
Research in Other Countries => Immigrants & Emigrants - General => Topic started by: lisalucie on Thursday 12 January 12 14:33 GMT (UK)

Title: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: lisalucie on Thursday 12 January 12 14:33 GMT (UK)
Hi, I am trying to trace William Hees born around 1866 in Germany. I think he came to England in the 1880s and married Catherine Goodman in Birmingham,Aston in 1899. I have found the family on the 1901 and 1911 census but it would be great to hear from any1 else connected to William Hees...does any1 know where in Germany he came from? Any1 else coonected to this unusual Hees name? Thanks Lisa.
Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: jorose on Thursday 12 January 12 15:56 GMT (UK)
I'm not connected but you might find this interesting:

Catherine Hees and William Hees were both exempted from interment in WWII.  Both files note that they are separated. For William's file (which has his dob registered as "19-05-1887" but I think it might actually be "1867"), it states his place of birth as Wurtemberg and gives a history of his movements, stating that he first arrived in 1895, had been back to Germany briefly, was interned in WWI, and has lived in Wolverhampton since 1920. shows a Johann Karl Wilhelm Hees, son of Daniel Hees  and Anna Marie (nee Muller), born 19th May 1867 and chrs. 30 May the same year at the Evangalical church in Bopfingen in Württemberg.

Does his marriage certificate confirm his father as Daniel?
Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: lisalucie on Thursday 12 January 12 19:07 GMT (UK)
Thank you so much jorose...I never knew any of that...I had actually looked on family search but couldnt find anything, but now u have the DOB 4 William I would say that its definately the same man as its the same DOB (so awkward when ancestors keep changing their names lol).
Am amazed that he was interned during WW1...I wonder where?
Thanks loads again...Lisa.
Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: jorose on Friday 13 January 12 15:16 GMT (UK)
It's not uncommon to see this for a lot of European relatives, where they have a couple of extra names at baptism that get dropped when it comes to day to day life. My French relatives do the same thing ("Jean Pierre Olivier" = "Oliver").

As he was born in Germany and hadn't become a citizen, regardless of how long he'd been in the UK he would have been classified as an "enemy alien". Probably in WWII he was exempted from interment, because of his advanced age, possibly in combination with the fact that he had been in England for a long time. Hence, "no danger in being at large".
There is little available on individual internees from WWI, but he may be in this record:
Nominal rolls of male enemy aliens of the age of 45 and upwards, submitted to the Secretary of State by commandants of internment camps, are included among a census of aliens in the United Kingdom from 1915 to 1924 in HO 45/11522/287235.
Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: Gervaise94 on Friday 25 June 21 15:51 BST (UK)
Hi Lisa,

I know this is a very old thread but I am also very interested to find out more about William Hees. My Nan used to talk about her mother Marie and Grandfather William Hees (changed from the more Germanic Wilhelm Hess) and she lived in the Wolverhampton area so I'm certain it's the same person. I am new to researching this information but if you ever managed to find anything on the origin of the Hees please do let me know.

Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: davecapps on Monday 02 August 21 06:56 BST (UK)
he was exempted from internment

Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: lisalucie on Monday 02 August 21 09:15 BST (UK)
Hi Ella, nice to hear from you…yes I did find a bit more out, I was in contact with a man also a descendant of the Hees and he had loads of info from when William was born etc.
I think you have to make 3 posts on here before you can receive a private message so reply to this one and then I’ll message you my email address and can send u what I’ve got x
Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: lisalucie on Monday 02 August 21 09:17 BST (UK)
he was exempted from internment


Thanks Dave, I assume he wasn’t deemed a “threat” by then.
Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: Gervaise94 on Tuesday 28 September 21 14:40 BST (UK)
Hi Ella, nice to hear from you…yes I did find a bit more out, I was in contact with a man also a descendant of the Hees and he had loads of info from when William was born etc.
I think you have to make 3 posts on here before you can receive a private message so reply to this one and then I’ll message you my email address and can send u what I’ve got x

Hi Lisa, so sorry for my delayed reply, I checked this by chance and saw you had responded! Here is my reply.
Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: Gervaise94 on Thursday 30 September 21 10:38 BST (UK)
Hi Ella, nice to hear from you…yes I did find a bit more out, I was in contact with a man also a descendant of the Hees and he had loads of info from when William was born etc.
I think you have to make 3 posts on here before you can receive a private message so reply to this one and then I’ll message you my email address and can send u what I’ve got x

Hi Lisa,
sent you a message.
Excited to learn more about this side of family after hitting so many dead ends.
Title: Re: GERMANY: William Hees
Post by: lisalucie on Thursday 30 September 21 13:43 BST (UK)
Hi Ella, will message you now x