
Beginners => Family History Beginners Board => Topic started by: Green Magic on Monday 13 May 13 20:06 BST (UK)

Title: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: Green Magic on Monday 13 May 13 20:06 BST (UK)
Hi everyone,

Really new to this! I've been trying to trace my biological grandparents, having very limited information about them. From my mother's birth certificate I've managed to trace my grandmother and subsequently my uncles, but as my grandfather doesn't appear to have been married to my grandmother and there is no information about him on my mother's birth certificate, I seem to have hit a brick wall.

All the information I have: tentative surname Glover as the family had two surnames in use, likely born between 1910 and 1930, of Irish descent though place of birth unknown, possibly in the military by profession and the town where he was living in the 1960s. 

It seems like a generous amount of information but there are lots of records for people who fit that criteria and without connections to known family members (who are deceased) I can't seem to trace him.  :(

Can anyone offer any advice?
Title: Re: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: iluleah on Monday 13 May 13 20:44 BST (UK)
Welcome to rootschat

Not an easy time to look for someone, there is of course the 1911 UK and the Irish census, the Irish census is free to search/view and you can download the image as well,so you can hope he was born in 1910 so he is on it

You could also check on the index  which covers England and Wales to see if there is a death at that time of a likely Glover  also check in case he died during the War

Just a thought: You do have your mothers long birth certificate as the short one will not show parents.

It is difficult I have on single parent in one of my lines, who's mother was also a single parent and both women worked to support their own family so no records such as court, parish for financial help and have found it impossible to find either father...... maybe your mothers baptism record may have fathers name written.

Can't think of anything else you could look at but sure someone will have some more ideas
Title: Re: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: Green Magic on Monday 13 May 13 21:49 BST (UK)
Hi iluleah,

No worries, thanks for the advice! It would be helpful if he had been born 1910/11 as you say, rather than later, though I know nothing about his family of origin so if I did find him in the census I probably wouldn't know it!  ::)
The birth certificate seems to be the long form as there is my grandmother's full name and address with the father's columns left blank. My mother was baptised under her adoptive parents, who gave her a new name, and the adoption record mentions only the children's home where she was cared for beforehand. Maybe I could try an adoption tracing agency though I'm not sure if they only work when both parties are alive.
The women in your family sound very strong - good on them.  :)
Title: Re: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: alpinecottage on Monday 13 May 13 22:10 BST (UK)
Do you have any birth certs for your uncles?  There's a remote possibility a father's name may be recorded there.  Also have you tracked  down electoral registers for the dates and addresses where your mother and her brothers were born?  Your grandfather may have been living there too.

Title: Re: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: Green Magic on Tuesday 14 May 13 13:26 BST (UK)
Oh, good idea idea about the electoral register. I didn't think there was any electoral information available going that far back - seems to be just 1911 census and then more recent records for tracing living people (year 2000 +) but I'll certainly look into it.
I haven't ordered my uncles' birth certificates yet, partly because I'm putting off spending £20 to likely find nothing new, and partly because I feel a little bit creepy about ordering records of people I've never met. I know it's silly. Might just have to take the plunge!
Title: Re: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: alpinecottage on Tuesday 14 May 13 13:54 BST (UK)
Electoral registers from at least 1940s to 1960s should be available in the County Record Office of where ever your family lived.  They are /were organised by address which is why you need an address at a particular date.  May be worth giving the appropriate Record Office a call?
Title: Re: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: carol8353 on Tuesday 14 May 13 14:14 BST (UK)
Where /when did he die and under what name?

If it was after 1969 then the date of birth will be given,as long as the informant knew it.

If before 1969 then an approx year of birth and age will be shown.

Title: Re: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: Green Magic on Tuesday 14 May 13 14:30 BST (UK)
Thanks, I'll try the county record office.
Hi Carol. I don't have any of that information unfortunately. He could have died at any time over a fifty year period, anywhere in the UK. I'll have another look at the records anyway and see if I can find anything that matches what I know.
I suppose another point is whether my mother and her siblings shared the same father. I assumed they did but I don't really know for certain.
Title: Re: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: Green Magic on Tuesday 21 May 13 22:40 BST (UK)
Electoral registers from at least 1940s to 1960s should be available in the County Record Office of where ever your family lived.  They are /were organised by address which is why you need an address at a particular date.  May be worth giving the appropriate Record Office a call?

Update: I've found him!  :D
Thank you for suggesting the electoral register.
Title: Re: Can't find my grandfather
Post by: alpinecottage on Wednesday 22 May 13 11:24 BST (UK)
Good news!  Hope you can make progress now!