
General => Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing => Topic started by: LizzieL on Wednesday 20 November 19 14:16 GMT (UK)

Title: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: LizzieL on Wednesday 20 November 19 14:16 GMT (UK)
I have a 6cM match across one segment with K. I would not normally bother about looking at such a low match but she came up on a search of an uncommon surname in the same village in Surrey where I have ancestors. She has an on line tree going back to her 4 x great grandfather who I also have on my tree.  K is  therefore my half 10th cousin and my  10th cousin once removed (due to a first cousin marriage many generations back). Is it really possible to get a DNA match with someone that distant? I know the cousin marriage would make the link stronger but not sure how much. Ancestry predicts 5th - 8th cousin. So should I lokk for a closer link between us?
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: Gadget on Wednesday 20 November 19 14:19 GMT (UK)
If you are direct cousins a 4 x great would suggest she was a fifth cousin. What great is the grandfather to you?
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: Gadget on Wednesday 20 November 19 14:23 GMT (UK)
THese are the predicted relationships for that amount of cM

Relationship probabilities (based on stats from The DNA Geek)
    6C 6C1R 5C 6C2R 4C1R 5C1R 7C Half 3C2R 4C2R 5C2R 7C1R 3C3R 4C3R 5C3R 8C or more distant
    Half 3C 3C1R Half 2C2R 2C3R
    4C Half 3C1R 3C2R
    3C Half 2C1R 2C2R Half 1C3R
    Half 1C2R † Half 2C † 2C1R 1C3R
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: LizzieL on Wednesday 20 November 19 14:28 GMT (UK)
Her 4 x great grandfather is my half 4th cousin 6 times removed and 5th cousin 5 times removed.

My 3 x great grandmother is half 4th cousin once removed and 5th cousin to K's 4 x great grandfather

All relationships calculated by FTM, not by me, I'm not clever enough ;D
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: Gadget on Wednesday 20 November 19 14:36 GMT (UK)
Sorry I misread the  grandfather as grandmother.  I don't think it's 10th it's based on this

Her 4 x great grandfather is my half 4th cousin 6 times removed and 5th cousin 5 times removed.

I think I need to do some tree drawing to work it out  - back later  ::)  ;D
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: LizzieL on Wednesday 20 November 19 14:42 GMT (UK)
THese are the predicted relationships for that amount of cM

Relationship probabilities (based on stats from The DNA Geek)
    6C 6C1R 5C 6C2R 4C1R 5C1R 7C Half 3C2R 4C2R 5C2R 7C1R 3C3R 4C3R 5C3R 8C or more distant
    Half 3C 3C1R Half 2C2R 2C3R
    4C Half 3C1R 3C2R
    3C Half 2C1R 2C2R Half 1C3R
    Half 1C2R † Half 2C † 2C1R 1C3R

Thanks that makes more sense than the percentages on Ancestry. But it assumes two people only have one relationship linking them. On my mother's side of the family, I have a couple of people who I have 3 different relationships with due to cousins marrying cousins more than once. And a 2C3R who lived with her mother's younger brother (my 1C4R) as if his wife and had several children with him.  Their children are my 2nd cousins 3 x removed and 3rd cousins twice removed.
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: Gadget on Wednesday 20 November 19 14:50 GMT (UK)
Here's a table but none of them so far go to 5th C 5 x removed:

I've got some double cousin relationships - e.g 3rd + 4th giving a relationship that looks like a 2nd cousin.  I've still not got my brain around your double so far  :-\

Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: Gadget on Wednesday 20 November 19 14:58 GMT (UK)
I've just checked through my 6cM matches that I've checked via comparing  trees and Common Ancestors and they vary from 5th cousin to half 6th cousin.
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: Gadget on Wednesday 20 November 19 15:12 GMT (UK)
What you've really got to do is to go back and find a common ancestor (grandparent) to K and count down the generations from there. If there is a mismatch of generations, that is a remove - e.g. my father's 1st cousin is my 1st cousin once removed but his daughter would be my 2nd cousin etc.

add - also, if it's a multiple relationship, I think you just have to accept all and the shared DNA is from all the shared ancestors.
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: LizzieL on Wednesday 20 November 19 15:21 GMT (UK)
For reasonably close relatives I can work it out but going back several generations with more than one relationship gets complicated. I have a Thomas Ryde who is my 10 x great grandfather and K's 11 x great grandfather. But the same Thomas may also be my 11 x great grandfather going down the other side of the cousin marriage. I think the couple were 1C1R not simple first cousins, but still too verify. records a bit sparse in the 16 and 1700s, but luckily they had property and left wills. The downside is most of the men were called Thomas or Gabriel and most of the women were called Mary
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: Gadget on Wednesday 20 November 19 15:30 GMT (UK)
It looks as if you are double cousins - and it could be one generation out, so - maybe - 11C1R and 12C1R. I'd have to look at the chart to be certain.
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: Ayashi on Wednesday 20 November 19 15:37 GMT (UK)
I (my mother's test) have multiple matches to people descended from my 7th, 8th and 9th great grandparents on the TREWARTHA line. They seem to have had some very strong genetics!

The furthest match I've had with someone on my mother's DNA test is my 10th great grandparents on a different line, UGLOW, also from Cornwall.

It is entirely possible that I am related in several ways, I just haven't found the others yet.
Title: Re: 10th cousin match - is it possible
Post by: Gadget on Wednesday 20 November 19 17:13 GMT (UK)
I've got quite a few 20+ grandparents , via one of those 'posh' ancestors, but I don't put them on my tree. I rather like the fact that I, like millions of others, am descended from Eleanor of Aquitaine  ;D