
General => The Common Room => Topic started by: Catling121 on Thursday 28 December 17 13:04 GMT (UK)

Title: Can't find in 1861 census Davis, Chadlington Oxfordshire
Post by: Catling121 on Thursday 28 December 17 13:04 GMT (UK)
Hi all, I hope you had a splendid Christmas,

I'd given up on this search a while ago, but I've decided that maybe I'd reach out to anyone who fancies a challenge.

John and Hannah Davis (Hannah née Townsend, previously Costins) and family - I can't find them anywhere on the 1861 census. Here are the records I have for them at the moment:

1851, Sarsgrove Lodge, Churchill, Oxfordshire
John, 48, Ag Lab, Churchill, Oxfordshire
Hannah, 44, Chadlington, Oxfordshire
William, 12, Scholar, Chadlington, Oxfordshire
Caroline, 10, Scholar, Chadlington, Oxfordshire
Emma, 7, Chadlington, Oxfordshire
Mary, 5, Churchill, Oxfordshire
Thomas, 3, Churchill, Oxfordshire
Sarah, 5 mo, Churchill, Oxfordshire

Caroline found in Chadlington with uncle Thomas Townsend
Emma found on Iffley Road, Oxford working as a house servant
Mary found on New Street, Chipping Norton working as house servant
Thomas found boarding at a school on Church Street, Charlbury

John, Hannah, William, and Sarah unfound.

Hannah reappears as a widow and a house servant in Stonesfield
William has married but is found in Yorkshire away from his family at the time of the census.
All other family members accounted for.

The most logical explanation is that John died and that this resulted in the family spreading out, and ending up in different places. However, I can't find an obvious death in the index for John - certainly not one that matches up age wise (although the index/record could be incorrect). I also can't find any obvious death or marriage for Sarah, but I can't find any trace of her apart from her brief showing in 1851.

Basically, if anyone fancies a challenge, I'd like to know where John, Hannah and Sarah were in 1861...

Happy New Year and thanks in advance for any help!


Title: Re: Can't find in 1861 census Davis, Chadlington Oxfordshire
Post by: rosie99 on Thursday 28 December 17 13:38 GMT (UK)
There are quite a few places in Oxfordshire that are missing from the 1861 including Stonesfield
Title: Re: Can't find in 1861 census Davis, Chadlington Oxfordshire
Post by: Catling121 on Thursday 28 December 17 13:58 GMT (UK)
Ah, thank you Rosie. This had never crossed my mind, despite me considering far less likely scenarios such as emigration...

I think that is probably the most likely scenario.
Title: Re: Can't find in 1861 census Davis, Chadlington Oxfordshire
Post by: The Historian on Friday 09 February 18 23:39 GMT (UK)
Hi Chris,

Just read your post. I am a direct descendant of John Davis and Hannah Townsend. I have undertaken quite a bit of research on the Davis family.

John Davis, Hannah and William (who was my 2x Great Grandfather) were living in Stonesfield at the time of the 1861 Census. Though the census returns from that year are missing, they do show up in a directory of 1862/3 as running a bakery and butcher's. John was a master baker by profession and William was a butcher.

John died in 1866 and is buried in Stonesfield grave yard. His headstone is very well preserved and all the wording is still readable. He unfortunately died of consumption.

Sarah is the only enigma, though I did find her as a witness to one of her siblings weddings in Stonesfield. But after that the story goes cold. Though there a couple of weddings in the Woodstock district that require further research.

If you want to find out more please let me know

Best regards
