
Beginners => Family History Beginners Board => Topic started by: SpanishOwl on Tuesday 28 March 17 18:01 BST (UK)

Title: Colman Family
Post by: SpanishOwl on Tuesday 28 March 17 18:01 BST (UK)
Good afternoon!

I've recently started a project on an ancestry website and I'm currently working on my Family Tree. I want to get as far as possible. I am a Uruguayan-born Spaniard living in Norway who took a DNA Test only to find out that I have distant cousins in England, Canada and the U.S. Following the results of the test, I decided to do a bit of research and I discovered that my paternal greatgrandfather´s mother was called Rafaela Paez Colman, the daughter of Fructuoso Paez and Francisca Colman. Needless to say I did not know anything about any English ancestor. Searching on the web I found out that the Colmans were in Uruguay and Paraguay as early as the 17th century. Ignacio Colman is believed to have been born in Paraguay around 1687. However, I am not able to get any further than this. I would like to know if there is any possible way/technique to get close to the "truth", since I do not have access to old documents. Do you know if any Colman emigrated to southern South America or Spain?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Colman Family
Post by: jim1 on Tuesday 28 March 17 18:17 BST (UK)
Hello & welcome.
You need first to try & find a line back from Francisca Colman to Ignacio Colman.
It's too great a leap from the 19th. C to the 17th. C without first finding if they are related.
Title: Re: Colman Family
Post by: SpanishOwl on Tuesday 28 March 17 18:33 BST (UK)

Thanks for the quick answer. I know for a fact that they are related. Francisca Colman was born in a very small rural town in southern Uruguay, just where all the other Colmans come from. There are not many Colmans in the region, so although I have not been able to find the papers (because they were lost after the parish was restored), it is very likely that they are related one way or the other. My main interest, however, is to trace the line back to England, to know if there are any registers of Colmans emigrating to southern South America.

Thanks! :-)
Title: Re: Colman Family
Post by: Rosinish on Tuesday 28 March 17 18:34 BST (UK)
"Rafaela Paez Colman, the daughter of Fructuoso Paez and Francisca Colman"

Sorry, I'm unsure whether you mean Colman was Francisca's maiden name or married name?

Title: Re: Colman Family
Post by: SpanishOwl on Tuesday 28 March 17 18:38 BST (UK)

It was Francisca's maiden name. In Spanish we do not have married names, so women keep their surnames.  ;)
Title: Re: Colman Family
Post by: Rosinish on Tuesday 28 March 17 18:40 BST (UK)

This is useful info. not only to myself but others too!
