
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: panda40 on Sunday 19 July 20 11:32 BST (UK)

Title: Following guidelines
Post by: panda40 on Sunday 19 July 20 11:32 BST (UK)
Hubby went out for a drink with his cousin yesterday to celebrate his birthday. I asked how it went when  he got home what he had to do. He didn't have to phone to book to go in any pub. He didn't have to leave his name or phone number and he agreed that once alcohol was consumed in large quantities all social distancing went out the window.

 So the government advice is not being followed. If he has contracted anything they have no way of tracing the individuals if they need to.

I'll stay at home and continue to garden and work on my family tree
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Girl Guide on Sunday 19 July 20 12:20 BST (UK)
I can understand that feeling Panda.  I went to my local supermarket with my daughter yesterday.  There was a mix of people wearing masks and not wearing them.  Social distancing didn't seem to be being well observed, just in pockets.

Although it isn't mandatory to wear face masks in shops until 24th July, I think I will stick to having my groceries delivered.  I just went out for the change of scenery having been isolating since lock down.  Got to admit I didn't feel comfortable in the supermarket.
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Pheno on Sunday 19 July 20 12:34 BST (UK)
I believe the giving of name/address/contact info is not mandatory, the establishment cannot require it and even if given it does not need to be verified by the establishment.  Neither do they have any duty to follow it up.

Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Top-of-the-hill on Monday 20 July 20 10:06 BST (UK)
  I thought the face mask wearing in shops came in today - what is so special about Friday 24th of July? ??? No wonder people are baffled.
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Kiltpin on Monday 20 July 20 10:15 BST (UK)
  I thought the face mask wearing in shops came in today - what is so special about Friday 24th of July? ??? No wonder people are baffled.

I believe that the idea was to give people time to get masks.  If it was really important, I would have thought that face-coverings would have been brought in immediately and masks as soon as available.


Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Crumblie on Monday 20 July 20 10:47 BST (UK)
I have been in a local Sainburys this morning and all the staff were wearing them in total contrast to the customers.
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: josey on Monday 20 July 20 10:54 BST (UK)
what is so special about Friday 24th of July?
It will be my birthday......

I agree that adherence to advice is very patchy. In my village, shops have put in a lot of work & thought to how they operate safely BUT one way systems put in by Co-op are not followed & in Lidl
there is very little social distancing. Most of the small shops have one in one out which is adhered to & good - until you have to queue outside in the rain! I have been to 2 pub gardens but I have no desire to go inside one. Will be having an outdoor or garage birthday get-together with careful neighbours.

Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Top-of-the-hill on Monday 20 July 20 11:10 BST (UK)
  The two village shops I use do have good "one in, one out" systems, but I do wonder how we will manage the queues when the weather turns. We have been lucky so far in that respect. I wondered about using the front area of the neighbouring village hall for the queue, but someone said it would probably involve a lot of extra cleaning!
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: roopat on Monday 20 July 20 13:18 BST (UK)
According to the BBC website the other day, plastic face shields are acceptable 'face coverings' for those who cannot wear a mask. My daughter's friend has a 3D printer & he gave her several, although she had sewn masks by hand for her family. Apparently the shields are very cheap - a lot of high school technology departments have been producing them to help with the PPE shortage.
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Top-of-the-hill on Monday 20 July 20 13:21 BST (UK)
  The Post Office staff in our shop are using those. It is probably important for customers to be able to hear what they are saying, which I gather can be a problem with face masks.
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: KGarrad on Monday 20 July 20 13:25 BST (UK)
According to the BBC website the other day, plastic face shields are acceptable 'face coverings' for those who cannot wear a mask. My daughter's friend has a 3D printer & he gave her several, although she had sewn masks by hand for her family. Apparently the shields are very cheap - a lot of high school technology departments have been producing them to help with the PPE shortage.

There are very few people who cannot wear a mask.

Most people who say they can't simply don't want to! ;D

My daughter works in a hospital, and has to wear a mask all the time she is at work.
Apparently, its a nuisance put it's perfectly do-able.
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: roopat on Monday 20 July 20 13:25 BST (UK)
  The Post Office staff in our shop are using those. It is probably important for customers to be able to hear what they are saying, which I gather can be a problem with face masks.

I was brave & ventured into Next the other day (well 7pm - only 1 other customer, shop very well organised) & the staff were wearing face shields. Our village hairdresser wears one too.
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Girl Guide on Monday 20 July 20 13:31 BST (UK)
The mask wearing is one of the reasons I haven't yet ventured far from my door.  I am deaf and rely on lip reading to understand what is being said. 

If someone has their face covered then I cannot do any lipreading and therefore wouldn't have a clue what was being said to me.  ::)
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: roopat on Monday 20 July 20 13:35 BST (UK)
According to the BBC website the other day, plastic face shields are acceptable 'face coverings' for those who cannot wear a mask. My daughter's friend has a 3D printer & he gave her several, although she had sewn masks by hand for her family. Apparently the shields are very cheap - a lot of high school technology departments have been producing them to help with the PPE shortage.

There are very few people who cannot wear a mask.

Most people who say they can't simply don't want to! ;D

My daughter works in a hospital, and has to wear a mask all the time she is at work.
Apparently, its a nuisance put it's perfectly do-able.

I agree with you 100%! I've made masks for me & OH & my other daughter + her boyfriend & after the initial strangeness, wearing them is fine for most people. My son-in-law is by nature very contrary & automatically tries to do the opposite of what he's told (but folds like a deflated balloon when challenged, bless him! ) - he was trotting out all the reasons why he 'can't' wear a mask - fogged glasses, hay fever etc etc - he's just worried about looking silly.  ::)  I know my daughter has made him one & she will make him wear it  ;D
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Maiden Stone on Monday 20 July 20 13:55 BST (UK)
Girl Guide, I'm in Scotland; wearing face-coverings in shops has been compulsory from 10th July. Disability Equality Scotland held/is holding a survey about issues people with disabilities are encountering. Groups elsewhere may be doing similar.
Noticed only 1 customer in Tsco convenience store with bare face. I use only local shops so have no idea of what's happening in the wider world.
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Maiden Stone on Monday 20 July 20 18:29 BST (UK)
Girl Guide reply #12 some ideas for lip-readers on the twitter account of this paramedic.
Title: Re: Following guidelines
Post by: Girl Guide on Monday 20 July 20 19:18 BST (UK)
That was interesting Maiden Stone, thank you for that.