
General => The Common Room => The Lighter Side => Topic started by: Nannysgirl on Saturday 06 August 16 03:23 BST (UK)

Title: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Nannysgirl on Saturday 06 August 16 03:23 BST (UK)
Hello, I  am looking for anyone familiar with Lynton House in the early 1950s. I am from the States, and my father was stationed at West Drayton RAF base. We lived in several places in and around London but lived longest in Maidenhead. I attended Lynton House School for Girls. I  loved it!  I have been back to the UK many times, and did make it back to Maidenhead. I had a little trouble finding where the school once stood. I  did recognize the brick wall, only to find the school sad. However the gatehouse was still there. I  was so bold as to knock on the door and met the most delightful lady. When I told her I had gone to the school that use to be on that site, she invited me in and offered me tea and biscuits.  She had lived in the gatehouse for many many years.  We reminisced about a lot of things. Mind you, this visit took place back in to 90s.
I often think of my times in the UK and being  an anglophile, I  hope to return sometime.
After going on and on, (sorry) I am wondering if there is any one out there that was around at that time. It was a long time ago
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: nanny jan on Saturday 06 August 16 10:19 BST (UK)

Welcome to Rootschat.  :)

Have you thought about a letter/email to the local newspaper or radio station?

My dad tried the letter route to find some of his cousins, using an address from 60 years worked!

An internet site called Batchmates has a listing for Lynton House School but only one person registered.

Good Luck,

Nanny Jan
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Nannysgirl on Saturday 06 August 16 16:44 BST (UK)
Thank you Nanny Jan for your timely response. I will look into your suggestion.
Best regards
Nanny's girl

Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: P. Cunningham on Saturday 07 January 17 21:24 GMT (UK)
I attended passed Schools Certificate at Lynton House in 1948, earlier than your years there. I too was American, and went looking for the school on a visit to UK and like you found only the front gate. I didn't have the nerve to try to see anyone inside! But I loved my time there, even the freezing swimming pool, and I may have known young women in the lower forms whom you would have known when you were there. Shall we chat?

I should have mentioned that my best friend, Brenda, may have been teaching there when you were there. If so, you will know her last name. I have tried for years to locate her, with no success.
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Nannysgirl on Sunday 08 January 17 01:07 GMT (UK)
So good to hear from one who was Lyndon House. I do remember that cold swimming pool.....brrr. I 'm sorry, I  don't remember the names if any of my teachers, but I can still see them. One in particular was a blond lady with shoulder length hair.
I would love to hear from you. Was your father stationed there?
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: P. Cunningham on Friday 20 January 17 16:59 GMT (UK)
My step-father wasn't military, he worked for an American airline, buying properties in Europe for conversion to ticket offices. We lived in a tiny hamlet called Touchen End, near Holyport, Berks. I used to bicycle to school every day, about four miles. There was a teacher with shoulder length blond hair who taught Latin, not easily forgotten, Miss Horne. I have a photo of her. Miss Plumridge taught English, History and Scripture. I have half a dozen other photos of the school and the pool. The French teacher was small, red-haired and Irish. Her name, of course, was Mamzelle! My friend Brenda, who taught there in the early Fifties, was dark-haired and wore very thick glasses. It looks like I might be able to attach a photo, if I can just figure out how. (First I have to photograph the ancient photos in my album; give me a week or so!)
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Nannysgirl on Friday 20 January 17 18:29 GMT (UK)
So good to.hear from you. I  would llove to see the pics if possible.  I  lived in Maidenhead on Oldfield Road. I  caught the bus at the bottom of the hill up to Lyndon House, then back again, carrying my sachel. I had a friend Claire Nash. You have a great memory, I  wish I could remember my teacher's name. We were in the front room upstairs in the building away from the big house and past the pool.
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Grannymac2000 on Tuesday 02 May 17 14:46 BST (UK)
Just came across this conversation. Good to meet two others from Lynton House. I was there until 1961 when the school unfortunately closed. Miss Plumridge taught me A level English and we kept in contact until her death a few years ago. I went to her funeral in Exeter but there were no others from Lynton there. Too many years had gone by. Mme Ledesert was my French teacher and I also remember Miss Worral taking swimming lessons in that oh-so-cold pool next to the Sixth Form room. The only other name I remember is Mrs Rhind-Tutt who was probably much before your time. There were two Principals, whose names I forget, one of whom taught me German at O level. I have very fond memories of the old place. Happy times!
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Nannysgirl on Wednesday 10 May 17 18:43 BST (UK)
Hello Lynton House girls, just wondering if when any of you were at the school if you remember being a part of different groups, with different round (about 1/2" ) enameled colored pins we wore. I  was in the "Tudor" group and my pin was yellow. We met in the big house, I think maybe once a week. We sang from our little blue hymn books. My favorite hymn "Eternal Father Strong To Save."  I don't remember what else we did at the meetings.  Ah memories. I  do hope to get back over England before too long.
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Stuart House on Monday 25 December 17 20:50 GMT (UK)
I started at Lynton House when I was about 5 years old ,in1946. It is the only school I attended and left in December 1957. When I started the principles were a Mrs Hutchens and Mrs Sutton. Later Mrs Fuller and Mrs Wooster with Peggy Plumridge as the Head Mistress and Miss Mc Carthy the head of the Junior school which eventually was located in the adjacent property  called Shirley I remember when the  swimming pool was built , which was on a vegetable area .There are so many people I remember I could fill a book with information about the school. In 2002 we held a large reunion  and over 100 ex pupils attended, they came from various parts of the world .Mrs Fuller lived into her90,s and went to live with her family in Colchester, Miss Tyler also had a long life also Miss P Plumridge. I went to visit her a couple of times in Sidbury near Sidmouth, If I can help anyone with any information I may hold I would be pleased to do so .I still live in the area  and often pass where the school used to be situated. I enjoyed all my days there and felt it was a great shame that it had to close .I am still in touch with some of my old class friends.
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Stuart House on Monday 25 December 17 21:13 GMT (UK)
This is for  P Cunningham. The lady you seek I think is Brenda Green she was a pupil at Lynton and then returned to teach . Brenda had a younger sister Margaret who was my dearest friend , although in a class higher ,we all lived in Altwood Bailey. Sadly Brenda passed away in her late 30 early 40 s , and Margaret passed away in2008. I am still in touch with Margaret s surviving daughter Nicola .Please let me know if you receive this information. I hope I have the correct Brenda.    Mary
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: gayveal on Thursday 07 November 19 18:49 GMT (UK)
Hi,  I was at Lynton House School for 5 years from 1954 to 59.

I remember Miss Plumridge as being the absolute best teacher I ever had.  We learnt Shakespeare speeches and poems by heart, which I remember to this day.  I was pretty naughty, giggled a lot, sent out of class into corridor, or up to the heads!  Mrs Fuller and Ms Wocester.  The teacher who ran off with the groundsman (scandalous!!)  Miss Dark for singing - she had a black wart on her neck and we made up rude words for the songs (giggles again).  Mme Ledesert for French and geography.  Yes, the pool, I was captain of swimming!  Lancaster House.  Deportment flashes. Lacrosse in freezing weather.  Very good young history teacher fresh from uni.  Small bottles of milk at break.  Weekly boarded for the last term to try and get work done. I have to admit that the last day of school was my happiest. 
Love to you all xx
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Stuart House on Thursday 07 November 19 23:24 GMT (UK)
I too was at  Lynton  House and was in Stuart  House. I remember all the teachers  you mentioned and was in contact with the principles , Miss Plumridge  until their passing away,. I started at Lynton when I was  about 5 and left aged 16 and a half  in December 1957. My friends were Carol ,  Maureen , and Valerie , all these I still see at least once a year. Sadly Kirsteen  Loweth ,later Findlay passed away about 3 years ago , she had 2 younger sisters you may have known, What  was your surname at  school ?  are you  living in the Maidenhead area ? would like to converse with you more
Kindest  wishes,  Mary Cooper.

Names edited , living.
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Vivien Wilson on Monday 28 March 22 08:53 BST (UK)
I went to Lynton house from the age of four in 1949 until it closed in about 1961.  My sister Jenifer (Jenie) was also at the school.  She was seven years older than me.  Mrs Harmsworth (spl?) was the lovely  kindergarten teacher.  She called me ‘a funny ossity’. I used to wonder what an ‘ossity’ was and why it was funny!  Miss  McCarthy and Mrs Bringes both taught in the junior school at Shirley.  I loved art and English, but hated sports, although, strangely I didn’t mind the chilly swimming pool.  I was originally in Tudor House, then Lancaster House where I was often in trouble for having too many bad marks for talking!  I remember both the Plumridge sisters who were terrific teachers.  I also liked French (Mme Ledesert) and German (Mrs Fuller).  Mrs Fuller never had time to mark our homework as she was headmistress along with Mrs Wooster.  I  was in the same class as Elizabeth Emmett, Lisa Roberts, the Johnson twins, Barbara Flook, Sassa Perkins and Penny Hopkins, Giane Charpentier.
I now live in Sydney, Australia.  Sadly my sister died a few years ago.  My first job was at Harraps where I worked for Rene Ledesert (the husband of our French teacher).  Interested to hear from others in my year.  Vivien (nee Fleck)
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: Liz5893£ on Tuesday 26 December 23 00:37 GMT (UK)
Hi everyone. I recently bought my son a gas mask for Christmas as he is total history nut and it’s got the name R B Robinson, Lyton House School on the outside. Would love to know if anyone has any idea who this might be.
Thank you
Liz x
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: J H Anderson on Saturday 20 April 24 17:23 BST (UK)
Hi everyone. I recently bought my son a gas mask for Christmas as he is total history nut and it’s got the name R B Robinson, Lyton House School on the outside. Would love to know if anyone has any idea who this might be.
Thank you
Liz x
Hi everyone. I recently bought my son a gas mask for Christmas as he is total history nut and it’s got the name R B Robinson, Lyton House School on the outside. Would love to know if anyone has any idea who this might be.
Thank you
Liz x

Hello Liz
I can answer your question:  R B Robinson is my mother, Ruth Barbara, who was at Lynton House School during the Second World War.  She is now 91 and I was visiting her today.  She talked about her school and I suggested we google it. 
Is there anything your son would like to ask her?
Quite extraordinary!
Title: Re: Lynton House School in Maidenhead
Post by: MaggieRose48 on Tuesday 04 June 24 19:24 BST (UK)
I too was at  Lynton  House and was in Stuart  House. I remember all the teachers  you mentioned and was in contact with the principles , Miss Plumridge  until their passing away,. I started at Lynton when I was  about 5 and left aged 16 and a half  in December 1957. My friends were Carol ,  Maureen , and Valerie , all these I still see at least once a year. Sadly Kirsteen  Loweth ,later Findlay passed away about 3 years ago , she had 2 younger sisters you may have known, What  was your surname at  school ?  are you  living in the Maidenhead area ? would like to converse with you more
Kindest  wishes,  Mary Cooper.

Names edited , living.

Hi, my Nan and her sister went to the school in the 40s/50s. My Nans sister is called Valerie. I appreciate this may have been a common name. Was her surname Upson? (I said Brook before but that was a mistake, she would have been Upson).