
General => The Common Room => The Lighter Side => Topic started by: ScouseBoy on Monday 25 July 11 13:09 BST (UK)

Title: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: ScouseBoy on Monday 25 July 11 13:09 BST (UK)
    AS  A MIDDLE NAME                                                                                   My grandfather has got   someones  surname as his middle name.   Which I am currently trying to track down.

My father has got his grandmothers  surname as his  middle name, which has helped me track down his ancestors.

I have got my mothers maiden name as my middle name, which gives me quite a distinctive name.

It is a practice which can be of treemendous help in  compiling ones Family tree.
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: coombs on Monday 25 July 11 13:18 BST (UK)
For a sec I thought you meant give the mothers maiden name as the surname of a child.   :o :o :o :o :o

Yes I see now, the maiden name as a middle name. Has happened a few times in my family tree.
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: BumbleB on Monday 25 July 11 13:21 BST (UK)
I quite agree - except  ::)  My father and his uncle both had the middle name of Owen and I haven't the foggiest idea where that came from.  I haven't come across any surname of Owen in the families and it's bugging me.  No doubt one day I'll find the clue.

Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: coombs on Monday 25 July 11 13:25 BST (UK)
Sometimes they used the surname or firstname of a lord of the manor so pillar of the community or a friend. I have an ancestor sibling called William Warden Walder and Warden was the first name of the lord of the manor Warden Sergison.
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: Marmalady on Monday 25 July 11 13:28 BST (UK)
my husband's grandfather has the surname of his godfather as a middle name
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: coombs on Monday 25 July 11 13:46 BST (UK)
My ancestor gave two of his children his mothers maiden name as a middle name.
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: Billyblue on Monday 25 July 11 13:49 BST (UK)
It sure helps.  For a few generations after my Billy Blue ancestor died, children in various branches of the family had the name Blue added to their forenames.  Sure helped to consolidate the family tree and its various branches!

Dawn M
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: carol8353 on Monday 25 July 11 14:44 BST (UK)
My grandad was given his mothers maiden name of Mockridge as his 3rd christian name. That was so helpful when I started doing my family tree.

I don't think my hubby(or my sons) would have been too happy if we'd have used my maiden name (Rogers) as our kids middle name.

Our surname is Coleman.

Think about it girls and boys  ;D ;D :o

Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: ScouseBoy on Monday 25 July 11 14:48 BST (UK)
My grandad was given his mothers maiden name of Mockridge as his 3rd christian name. That was so helpful when I started doing my family tree.

I don't think my hubby(or my sons) would have been too happy if we'd have used my maiden name (Rogers) as our kids middle name.

Our surname is Coleman.

Think about it girls and boys  ;D ;D :o

   Very good..    Is there anyone called   Tess Tickle?
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: Marmalady on Monday 25 July 11 15:31 BST (UK)
One branch of my family have regularly used the name Beverley as a middle name and the names "Baron Beverley" for their sons.

The Barons married into the family in 1752, the Beverleys in 1803

There is also an instance of the name "Sergeantson" as a middle name - they married into the family in 1746

Another branch has at least 7 generations of "Francis Drake Waldron Wheatons"

certainly makes it very simple to spot "one of ours"
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: LindaJ1959 on Monday 25 July 11 16:58 BST (UK)
My maiden name is Francis, and my son has it as his middle name. So far I haven't come across this practice in my family tree, though.

Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: kitching on Monday 25 July 11 18:28 BST (UK)

One of my ancestors  was given the Fergus O Conner Sykes it was some time before i found out he was named after Fergus O Conner the Chartists.

Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: HeatherLynne on Monday 25 July 11 19:59 BST (UK)
Ten of the males in my Edden family have 'Rose' as their middle name over four generations!  I imagine I'll find a wedding of a Mr Edden and Miss Rose at some point but so far they're eluding me.

The majority of these men were plasterers by trade so I did wonder whether the Rose reference had something to do with plaster ceiling roses rather than a female's maiden name.  Unfortunately in this case Hugh Wallis's middle names index doesn't work as Rose is also a female first name.  (link for those who don't know the site I'm talking about  ).

Flight is a middle name that crops up several times in my Rassell ancestors and it took quite a while to find out where that came from.  A search at Hampshire Record Office for Rassell uncovered two bastardy bonds, one of which named the mother as Mary Flight  ;D

Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: Jeuel on Tuesday 26 July 11 10:02 BST (UK)
I've not found much of this in my family, but I do have a 2nd gt grandfather called Emmets Matthews, named after his grandmother Anne Emmets Matthews.  He didn't name any of his sons Emmets, but all of them had sons who had this as a first or 2nd name which made it easier to sort which Matthews was which. 

Incidentally one of the sons had a son with middle initial E. which I assumed was Emmets - not so.  It was Elsbury, after his mother.  Except that in her Wiltshire baptism she is named Aylesbury!  So you can't always tell!
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: Jeuel on Tuesday 26 July 11 10:04 BST (UK)
Ex had a grandfather named Edward Mandry Evans.  No idea where the Mandry came from, but I was chuffed to find Edward's death notice in a Welsh surname book in the old Family Records Centre, as an example of a variant of Mainwaring.

Much later, I discovered that Edward's gt x 2 grandmother's maiden name was Mandery.  But no one else in the family seems to have been named after her.
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: Rishile on Tuesday 26 July 11 10:54 BST (UK)
I have quite a few occurances of this in my tree.

One name that frequently crops up as a middle name and even a given name is 'Thompson' but I have no idea where it came from originally.  It certainly helps with the research when it does happen.

It sounds like a good idea - just need to tell all our rellies to change their names  ;D

Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: Johnoz on Tuesday 26 July 11 13:17 BST (UK)
I also think it's a good idea, but too late for me now, with 40+ year old children. In my tree, my only ancestor with this practice was my late father, Alexander Meffan Gourlay. Meffan, being his mother's maiden name.
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: suec45 on Wednesday 27 July 11 18:09 BST (UK)
I have my Grandmothers maiden name as my middle name which is Wightman My mother had her mothers & grand mothers Cassles & Wightman. Most of my aunts & uncles have also have maiden names going back at least 3 generations
When I started doing my tree I knew all the names just wasn't sure where they came in to the family it was  made much easier to search Even today when we talk of a female member of the family we still use their maiden name like my G-gran she is always known as Janet Kerr although her married name was Fraser.
Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: toni* on Wednesday 27 July 11 18:34 BST (UK)
i have to agree it would make things a lot simpler.

i do have Annie Holman a cousin twice removed from my gt gt grandfather who married Edward Smith and she luckily gave her children the middle name of Holman so they are Holman Smiths which helped find them amongst all the other Smiths but this hasn't continued in our tree.

Title: Re: I reccommend the practice of giving children the maiden name of their mother
Post by: Redroger on Thursday 28 July 11 08:54 BST (UK)
I know of several people named Michael Collins after the Irish patriot. However my main purpose of this post is to point out a situation which arises in Lincolnshire where there is a village called Mavis Enderby; there is at least one family who give their children this name. Somewhat embarrassing for the males I think?