
General => Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing => Topic started by: Markos on Wednesday 23 May 18 21:43 BST (UK)

Title: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: Markos on Wednesday 23 May 18 21:43 BST (UK)
Hello! I want to take a DNA test (maybe Ancestry or what would you recommend) but I'm a bit afraid of the number of matches. I'm a Ukrainian with detected Romanian and Azerbaijanian ancestry and presumable Polish, Jewish and Greek. However, not many people in Ukraine take a DNA test, so I'm afraid not to have any matches at all. Is that possible?

I also wonder in case of ethnicity percentage. As I've just read here, some people had different results on different platforms? So are those results true? Can i believe them?

Last query: is that possible to get access to other's family trees without paying to the website by contacting them directly or anyhow?

Maybe a bit wordy but I don't wanna throw away 100 dollars in case a DNA doesn't worth it
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: Markos on Saturday 26 May 18 23:47 BST (UK)
Maybe anyone could answer me? Thanks for your kindness!!!
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: hurworth on Sunday 27 May 18 01:26 BST (UK)
I don't think admixture/ethnicity estimates are a particularly good reason for taking a DNA test.  Currently they don't distinguish between various European populations very well, and perhaps never will.

At Ancestry if you have a sub and your match has a tree you can automatically see it.  Otherwise you can contact your match and request they give you guest status to see their tree, which they may or may not do.

If you do test with Ancestry I would highly recommend that you also upload your DNA to FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage.  Gedmatch has a great database as well.  All three of these have chromosome browsers which I've found incredibly useful.  None of these sites require a subscription.  Alternatively, you could test with FamilyTreeDNA or MyHeritage in the first place.

Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: Gardenshed on Sunday 27 May 18 03:48 BST (UK)
Welcome to Rootschat Markos!  :)

I agree that DNA tests are not yet able to accurately tell different European populations apart. There has been so much movement by different groups.

You may well be able to get some matches though there are many complaints here on Rootschat that most matches are from the United States as more people have been testing there for longer. You may find connections with family who migrated to the US. You might also have to wait a year or two to get good results and for more people in the Ukraine to test. But someone has to be first!

I understand that Ancestry has the largest number of test results but that My Heritage possibly has the best coverage of Continental Europe.

When you compare the costs of different tests, do not forget to check postage. In some cases it is included but it is extra for other companies.

On FTDNA for example you can see the family trees of people you match with, without having to pay extra. However that is only if people have created a tree (many are too lazy or not interested enough) and have left it open for you. Some people make their trees private.

This link might be helpful

Good luck and please let us know whether you get matches.

Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: sugarfizzle on Sunday 27 May 18 08:06 BST (UK)
Apologies for not seeing your post before, and a big welcome to Rootschat.

As previous posters have said, ethnicity results are not to be relied upon. If it is your main reason for being tested, at present you will be wasting your money.

The following link appears to be a very good article, outlining best test for those who have Russian/Ukrainian heritage.

It gives different suggestions for various different reasons for being tested. It does say in the article that if you still live in Ukraine, or are looking for 'cousins' still living in Ukraine, your only option is familytreeDNA, though the article is 4 years old, things may have changed.

Cost is not the only thing to be considered, the most expensive test may give the best results, depending on what you are looking for.  As for viewing trees without subscription - you will be presented with a very basic tree at ancestry which you can view for free, but it will have only the matches direct ancestors - no siblings or second marriages etc.
To get the best out of an ancestryDNA test you need a subscription,often offered at a reduced price if you take a test.

Hope this helps.

Regards Margaret
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: Markos on Sunday 27 May 18 17:21 BST (UK)
Thank you all very much for your help and support!

I do have some American relatives but they moved around 10 years ago and I know all the matches we share. I also know my maternal ancestry till great-grandparents well and some branches up to direct 6th generation but want to know more. As for the paternal one, I only know my grandparents and some of the earlier names and that's what I want to reveal as well.

As I am now not in Ukraine for a while, I still plan to take Ancestry, as they have the biggest database and do not accept uploads, and then upload my results to all the others. Do you think its a good opton?

I also wonder, whether any mistakes are possible? is that possible that a guy, who is shown as my relative, is not them?

Thank you!!!
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: familydar on Sunday 27 May 18 18:25 BST (UK)
Regarding mistakes, I think the science is fairly reliable these days, if ancestry (or whoever you test with, and I would say ancestry is a good choice) say that a person is estimated to be a close cousin, they probably are.  But their tree, if they have one, will only be as good as the effort they've put in.

I can't imagine anyone would pay for a DNA test and get a complete stranger to spit in the tube on their behalf, but never say never!

Jane :-)
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: Markos on Sunday 27 May 18 18:47 BST (UK)
Ok, many thanks. However, my final, main, vital, crucial etc. question will be: to be or not no be? Judging from what I've written before (and all of that is true) would you recommend me to take a test?
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: sugarfizzle on Sunday 27 May 18 18:58 BST (UK)
Preferably, a DNA test will back up a paper trail.

If you haven't got the paper trail it will be more difficult, but not impossible. It really depends upon which if any of your wider family has been tested. Adoptees sometimes get very good results, sometimes not.

Only you can make the decision whether it will be worth paying out or not. I have personally found it to be very worthwhile.

Regards Margaret
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: Markos on Sunday 27 May 18 19:10 BST (UK)
All my paper trail is based entirely on stories from my older relatives, and I have no idea on how many of my relatives have done a DNA (if any).
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: sugarfizzle on Sunday 27 May 18 19:23 BST (UK)
Markos, That's how we all (or most of us) start out, stories from older relatives which may or may not be true.

DNA will not provide instant answers, your best bet may be to try and find out more about your ancestors before undergoing DNA testing. It will not by itself produce a tree for you, though if research into Ukraine ancestry is particularly difficult it might be your only option.

Not many people know which of their family have tested, none of my close family had. I found 2nd and 3rd cousins as well as the many more distant cousins.

Regards Margaret
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: Markos on Sunday 27 May 18 19:47 BST (UK)
However, as far as I'm concerned, it's possible to keep your data in the database forever and thus wait for others to take a test, am I right?
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: familydar on Sunday 27 May 18 20:14 BST (UK)
Not sure about forever as we can't predict the future any more than we can travel backwards in time to quiz our ggggggf on when and where exactly he was born and who his parents were, but yes, it stays in the database unless you choose to remove it, so as time passes you will get more and more matches with people who have newly tested.

If you can afford it, and presumably you can or we wouldn't be having this conversation, I'd say it's a very worthwhile investment that keeps on giving.

Jane :-)
Title: Re: Possibility of matches/truthfulness
Post by: Markos on Wednesday 30 May 18 12:16 BST (UK)
Thank you all for your advice!!!