
General => Armed Forces => Topic started by: iwccc on Friday 26 April 13 07:15 BST (UK)

Title: 24th Battalion Territorials
Post by: iwccc on Friday 26 April 13 07:15 BST (UK)
I am looking for information on the 24th Battalion County of London "the Queens" Territorials.

My grandfather belonged to this group .  He was in Battalion "H" Company as a Private and later as a Lance Corporal in 1909.  (In 1914 he joined the Royal Navy)

His name was George Herbert Fluke.

I would like to have information on the Territorials - do they still exist? etc.  What did they do?
How many were in each group?  Did they wear a uniform etc. etc.etc.  Thank you in anticipation of help.
Title: Re: 24th Battalion Territorials
Post by: jds1949 on Friday 26 April 13 08:09 BST (UK)
You might do well to start here:

I believe that FindMyPast has the records of men who served in the Territorial Army - but that needs either a subscription or a visit to your local library, many libraries have a subscription and will allow you to access the site and the service details of individual men.

Title: Re: 24th Battalion Territorials
Post by: iwccc on Friday 26 April 13 08:22 BST (UK)
Thanks for your help.  I will try and follow this up.  As I am in Australia I'm not sure that our libraries will have the lists.  Thanks again
Title: Re: 24th Battalion Territorials pre WW1
Post by: millymcb on Friday 03 May 13 00:49 BST (UK)
MOD COMMENT - Post moved to main armed forces board (from Resources) as it relates to a question about soldier pre WW1 (and later Navy in WW1)

Title: Re: 24th Battalion Territorials
Post by: andycand on Friday 03 May 13 01:52 BST (UK)

Did your George Herbert Fluke marry Mabel Edith Francis in 1918? and then emigrate to Australia in 1926 with his wife and 2 young children? If so then he was only born c1893 and I think would have been too young to have been in the Territorials in 1909, maybe it was some form of Cadets perhaps attached to a Territorial Unit, someone with more military knowledge might be able to provide mor information.

You can download a Royal Navy record for George Herbert Fluke born 25th Dec 1892 for 3.36 GBP from the National Archives (London) (

Title: Re: 24th Battalion Territorials
Post by: iwccc on Friday 03 May 13 12:21 BST (UK)
Thanks.....yes this is the George Fluke (my grandfather).  I have a copy of a document that states "24th Battalion County of London "The Queens" This is to certify that the bearer No.1083 Pte. G.Fluke H.Co. has been attended and is a Soldier of the above Battalion 25.11.09 signed R.T.K. Auld Captain and
Adjutant 24th Battalion County of London, "The Queens".

He would have been a month off of 17 years. (b.25.12.1892).  I believe the Territorials were night time and Saturday soldiers!?!?   I really just want to find out where the group met, how many men, what they did, etc.etc. Photos would be great.   Thanks for your help Much appreciated.
I must try and get his Military records when I get a chance.  As I said before he later went on to join the navy and then after coming to Australia joined the Australian Airforce for WW2.