a good impression. ;D

However, a lot of the photos I would like to show her are at my mother's house, but I'm avoiding her as she has shingles. :(
I promised the children I would concrete in their new swing set on the first sunny day- Lo and behold, today the sun appears :'(

Well, I suppose I should be getting on with things.
This is the first relative I have found that I was previously unaware of, so I just wanted to tell someone

Caroline :)

Title: Re: why do I leave things to the last minute?
Post by: 'Tricia on Sunday 24 April 05 09:32 BST (UK)
Hi, Caroline,

That is wonderful news. Have a great day.

I met a relative this way who turned out to live quite near and now we meet up at regular intervals. No photos, though, so that is an added bonus for your new relative if you can get them in time.

Good Luck ;D

Title: Re: why do I leave things to the last minute?
Post by: c w on Sunday 24 April 05 16:33 BST (UK)
Hello Tricia,

Managed to get the swings done it only took me SIX hours, just the photos to sort out now.

Caroline :)
Title: Re: why do I leave things to the last minute?
Post by: earley-bird on Monday 25 April 05 13:32 BST (UK)
there you go ! sorted.

I'm just the same. Every morning I get up have a coffee go online and end up getting to work late. So I decided to get up 15 minutes earlier.

Now I spend 15 minutes more on line and am still late for work !..... ::)

Have a really great day and be sure to give her a really big hug of welcome. :)
Title: Re: why do I leave things to the last minute?
Post by: c w on Monday 25 April 05 21:07 BST (UK)
Unforunately, the new found relative did not show. :(

I feel quite disappointed but there could be a good reason. I will have to wait to find out.  Never mind, hopefully there will be other opportunities to meet. :)
Title: Re: why do I leave things to the last minute?
Post by: 'Tricia on Tuesday 26 April 05 10:54 BST (UK)
Oh, no. That's not the message I was expecting :'( :'(

Title: Re: why do I leave things to the last minute?
Post by: earley-bird on Tuesday 26 April 05 11:36 BST (UK)
sorry to hear that CW  have you tried to call her?
She may be a little uncertain how to act in what is a unusual and emotional encounter.

Perhaps it might be best to suggest a new meeting on neutral ground perhaps a tea room near her home ground ?
Title: Re: why do I leave things to the last minute?
Post by: c w on Tuesday 26 April 05 12:35 BST (UK)
Hi earley-bird,

Thanks for your suggestion, I will give her a ring this evening to check all is well with her.
I am well aware of how unexpected things crop up - I never seem to have a day lately which does not include a minor disaster of some sort.

Caroline :)
Title: Re: why do I leave things to the last minute?
Post by: earley-bird on Tuesday 26 April 05 12:38 BST (UK)
It could be something silly like she may be embarrassed perhaps your house and life style is a lot differant from hers. Neutral ground is a lot less threatening to someone who may be a little lacking in confidence or anxious. Do make the call and I wish you the best of luck