
Census Lookups General Lookups => Census and Resource Discussion => Topic started by: jenniferscullion on Sunday 24 April 16 20:42 BST (UK)

Title: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: jenniferscullion on Sunday 24 April 16 20:42 BST (UK)
I am looking for more information on my dad's side of te family and so far I've went back 3 generations (not much considering i'm 21)

So my grandfather is called Samuel Scullion: a coal miner born in Glasgow in 1921, married Annie Melia (1931- 1990) in 1950 and died in 1989. My dad didn't really know anything about is dad's side of family besides an uncle called Antony (who i still haven't found) so all research is my own.

Samuel's father was also a Samuel Scullion born in 1896 in Ireland and married Kathleen Deane in Glasgow in 1918. This man was in the 6th Battalion of the Leinster Regiment based in the Birr Barracks in Ireland and deserted the army on 28/06/1918 to I'm assuming, run away to Scotland to marry Kathleen. he died in 1959.

Now to the part where I need help. Samuel Scullion was a son of (you guessed it) another Samuel Scullion who lived in Ireland and married an Ellen Gillespie in 1889. This Samuel was a coal miner as found out in Samuel and Kathleen's marriage certificate (i'll attach below). Any information on this Samuel Scullion would be much appreciated. I tried searching for the family in the 1901 Irish census but all I could find was an Ellen Scullion with 5/6 children, one of which was named Samuel who was the same the as my young Samuel who would've been around 5 at this time. Older Sam was nowhere to be seen this time. Did he up and leave his wife and family behind? Was he working elsewhere to provide for his family? If anyone could help I will never be able to thank you enough! Researching alone is hard work!!

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Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: Elwyn Soutter on Monday 25 April 16 11:21 BST (UK)
Marriage of Samuel Scullion and Ellen Gillespie registered in Coleraine 3.3.1893. Daughter Mary b 5.9.1893.

You can view the original certificates on-line on the GRONI website, using the “search registrations” option:

You will need to open an account and buy some credits. It costs £2.50 (sterling) to a view a certificate.

Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: Skoosh on Monday 25 April 16 13:00 BST (UK)
There were Scullions in Kilsyth who worked in the pits & of Irish origin.

Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: jenniferscullion on Monday 25 April 16 13:07 BST (UK)
hi Elwin, thank you for your help.

Unfortunately I do not earn the means to spend a lot of money on my research just now so this option wont work for me  :(

however, on the irish genealogy website, the information is free. I have looked on here and the reistered date for the Scullion-Gillespie marriage is 1889. Is it normal for the records to be a little out of sync at this time?

hi Skoosh,
there are many Scullions around this area which makes it a lot more difficult for my research  ???
I'm a lot more interested in the generation of Scullion that were in Ireland as I cannot find any information on them in the census.
Thank you for your help though!
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: Elwyn Soutter on Monday 25 April 16 16:22 BST (UK)
hi Elwin, thank you for your help.

Unfortunately I do not earn the means to spend a lot of money on my research just now so this option wont work for me  :(

however, on the irish genealogy website, the information is free. I have looked on here and the reistered date for the Scullion-Gillespie marriage is 1889. Is it normal for the records to be a little out of sync at this time?

I would expect the records on the GRONI website to be the more accurate since they are the originals and are posted there by a Government Department. I cannot account for the different date on the irish genealogy site.
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: aghadowey on Monday 25 April 16 17:43 BST (UK)
however, on the irish genealogy website, the information is free. I have looked on here and the reistered date for the Scullion-Gillespie marriage is 1889. Is it normal for the records to be a little out of sync at this time?
The Irish Genealogy site lists the marriage of Samuel Scullion & Ellen Gillespie as 3 March 1893 as does GRONI-

Unfortunately I do not earn the means to spend a lot of money on my research just now so this option wont work for me  :(
It only costs a few pounts for credits to view certificates on GRONI's website which is really not expensive  :-\
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: aghadowey on Monday 25 April 16 18:32 BST (UK)
GRONI also has the birth of Samuel SCULLIN born 15 Oct.1895 Coleraine district (mother- Gillespie). Other than Mary in 1893 I can't see any other births for those parents in Ireland (checked up to 1902).

I think the family in Ahoghill is not yours-
Birth: Maggie Scullion 24 Jan.1895 Ballymena district (mother- Carlton)
Birth: Samuel Scullion 31 Jan.1897 Ballymena district (mother- Carlton)

Samuel's son Anthony Scullion (1920-1985) and other family members are listed on an online tree.
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: jenniferscullion on Monday 25 April 16 19:56 BST (UK)
That was very helpful thank you!!!

Where did you find this information and could you send me some links please? it would be much appreciated!!  :)
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: aghadowey on Monday 25 April 16 20:28 BST (UK)
You can search N.I. vital records online- Elwyn Soutter has already posted the link.
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: jenniferscullion on Monday 25 April 16 20:36 BST (UK)
Okay so I viewed Ellen and Samuel's marriage certificate for 03/03/1893 and found te name of Samuel's father however I cannot make out what it says: any ideas?? It looks like lairn or lawrn perhaps sort for lawrence?
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: aghadowey on Monday 25 April 16 21:33 BST (UK)
Where did the marriage take place? what was Samuel's residence? father's occupation? names of both witnesses?

If you can post the portion of the certificate that shows the father's name we can try to see what it says.
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: jenniferscullion on Monday 25 April 16 21:43 BST (UK)
I'll attach the document below. Thank you so much!

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Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: aghadowey on Monday 25 April 16 21:46 BST (UK)
You're only allowed to post a small portion of the certificate for deciphering purposes.

Samuel's father is James Scullion (note J in James formed same way as the J in John) and Samuel was living at Ballyversal.
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: jenniferscullion on Monday 25 April 16 21:56 BST (UK)
fabulous! you have been such a great help to me, I can't thank you enough :)
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: aghadowey on Tuesday 26 April 16 11:59 BST (UK)
See also
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: jenniferscullion on Tuesday 26 April 16 21:10 BST (UK)
So I found that on Samuel Patton Scullion's birth certificate, that his parents were James Scullion and Jane Kinney. I found their marriage certificate however it said that James was James Garvin otherwise Scullion. This totally baffled me and I can't find out why it is?! The marriage was on 25/07/1861, 10 years before Samuel was born. Could James have changed his name or been adopted? I'm confused. Please note that on their marriage certificate, it said his dad was John Scullion
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: aghadowey on Wednesday 27 April 16 10:39 BST (UK)
There was no official adoption in Northern Ireland until 1931. Previously what we call 'adoption' was usually just an information arrangement with a relative or friend looking after a child. It's not uncommon for children to assume the name of a stepfather, or mother's partner, but in this case it's possible that he was the illegitimate son of a woman Garvin, his father was a John Scullion and he was known by both surnames. Or, he was illegitimate son of a woman Scullion and her partner/subsequent husband was John Garvin.
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: Samuel Scullion on Tuesday 19 July 16 08:46 BST (UK)
my name is samuel scullion.I was called after my grandfather.he was married to kathleen and they had 5 children.anthony,samuel,james,joseph and father is james.I think Joseph could be the only one of them living.he was the youngest.I hope that helps a little.I dont know much about my dads side of the family
Title: Re: Ireland to Scotland Samuel Scullion Family Tree
Post by: jenniferscullion on Friday 16 September 16 21:28 BST (UK)
Hi Samuel, my grandfather was Samuel, your dads brother who died in 1989. Your dad James lives in Australia is that right? I know he emigrated there! All of my grandfathers family other than your dad stayed local. We all live in or around Glasgow bar a few but still all in the UK. Your great-grandfather was also Samuel scullion and he married an Ellen Gillespie on 03/03/1893 It's difficult finding info further down the line since they were both Irish and those records are far and few between but any more information I can get I'll  let you know ☺️