
Old Photographs, Recognition, Handwriting Deciphering => Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition => Topic started by: StephenCND on Monday 26 June 17 12:08 BST (UK)

Title: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Monday 26 June 17 12:08 BST (UK)
I have a family letter in which I have been able to transcribe, however there remains a few sections/words that are beyond me, or require a second opinion.
This letter is from Stephen Coulson in Bridlington, Yorkshire, to his daughter Mary Ann Coulson Pinder (1806-1886) in Ontario, Canada. the date is April 20th, 1853 . (May Ann Coulson married  Stephen Pinder (1803-1882)

There are names and places mentioned that either I cannot make out, or am not 100% sure.  In particular, there is a mention of a daughter of a William Pinder .  Now Stephen Pinder had a brother, William Pinder (1806-1886), married to an Elizabeth Broadrick, and had a daughter, Ellen.  But other than the fact that she was born in 1838, I have no other information.
Or... Stephen Pinder's other brother, Jon (1802-1842). He had a son, William (1835) but I have no information on him. May have died in infancy.
 This William Pinder and his daughter are just one of  many hints  that have been elusive to track down . 
Anyways, here is my transcription and a link to the original.

"Bridlington, April 20th 1853

Dear Mary Ann,
I hope those few lines will find you and all the family well has it leaves us all here. Mother and I was at Foston when your letter came to hand and they was all very well at Foston and Mary came back with us and has been at Charlston a forthnight and Mr & Mrs
Barrugh and ??? are all very well and she has been at Flambo(rough) and Marthon ? a forthnight also and they was all very well there. And mother has been at Charlestone Three week. Mrs Barugh? has been at Thwing and ????????? are all very well. Mary W???son has been very ill and was not expected to get better but she is much recovered. ?? George Gibson of ??? his dead and ??? Thomas Huntley of Thwing his dead. ??? Bur???? has lost her son Martin in a feaver she has come to live in South ???? Lane. Mrs ? Gibson has come to Bridlington to live the farm of Mr. John Majors?  his ???. You would see in the newspaper I sent you of his death. William Pinder daughter called at our house on Sunday night on her way from Wold Newton? and Father and Mother and all the family was all very well and sent there best respects to all the family. ?? ?eeton has left ??? Pinder and has joined? her sister at a shop and Fells Park? Mrs Eliot of Scarbro ? his dead Mrs Hutchison sister. We has Mrs Carter a few days since and she failed?? very fast. Your sister A??ne?s was very glad to here of you walking out with Green baile's? or she thinks it his a good sign and that more of them will be coming. George Plot ? grows a very fine boy. Hannah has only very poor health they all send there best respect to all."!AifC60WL0cSMuVQzWD1v78iObhda (!AifC60WL0cSMuVQzWD1v78iObhda)
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Ruskie on Monday 26 June 17 12:14 BST (UK)
Mr and Mrs Barugh and Misses (with a long s that looks like an f) - so presumably Mrs and Mrs Barugh and daughters.

Flambro and Marton (there is a Marton Road in Bridlington). Flambro = Flamborough

Mrs Barugh has been at Thwing and her Burdass's are all very well.  :-\

Mary Atkinson has been very ill.

George Gibson of Octon (a place near Thwing)

old Thomas Huntley of Thwing his dead.

Yes, Wold Newton (is a place near Thwing)

M.. (line through the word which could be Miss Mrs or Mary or something else) Burdass has lost her son Martin in a feaver she has come to live in South Back lane.

Mrs T Gibson  has come to Bridlington to live the Farm of Mr John Mazone (could be Majors) his ?

Miss Seeton has left Miss Pinder and has joined her sister at a shop and sells pork

We has Mrs Carter a few days since and she failes very fast.

Scarbro = Scarborough

We had Mrs Carter a few days since

your sister Agnes

George Robt = George Robert grows a very fine boy

(sorry this is a bit of a mess - I was too-ing and fro-ing to try to fill in some of the gaps - I hope it makes sense)

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Ruskie on Monday 26 June 17 13:11 BST (UK)
It would be interesting to try to locate these people in the 1851 census. I had a quick look and a couple of families stood out though I don't know if these are the ones mentioned in the letter -:

A Richard Barugh in Thwing - a farmer with many workers in residence including a John Pinder, who may fit in with your family.

There is also a Burdass family in Thwing - another farmer employing many people.

I also found a Thomas Huntley and a Mary Atkinson living in Thwing. This Thomas was 80 years old in 1851, Mary is 66 - they live few doors from each other.

Although I think the writing looks like John Mazon or Mazone, that is not a name found in the area. There is a John Mason and family living in North Back Lane. This John is an ag lab rather than a farmer (ie he doesn't have a farm) so I don't know if it is the same person that Mrs Gibson went to live with.

There is a South Back Lane in Bridlington, which confirms that the address is the correct place where Mrs Burdass went to live after her son Martin died. I found Martin L Burdass aged 7 in the 1851 census living with his mother Jane Burdass a 47 year old widow. They were living in Albion Place, Burlington Road, Bridlington.

Obviously, apart from Martin and Jane Burdass, I have no idea if these are the same people who are mentioned in your letter, but I thought you may find it interesting. :)


Deaths Mar 1853   
Burdass  Martin Lowish   
9d 188

Deaths Sep 1852   
Huntley  Thomas     
9d 223

Deaths Mar 1853 
Gibson  George     
9d 196 

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: alpinecottage on Monday 26 June 17 14:34 BST (UK)

Mrs T Gibson  has come to Bridlington to live the Farm of Mr John Mazone (could be Majors) his ?

I think the last phrase is "his sold"  meaning Mr Gibson's farm has been sold.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: josey on Monday 26 June 17 14:47 BST (UK)
Agree alpinecottage... there is a consistent 'his' for 'is' & lack of punctuation throughout.

Mrs Barugh has been at Thwing and her Burdass's are all very well.  :-\
I think it is 'Mr Burdass's are all very well' ie Mr Burdass' family are all well.

Good finds on the 1851, Ruskie;

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Ruskie on Monday 26 June 17 14:52 BST (UK)
I agree with 'sold' alpine. I thought I could see 'old' but it didn't make sense. :)

Also agree josey, that it is Mr Burdass.  :)
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Tuesday 27 June 17 18:05 BST (UK)
Thank so much everyone.  The letter is making much more sense.
Ruskie, thanks for the additional information. This John Pinder you mention in the 1851 census, seems to be a farm hand as you suggest. It indicates that he is 16 years of age... I cannot come across a fit with anyone in my family tree, unless there is another John Pindar(er) that's uncounted for.  I don't rule out that possibility.
Now William Pinder's daughter is intriguing. It confirms that there is a family/social interaction between more than one member of the Pinder family (Someone other than Stephen Pinder)
There is a William Pinder (1806-1876) Married to Elizabeth Broadrick (1809-1879). William is the brother to Stephen Pinder (1803-1882), my great-great-great Grandfather..
William had a daughter, Ellen (B1838 - ?  ), and according to the 1851 census, he resided in Wold Newton. Looks like a good fit. He still shows up in the 1861 census in Wold Newton, but Ellen does not. She would be 23 by then. Perhaps married? . By 1871 they (without Ellen) are in the Ontario, Canada census (District of Kent, sub disctrict of Harwich).  Many Pinders from this area ended up in canda. Starting to wonder if there are any that still remain in Kilham and surrounding areas. 
This has been a fascinating trip so far.. it's to the point where I am considering a vacation there to set eyes on where it all began.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Tuesday 27 June 17 20:50 BST (UK)
I have been trying to find the news clipping of the death of William Pinder mentioned in the letter.  So far, no luck, but I did run into something that might be of interest.

In the 1861 census, Stephen Coulson has his widowed daughter Agnes Nicholson living with him, which would be the Agnes mentioned in the letter:

From the newspaper, The Bridlington Express 23 Nov 1861
Bridlington--November 16, at the Parish Church,
by the Rev. H.F. Barnes, M.A., Mr. Coulson
Hutchinson, farmer, Flamborough, to Mrs. Agnes
Nicholson, of Bridlington.

Your letter mentioned a deceased Hutchinson.

I'll keep looking for the Pinder article; hopefully it will show up!

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Tuesday 27 June 17 22:49 BST (UK)
Ah yes, Agnes Nicholson.  She married Robert Nicholson and had two children by him. Hannah in 1846 and George Robert Nicholson (B1852). She remarried a Coulson Hutchison and had a daughter with him (Mary Jane Hutchison in 1863).  Not sure what happened to Coulson Hutchison. He doesn't show up in any of the census records I have for Agnes.

Hannah writes about her brother and family in this 1860 letter.
 Below is a rough transcript.. plus links to the original letters. there are sections i cannot quite make out but on the whole, Hannah's writing is pretty good. (I have grown fond of Hannah through these letters. She is a good soul ).  She's in the 1871 census (aged 25), but not in that of the 1881 . Always wondered what happened to her.

"Letter from Hannah Nicholson to Mary Ann Coulson
           Bridlington, England       Toronto Upper Canada


Bridlington, Oct 11th, 1860

My dear aunt Mary Ann,

We wrote to you about three months since and as ever have not received a letter from you since. We thought it had perhaps not been directed rightly or were going to write to cousin Adelaide but we did not know wheather she lived at the same place that she did live at or not so when you write again we shall be very glad if you will send us her direction and there I will write to her. Grandfather and Grandmother have both failed but at the present they are both as well as they have been for some time. Uncle aunt mother and George Robert are very well. They were at Foston?? a week was on Sunday? they  are all very well at Foston?? but Cousin William  and he looks very poorly they all send thier respect to you. Aunt Harriet is very well you should know that she has gone to be housekeeper for Mr. Champion ?? of Quay she likes very well. Mr. Champion(??) is going away in a week to stay until after Christman and Aunt Hariet is coming to stay with us. Mr. & Mrs Barugh?? Mr & Mrs J Burdass?, Mr & Mrs S Bardass are all very well. Aunt Burdass is not very well, Aunt Clifford ? has been this summer but is going away in about three weeks she is pretty well. Mrs Nicholson her daughter has been for a


week and is very well. She has three sons and one daughter she had two of them with her. The weather has been so very dull this summer that there has not been so many visitors at the Quay as usual. Every body is very busy about the harvest the last week has been fine and there has been a little wheat ??? if it continues so I think the harvest will be very well got ??? When you write again will you tell us  where all my cousins are and what they are doing and how Mary gets on with her store and how many children cousin Adelaine has and how many cousin M???? has. You sent us a new York ledger and a newspaper.  I took possession of the new York ledger. I liked it so much. I am sure I shall be very glad if you will send me another sometime.  Eliza Dr???? is still at Charlston(??) and you would not know Mr. Barugh's house they have built almost another house to it. They have a governess from Leeds. Grandmother was at Marton on Saturday Mr & Mrs Simpson are both well. Mr Hutchison of Flambro is well. Grandmother sent you her  ???? and is afraid you have not got it. Grandmother often talks about Bennison and says she should like to see him and should think John and Matilda have grown very much. We were all very glad to hear from Mary and shall all be very

Next page

glad to see her as any of her brothers or sisters when ever they can make it convenient to come to see us in England. Will you tell all my cousins that  I think they have forgotten they have a cousin Hannah in England and that I shall be very glad if they will write to me before long.

Grandfather Grandmother Mother Aunt & uncle & aunt Harriet join(?) with George Robert and myself in sending our very best love to all. Hoping you all are quite well and to hear from you soon. I remain dear aunt, your affectionate niece, H. Nicholson.

P.S. George Robert has grown a very tall boy and goes to mr. Graha???'s school. He sends his love again. Allow me to remain your affectionate Hannah"!AifC60WL0cSMuG6Oty6rbnXkWyLn!AifC60WL0cSMuG-HjulK9gnQ1IeJ!AifC60WL0cSMuHABNsdgNH4LSqpB

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Tuesday 27 June 17 23:59 BST (UK)
Not sure what happened to Coulson Hutchison. He doesn't show up in any of the census records I have for Agnes.

FreeBMD has his death in 1869.

I can't find any notice in the papers of his death, but this from 1870:
19 February 1870 - Driffield Times - Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire, England


Beg to announce that they have received instructions
from the Executors of the late Mr. C. Hutchinson to

The whole of the Valuable
Implements. &c., compromising
9 horses
30 beasts
95 Leicester EWES in Lamb
3 G?lts in PIG
6 Store Pigs
        Poultry &c
With the whole of the AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS &c.

Sale at half past ten in the morning.
For particulars, see hand bills which may be had of
the auctioneers.

On a side note:
The Yorkshire Gazette (York, England), Saturday, May 03, 1845; pg. 5

On Wednesday, the 23rd ult., at the parish church, Bridlington, by the Rev. J. Walker, Incumbent of Flambro', Mr. Robert Nicholson, of Flambro', shoemaker, to Agnes, daughter of Mr. Stephen Coulson, of Bridlington, horse dealer.

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Wednesday 28 June 17 00:46 BST (UK)
Ruskie transcribed : M.. (line through the word which could be Miss Mrs or Mary or something else) Burdass has lost her son Martin in a feaver she has come to live in South Back lane.

As a follow-up:

The Yorkshire Gazette (York, England), Saturday, February 19, 1853
On Tuesday, the 15th inst., at Bridlington, aged 9, Martin, only child of the late Mr. John Burdass, jun., of Bessingly, farmer.


The Sheffield & Rotherham Independent (Sheffield, England), Saturday, January 13, 1849

On Sunday, at Bessingby, near Bridlington, aged 44, Mr. John Burdass, farmer.  His death was occasioned from the effect of a gun shot received in one of his legs, on Saturday, the 30th December, from a spring gun in one of the plantations at Bessingby, which had been placed there by his own hands.  The limb was much shattered. Dr. Pierson was called in, and the case went on without any unfavourable symptoms until locked jaw ensued, and death relieved his sufferings on the morning of the day above stated.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Wednesday 28 June 17 13:25 BST (UK)
Mrs ? Gibson has come to Bridlington to live the farm of Mr. John Majors?

The Hull Packet and East Riding Times, Friday, February 27, 1863
February 23, at the Priory Church, Bridlington, Mr J Kingston of Flamboro', to Mrs. Gibson, of Bridlington, daughter of the late Mr J Major, of North Burton.

From other snippets I've read his farm was technically in Rudston, near Bridlington.  (Stephen Coulson was also originally from North Burton according to some mentions in random articles.)
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Ruskie on Wednesday 28 June 17 14:27 BST (UK)
Some excellent information bbart. It all helps to get a sense of these people's lives and add to their stories.  :)
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Wednesday 28 June 17 15:48 BST (UK)
Amazing information. Really helps to weave a compelling image of how life was at the time.
Combined with the family letters in my possession that stretch into 1876, it's all very immersive.

I do have a letter, dated October 7th, 1863 . I do not have an envelope, nor do I know who sent it, and I suspect it's missing a page. I believe it was sent to Mary Ann (Coulson) Pinder. It is addressed as "Dear Cousin". and mentioned many of the same people as in the previous letter.  If at all interested, I guess I could share a link. You have all been very helpful, and if you want to hear more, I'd be more than happy to share.

 I have to ask you though, how do you dig up this information, particularly within newspapers? Not that I have looked into it that deeply, but many seem to offer access only through paid subscription.

Anyways, back to the hunt.. The more one looks, the more paths are open it would seem .
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Wednesday 28 June 17 22:29 BST (UK)
Thanks Ruskie!  I love finding the little stories on ancestors.  It somehow raises them from being merely a date of birth, marriage, and death on a piece of paper.

Stephen, you are right about most newspapers being pay sites, but google still has its newspaper archive, libraries have varying resources, some cities have put some online.   It's so variable depending on the area you need, but I do find the availabity increasing each year.  The first step is to search google for "archived newspapers (city name)", then start digging from there.

I'm still not having much luck finding much on the Pinders.  If you want to put the link up for the cousin letter, we might be able to figure out who it is from; I don't think that would too off-topic for this thread.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Wednesday 28 June 17 23:09 BST (UK)
If it doesn't go against any rules, I can certainly put up the next letter.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Wednesday 28 June 17 23:24 BST (UK)
Fine by me!

Heh.... no wonder I couldn't find much on William Pinder.... he and his family came to Canada; I was looking in England.  ::)
Sadly, within days of his death (27 Mar 1879 Kent County, Ontario), wife Elizabeth died on 04 Apr.
Informant for both was George Pinder (possibly a brother)
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Wednesday 28 June 17 23:56 BST (UK)
The last letter was dated 1860, but there is a previous letter, dated 1854.
The letter is from Stephen Coulson to his daughter Mary Ann Coulson Pinder, living in Ontario Canada at this point.
I must warn you, the handwriting, punctuation and condition of the paper is a difficult read

June 21st 1854
Letter from Stephen Coulson to Mary Ann Coulson
           Bridlington, England       Toronto Upper Canada


Bridlington, June 21st, 1854

Dear Mary Ann,

We recieved a letter from you dated March 8th which gave us great pleasure to hear from you and we was very glad to here that you and Stephen was both well as also the Children and we was also glad to here that you have got a more profitable situation you wrote you should like to have a farm of own but if you can keep the situation (?) you now both we think it will be better then you renting one as you now know what you are doing and has no risk ?????? of any thing but however that we will leave to yourselves to be best  judges  how and ? that before you recieved this I hope you will have recieved a newspaper  we sent a few days since to inform you of the death of Mr Bur???? of Thiving? and in this you will find a card inclosed in remembrance of him who died on June 6th it was a very large funeral he has been gradually failing a years or more. He only took to his bed about a fortnight at the last and he was very recieved(?) afflicted his complaint(?) was the gravel he was ?? heavely afflicted that you might here him moan all the ????? over he will be a very missed man in the family. And the servants all say they have lost one of the best masters


Mrs Bar??? was here today buying m????? she has got another daughter she was confined in March and she has been a great deal at Thwing?? during her father ???? and Eliza(?) Dixon has been at Cha????  really eight months. They are all very well at ?oston and ??? and Eliz has both joined the Methodist Society they all send there best respect to all the Family. Mother and I am going to spend a few days last week and we was at Flambo a few days last week and Aunt Hurthenson??? keeps meddling in the heath? for her years and Coulson ?? P??? are both very very well. ??  Hutchison is very ill and Harriet is very much mis him? as she will not have any  one to want her but ??? se sends her best respect to you all and hopes you are doing ???? George Nicholson & Selina are both very well and send their best respect. Agnes?  ???? very well . Hannah has grown a nice girl and sends her best respects to you all and she will send you a letter in a little time. She has left ??? School for holiday and George Roth?? has ?? fine boy and is very fond of Moses ?? and  cows? indeed he takes great delight in all sort of stock and says he will a farmer. His  ??? has had a letter from her

next page

 son and he named you in it and said he has seen you and that you was all well. He (she?)  called in to inform Agnes? of it. I have had a very sickly winter myself. I am very much troubled with an ulcer in my throut I have had it cut three times this winter and it made my
throat very painful so that I cannot eat anything that is hard but thankful ? I have got a great deal better since it was cut. Mother has also been poorly a great part of the winter but has got much better and joins me in best respects to Stephen yourself and all rest of the family. I hope you will excuse  ??? and mistakes.
I remain yours sincerely,
Stephen Coulson

Envelope!AifC60WL0cSMuRo1UsGOjt5G6eGh (!AifC60WL0cSMuRo1UsGOjt5G6eGh)

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Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Ruskie on Thursday 29 June 17 02:18 BST (UK)

If you require help with any specific branches of the family, or anyone in particular, you could start a new thread on the appropriate board. It would be a good idea to provide a link to this thread, as it contains a lot of background information.

It is all moving on very nicely here thanks to bbart, but it is getting more complex and it is probably unlikely that you will get anyone new on board to chip in as there is quite a lot of material to wade through. (Fascinating though it is)  :)

By the way, if you are looking for access to newspapers, FindMyPast has a £1 for one month offer on at the moment (ending on the 2nd of July I think) so you have to be quick. You need to register with your credit card details if you have not already done this in the past. Remember to opt out of continuous membership though, or they will automatically take the full amount from your credit card next month. There is a password to enter which gives you the discount. I will try to find the link to the appropriate thread.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Ruskie on Thursday 29 June 17 02:54 BST (UK)
Thread about the latest Find My Past offer:
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: josey on Thursday 29 June 17 10:08 BST (UK)
It is all moving on very nicely here thanks to bbart, but it is getting more complex and it is probably unlikely that you will get anyone new on board to chip in as there is quite a lot of material to wade through. (Fascinating though it is)  :)
I have been following the thread & certainly found it fascinating. I envy Stephen for having such wonderful letters in his family archive. Have been a bit too busy to contribute much but will when I can. 
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Thursday 29 June 17 11:31 BST (UK)

If you require help with any specific branches of the family, or anyone in particular, you could start a new thread on the appropriate board. It would be a good idea to provide a link to this thread, as it contains a lot of background information.

It is all moving on very nicely here thanks to bbart, but it is getting more complex and it is probably unlikely that you will get anyone new on board to chip in as there is quite a lot of material to wade through. (Fascinating though it is)  :)

Point well taken.  I will restrict this thread strictly to transcription requests.
Any searches will be in the appropriate form.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Ruskie on Thursday 29 June 17 14:19 BST (UK)
It was just a suggestion Stephen - there aren't any real rules on what can be researched on this board.  :) Sometimes if people are on a roll it is fine to continue as you are. It is up to you to make the call.  :)

Depending on if or what help you would like, I just thought you might get additional help from one of the other "specialist" boards.  :)

(Remember to subscribe to the FindMyPast offer).  ;)

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Thursday 29 June 17 14:51 BST (UK)
It was just a suggestion Stephen - there aren't any real rules on what can be researched on this board.  :) Sometimes if people are on a roll it is fine to continue as you are. It is up to you to make the call.  :)

Depending on if or what help you would like, I just thought you might get additional help from one of the other "specialist" boards.  :)

(Remember to subscribe to the FindMyPast offer).  ;)

I agree completely.. it was getting messy! Best to keep the research questions in the appropriate forum.

Regarding the $1.00 FindMyPast offer:  I did look right away butdidn't find anything.  I am subscribed to their services, but didn't see anything in their site that would lead me to this particular offer. Could it be a UK offer only? 
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Ruskie on Thursday 29 June 17 14:59 BST (UK)
Do you have a current FindMyPast subscription?

If it has lapsed, just sign in as usual and (probably) on the subscribe page enter the code BIFAMILY and the cost should adjust to one pound. I know some Australians have taken up the offer. Maybe try I haven't subscribed to this one and can't recall the exact step by step instructions to take up these offers. I will have a look and get back to you if I find anything.

I tried this with but it may work with others
- sign in
- click on 'subscribe' on top right
- you will see boxes with the normal costs for 12 month or 1 month
- on the right you will see "got a discount code" enter the code BIFAMILY (all capitals) into the box, click 'apply', and the monthly cost comes down to one pound.

Good luck (and remember to uncheck auto renewal).

Added: I have just signed up - it is a World Subscription.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Thursday 29 June 17 16:27 BST (UK)
Hello Ruskie,

Got this all sorted out. Chatted on line with a FindMyPast agent.
I have a "World" package, that apparently includes newspaper access.
I already got the first month free, but the discount code is still applicable. It will be applied after this (paid) month expires.   Or so the agent says...
So, i must thank you for giving me this tip.  :)
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Thursday 29 June 17 22:55 BST (UK)
I'll still post on the second letter, so as not to waste my work on it.

Stephen Coulson, author of the letter doesn't use a lot of punctuation, and tends to add a silent h to as, and is, (ie. he puts has/his, for as/is) , so the following is not a transcription; more of an edited version of his letter as I have added in brackets an occasional word, and added a bit of punctuation. Postscripts are in a following post, as I hit the character limit to make it all one post.

Bridlington, June 21st, 1854

Dear Mary Ann.

We recieved a letter from you dated March 8th which gave us great pleasure to hear from you and we was very glad to here that you and Stephen was both well as also the Children and we was also glad to here that you have got a more profitable situation. You wrote you should like to have a farm of (your) own but if you can keep the situation you now hold we think it will be better then you renting one, as you now know what you are doing and (it) has no risk to ruin of any thing, but however that we will leave to yourselves to be best judges as regard (to) that. Before you recieved this I hope you will have recieved a newspaper  we sent a few days since to inform you of the death of Mr Burdass1 of Thwing and in this you will find a card inclosed in remembrance of him who died on June 6th it was a very large funeral he has been gradually failing a years or more. He only took to his bed about a fortnight at the last and he was very heavily afflicted his complaint was the gravel2. He was so heavily afflicted that you might here him moan all the house over he will be a very missed man in the family. And the servants all say they have lost one of the best masters.


Mrs Barugh3 was here today buying mourning.4 She has got another daughter; she was confined in March and she has been a great deal at Thwing during her farther5. Johness6  and Eliza Dixon7 has been at Charleston 8 really eight months. They are all very well at Foston and him and Eliz has both joined the Methodist Society they all send there best respect to all the Family. Mother and I am going to spend a few days with them next weekend and we was at Flambo a few days last week and Aunt Hutchinson9 keeps middling in the health10  for her years and Coulson and Robt. are both very very well and Mr and Mrs Simpson11 are both very well. Old Mrs Hutchison is very ill and Harriet is very much this time as she will not have any  one to wait her but her sends her best respect to you all and hopes you are doing well. George Nicholson & Selina12 are both very well and send their best respect. Agnes keeps very well . Hannah has grown a nice girl and sends her best respects to you all and she will send you a letter in a little time. She has left off School for holiday and George Robert is a fine boy and is very fond of horses and cows indeed he takes great delight in all sort of stock and says he will a farmer. Mrs Rawson13 has had a letter from her

next page

son and he named you in it and said he has seen you and that you was all well. She called in to inform Agnes of it. I have had a very sickly winter myself. I am very much troubled with an ulcer in my throat I have had it cut three times this winter and it made my
throat very painful so that I cannot eat anything that is hard but think I have got a great deal better since it was cut. Mother has also been poorly a great part of the winter but has got much better and joins me in best respects to Stephen yourself and all rest of the family. I hope you will excuse (ink)blots and mistakes.
I remain yours sincerely,
Stephen Coulson

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Thursday 29 June 17 22:57 BST (UK)
Postscripts for my previous post:

1 Isaiah Burdass
 Yorkshire Gazette 10 Jun 1854
On Tuesday the 6th inst., at Thwing, near Bridlington, after a severe suffering, aged 70, Mr I. Burdass, farmer.

His first name was Isaiah, as seen from his 1815 marriage notice:
Hull Packet 17 Jan 1815
On Monday, at Thwing, by the Rev. T. Bowes, Mr. Isaiah Burdass, farmer to Marie, daughter of the late Mr.S. Bennison.  (Note: the recipient of the letter, Mary Ann Pinder, nee Coulson, named a son Bennison.)

2 Old term for kidney stones.

3 Mary Ann Barough.  Daughter of Isaiah and Marie Burdass

4 A wild guess: spent the morning

5farther, in the context given, could refer to her late pregnancy time?

6 Joseph Johnston Barough. It looks like Stephen is combining his name to be Johness, perhaps that is what people called him.  Joseph is married to the " Mrs Barugh" referred to in 3 Mary Ann Barough.

7Eliza Dixon in 1851 census a "visitor" with Isaiah Burdass family, in 1861 a "visitor" with Joseph Johnston Barough family, listed as unmarried farmers daughter. 

8 Charleston is the name of the farm of Joseph and Mary Ann Barough, located in Boynton, midway between Bridlington and Rudston.

9 Does referring to "Aunt" Hutchinson, years before daughter Agnes married into the Hutchinson family lead to the possibilty that Agnes married a cousin, Coulter Hutchinson?  This would explain his first name as being Coulson.

10  Today we would say "fair to middlin" in respect to health.

11 Far too many Simpson families in the area to even make a guess.

12 George Nicholson, married to Selina, was a bootmaker born in Flambro' around 1819. Could this be the brother of Robert Nicholson, first husband of Agnes nee Coulson?

13 Possibly Mary Rawson, wife of farm labourer Richard Rawson, of North Back Lane (The other letter had a Mrs. Burdass on South Back Lane)
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Ruskie on Friday 30 June 17 03:28 BST (UK)
Excellent work bbart!  :)

I agree that the letter deciphering should stay on this thread, and any additional facts about people mentioned in the letters are bonuses and it is fine if that all stays here.

I probably didn't explain very well, but where I think a new thread is warranted is if, for example, Stephen wanted to find out more about Stephen Coulson, the author of the letter  - perhaps he would like help finding him in a census or finding a marriage, or his baptism and parent's names* .... In this case a new thread could be started on the appropriate board, linking to this thread.

I hope that makes sense.  :)

* this scenario used only as an example as you may already have all of this information.

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Friday 30 June 17 03:49 BST (UK)
No worries, Ruskie!  I understood what you meant, and I agree, but I was already part way through all the postscripts, so decided to post it all.

I wish I had old letters from my ancestors; they obviously preferred to hide behind brick walls so future descendants could never find them.  ::)
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: Rosinish on Friday 30 June 17 04:00 BST (UK)
I would agree with Ruskie on starting a new thread where extra info. may be of interest.

I believe that a 'google' search of anyone named from the transcription of those letters on this thread will not show up?

I believe topics on TOT & Recognition/Deciphering boards don't show up on google?

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Friday 30 June 17 14:06 BST (UK)
I cannot begin to express how thankful I am for all the incredible hard work everyone, particularly Bbart, has put into these letters. I actually feel a bit awkward about the whole thing. It's a lot of work!

And here is the thing: we have gone over three letters to date, if I am not mistaken (1853, 1854, 1860). The are more letters however. All have had an initial transcription, and some require none, but nevertheless, it's a fair amount of work. Here is a breakdown:
1863 - 4 pages, Letter from ? Bridlington, England   
to: "Dear Cousin"
1865 - 4 pages, Letter from Hannah Nicholson? Bridlington, England       
to: "Dear Aunt" (Probably Mary Ann Coulson Pinder) missing pages?
1867 - Receipt, 1 page from John C Pinder to Stephen Pinder (payment of land purchased?)
1873 - 5 pages Bennison Pinder to John C Pinder
1876 - 2 pages Bennison Pinder to John C Pinder
1877 - 1 page - Marriage confirmation John C Pinder to Mary Higgins
1896 - 1 page Cemetery receipt
Misc; 1 letter from ? Nicholson to ??  Not dated. missing pages. plus a few envelopes

So the question is: Does anyone want to continue this endeavor? If not, I completely understand.  If on the other had you would, how would it be best to do so..?
- continue posting in this thread?
This will undoubtedly will create leads to people, or clarify certain facts .. should those leads, clarifications, etc be put/cross referenced into an existing thread, a new thread, or just left in this one?
Access to the letters: Should I continue putting my transcriptions here and a link to the letters as we go, or simply give a link to the whole lot to person(s)?  The latter would restrict access and the ability to contribute.
Also, would it assist anyone if I gave them guest permission to my family tree in It might help rather than starting from scratch in certain areas.

Please feel free to voice your thoughts on the matter.

best regards,

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Saturday 01 July 17 17:33 BST (UK)
I entered Stephen Coulson Bridlington into google, and this thread came up on the first page of results, so there is no worry that people can't find it that way.

Anyways, my thoughts are that if you want to post the letters that you can't decipher on your own, you should keep them in this thread, so unreadable words or names can be compared to what we already know.  ( An example of what I mean is names such as Burdass, stumped us at first, but now that we know the name, it became readable in the other letters).

If you do go ahead and post them, I promise to keep my replies to deciphering only!  I think that is what caused the issue here.  I can always pm you if I find anything of interest outside of the scope of this forum. 

Once you gather up all the info you can on the people in these letters, you may want to expand your research on individuals on the Yorkshire board with a reference back to this thread.

Anyways, that's my two cents, and if you are in Canada, Happy 150th!
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Saturday 01 July 17 21:40 BST (UK)
Yes, 150 yrs . Was here for our 100th as well. I think we had better weather then. It's been a rainy, humid affair the whole weekend.

Per your suggestion, I will continue to post within this thread. I'm thinking once they are all up, they might paint a clearer picture and anwser some questions as well.

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Saturday 01 July 17 22:28 BST (UK)
The 1863 Letter.
From, uncertain, probably to Mary Ann Coulson

Letter from ? Bridlington, England       
to: "Dear Cousin"     


Bridlington, Oct 7th, 1863

Dear Cousin,

I think I must write this letter to you as you wish it though I don't know you however. I hope on receiving this you will get your ?? carte de visite?? If you have and get home?(?) so I ???? send me for I ???? getting  ???  ???? and of course want as many cards to put in as I can get, and do please, Aunt & Uncle & your brothers and sisters to send me theirs. I enclose my own for Aunt and

next page

tell her that it is as good a likeness(?) as can be. And how ???? I have to begin to tell you the news I don't know what to tell you that will be interesting. There have been no change in the family since we wrote, Aunt Harriet is at London with Mr. Chisholm and was quite well when last we heard from her. She desires whenever we write to America that we give her best love to Aunt and all the rest of the family. Aunt Dixon is not very well. I think at present she also desires her love to all .. and Aunt Selina is quite well but very busy as she keeps no servants and has a great deal of work. Mother is quite well. Mr. Hutchison is well, and


baby is only pretty well tell aunt she is a beautiful child and I suppose when old enough will be spoiled by her father who idolizes her. She is just turned eight months old. Grandmother has quite recovered from her severe illness. She went to Flambro in March and was there nearly four months. Then she stayed a week with aunts when she was back to Bridlington then went to Thwing and stayed three months and now has been at home a week when she is at home I stay with her as it is not wisdom to leave  her alone. Then in our afternoon we both often go down ??? to Aunts. There when gra????  other is out I stay  a week or two at aunt(?) help her.

Next page

and then go a week or two to Flambo and help Mother, so that at present my mode of life is an unsettled(?) one.  The harvest here is now all in and a plentiful one it has been, but yet the farmers are grumbling because the prices are so low wheat is only a shilling a stone. This season has been a very short one for the lodging house. ???? at the Quay and other watering places though Pearlborough(?) ???? and the the Quay have been crowded ???? less??? for a short time. Now I think I must conclude with a promise that you sh??? hear ????? from England that you
have been accustomed?? to, I correspond with a great many l???, but America by me shall not be forgotten. America the word almost acts?? like magic, for now the word is associated with awful battles, tell me when you write about

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Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Sunday 02 July 17 00:35 BST (UK)
Stephen, just double checking here...
We put our interpretations of the words on the "can edit" file on the link, correct?
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Sunday 02 July 17 03:12 BST (UK)
Didn't realize the text file was shared as well. Yes, you can edit that file, or post it here. Either way is fine with me
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Sunday 02 July 17 23:58 BST (UK)
My attempt, close to yours with some minor variations ( I read your Chisholm as Champion? on page 2)

Page 1!AifC60WL0cSMuWG2c9S0FeiYDpCZ

I think I must write this letter to your as you wish it though I don't know you. However I hope on receiving this you will get your Carte de Viste taken. If you have not get some so 1 and ***** me for I intend getting an album and of course want as many cards to put in as I can get. and do please ask Aunt and Uncle and your brothers and sisters to send one theirs. I enclose my own for Aunt and

Page 2:!AifC60WL0cSMuHwi1WysUCJ9WaVn

tell her that it is as good a likeness as can be.  And now that I have to begin to tell you the news I don't know what to tell you that will be interesting. There have been no change in the family since we wrote. Aunt Harriet is at London with Mrs Champion and was quite well when last we heard from her. She desires when ever we write to America to give our best love to Aunt and all the rest of the family.  Aunt Dixon is not very well I think at present. She also desires her love to all, and Aunt Selina is quite well but very busy as she keeps no servants and has a great deal of work.  Mother is quite well. Mrs Hutchinson is well, and

Page 3:!AifC60WL0cSMuHq1A5WEB43OZgPI

baby is only pretty well, tell Aunt she is a beautiful child and I suppose when old enough will be spoiled by her father who idolizes her. She is just entered eight months old. Grandmother has quite recovered from her severe illness. She went to Flambro' in March and was there nearly four months then she stayed a week at Aunt's who also came back to Bridlington then went to Thwing and stayed three months and now has been home a week.  When she is at home I stay with her as it is not wisdom to leave her alone there. In our afternoon we both often go down street to Aunts.  Then when Grandmother is out I stay a week or two at Aunts, help her

Page 4:!AifC60WL0cSMuHmHsgJ5P7l6heQn

and then go a week or two to Flambro, and help Mother so that at present my mode of life is an unsettled one. The harvest here is now all in and a plentiful one it has been, but yet the farmers are grumbling because the prices are so low, wheat is only a shilling a stone.  This season has been a very short one for the lodging house keepers at the Quay and other watering places though Scarborough Filey and the Quay house have been crowded to excess for a short time. Now I feel I must conclude with a promise that you should hear oftener from England than you have been accustomed to.  I correspond with a great many ladies, but America by me shall not be forgotten. America the word almost acts like magic, for now the word is associated with awful battles.  Tell me when you write about

How unfortunate that the last page is missing!!
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Tuesday 04 July 17 18:13 BST (UK)
Yes, between missing pages and envelopes, I can only imagine what secrets were lost!

Once again, thanks so much bbart.  Lot of works I could not have imagine in the way it was written.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Tuesday 04 July 17 18:27 BST (UK)
1865 Ltter.
No envelope and is probably missing page(s)

Nov. 22nd, 1865
Letter from Hannah Nicholson Bridlington, England       
to: "Dear Aunt"     


England Yorkshire
High Green
Bridlington Nov. 22nd /65

Dear Aunt,

It is a long time since we have heard from you for many weeks after I wrote I expected one from Matilda but none has come from any of you. I feel so disappointed it would be so nice to have letters regularly and indeed I will do my part gladly. As you will  most wish to hear of grandmother(?) I must tell you of her first, she went to Flambo last Christmas and stayed nine months, about two of which she was very ill that I think I told you in my last, she came here one morning at the beginning of harvest stayed perhaps hours in the town and (?) started off to Thwing she ???  two months there, they came back and stayed a week at Aunt ????? the last three weeks we have been

page 2

at High Green but very busy we have been I can assure you ! For during the eleven months the house has been shut up the furniture ?? we had got a little damp therefore. We have had good fires and all well  ???  to ?????? is ??????ness day I go to Flambro in the ???? and ????? other goes on Friday all being well, I think I could ???? settle to ????? and  ????? in this house alone with grandmother. It is in such a dull situation, at least in winter is you know, and in those dark stormy(?) nights, it feels so lonely.  Last week aunt Dixon came over for three or four days. She asked for your address, which I gave her, therefore you may expect a  letter from then(?) sometime ??? long. Aunt Harriet is still in London. I've heard from her pretty often she is better than she has been. At this ??????? Grandmother

Page 3

is sitting tidying???? a drawer on the side of the table at which I am writing, she opened out(?) a piece of paper I was looking and saw directly it was ??? ????? letter. I asked to read it and found it was written in /63 part by you and part by Bennison, he expressed a wish that I will write to him, I did so but the letter had the misfortune to be lost. Will you ask him if he will write to me  which >>> being will I promise to answer. Mother & Mr. Hutchison are pretty well. baby has grown much a great girl and can say almost anything quite clearly now. George Robert goes to school ???, he comes(?) from Flambro corry??  morning and goes back in the evening. He ides the pony they have for the gig(?) and with constant practice he is getting to be  a goo rider. Aunt and Uncle Nicholson are well. They live in the shop in High

Page 4

Did I tell you before that we have got a Headstone for Grandfather. It is a good pl???? stone. There is his name, age, date and this verse from Revelations. "Be thon faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life". When they are going to order it I asked to choose the verse and thought that ?? very beautiful one. Now I must bring my letter to a conclusion by telling you what a beautiful harvest we have had. There were only two days that there was rain at all and there only part of the day. The crops are ???? therefore a hard winter is anticipate. I hope it will prove better than is thought, just how there is great ???? by the cattle. Plague ??? is carrying off great numbers. It made its appearance here a fortnight ago, Mr. Bardass  ?????? ???? has cured those that were suffering here, and in consequence has been telegraphed  ??? to Beverley and is making ??? large  ????


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Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Friday 21 July 17 16:58 BST (UK)
Bump ?
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: bbart on Sunday 23 July 17 06:11 BST (UK)
Where you have "Christmas" in your opening page, I believe it should be Martinmas, as it matches the same word in page 2.  Martinmas is Nov 11, so it took her a while to get this letter written!

My intention was to capitalize any changes or guesses to your question marks, but I know I missed some.  Still some words/names are missing.

Dear Aunt,

It is a long time since we have heard from you for many weeks after I wrote I expected one from Matilda but none has come from any of you. I feel so disappointed it would be so nice to have letters regularly and indeed I will do my part gladly. As you will  most wish to hear of grandmother I must tell you of her first, she went to Flambo last MARTINMAS and stayed nine months, about two of which she was very ill that I think I told you in my last, she came here one morning at the beginning of harvest stayed perhaps hours in the town and THEN started off to Thwing she DEMANDED(??) two months there, THEN came back and stayed a week at Aunt SELINA'S the last three weeks we have been

page 2

at High Green but very busy we have been I can assure you ! For during the eleven months the house has been shut up the furniture ETC  had got a little damp therefore. We have had good fires and all well SUCH TOMORROW is MARTINMAS day I go to Flambro in the ???? and GRANDMOTHER goes on Friday all being well, I think I could NOT settle to PASSING ANOTHER WINTER in this house alone with grandmother. It is in such a dull situation, at least in winter as you know, and in those dark stormy nights, it feels so lonely.  Last week aunt Dixon came over for three or four days. She asked for your address, which I gave her, therefore you may expect a  letter from them sometime ere long. Aunt Harriet is still in London. I've heard from her pretty often she is better than she has been. At this MINUTE Grandmother

Page 3

is sitting tidying a drawer on the opposite side of the table at which I am writing, she opened out a piece of paper I was looking and saw directly it was ??? ????? letter. I asked to read it and found it was written in /63 part by you and part by Bennison, he expressed a wish that I will write to him, I did so but the letter had the misfortune to be lost. Will you ask him if he will write to me  which ALL BEING WELL I promise to answer. Mother & Mr. Hutchison are pretty well. baby has grown much a great girl and can say almost anything quite clearly now. George Robert goes to school YET, he comes FROM Flambro LORRY??  morning and goes back in the evening. He Rides the pony they have for the gig and with constant practice he is getting to be  a gooD rider. Aunt and Uncle Nicholson are well. They live in the shop in High

Page 4

Did I tell you before that we have got a Headstone for Grandfather. It is a good PLACER stone. There is his name, age, date and this verse from Revelations. "Be thon faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life". When they are going to order it I asked to choose the verse and thought that SO very beautiful one. Now I must bring my letter to a conclusion by telling you what a beautiful harvest we have had. There were only two days that there was rain at all and there only part of the day. The crops are LIGHT therefore a hard winter is anticipateD. I hope it will prove better than is thought, just NOW there is great DISTRESS by the cattle. Plague ??? is carrying off great numbers. It made its appearance here a fortnight ago, Mr. Bardass A VETERINARY SURGEON has cured those that were suffering here, and in consequence has been telegraphed FOR to Beverley and is making UP large QUANTITIES.
Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Tuesday 01 August 17 14:43 BST (UK)
The following is not a letter, but what appears to be a receipt .
Can anyone confirm the amounts?!AifC60WL0cSMuH5BUEvYFW9_3BrY

Title: Re: Need help with family letter
Post by: StephenCND on Tuesday 01 August 17 15:27 BST (UK)

The following is a transcription of a letter dated 1873.
I believe it is from Bennison Pinder (1844-1912) to his brother John Coulson Pinder (1846-1924)
It's a rather interesting letter: Seems there is some family infighting or tension, judging by the letter.  I cannot quite put a finder on where Bennison, the author of the letter, is at the time he wrote the letter.

Both brother had emigrated to Canada by that time.
In the 1861 Canada Census,  (Luther County, Ontario, Canada), have Bennison living with his sister (Maria Pinder 1838-1919), who was married to John Dennis. He is listed as "Labourer"
In the 1871 Census, he is not listed with his Sister, however, both he and his brother John C Pinder were listed as living with their mother (Mary Ann Pinder)  and father (Stephen Pinder) In Luther, Ontario.
The letter seems to mention William Ridsdale (1830-1914) . William married Bennison and John C Pinder's sister, Adelaide Clough Pinder (1831-1912). It also mentions a Coulson Ridsdale and a "little Henry" both are the sons of Adelaide and William.  The 1871 Canada census puts the Adelaides in Luther County, Ontario Canada, so  perhaps he was staying with them.

In 1876, Bennison was married in Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada to a Louisa Haynes
Maybe still with his mother and father.  There is an address at the top of the letter, but I cannot make it out.

In any event, that gives you a bit of a background. The letter has many words I cannot make out. Below is my interpretation. There are many blank spots.

Oh, and who is William Jackson, who shot 2 bears? Lol

--=-=-=-=-=!AifC60WL0cSMuVyZEIXWJgEsWzLd (!AifC60WL0cSMuVyZEIXWJgEsWzLd)

Sept. 15th 1873. 22nd, 1865
Letter from ? Bridlington, England       
to: J.C. Pinder   


?????? P.O.
Sep 15 /73

Mr. J.C. Pinder
Woodbridge Ont.

Dear brother,

Your kind and welcome letter came to hand on the 13th and I was glad to hear that you were? well as these few lines  leave(?) me at present. I am most extremely obliged to you for your kind and generous offer which you offered to me and which I shall not forget for the time to come I have ???? ???? got clear

{in upper left hand corner of letter, written very small and diagonally}
remember me(?) to all the folks(?) let me know if they have gone yet. Tell them to be sure and rite(write) as soon as they get up there and ??? ???
of wood to write on

Page 2

of the could that I got,  even in Woodbridge I have not you anything(?) since I saw you and I saw you and ???? intend to do anything more hear for a will. I am very lonesome here and I long for the time to com(e) when I am to get away. John, when you rite (write) for me to com (come) you had best ???? a line in both the Post(?) office one to arthur and one to ????? P.O. (?) so that I shall surely get them. I will ???? you an envelope in this letter so that you can send it to ????? P.O. and they wont know it is from you(?) They open all the letters that

Page 3

come from you and some of them I never get. The one that you sent to me when I was in Woodbridge they got it and opened it and when I asked for it, it could not be found and the last one that you sent to me it had been opened for when little henry gave it to me it was all wet at the end that was held (?) ans when I took ahold(?) of it, it ??? open. So that is the way things is going on hear (here). You wanted to know how I found all the letters(?) when I got home I found some of them before mother and Adalade(?) & William & Coulson Ridesdale was out(?) Arthur ?uting on big still???

Page 4
and for the rest of them I have not found yet. But father he was in the ??? each(?) puting (putting) things for the cattall (cattle?) the rest of them I have not got to see them and ???? intend to go ???? mother and father ??? the XXXX is very thick . Now you know mother has got $50. from the old country. That is what is the matter but it won't last long. I will tell you the rest when I see you. Right as soon as you can and let me know things as for I can not stay hear (here) long.

William Jackson(?) shot two bares(?) last week

Somewhere at present from your aff???net Brother, B Pinder
to Mr. John Coulson Pinder