
England (Counties as in 1851-1901) => London & Middlesex Lookup Requests => London and Middlesex => England => London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests => Topic started by: gazza on Friday 19 August 05 19:54 BST (UK)

Title: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: gazza on Friday 19 August 05 19:54 BST (UK)
Trying to find a couple of roads,but the gendocs site and Lost london streets sites seem to have vanished themselves... ???
Tying to find Nassau Road & Minster Road in Tottenham (or where they used to be......)
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: Berlin-Bob on Friday 19 August 05 20:05 BST (UK)
Hi Gazza,

maybe the GENDOCS server was having a "bad heir" day, it's there and working now !

Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: gazza on Friday 19 August 05 20:46 BST (UK)
Hi Bob, thanks for the link . Gendocs seems to be ok now. Sadly it does not have those roads listed. Roads are probably under a big council estate somewhere now anyway. If someone should happen to know where please let me know.
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: casalguidi on Friday 19 August 05 22:34 BST (UK)
Hi Gazza

Have you tried the 1862 street index and accompanying map:

Alternatively, if you can find them in the 1881 census - try moving forwards and backwards a few pages to find the neighbouring streets which should give you some idea of the location.

Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: gazza on Friday 19 August 05 23:11 BST (UK)
Thanks casa,will try suggestions. :)
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: Biker on Friday 19 August 05 23:13 BST (UK)

Were you referring to this link? which does seem to be disappeared - hopefully a temporary glitch ....

Such a pity as it was a great resource.

Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: gazza on Saturday 20 August 05 00:17 BST (UK)
Yes ,that was the one Jonathan. Looks fairly terminal. Hope it pops up on another ISP somewhere sometime.
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: sparrett on Saturday 20 August 05 00:55 BST (UK)
Gazza,  Have you ever looked at Booth's Poverty Map site.  It does not answer everything about London streets, but can be very helpful in comparing then and now on the one screen.


Moderator Comment:  URL corrected
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: joboy on Saturday 20 August 05 05:12 BST (UK)
My old favourite is the Old Bailey' site at;

just type in the search box the name of the street you seek.
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: gazza on Saturday 20 August 05 14:17 BST (UK)
thanks also for those links Sue & Jo.
No luck tho sadly.
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: Sylviaann on Saturday 20 August 05 14:26 BST (UK)
If you go to Streetmap and look up Suffolk Road N15 you will see it comes off St Ann's Road.  Minster Road was parrallel to Suffolk road leading from St Ann's Road.  You will see a little T junction with no name which looks like a dead end.  Minster road was at the end of this dead end bit.

Hope you can understand that.  Minster road is still in my 1950's A-Z

No Trace of Nassau Road or anything like it in Tottenham area

They are not in my A-Z of Victorian England published 1888.  The area looks like fields although St Ann's Road is there.

Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: Sylviaann on Saturday 20 August 05 14:28 BST (UK)
Actually after getting out my magnifying glass I can see the Min of Minster Road.  It is on the edge of the page.

Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: gazza on Saturday 20 August 05 20:54 BST (UK)
Excellent ,thanks sylviaann. :D
I'll recheck the census on the nasau rd one in case I mis-read it.
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: atrebatus on Saturday 12 July 08 11:18 BST (UK)
Hello everybody . . . Thanks for Minster Road stuff . . . I was looking for the same road! My Gr Grandfather & Gr Grandmother were ther 1881 census "Arnold/Moules"
Puzzle solved!    Vernon Maldoom  :)
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: Alfred Moynte on Sunday 24 July 11 00:25 BST (UK)
Try the Internet Archive Wayback Machine

This is a great way to look at deleted web sites.  I just tried it successfully for the Lost London Streets site.  Go to the Wayback Machine, then enter the URL for L.L.S. ( in the blank field.
Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: jmw93 on Friday 02 March 12 20:24 GMT (UK)
I've just found this site

Title: Re: lost London streets, Gone!
Post by: atrebatus on Saturday 07 April 12 11:57 BST (UK)
A lot of inner London street names were changed between 1929 and 1939. I found this site useful in comparing old names to find the later versions --

My Grandfather lived in Islington at East Place, this changed to Northeast Place and worked in the market in Chapel Street which changed to Chapel Market.
Hope this helps !