
General => Technical Help => Family History Programs, Tree Organisation, Presentation => Topic started by: newbie on Tuesday 15 June 04 20:31 BST (UK)

Title: HELP I'm drowning
Post by: newbie on Tuesday 15 June 04 20:31 BST (UK)
How do you survive information overload? I only started a couple of months ago, I use the LDS program PAF, but I am accumulating information fast,  certificates, census etc. (don't tell husband they cost money ;D)
How do you record your searches for information, positive or negative since presumably nil results are still important, I'm forgetting what I've done already and today I found myself doing the same search all over again!
What methodology do you use to search your family tree? I seem to be all over the place!
any help appreciated ::)
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: Boongie Pam on Tuesday 15 June 04 20:39 BST (UK)
I use a hardback note book that lives with me.  I write everything I search.  It's so easy to be overwhelmed but I reckon one day it will dry up and I'll have the time to go back and clean up!!

Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: Chris in 1066Land on Tuesday 15 June 04 20:45 BST (UK)
Hi Newbie

I use the 'Log' facility in 'Generations' formerly known as Reunion. It enables me to create / Log everywhere I have been and searched and can also be used to create lists of where I shold look next for ancestors.
I think most Family History progrmmes have a similar facility.

Family file logs provide places to document your research efforts. For example, you could define a log for each major branch of your family and chronicle what research you have done relating to each branch: your library visits, your written correspondence, your upcoming tasks, etc.

Recording your research activities is important in helping you to avoid duplicating your research efforts. It may be helpful to make these notes as specific as you can. For example, if you've already extracted a census record from a particular county, having that noted in your research log will help you avoid doing it again the next time you happen to be searching that county for another family.

Chris in 1066Land
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: newbie on Tuesday 15 June 04 21:02 BST (UK)
Hi Pam,
Thank you for the reply just how big is this book? I started with a hardback book and each time I went to the Record Office to search the GRO I logged the years searched, B, M, or D., and when I used freebmd, but it's full already! I also used it to record all the certificates I was applying for I'm not sure I should be sending for so many but I fugure it's the easiest way to obtain information on fathers (marriage certs) and whether they were alive or not. Is there a better way?I've just started to use the Census and that's great, I've had good help from this site.
Could you explain how you went about researching, what line you followed first?
newbie ;D
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: newbie on Tuesday 15 June 04 21:06 BST (UK)
I don't think the LDS program has this log facility, I find it quite restrictive and am thinking of investing in a new program, I think I read a thread about computer software here before, must check again.
Do you print individual records, or just charts? How do you record the information when you're not at the computer?Have you designed your own research form?
OOPS question overload.
What methodology do you use for researching?
Thanks.  Newbie. :)
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: jaq on Tuesday 15 June 04 21:13 BST (UK)
i normally use the free Ancestry Family Tree. it has a "add notes" feature i can add notes, photos and cut/paste replies from other maybe contacts emails.
I back it up regulary onto re-writable cd, but Pam has the right idea, keeping a note book.. ;)

also, i scan all my birth marriage death certs into their own folder [as jpg]
so i keep the originals in pristine condition.
has some good advice on sorting your finds.

you can download lots of free forms and charts here to aid your organizing: all you need are a few sharp pencils  ;D

as you say, so much info!! dont drown, just take a breath and slow down a bit  ;)


Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: newbie on Tuesday 15 June 04 21:21 BST (UK)
Thanks Jaq,
I will check out the links. I hadn't thought of scanning them, but I have photocopied them. How do you store them? away from light and in acid free folders? mine are just in a polyfile, envelope style A3 from WHS. Should they be in acid free folders?
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: Chris in 1066Land on Tuesday 15 June 04 21:27 BST (UK)
Hi Newbie

Yes, I think PAF is a very outdated programme using only the basic Family History Databse facilities (now I will get lots of flak from PAF users)

Yes, I print individual records - Charts are a bit difficult as I have some 881 ancestors in my tree. - When I am going to Macclesfield to research that part of the family, I print out their records, put them into a loose leaf folder and enter notes and further info onto the correct pages as I do the research - entering them all into the computer at a later date (at least this way,  I dont lose notes on scraps of paper).

Most modern FH programmes have a variety of research forms built in to their software for you to print out and use (logs, census blanks, bmd forms, etc)

What methodology do I use - now that is the hardest question to answer - but I try to follow them through the census returns matching data up with that from Parish Registers.

I have spent many hours at the Family History Centre and have taken out every birth, marriage and death from the GRO Registers of my main line (my own surname - good job its a rare name)  - so that helps a lot.

After that, I try to put 'flesh on their bones' by looking for wills, school log books, street directories, trade directories turning names and dates into real people.

Hope that helps

Chris in 1066Land  
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: newbie on Tuesday 15 June 04 21:36 BST (UK)
Hi Chris,
I knew I was doing it all wrong, good job I've been to the library must read faster!
yes that helps a lot, at the moment I've started with the GRO and BMD information, then census, thats filled out the tree a lot with information on the family, brothers sisters, and then their spouses.  Hope to go to the Record Office where most of the information is soon and use the Parish Registers (if I can find out how to do that) and maybe Burials and School Admission Registers.  Also joined the FHS for the area (Glamorgan).
Thanks for the info,
Newbie :)
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: jaq on Tuesday 15 June 04 21:51 BST (UK)
Thanks Jaq,
I will check out the links. I hadn't thought of scanning them, but I have photocopied them. How do you store them? away from light and in acid free folders? mine are just in a polyfile, envelope style A3 from WHS. Should they be in acid free folders?

yes,acid free folders / paper ..
i just came across this useful info  from  Guide=ALL_REF_DOC_-_Organizing_Paper_Files.ASP
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: Boongie Pam on Tuesday 15 June 04 22:29 BST (UK)
I've been through 3 or 4 books in the last 6 months but you just can't beat it - the ultimate back up, unless there is a fire of course!!

I get ring bound hard plastic covered lined books about 4x6 inches but with about 160 pages.  End of the day I write up what I have on an excel spreadsheets and once a week update PAF (but may now use Legacy...I'm swithering ;D).

The Excel lists all individuals who are directs and siblings, collateral lines aren't included.  The columns 45 of them are in sections for births, marr, deaths, and census.  This way you can use filters so you know all the people you haven't found "a type" of info for e.g. all the people not having 1851 census entries.  It's also a good way to have all your info on the one sheet for taking to libraries etc.

THEN... I add new info to PAF so I can print reports or individual work sheets.   I then file source images on disc and printed in a folder with a refernce number - nowt sophisticated just B1 for a birth, D34 etc...

I use lots of Excels for census files etc to manipulate the data.

For filing it's a case of what works for you, no point doing something you can't mine to get the info out.

Anyway, here's a stile - end of my ramble...

Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: newbie on Wednesday 16 June 04 17:37 BST (UK)
Boongie Pam, Thank you for all that information, I had started to use Excel to record the BMD references but hadn't thought of using it for the Census as well, that is a really good idea, and also using the filters to extract what is missing.
Thanks newbie.
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: Chris in 1066Land on Wednesday 16 June 04 17:47 BST (UK)

One very big piece of advice:

Always keep a written copy of your research, and update it regularly.

Why; well we can still read books written hundreds of years ago - but soon, 78,s that became EP's and then LP's before changing into tapes which were soon replaced by Cd's and DVd's - will we still have the equipement to use any of these in 50 years time?

But our eyes will still be able to read books.

Chris in 1066Land  
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: Kazza on Wednesday 16 June 04 20:20 BST (UK)

Your method is very comprehensive,  very thorough.  I have been looking at it though to see if you are doing anything that I am not with my program,  which is RootsMagic.  

I got an evaluation version of it from the net after RootsChat's recommendation,  and it is so comprehensive I bought the full version from S&N.  The demo is at: (

It has an invaluable (For me  ;D) function,  a to do list.  You enter what you have left to do for each entry and you can print out a list of what you have to do at each data repository,  e.g 1881 search,  records office that sort of thing.  

You can store notes against each entry,  where you looked,  possibles,  that sort of thing.  And the reporting function is mind-boggling.  :o  It will actually print out the whole thing in a narrative,  a chart or anything in between.

I know I am still a relative beginner,  but I am a quick learner,  and I cannot think of anything that this program does not do,  all in one place.

I have the UK version,  available from S&N : ( and it came with lots of freebies.  ;D

As an aside:

(but may now use Legacy...I'm swithering ).

Is swithering one for the language discussion?  It is new to me.  :)

Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: Boongie Pam on Wednesday 16 June 04 23:29 BST (UK)
Is swither odd?  I love that word!  Dear me, a whole new line for me to ponder, where does swither come from - my welsh, english, scottish or irish lines?

The only reason I start on paper is that my old PC blew up whilst I was sitting next to it taking my hard drive with it.  I do back up all files on floppy or cd but worst comes to the worse I have it in m'lil black book.

The other thing is if you sit at a fiche reader, what's easier?  M'book is a winner  ;D

P ;D
Title: Re:HELP I'm drowning
Post by: Kazza on Thursday 17 June 04 00:56 BST (UK)

Absolutely agree about notebooks,  I favour the reporter's ring-bound type.   ;D

It was the electronic recording of the information I was referring to.  I just love RootsMagic and once I get raving on it I cannt stop.  ;D

Title: Re: HELP I'm drowning
Post by: loo on Friday 15 September 06 08:12 BST (UK)
I am probably the only person who is mad enough to be simultaneously writing everything up in book form on the computer as I go.  It may need a lot of editing, but everything I know is there, in my ever-evolving book, now almost 300 pages.  It has zillions of footnotes explaining which sources the info came from, including names of websites.  I do everything that needs further research in red, so that I can easily identify it.  When I order a certificate, I note that in large bold face red ("ORDERED"), with the identifying information;  when it arrives, I just delete that.  I insert photos and critical certs right into the text, but not all of them.
I do regular back-ups onto CD, and I print it all out every so many months and give it to my elders.
I did it this way because I wanted to be able to give something printed and readable to elderly relatives as I go.  I am afraid they won't be around for the "final" version, so there is a real urgency, as the key people are over 85.
I have other files where I keep lists of bmds etc., especially for particular family surnames, bibliography etc.
I think I must be mad, but I live by the virtues of Ctrl-F !
Title: Re: HELP I'm drowning
Post by: Silvilocks on Friday 15 September 06 10:04 BST (UK)
I am probably the only person who is mad enough to be simultaneously writing everything up in book form on the computer as I go.  It may need a lot of editing, but everything I know is there, in my ever-evolving book, now almost 300 pages.  It has zillions of footnotes explaining which sources the info came from, including names of websites.  I do everything that needs further research in red, so that I can easily identify it.  When I order a certificate, I note that in large bold face red ("ORDERED"), with the identifying information;  when it arrives, I just delete that.  I insert photos and critical certs right into the text, but not all of them.
I do regular back-ups onto CD, and I print it all out every so many months and give it to my elders.
I did it this way because I wanted to be able to give something printed and readable to elderly relatives as I go.  I am afraid they won't be around for the "final" version, so there is a real urgency, as the key people are over 85.
I have other files where I keep lists of bmds etc., especially for particular family surnames, bibliography etc.
I think I must be mad, but I live by the virtues of Ctrl-F !

I don't think you're mad at all - I think you're BRILLIANT  ;D I have to cope with an elderly mother who can't (not won't) get to grips with looking at things on a PC, she has to have it all printed off. I end up doing everything twice - dutifully entering all the dates and sources into Legacy together with lengthy notes. Then modifying Legacy's reports (because she doesn't find the format easy to follow). Adding all the 'meaty' bits, rather than just giving her a string of names and dates. Typing up (or C&P'ing  ;) ) info about locations, occupations, etc. No wonder I lose interest!

Off to start writing a book. Back in a very long time  :P


Title: Re: HELP I'm drowning
Post by: purplemoon on Saturday 23 September 06 22:13 BST (UK)

I've only been doing this a few weeks myself and I also feel as though I'm drowning!

I need to get myself more organised as I have stuff scribbled in notepads, as well as in various files and spreadsheets on the PC, but I've found myself going around in circles the last few days and repeating many of my searches as I think I'm trying to do too much/too many lines at once and keep getting distracted  :-\

I'm using the family tree on to store all my family data but I'm thinking maybe I should buy a proper programme to use now, any suggestions?

I've been doing so well with my research too, getting back as far as the early 1800's on several lines, but today I had a gut-wrenching moment when I received my gt grandmother's BC only to find I'd gone down the wrong track with her ancestors   ::)

I think it's time now for me to evaluate everything I've done so far and try not to run before I can walk!  ;D

PS ... I'm so thankful to have found this forum this evening and meet many like-minded people as I think my own family are sick and tired of hearing me go on all the time lol ... plus I can ask lots of questions when I get stuck! ;)
Title: Re: HELP I'm drowning
Post by: ambers on Sunday 24 September 06 02:51 BST (UK)
PS ... I'm so thankful to have found this forum this evening and meet many like-minded people as I think my own family are sick and tired of hearing me go on all the time lol ... plus I can ask lots of questions when I get stuck!

Me too :) :) :)....I was drowning in bits of paper.

Being a newbie I never realised how much there was to it, and like many I had to retrace my steps through lack of notes.
I have learnt so much from this topic to-night....thank you. :)
