
General => The Common Room => Topic started by: ec on Tuesday 30 August 11 11:34 BST (UK)

Title: Help with Emily
Post by: ec on Tuesday 30 August 11 11:34 BST (UK)

I need a bit of help with Emily Turnell b. 1844

I have her marrying Charles Smart Ravenor in 1862. Her father is listed as Edward Turnell, paper hanger.  One of the witnesses is Charles Edward Turnell who I believe to be her brother.

I think the father is Edward Baker Turnell who married Sarah Faithorn in 1824.

Sarah appears to be with children in 1841 - no sign of Edward Baker Turnell
Sarah/Sarah Esther  b.1827
Jane/Jane Sophee b. 1833
Sophia/Sophee Emily b. 1835
Charles/Charles Edward b. 1837

Emily isnt born til 1844 which made me question if it is the same family, but I also found Emily Turnell as a witness to the marriage of Sophee Emily Turnell and William Alexander Boon in 1859.

My big problem is that I cant find Emily with or without mother Sarah on either the 1851 or 1861 census.  In fact I cant find Sarah again until 1871 when she appears with Emily S Ravenor/Rawenor in 1871, as mother.  Emily is shown as a widow. I also can find no trace of a death or re-marriage for her.

Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: MaryA on Tuesday 30 August 11 12:23 BST (UK)
Where would all of this have taken place?
Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: ec on Tuesday 30 August 11 12:28 BST (UK)
Sorry - all St Pancras/Islington/Camden except Emily/Charles Smart Ravenor is Hackney - Grays Inn Road


Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: Valda on Tuesday 30 August 11 12:58 BST (UK)

There is a Sarah Turnell buried at St Pancras Cemetery on 2nd January 1894.

Deaths Dec 1893 
Turnell  Sarah  94  Pancras  1b 94


Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: ec on Tuesday 30 August 11 13:27 BST (UK)
Hi Valda

Thankyou, Yes - I think that is possibly her, which makes her all the more elusive!  There is a possiblity for her in the 1881, but shown as born Isle of Wight which doesnt tie in with the 1871 entry which says born Battersea.  Occupation is the same though - boot binder.  No sign of Emily though.  I cant find any trace in 1891.  The burial record says she was in the workhouse when she died.

This is a really problematic bit of my tree   :(

Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: MaryA on Tuesday 30 August 11 13:38 BST (UK)
Have you investigated the Kings (Charles and Jane) who married in 1852, she gave her address as Caledonia Road, could be a clue where they were living in 1841.

I would be suspecting that Edward is still alive at this date, not just because the marriage cert doesn't say "deceased", but because Charles King is also a paper hanger, and perhaps they worked together.
Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: ec on Tuesday 30 August 11 14:08 BST (UK)
Hi MaryA

Thanks for that - a possiblity I think - I will try and find Caledonia Road on the 1851. 

I did notice the paper hanging was common with Janes father, however I have not been able to track them down either as a couple after their marriage or Charles King previous to marriage in 1851 either!!

I tend to agree that Edward was probably still alive, but where he is is a mystery!

Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: MaryA on Tuesday 30 August 11 14:53 BST (UK)
I have a sneaking suspicion that they were living over the brush in 1851, shortly before they married.  ??? ;D
Smith Street, Camden Town. HO107; Piece:  1497; Folio:  547; Page:  61
He's a 24 year old Decorator from Tollington and she's 20 from St Pancras.
Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: ec on Tuesday 30 August 11 15:12 BST (UK)
Brilliant MaryA

I think you are right - shame they couldnt be living next door to some parents!!

At least thats one tracked down - thank you

Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: ShaunJ on Tuesday 30 August 11 15:41 BST (UK)

I reckon that's Islington
Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: ec on Tuesday 30 August 11 15:46 BST (UK)
I think you are right ShaunJ - thank you

Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: MaryA on Wednesday 31 August 11 15:21 BST (UK)
I think you should consider Tollington - my mother often talked about Upper Tollington Park area - at least keep it in mind until you have investigated further.
Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: ShaunJ on Wednesday 31 August 11 16:50 BST (UK)
I did note that in later censuses there is a Charles King, paper hanger or decorator born Islington but he has a wife Ann
Title: Re: Help with Emily
Post by: ec on Wednesday 31 August 11 18:39 BST (UK)

I'll consider both- Tollington is part of Islington anyway.  Not had any luck finding them on later censuses or indeed any of the others.  I have drawn a complete blank with Emily - she seems to have beamed down from outer space >:(

This family seem very mysterious - no sign of Edward Baker Turnell death, no sign of Emily until she witnesses sister Sophie marriage, no sign of her death or remarriage.....  Her sister Sophie marries William Boon, I cant find a death for her either which is very frustrating.  I believe William later takes up with Sarah Bryant nee Ayres, but I cant find a marriage for them either - very frustrating as she was my great great grandmother ::)

Thanks very much for your help
