
Ireland (Historical Counties) => Ireland => Wicklow => Topic started by: littlemissx77 on Friday 13 April 12 20:50 BST (UK)

Title: A Foundling in Wicklow
Post by: littlemissx77 on Friday 13 April 12 20:50 BST (UK)
I recently got a copy of an ancestors marriage certificate and learned from it that he was a foundling. His name Henry English and place of residence until his death was Stratford, Co. Wicklow. I know i will probably never know any information regarding his birth, parents ect....but i was wondering in what circumstances would a baby/child have been abandoned in the 1830's. Where would he have lived and would i ever find out who cared for him during his childhood. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Post by: CaroleW on Friday 13 April 12 21:08 BST (UK)

A foundling was an abandoned child.  The most likely reason for his mother abandoning him was she was unmarried.

The rest is speculation

She possibly left him at an orphanage or convent 

Where did he live - probably in an orphanage or similar institution
Unless somebody fostered him - he may well have grown up in care

Post by: littlemissx77 on Friday 13 April 12 21:15 BST (UK)
I wonder if Henry English was a name given to him by whoever took him in. How would I find out if there was a convent or orphanage in that area, they may hold records...although i doubt i will ever know anymore about this side of the family. Hit a big brick wall  :-[
Post by: CaroleW on Friday 13 April 12 21:30 BST (UK)

I would seriously doubt there would be records going back that far - particularly in Ireland

His name -- it could have been given by anybody.    Modern day abandoned children are often named after whoever found them or after members of staff in hospitals etc.

Back in the 1830's - it would be speculation again

How would I find out if there was a convent or orphanage in that area

In what area?  You know that he lived in Wicklow at the time of his marriage and his death but you don't know with any certainty that he was abandoned in Wicklow rather than another county
Title: Re: A Foundling in Wicklow
Post by: littlemissx77 on Friday 13 April 12 21:38 BST (UK)
Think i might have to admit defeat on this, thanks for ur replies
Title: Re: A Foundling in Wicklow
Post by: saradelgany on Tuesday 17 April 12 12:52 BST (UK)
I know this is a stretch but here it goes..Do you have a direct line descendant of this man?  If you can get a DNA sample of a male or female direct line descendant you can have it anayzed by Family Tree DNA and put it in their data bank for future comparisons to others...It's definitely a long shot but you might want to consider it.  You may be able to match to a direct line relative of this man's....I think they can match family members to within 3 or four generations...

Good Luck!!
Sara C.
Title: Re: A Foundling in Wicklow
Post by: GrahamSimons on Tuesday 17 April 12 13:05 BST (UK)
You might try an email or a letter to the local Family History Centre - they will have local knowledge...
Title: Re: A Foundling in Wicklow
Post by: littlemissx77 on Wednesday 18 April 12 12:46 BST (UK)
thanks sarahdelgany for your reply, I don't think I know a direct male descendant of his, but very interesting idea though. Did not even know you could do this. Thanks
Title: Re: A Foundling in Wicklow
Post by: littlemissx77 on Wednesday 18 April 12 12:46 BST (UK)
Thanks Graham, I think that is what I am going to do next.  :)
Title: Re: A Foundling in Wicklow
Post by: Murrell on Tuesday 09 August 16 18:52 BST (UK)
Hi there how about this thought the chances are that Henry was born in the area he died. A long shot l know but how about searching his area for church's that would take in children. Workhouses in Wicklow may have something to help with your search.
Someone suggested children are often named after person who found them. What about looking at the name of someone 20yrs or so older than your Henry. You may find out where that person lived.
Good Luck we always need that. K
Title: Re: A Foundling in Wicklow
Post by: dawnsh on Tuesday 09 August 16 19:46 BST (UK)
Hi Murrell

You've posted a reply on a topic started in 2012 and littlemissx77 hasn't been online here since then.

As long as she hasn't changed her email address, she should receive a notification that you have posted and hopefully come back soon.
