
Research in Other Countries => United States of America => Topic started by: windsor224 on Tuesday 19 March 13 20:50 GMT (UK)

Title: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: windsor224 on Tuesday 19 March 13 20:50 GMT (UK)
HI, I have the name of the birth mother of my mother but I have been unsuccessful in finding anything about her.  She was adopted immediately in the hospital by a pregnant woman who lost her baby. This was my grandmother but not by blood.  Do you think the hospital has any relevant records to identify and trace the birth mother?  I have NO history on one side of my family and I've been trying for years to get some clues.  Any ideas on where I can start? 
Title: Re: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: dawnsh on Tuesday 19 March 13 22:03 GMT (UK)
Hi windsor224

Welcome to Rootschat  ;D

Adoption became 'legal' in 1927, so no official records exist before that.

It might be possible to find out where the hospital where the birth took place has deposited its records, maybe a local archives, and see if any records survive there. However, many establishments have a closure period of 100 years and getting access to the records may be tricky. You would have to prove the birth mother was deceased and provide a death cert.

The birth cert should show the current address of the mother at the time of the birth, you could have a look at the electoral registers for that address to see who was there. However, the registers are compiled in the October of every year and until 1928 women under 30 didn't have the vote. She could have been with family who were eligible to vote though.

The birth mother might also have been sent away to have her baby so the address may not be a local one.

If the name is unusual enough, you could try looking for a marriage and subsequent children.

Also see if you can locate her in the 1911 census.

We do have a 'no living people' policy here on Rootschat but I would suggest that if all else fails you post her name here and we can see if we can help with more information. However this should be a last resort as the whole situation with adoptions is they can be of an extremely sensitive nature.

Hope this helps with some suggestions.

Title: Re: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: scotmum on Tuesday 19 March 13 22:07 GMT (UK)
windsor, you need to update your post to explain that it relates to an adoption in the USA, not the UK (based on what you asked in chat that is).
Title: Re: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: windsor224 on Tuesday 19 March 13 22:49 GMT (UK)
Thank you so much for your time. Someone in the chat room said that I should update my question to let you know it relates to the USA.  Your advice is still relevant and I'll try to contact the hospital it it still exists.  I'm sure this person is dead as my mother is also dead.  If any of this changes what I should do please let me know.  And, thanks to scotmum.
Title: Re: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: Erato on Tuesday 19 March 13 23:14 GMT (UK)
Maybe you should ask a moderator to move this to the USA board.  But, meanwhile, what state and city [or county] did the birth and adoption occur in?
Title: Re: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: windsor224 on Wednesday 20 March 13 00:25 GMT (UK)
It was in Baltimore, Maryland.
Title: Re: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: Erato on Wednesday 20 March 13 00:33 GMT (UK)
Here is a fairly recent message board post which doesn't make things look very promising.
Title: Re: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: Erato on Wednesday 20 March 13 00:36 GMT (UK)
On the other hand .....
Title: Re: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: windsor224 on Wednesday 20 March 13 11:55 GMT (UK)
Thanks a lot. This info is helpful. I appreciate your interest and time.
Title: Re: 1923 adoption of illegitimate child, how to trace birth parents.
Post by: shellyesq on Wednesday 20 March 13 12:03 GMT (UK)
Have you tried looking for the birth mother on the 1910 or 1920 census?