
Family History Documents and Artefacts => Graveyards and Gravestones => Topic started by: celia on Saturday 06 August 05 23:58 BST (UK)

Title: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Saturday 06 August 05 23:58 BST (UK)
There are so many interesting subjects, views, Questions, stories. about graves. How about having a New Page in the common room and call it "The Grave Store"  or " A grave Story"so all the topics can go in there , or be  MOVED and make it easier for others to find what they want.Instead of starting another topic on the same subject. What do you think mods ???
or anyone else ;)

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: PrueM on Sunday 07 August 05 04:07 BST (UK)
I love that idea Celia, perhaps we can call it "Beyond the Grave"  :o
Maybe it could also be a place where people can post photos of stones etc. if they are having trouble reading the inscription?
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: the happy granny on Sunday 07 August 05 10:27 BST (UK)
That has my vote too.......brilliant idea     8)

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: maggiefishblue on Sunday 07 August 05 10:53 BST (UK)
Brilliant idea.

Perhaps it could also include requests for gravestone visits in areas where Rootschatters find it impossible to visit themselves.  I'm sure there are many people who would take a look for others in their own areas - and beyond (I was going to say beyond the grave but thought better of it....  :-X )

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: puellaanimae85 on Sunday 07 August 05 11:37 BST (UK)
An excellent idea! I have been trying to travel around a bit looking at gravestones, but as all our ancestors are some distance, it would be great to post requests and in return, do some sleuthing locally.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: the happy granny on Sunday 07 August 05 12:14 BST (UK)
Yes, lookups would be great too.

I don't mind looking for graves in Maidstone and surrounding villages in Kent

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Headbanger Veron on Sunday 07 August 05 20:08 BST (UK)
What a good idea!  I have found references to several of my ancestors' graves by Googling, but without photos or the means of getting to see them.  It would be useful for lookups too.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: JillJ on Sunday 07 August 05 20:19 BST (UK)
An excellent idea!   What about it Trystan?

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Sunday 07 August 05 22:23 BST (UK)
Thank you for your votes ladies, keep them coming in ;)
I allready have a cemetery topic i have had for some time.Two in fact.One in Cheshire and one in the armed forces.
I do look ups for Rake Lane Cemetery.If you know someone is buried there,but don't know where.I have to go to the reference library to look up the burial. Before i can find the grave,I then take a photo of the grave stone if possible.
The other topic is all transcriptions taken from the gravestones of merchant seamen and there relatives.Oh yes and i take photo's of the house Grannie used to live in ;D It all started when i found my graddads ( A Commander in the R.N.R) grave  then i spotted another the ball never stopped rolling  ;D My Bedroom now resembles an office  ;D Take a look at the Cheshire topic and it will give you some idea of what to do. If you decide to be a looker upper ;D

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Linda_J on Monday 08 August 05 00:00 BST (UK)
Great idea

I often go to the Maidstone cemetery as I have 5 generations burried there.


Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: PrueM on Monday 08 August 05 01:05 BST (UK)

Unless you have someone buried in Canberra, Oz, I can't do lookups.
But I can make wild guesses about unreadable inscriptions!!  ;D

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Pat Reid on Monday 08 August 05 05:13 BST (UK)
Wonderful idea Celia.  Like Pru, I can't help out over there in person but can do some sleuthing on line when possible. Unless, of course, someone is looking for info here in Missouri.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: dawnwas on Monday 08 August 05 12:42 BST (UK)
Great idea about the gravestones etc.I love looking at old churchyards.I can offer woodend/Gisborne/Kyneton/sunbury/cressy/lismore Victoria Australia for example.
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: smeghead on Monday 08 August 05 19:29 BST (UK)
great a separate page for this About 2 months ago i went to Queens Road cemetery Erith Kent to photograph some gravestone for me and some i had found through GenesReunited as some of his family was related to mine but searched out particular graves for him and emailed the pics to America where he is living.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: tabitha on Monday 08 August 05 19:43 BST (UK)
A great idea!  :)

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: bekahsgran on Monday 08 August 05 19:48 BST (UK)
I think its a wonderful idea, between all the rootschatters we should be able to cover most of England, I should say
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: apanderson on Monday 08 August 05 21:24 BST (UK)
Not forgetting Scotland I hope!

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: giving up for a while on Monday 08 August 05 21:39 BST (UK)

Love Anne :D
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Monday 08 August 05 21:55 BST (UK)
Hi I've been thinking I don't think Rootschat would give us board,but if the moderator sees it's potential.He might sticky it in the common room (Where it is available to all counties)Then someone can rename it. We might as well stay on here. Not Myself because as i said i have addopted a cemetery But i can put my topic address on it. And be on hand with any advice.

Jim  I love doing that it gives me great satisfaction to email photo's of Headstones.To the G .Grandchildren who live abroad,They also find other family mentioned as well.

Pat  how do you do sluething on the net for burials.Never knew you could do that.
 If i ever find out when my G,Grandfather died in Cannock.After 1901. That will be my first request .I am sure he must be dead by now he was born in 1836 ;D

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: c w on Monday 08 August 05 22:18 BST (UK)
I have checked out some graves at my local churcyard and sent photographs to a few people.

So I would also agree with your idea Celia.

Caroline :)

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: bekahsgran on Monday 08 August 05 22:22 BST (UK)
I live in North West Norfolk and am quite happy to traipse the churchyards of the villages near (and not so near) Kings Lynn and in and around Wisbech in Cambs
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Monday 08 August 05 22:42 BST (UK)
What a wonderfull responce from all you lovely people. willing to start a new Hobby of cemetery stomping(but it does get you out in the fresh air and keep you fit,as you might find out.
We now have Offers from Australia,America,Ireland,Scotland,
Fantastic. Just put the cemeteries you are willing to do.
I would like to give you a tip though.It will be up to you of course what you do,but  you may be  asked to look in a cemetery, Church or council, for someone that might be buried there. You understand ???


Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: bekahsgran on Monday 08 August 05 22:54 BST (UK)
Hi Celia
But isn't that part of the fun?
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: wheeldon on Monday 08 August 05 22:57 BST (UK)
I think it's an excellent idea- I travelled about ten miles a couple of months ago to take a photo of a grave and a church to send to a lady in Canada.  She was so happy and with the help of digital cameras it's not much of an effort take quick snap.  And I'm sure I read the other day that Rootschat has 200000 billion, trillion  members (or something like that)  -  and as the whole vibe of rootschat is to help - I betcha loads of rootschaters will be wandering around gravesites with a camera and pen and paper - Oh my God - We are the new train spotters!  - PLEASE JUST PUT THE ANORAK DOWN!
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: bekahsgran on Monday 08 August 05 23:00 BST (UK)
Hi Wheeldon
Just had an awful thought after reading your posting!
Can you imagine someone accessing rootschat by chance, someone who has no idea of the addiction this hobby can cause, they'd probably read the boards (especially this one) and think we are all sad,anorak people with nothing better to do than trudge churchyards on dank Sunday afternoons!
But the scariest thingis...................
They would most probably be (almost) right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think I might change my hobby
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: KarenM on Monday 08 August 05 23:07 BST (UK)
Hi there,

I think it's a great idea.  If anyone needs pictures from Southern Ontario, Canada, count me in.  I recently went to a cemetery for a fellow rootschatter and took pictures of his grandfather's grave and the houses where they lived.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Boongie Pam on Monday 08 August 05 23:16 BST (UK)
Hi All,

Look ups in your local graveyards is a wonderful generous offer and is the very heart and spirit of Rootschat  ;D

Thank you all.

The suggestion for a board devoted to graveyards has been discussed in the past and the decision was taken (after much discussion) that it was most approriate to keep this in the counties.

If a user who is interested in a graveyard in Liverpool and wonders if another user lives near Smithdown road cemetery I think the first place they would look would be on the Lancashire Board. 

It is the most logical place to ask for a search. 

BUT it may not be the most logical place for you to check the board if you don't have ancestors where you now live.

If you would like to make such a generous offer I would suggest offering in the county boards.

I find graves the most exciting part of this hobby it is teh closest we get to our ancestors - in fact it's about 6ft  ;D

All the best,
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: smeghead on Monday 08 August 05 23:22 BST (UK)
Weeldon are you sure about the amount of member??  your quote  Rootschat has 200000 billion, trillion ?members (or something like that} more than the population of earth but know what you mean I think the gravestone topic should be in place I know this is a morbid thing to say and i will spend a lot of time their one day but I enjoy going around cemeteries taking pics of gravestones in a peaceful surrounding. Reminds me of another hobby of gravestone rubbing which i did at school.

 Â                                           Jim
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: casalguidi on Monday 08 August 05 23:28 BST (UK)
Reminds me of another hobby of gravestone rubbing which i did at school.

Not at school Jim but a day I shall probably never forget ................. a couple of years ago (for an embroidery project) ..................... I lost one of my wax crayons ........................... it turned up the next day ................ melted on the car seat ........... whoops :o

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Tuesday 09 August 05 01:02 BST (UK)
Hi Pam
I read minds you know ;D see my post above. the reason i suggested the now "Topic". to be on the common room is that if someone is looking for someone who could visit a  particular cemetery  in a particular place.To take an inscription from a Headstone. The first place as you say is the county or Country the Cemetery is in. Members do that all the time,unfortunately a lot go unanswered.I have just been going through Scotland and Ireland , counties, on both myself. There's quiet a lot of requests going back still unanswered.So the topic will act as a sort of index or stepping stone.If a person gets no responce in the area they want.They may find one on this topic. Thats how i started mine.I offered to do a look up for a lady as a one off  ;D I then started getting request till in the end i went solo ;D Maybe the members here will do the same.For now i think we would all agree we want to stay together.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: maggiefishblue on Tuesday 09 August 05 08:39 BST (UK)
Hi All,

I agree with Celia  :) I think the idea of having a 'grave investigation' lookup board in the Common Room is a very good one, for two reasons:

1. Perhaps people new to Rootschat don't always realise the kind of help they can get - whereas, if there is a specific section they can be sure not to miss it.

2. I will do lookups in Northamptonshire but sometimes I may go to another part of the country (holidays, own research etc.) and would be willing to do lookups there - it would be so much easier to advertise this on a Common Room board than to have to go to separate counties.

Just two thoughts  :)  :)

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Lesanne on Tuesday 09 August 05 09:41 BST (UK)
 What a great idea..
                Having just got back from Malta, taken some photo's
                  for another fellow, whose family are from there.

                Having one place for stones is good otherwise different countries as well.

                 I also found a stone in the bush ( South Africa) took a photo just in case.
                 This could be posted on it, as I have no idea where the family would be from,
               also, how would they know I've got a photo?

                                  :)  Lesanne.
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Keith Bateman on Tuesday 09 August 05 10:18 BST (UK)
Hi All,

I agree it's a great idea to keep Gravestone lookups in one place.

I went to one the other day at put up some pictures as a teaser so will see what happens:,79272.0.html

Trouble is in time this will disappear from the Shropshire Pages!


Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Tuesday 09 August 05 19:21 BST (UK)
Yes that's one of problems when you put them on one page.
I found that out myself, until i got it stickied it moved down so fast i could never find it.

When you say you will do Look ups do you mean you will go to the library to do a burial lookup  for a given year on a film for a given cemetery for a person.So you can find the gravestone. That is a lookup. Or do you mean you will wonder aimlessly around burial plots  thats have thousands of graves. In the hope of finding a grave ;)

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Tuesday 09 August 05 20:03 BST (UK)
Hi Everyone
I have been doing burial lookups for some time now and i take  it seriously.I have tried looking for  gravestones when i am told where they are(which plot)only last week in fact.Great i thought i don't have to travel to town,I don't drive.The plot was very large.A council cemetery by the way.All headstons have numbers,i walked along every row scrutinizing every stone. it took me a long time,Pulled grass away from the fallen ones.I never found it. There was also lots of empty spaces where stones once stood.So i now have to go and do a burial lookup this week so i can find the stone for the lady who is patiently waiting for the information. I just wasted my time because i was lazy wont be doing that again.Thats the hard way.I suppose if i was looking in a small churchyard i would have found it ,but i wasn't.I have never been in a churchyard in my life.So if you are all serious about helping find G,Grandads grave for his G.Grandson in Germany. Make it clear that you don't or can't do burial lookups.There is no such thing as a gravestone lookup ;D but you could call yourself  a stone seeker ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: maggiefishblue on Wednesday 10 August 05 09:22 BST (UK)
Hi Celia,

Yes I will visit the library to do a burial look-up and then visit the cemetery to see if I can find the gravestone - if it exists.  I can then photograph it and pass it on with the information I have looked up.

I also visit graveyards to find my own ancestors and I can do that for other people if they have ancestors in the same vicinity.  Equally, if folks simply want a photo of a specific area I am visiting - I will do that too.  When I visit graveyards for my own research - I always photograph the surrounding area.  This is especially relevant when it is a small country churchyard.  If I can get into the church - which I can more often than not, and I'm allowed to take photographs, I do that too.

I think it's interesting finding out the vicinity where ancestors are buried especially if a gravestone cannot be located.  In our area some of the older gravestones are being demolished for 'safety' reasons so locating specific ones is almost impossible - a picture of the area is the next best thing.

Sorry to go on, but I got the slight impression that my seriousness as a researcher was being brought into question.. :(

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Wednesday 10 August 05 10:14 BST (UK)
Not at all,thats the problem with mails sometimes i forget people cant see i am teasing.Thats why i use smilies a lot, my next post didn't help did it  ;D. Do you want me to clear that bit off if it offended you ???

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: maggiefishblue on Wednesday 10 August 05 11:22 BST (UK)
Oh dear Celia - I overlooked the smiley   ::)  :-[

I didn't take offence - just felt a little disconcerted.  People on Rootschat have helped me in many ways with my research and I wanted to offer something in return ....

Don't  clear that bit off - it will serve as a gesture to others not to overlook the smilies  ;)

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Wednesday 10 August 05 16:30 BST (UK)
Are there any rootschatters that live in Lanark in Glasgow? and that live anywhere near Glasgow Necropolis. I have 16 pages of Mc Cloys sent to me last year.From a lady who lives in Utah.So all the records are from the family history library.I was unaware until i  contacted the websit of the Cemetery .That there were three.The record does not say which one.Scotland Civil Registration states Huchinsontown.For the deaths. My G. & G.G Grandparents plus other family are buried in one the cemeteries. I have the death information and where they lived when they died.Would an address have any baring as to which Necropolis they are in.Most of the burials were in the middles 1800's but i reckon any Mc Cloys in Glasgow cems will be mine ;D

Update 16th August I have now found the correct cemetery it is the Southern Necropolis
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Lloydy on Wednesday 10 August 05 19:51 BST (UK)
Wonderful idea! A gravestone board would be very useful.  I, personally, would like to see it "stickied" in The Common Room.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Shaztoni on Wednesday 10 August 05 20:25 BST (UK)
This would be a great idea a section for graves, I have found some fabulous head stones over the years that I would love to share.
Also as an addicted graveyard walker (that doesn't sound too good ::) ), I'd be more than happy to check for graves in Limerick City, Ireland.
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: apanderson on Wednesday 10 August 05 20:33 BST (UK)

There are three Necroplis Cemteries in Glasgow:

Have a look at this link and it tells you where they are.

There are also tons of web sites on Google - try googling Necroplis, Glasgow.


P.S. Do you think the plural of Necropolis is Necropolii?
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: PrueM on Wednesday 10 August 05 23:05 BST (UK)
Re: the plural of Necropolis -  it's from the Greek, and the correct plural would be Necropoleis.  But the accepted English-usage plural these days is Necropolises.

 :-[  Oh dear, I've just realised:  I'm a NERD  :-[   ;D

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Kylee on Wednesday 10 August 05 23:46 BST (UK)
Hi everyone,

I am willing to take photos of headstones in these cemeteries in South Australia: Enfield, Smithfield, Cheltenham and Dudley Park. Enfield is within 5 minutes of my home so I dont mind going there any day - they have a touch screen computer on site so I can lookup before I go wandering aimlessly thru the large cemetery. The others arent close but I still dont mind going to look as I have ancestors there myself.

Centennial Park Cemetery has its own website to check out whether youre ancestors are there or not - but its quite a distance from where I live so unless Im going there myself I probably wouldnt offer (but then again chances are I might) to help out due to distance.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Keith Bateman on Wednesday 10 August 05 23:57 BST (UK)
they have a touch screen computer on site so I can lookup before I go wandering aimlessly thru the large cemetery.

The wonders of modern science!!  8) 8)

I have to go wandering aimlessly round Whitchurch cemetery when I go!!  ???

Haven't we know started our own Notice Board - just need to make it Sticky

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Thursday 11 August 05 00:26 BST (UK)
Necropolis is the spelling given in the file i was sent, I would have said it was correct considering it came from the original records Latter-day Saints.  My G.G.Grandfather Richard McCloy lost a few relatives through sickness and the awful deceases going round.Including his Wife. Elizabeth  Livingstone nee Mc Cloy was Richards daughter and sister of my G.Grandmother.So thats where they will all be buried. Including My G.G.G.Grandfather Alexander who died in 1860 . The the 1860's Stone's wont be there now.but i am hoping the later ones might be.                                                    I would like a Gravestone search for

Janet McCloy  nee Gormley wife of Richard McCloy,died 23rd December 1876.

Janet Liddell  nee McCloy daughter of Richard.died 19th December 1879 age 30

Richard McCloy  died 1st May 1888

Annie Wallace McCloy  daughter of Richard died 28t December 1919 age 72.
     Southern Necropolis


Modified 16th Aug

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Thursday 11 August 05 01:02 BST (UK)
Hi  Keith
I was about to suggest that on another post when i finished the last one ;D Because this topic is now four pages. you jumped the gun while i typing it  ;D I wasn't expecting such a wonderfull responce to a simple question.I see another offer of a look up has come in.So yes i think we need to stay here or it will get all messed up.Who would start a new topic anyway.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Jaki on Thursday 11 August 05 02:15 BST (UK)

If anyone needs anything looked at for the Newcastle Crematorium at Beresfield in NSW Aus let me know. Have a list that was current to 1999 (I think). It lists last residence and where the ashes are. Can even go and have a look as it is not that far from where i live .... it will give me a break from studying.  :)

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: stevenson on Thursday 11 August 05 17:51 BST (UK)
            Yes we do.............lovely idea

I must be a "nerd "because I love going around graveyards,and I am always willing to go and look for anyone within reasonable distance from my home.

I do have a collection of photographs from the past 30 odd years that I have taken,but mostly in Belfast and the surrounding burial yes I do go up and down the rows reading everyone.......... ;D...taking notes.........

But what I would really like would be a botton at the gate that you can press and all the names your looking for on the headstones, would stand up..................lovely dream that was...........but it would take all the fun away

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Thursday 11 August 05 19:36 BST (UK)
Where is your home Steve ??? what cems are on offer ;D
If you are nerd thats makes us all one, but poeple need Nerds ;D  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Willow 4873 on Thursday 11 August 05 19:53 BST (UK)
I think its an excellent idea

I hope you have all seen Sallys brilliant site

BTW did someone mention theres a way to find burial plots online?

Willow x
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: celia on Thursday 11 August 05 20:30 BST (UK)
Hi Willow
Maybe you were thinking of Pat Rieds post on page 1.She cant help in the U.K but offered to do some sluething from Missouri.
The only way to find a burial plot is to look up the burial.
Burial Plots on line ??? I'd be out of a job ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Cal241 on Thursday 11 August 05 23:29 BST (UK)
Hows this for a grave yard

Camberwell Old Cemetery London !!
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone board?
Post by: Cal241 on Thursday 11 August 05 23:42 BST (UK)
It was a dull, dank, drizzly winters day when PrueM and I (plus another family tree cuz) lifted our gg grandfathers headstone out of the dirt !!
Rational tells me it was steam on the lens.....but was it ??????

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Willow 4873 on Friday 12 August 05 08:54 BST (UK)
Spooky Cal

I have some rellies who moved to Camberwell in the mid 1800s - think I'll leave looking for their graves until I've got a few weeks to spare

Willow x
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Sean O Callaghan on Friday 12 August 05 12:03 BST (UK)
Fantastic idea.

I have just returned from a trip to Cork, Ireland, where I visited many family graves.  Whenever I am back there, which is quite often these days, I can look up graves for anyone.  In the meantime, if anyone wants any grave looked up in North Lancashire/South Lakeland or South Cumbria area, let me know and I would be only too willing to help.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: MarieC on Friday 12 August 05 13:45 BST (UK)
Burial plots online?  YES, in Oz!

A number of Australian cemeteries are online, including the one in the beautiful provincial city where I live.

I wish, how I wish, that this applied to England and Ireland!!!!!

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Willow 4873 on Friday 12 August 05 14:00 BST (UK)
Me too MarieC

Surely if this was the case more people would look after family graves

Willow x
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Paul E on Sunday 14 August 05 06:56 BST (UK)
This idea gets my vote, Celia!  And it probably would have had George Formby's, too... ;)


Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Steven.Hill on Sunday 14 August 05 08:27 BST (UK)
A great idea! We need a Gravestone Topic on this board, there is many questions about Gravestone Preservation, How to take a digital image of a stone, How to record stones. I have six years of experience in recording Gravestones and could answer a lot of enquires on this board, I have a new web site and still in the early stages of development.
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Sunday 14 August 05 14:17 BST (UK)
Thank you Kind Sir ;D

I do Cemetery lookups and take photos of Headstones  for the decedent of the buried.(See Earlie posting)Also do M.I.So I know how important this hobby is to others.

I have now received a P.M with an offer of help in tracing my Gravestone.(The one in Stafford)If this is successful i will Post a "Grave Stone now located" edit on the Post

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Sunday 14 August 05 14:41 BST (UK)
                                   Note ;D

I would like to add a suggestion if i may ;)If you see a request for a cemetery headstone search, that is in your area.That you are willing to do as a "One off",but don't want to offer on this topic in case you get "Bogged Down" ;D with requests that you cannot do.You can allways P.M that  that person and keep your privacy.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: bwgan ceredig on Sunday 14 August 05 15:25 BST (UK)
Just found this topic - think it is a great idea :D

Can visit cemetries and church graveyards almost anywhere in north Gwent (Monmouthshire)  ;D  As long as no-one is in a particular rush  ???  Can't do actual look-ups - sorry, what with work, children etc etc, just don't have the time  :( but a lot of the graveyards are quite small.  :-\

I do know that council run cemetries in Blaenau Gwent are on their listings and if you write to them they will provide details.

If anyone thinks they have a relative in this area send me a pm and I can tell you whether it is council run and what the address is etc.  :P 

Hope that's ok and the sort of thing you mean Celia??


Julie :)
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Sunday 14 August 05 18:09 BST (UK)
Spot on Julie

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: apanderson on Monday 15 August 05 12:26 BST (UK)
MI's and photographs available for the following:

Baillieston/Crosshill Churchyard, Baillieston, Glasgow.

St. John's Episcopal Churchyard, Baillieston, Glasgow.

Denny Old Parish Churchyard, Denny, Stirlingshire.

Dennyloanhead Old Parish Churchyard, Dennyloanhead, Stirlingshire.

Broompark Churchyard, Denny, Stirlingshire.

Old Dunipace Churchyard/Hills of Dunipace Churchyard, nr. Denny, Stirlingshire.

Denny Cemetery, Denny, Stirlingshire.

Can do look ups at:

Muiravonside Churchyard (Stirlingshire)
Muiravonside Cemetery (Stirlingshire)
Polmont Churchyard (Stirlingshire)
Polmont Cemetery (Stirlingshire)
Grandsable Cemetery (Laurieston/Polmont, Stirlingshire)
Larbert Churchyard (Stirlingshire)
Larbert Cemetery (Stenhousemuir, Stirlingshire)
Le Cropt Churchyard (Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire)
Camelon Cemetery (Stirlingshire)
St John's Churchyard (Camelon, Stirlingshire)
New Monkland Churchyard (Glenmavis, North Lanarkshire)
New Monkland Cemetery (Glenmavis, North Lanarkshire)
Cumbernauld Village Churchyard (Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire)

If a section number and/or lair number could be supplied, especially for the cemeteries, it would be a great help!


Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Ladyfing on Monday 15 August 05 14:03 BST (UK)
I think this is an absolutely excellent idea. I live in Lincoln and would be more than happy to check out churchyards in this city and surrounding villages where possible. It would give me an opportunity to 're-pay' in some way all help I have received from people on rootschat in the past. In fact I've been doing this for friends and distant relatives recently whenever I go to mutual areas of interest.
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Keith Bateman on Monday 15 August 05 17:15 BST (UK)
I have my area listed under Shropshire to think it might be useful here as well.

Will check and photograph graveyards in Whitchurch, Marbury, and Tushingham - all are in northern Shropshire/south Cheshire.

Some are as usual not in great condition - as we all know!!


Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Saturday 20 August 05 01:08 BST (UK)
I am  looking for a headstone hunter ;D for Overleigh Cemetery  in Chester.For my Jones ancestors of which there are many i  have the Grave numbers. Two for now
Thomas Evan Jones Died July 6th 1972 grave 3185
Thomas Henry Jones died April 12th 1940           "

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Keith Bateman on Sunday 21 August 05 20:09 BST (UK)
Hi All,

Right  - can anyone help a local Vicar!!

He used to be the senior Archivist for Pembrokeshire Records Office - so also has an interest similar to us.

He has noticed in 3 churchyards that he attends very similar headstone carvings - all the graves were done about 1880 - he was wondering what it means?
He thinks a lots of carvings on the headstones had a deep, forgotten meaning, and was wondering what this particular one means.
He told me that a pillar cut of at an angle and used as a headstone represented "The Staff of Life Cut Short" - learn something new every day!!

Anyone any ideas on this?


Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: JillJ on Sunday 21 August 05 20:16 BST (UK)
Hi Keith,

This looks quite an interesting site:

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: jinks on Sunday 21 August 05 20:43 BST (UK)

I think the idea is GREAT.......... BUT I dare
not tell you were I live....

Do you have your graves for Blackburn?
I know a good phone number if you need
to locate them  (I do not think the service would
like me to post it on here)

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Sunday 21 August 05 22:36 BST (UK)
Hi Jinks
Sorry i am confused i don't understand your mail ??? I would never ask for anyones address and I'm not looking for headstones in Blackburn anywhere (Am I ??? )

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: jinks on Sunday 21 August 05 22:44 BST (UK)
Sorry Celia

Maybe I should add some smillies! ;D

I was talking about your Barron ancestors :-X

The phone number is belonging to a
government office in Blackburn ;)

I was not talking about my addres but the
vicinity of where I live. ;D


Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Sunday 21 August 05 22:57 BST (UK)
Gottit  ;D you read my surname interest and locations Right ;D
Unfortunately i have no idea where my Baron family are buried.only my Gran who was a baron.So until i do i cant ask for search.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Rian on Sunday 21 August 05 23:29 BST (UK)
Have you seen this wonderful site, run by another Rootschatter:
Gravestones and churches from Shropshire, Gloucs, Wilts and Worcs.
Really helpful.

As for keeping the gravestone topic to the respective counties; what about all those located out of the UK?
I would like to see a separate site for gravestones.
Please could the moderators reconsider their decision?
Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: PrueM on Monday 22 August 05 05:17 BST (UK)
As for keeping the gravestone topic to the respective counties; what about all those located out of the UK?
I would like to see a separate site for gravestones.

Rian, I agree - there is a "general" census lookup/request board separate from the county-specific ones, so I don't know why a general gravestones board couldn't work.  It seems to make more sense to me than to have this long, rambling topic that we now have (interesting though it is!) which includes discussions as well as requests. 

It would be great if the mods/admins could re-think their position on this.

Just my 2 cents

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Keith Bateman on Monday 22 August 05 11:40 BST (UK)
Hi Jill,

Thanks for that - will send it on to "my" Vicar!


Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Boongie Pam on Monday 22 August 05 14:00 BST (UK)

Rian, I agree - there is a "general" census lookup/request board separate from the county-specific ones, so I don't know why a general gravestones board couldn't work. 

Hi Prue and others,

We are currently moving all the "General Census" look up requests to the counties because that board doesn't work.

There are loads of unanswered posts - having a separate general and specific county boards has caused lots of confusion and upset because of duplicated posts.  There for we are slowly decommissioning the board.

There is only a very small band of moderators none of whom are full time.  My personal opinion is that specific look up offers should be in the county as it is most logical.  I have in the past myself suggested a Graves board for project related info i.e. how do I clean a grave etc.

But as soon as there is any ambiguity on where to post "Common Room" "Grave board" or "County" then you have a moderating nightmare.

As for keeping the gravestone topic to the respective counties; what about all those located out of the UK?

This is a research board for UK family history, there is provision for emigrant research and surely this is the board where any grave look up offers should be placed?

I do not see a difference between a grave look up and a census look up in that respect.

I'm sorry I sound so negative and it obviously isn't my decision - moderators are still discussing the need for new boards.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Monday 22 August 05 20:05 BST (UK)
Hello Pam
I do not see a difference between a grave look up and a census look up in that respect
I get the feeling someone somewhere is missing the point of this topic.There is a big difference between a Grave look up,or grave seeker,( a new breed of  wonderfull people)not to be confused with a burial lookup),and a census lookup A burial lookup As with censuses one has records,on hand, or in the libraries.A grave look up is for is for people who know,not think  ;D where their ancestors are buried be it church or council, but are unable to do a burial lookup because they don't  live in the area.How many people would offer to spend time in the local library in the area the of the gravyard looking through books trying to find if a particular church has transcribed the M. I's  or sections/plots for the grave yard.Or a couple of hours looking through films so they could pinpoint the grave.Not many,These Grave seekers cannot do this,They are walking blind around a grave yard hoping to come  across the grave they have been asked to find.They love doing this and help lots of people they are very much appreciated.
O.k so we cant have a board(a board needs a moderater I think we forgot that ;D ) but can the topic be stickied until they decide ;D                               
Comment from Prue.  It seems to make more sense to me than to have this long, rambling topic that we now have.
We promise to stop Rambling as from now ;D

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Boongie Pam on Monday 22 August 05 20:26 BST (UK)

When I said I see no difference [between census/burial/grave look ups] I did not mean the generosity of time. 

I meant that I believe it is still grounded by location and therefore appropriate to the county boards.

Title: Re: Do we need a Gravestone Topic?=The Gravestone Store
Post by: PrueM on Monday 22 August 05 22:34 BST (UK)
Comment from Prue.  It seems to make more sense to me than to have this long, rambling topic that we now have.
We promise to stop Rambling as from now ;D

No, Celia - please keep rambling!!  I like the rambles...only meant that it was difficult on this particular thread to pick up requests and offers in amongst the discussions  ;D

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Steven.Hill on Wednesday 24 August 05 08:26 BST (UK)
The earliest design of this type I’ve seen is 1840, there are one or two variations one as in the photo as a barley sugar twist cut around the top, some have this carving on the top and two columns down the side, another with ivy running thru the twist.
I think he is right in saying that the motif on the stone means The Staff of Life Cut Short. The meaning of columns, doors-heavenly entrance, the meaning of ivy, abiding memory, friendship, fidelity.
There is also, the information on a grave that would not be gained from any records.
E.g., I found a grave that said his youngest son died in South Africa in 1879; so, I did some, research and found that he was in the Army and killed during the Zulu war, if this stone had been destroyed so would somebody’s family history, this is just one reason why they have to be recorded and photograph.
Graveyard Project
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Paul E on Wednesday 24 August 05 13:16 BST (UK)
I too recently found an ancestors grave ...   it proved to be the only tangible information linking a John Clark who emigrated to South Africa in 1850 with his father.   John Clark is just such a common name that it would be impossible, without the information on the gravestone, to definitively link the John who emigrated with the family in Yorkshire.  Shows you how valuable they are!

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: ellen1 on Wednesday 24 August 05 13:55 BST (UK)
what a great idea anyone needing any grave photos for glasgow and barrhead scotland send me an email i would gladly take them for you.  ellen   
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: giving up for a while on Thursday 25 August 05 15:12 BST (UK)
Just to let you know that I will be going to Yaughal, Co. Cork on  Saturday weather permiting so if anyone want photos taken please let me know

Love Anne
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: jinks on Saturday 27 August 05 23:40 BST (UK)
Just Remembered a site about some
cemetaries in the North of England (Lancashire)

It saves you trailing round them on the off
chance some distant or not so distant relative is
buried there, They will provide detail of the
Surnames but this costs money.

But you could just check if they are buried there OR Not.



Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Jane Eden on Saturday 27 August 05 23:51 BST (UK)
Hi all

I can do St John the Baptist Parish Church, Beeston and Beeston Cemetery, Nottinghamshire.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Steven.Hill on Sunday 28 August 05 09:17 BST (UK)
if any body finds a grave that as South Africa in the Inscription
1877 to 1879 could you please let me Know.
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Sunday 28 August 05 13:13 BST (UK)
Anyone in particular Steve :)

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Steven.Hill on Sunday 28 August 05 18:23 BST (UK)
No body in particular, I found one a few week ago this is all it had on the grave Also George their son Born May 26th 1857 Died May 21st 1879 and was interred at Balte Spruit Zululand Africa, until I did some research I had not realised how important it was there must be more around.
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Sunday 28 August 05 19:46 BST (UK)
I just thought i would mention(but if you have done your homework you will know :-)Not many survived that never to be forgotton and tragic Zulu War.I think you might find that any mention of a death in Africa or Zululand as it was then.Will be in cemeteries or on memorials in Wales.Maybe someone on this topic can keep an eye open for you.Then P.M you with any results, good luck in your search.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Lesanne on Monday 29 August 05 18:52 BST (UK)
   Hi Steve, found this in deep bush near( approx 50 miles) Graff Rienet.
            Quite a bit North of Nysna, Port Elizabeth and Bedford.

              There were other gravestones, but they read as Dutch in origin.


Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: MarieC on Tuesday 30 August 05 12:54 BST (UK)
Here is an Aussie bush grave - my ggrandfather.  We knew it was west of Quilpie in western Queensland, but not exactly where - and there are hundreds of square miles of semi-arid country out there!  However, the Quilpie Shire Council has managed to locate it, and two cousins and I are off on a long trek - over 800 kilometres in each direction - to see it!  He died while staying with two sons on their property, and of course he had to be buried there.  In good order for a grave that no family member has maintained, isn't it?


Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: JillJ on Tuesday 30 August 05 13:10 BST (UK)

That is wonderful!   I'm sure you will all feel very emotional when you get there so best pack a large box of tissues!   Hope you will report back to us.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: GRACELAND on Tuesday 30 August 05 17:05 BST (UK)
 :D Thanks for that picture MarieC

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: PrueM on Tuesday 30 August 05 22:08 BST (UK)
Marie!  So glad you have managed to locate that grave, many folks may not realise that Quilpie is a very remote town in the middle of alot of uninhabited country, so to have had the council find the place for you is such a boon.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Rian on Wednesday 31 August 05 06:04 BST (UK)
I think Sally deserves a huge vote of thanks:
Hip Hip Hooray for Parish Mouse!!! Go to:
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: MarieC on Wednesday 31 August 05 08:52 BST (UK)
Thanks for those kind words, JillJ, Graceland and Prue!

And yes, three cheers for Sally, this seems like a very good offer!  May I ask if it is going to be for just the counties that are there now, or just for the British Isles, or more general??

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Boongie Pam on Wednesday 31 August 05 15:55 BST (UK)
Can I highlight that we do have offers and requests boards in the counties on Rootschat and would more than welcome posts.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Wednesday 31 August 05 18:29 BST (UK)
I cant find any connection between Parishmouse and Rootschat.No mention of it on the site.and i cant find it on RootsChat ??? I had thought when i started the topic that if there was enough interest we might be allowed a board in the common room.If not and it was popular which it seems to be ;D,at leased at some time be stickied.My objective was at the time to use it as a stepping stone to other counties.Also to make it easier for rootschat  members to access the board/topic from the most used  part of rootschat .Which is the common room ;D Who would not normally know about grave searchers.To my knowledge there wasn't any till recently  8) I have to stay here i am afraid  :) because i am waiting for replies ;D ;D

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Friday 02 September 05 00:14 BST (UK)
That is a beautiful photo,and as you say in good condition it looks like it was only erected recently,it is so clear.It is also built like a monument, which of course it is and will be there for a long long time.Did his sons build it.Like Jill says come back and let us know how you get on.You never know you might find some more graves on the way ;D

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: MarieC on Friday 02 September 05 04:39 BST (UK)
Yes, Celia,

He was staying with two of his sons on their soldier settlement block (which proved to be too small to sustain its lessees in that semi-arid country) when he died.  The two sons buried him.  In remote outback places back then, of course you couldn't transport bodies any distance.  But I feel sad, that he lies by himself in such an isolated place, while his wife and at least four of his children are here in Toowoomba.

There are no other family graves out there.  I know where the rest of the family are.  But his parents-in-law are also separated - she in Toowoomba, he at Barcaldine where he died on his property 47 years before her.

I will report back.  I think I will take Jill's advice about the tissues.  I feel emotional already!!

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: MarieC on Saturday 10 September 05 05:35 BST (UK)
Hi Rootschatters,

Reporting back as requested.  (Query: why can't this topic be stickied ???  It is so popular!)

I have wearily returned from our safari into the semi-arid Outback to visit great-grandfather's grave.  Almost 1800 kilometres in 3 days!  The road was flat and straight and bitumen almost all the way, but the last bit of the journey, to the old homestead site and then to the grave, entailed bouncing in a four wheel drive over bore drains and creek crossings and stony dry red paddocks for quite a few kilometres!

The grave stands atop a ridge.  In front of it is a wide treeless grassy expanse stretching down to a creek about half a kilometre away.  Behind it, visible in the photo I posted, the dead trees were killed by a grasshopper plague in 1937.  I am amazed that they are still standing, not destroyed by white ants or something else!

The cairn is constructed of local stones and cement.  The facing plate is marble, with the lettering inset in some material, we were not sure what - perhaps brass which has blackened with time?  In that very dry climate, of course no moss or lichen has grown.  Just a few smudges of red dirt on the plate.  The cairn has developed a slight lean, but hopefully should stand for a long time yet. 

The atmosphere of this remote site on an outback property is serene and beautiful, and I felt strongly that g-grandfather's spirit is at peace there.  Though Irish by birth, he always loved the Outback and I think he would have wanted to lie there.  All the arrangements I had to make worked so smoothly that I really felt he was watching over me to make sure everything went well.

I had taken soil from his wife's grave in Toowoomba to sprinkle on the grave, and brought back some soil to sprinkle on hers.  And yes, I felt very emotional, but controlled myself with a giant effort.  The property owner and his neighbour were standing there, and you do NOT cry in the presence of Australian bushmen.  It is extraordinarily embarrassing for them, particularly if you are a stranger! 

I feel blessed by the whole experience.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: PrueM on Saturday 10 September 05 07:18 BST (UK)
What a wonderful experience!  I'm sure g-grandfather must have been paving your way, so to speak, as he knew what a lovely gesture it was that you were making, reuniting him and his wife in that way.
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: maggiefishblue on Saturday 10 September 05 09:16 BST (UK)
Hi Marie,

What a wonderful and moving experience. 

I know how I felt when I found my g grandfather's grave - he also is separated from his wife (by about 200 miles).  However, I only had to travel for a couple of hours on relatively smooth English roads!

Thank you for sharing the experience with us.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: JillJ on Saturday 10 September 05 11:25 BST (UK)
Hi Marie,

I'm so pleased that you achieved your journey without mishap.  Well done - and thanks for sharing it with us.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Rian on Saturday 10 September 05 23:12 BST (UK)
Hi Marie,
That was a lovely thing to do. I'm glad it all went well for you. Did you find out anything new about him from the people there?
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: MarieC on Sunday 11 September 05 09:35 BST (UK)
Hi Rian

Didn't find out anything major.  The current owner of the property came much later, and it was the neighbour's father who was there at the time, so he only knew what his father had told him.

There was a story about the old man having wanted to be buried in the creek, his family complying, and then a flood washing the coffin up, after which he was reburied on the ridge where he now is.  We have discounted this story, as no bushman would bury a body in a creek, or ask to be so buried!  He had dementia, and despite the family's having built a high fence to keep him home, we seem to have confirmed the family story that he wandered off, a major search was mounted, and he died soon after he was found.  There is some thought that he is buried where he was found - five or six kilometres from the homestead site! - but this will be hard to confirm.

I will get his death certificate soon and see what it says...

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Thursday 06 October 05 20:39 BST (UK)
Judging by all the questions still being asked about Gravestones. We cant understand why anything to do with them cant be kept on one topic or merged with a similar one and stickied. There is only one other topic just on gravestones but its more of a chat/fun room ;D ;D  (more pictures of Elvis than gravestones ;D ;D ;D)This one would be for everything Grave ;D ;D

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: MarieC on Friday 07 October 05 05:32 BST (UK)
Hear, hear, Celia!

This topic is of ongoing interest to people.  I would love to see it stickied!!

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Sunday 16 October 05 14:25 BST (UK)
Somebody might need a grave to be found in Hyde cemetery in Cheshire he has the plot number.Is there anyone i can recomend him to if the need be?


sorry its a her not a He the lady lives in U.S
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: wheeldon on Sunday 16 October 05 20:59 BST (UK)
I ma more than happy to do look ups for people and with the aid of a digital camera it's not so hard.  This topic has come up before and I do think we are the new train spotters but we are just a bit more sinister - hey we'll be down with the kids - gothic!
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Sunday 16 October 05 22:28 BST (UK)
Hi Wheeldon
was that an offer of help in Hyde cem

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: wheeldon on Thursday 20 October 05 16:07 BST (UK)
Hi Celia, as soon as I pass my test I will look up anything you want in Hyde-until then, unfortunately it will have to be in my local area -or a bus ride away.
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Monday 24 October 05 21:32 BST (UK)
Hello Wheeldon
Oldfield is a new member I so i advised her to put a request on the Cheshire board. she has now done that,so it's up to you what you do now.I did say if she doesn't get a responce i will give her directions through the passages of rootsChat. To the common room ;D She has the name, year,plot.


Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: trish251 on Tuesday 25 October 05 01:31 BST (UK)
Have only just found this topic - it's great - loved Marie's trip into the outback  :)  :)

I visit cemeteries (definitely a weird hobby according to the friends and relatives) in Brisbane, Qld, Australia. Locations can be checked at

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: sparrett on Tuesday 25 October 05 05:48 BST (UK)
Hi All,
Does everyone who is interested in Aust Burials have this address?  Some listed cemeteries offer online information, others have postal address for information.

I am now confused as to whether I can place a request for a visit/picture/reading of headstone on this board or not.  I truly value the offers of English contacts on rootschat because for me everything is impossibly far away!!!
At the risk of upsetting the management, I will request here and if they want it eleswhere, I am sure they will say.  If I don't get much interest, I will do the unforgivable and post eleswhere on another board as well.

A man at Greenwich got this information for me about possible ancestors in WOOLWICH old Cemetery.

Benjamin John Parrett. Section L number272
H.V. Parrett (address19 Charles Street, Woolwich)
Olive Parrett Section D number 340 (address Hulk Alley Church Street, Woolwich.
As you see, there are no dates given,but if there was a headstone, it may reveal something.  Thanks in Hopes. Sue
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: MarieC on Tuesday 25 October 05 08:25 BST (UK)
Thanks, Trish, for those kind words! :)  That trip outback is still resonating in my consciousness and will for a long time.

Thanks also, Trish and sparrett, for the links.  As a result of the link sparrett provided, I have been having a lovely time looking at photos of ancestors' tombstones in Sherwood Anglican Cemetery in Brisbane.  Excellent photos and transcriptions!

Toowoomba cemetery is one of those online.  Go to and click on "Gravefinder".

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Friday 28 October 05 23:26 BST (UK)
I have had another request for a gravestone to be spotted ;D
Quote Wheeldon
 I do think we are the new train spotters but we are just a bit more sinister - hey we'll be down with the kids - gothic!
Again this is for a lady living in N.Z this time.Unfortunately for me it is  Flaybrick cemetery/Memorial Birkenhead never been to it.Too far for me to go, as i don't drive.Does anyone live a bit nearer to it than me? Dawn has today sent me the sec/plot number, and would like photo if possible.I can put you in contact with dawn if you can do this.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Paul E on Friday 28 October 05 23:40 BST (UK)
Thanks to Keith Bateman for alerting me to this thread.   :)

Yes, Celia, I can most probably arrange a photograph of this plot, so long as Dawn isn't in a mad hurry (ie sometime over the next couple of weeks?).   Do you want to PM me the details?


Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Friday 28 October 05 23:58 BST (UK)
Wow that was fast thank you Paul ,will send you P.M as requested.In case my computer gets changed tomorrow.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: J.A.M. on Monday 31 October 05 15:56 GMT (UK)
Good idea. I might be able to help in Nova Scotia.
Call it 'Grave Thoughts'?
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Wednesday 07 December 05 16:28 GMT (UK)
I know Ireland is a big country,but if Scattletrap or anyone else who lives anywhere in ireland and goes walkies around cemeteries. I would be truly gratfull if you would keep  an eye open for any McCloy Name on any gravestons in any cemetery. I only got as far back as 1810 in glasgow,when my G.G.Grandaftherr Richard McCloy was born.Then later generations dispersed all over scotland. I am still no further on with his Father Alexander McCloy(died Scotland 1860)..Beacaus the line came to a full stop in 2001 due to no records being found of his birth in1792. I have a small reference somewhere on Ireland in regard to Alexander .It has also been suggested many times that Alexander May have come from Ireland. So as said any McLoys will do ;D
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: apanderson on Wednesday 07 December 05 20:50 GMT (UK)
Hi Celia,

I have PM'd you regarding your McCloys.

Some PM's I sent recently vanished so if you don't get it, could you let me know please.

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Thursday 08 December 05 22:41 GMT (UK)
recieved and replied Anne, thank you :)
Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: Shaztoni on Saturday 10 December 05 14:10 GMT (UK)
Will keep my eyes peeled  :o for your McCloys

Title: Re: Gravestone Topic=The Gravestone Store
Post by: celia on Saturday 10 December 05 14:38 GMT (UK)
Thank you Sharon much obliged :) :)
