
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: River Tyne Lass on Sunday 02 August 20 18:48 BST (UK)

Title: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Sunday 02 August 20 18:48 BST (UK)
I woke up early this morning from a nightmare.  I had dreamt that Jamie Oliver had enlisted my help in preparing a wedding banquet for someone.  In the dream I had  followed my own recipes instead of his as I was supposed to.  The dream ended when I discovered  that my own results weren't so good and I started to worry about being found out in having gone my own way with recipes rather than following his instructions.  When I woke up I continued to feel quite anxious and out of sorts for a couple of minutes until I became fully conscious that this had just been a bad dream.  I don't work in the catering industry and I doubt anyway that I would have the courage to run amok with my own recipes in the unlikely scenario that Jamie Oliver would ever ask for my untrained help with an event.  Ha! What a thought!
I think I must have a guilty conscience about something.  I do feel a bit guilty for not having done very much yesterday apart from a burst of housework early morning.  Visit with Grandson had been cancelled and I did feel a bit out of sorts at one point so had sought to cheer myself up by going on RootsChat to ask where a Great Grandfather might be buried even though I knew I had lots of other things, such as ironing, sewing repairs and weeding, etc I could have been getting on with.  After RC, I generally mooned about and then went to bed early.
Anyway, today I have felt a bit more energy than previous days so have plodded on trying to catch up with various tasks.  So hopefully, no more 'guilt' nightmares for me when I get back in from nightshift tomorrow.
I am now on the bus travelling en route for an early start nightshift, the first of another block.
Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: Llwyd on Sunday 02 August 20 19:34 BST (UK)
Was Jamie Oliver in the dream?. That would be sufficient to upset even the sturdiest of souls!.
Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 02 August 20 23:20 BST (UK)
RTL, you shouldn't be feeling guilty about not doing chores, you deserve a rest. Glad to hear you've had a bit more energy before the onslaught, hope all goes well.


Couldn't sleep last night after all the upset, was awake until at least 5am so got approximately four hours sleep, about half of what I need. Weather was fine when I got up, was about to go for my walk late morrning but once again NN had timed her front lawn cutting for my usual time. Couldn't face having to pass her or even see her if I went another route so waited till later. Then it bucketed down. Had lunch early, was hungry as I hadn't eaten much yesterday so had a bit extra. The rain cleared and the sun came out so I went out. Walked through the woods, kept getting drips of water on my head so went on the field for a while. Hadn't been back long when the heavens opened again. Am I wicked for laughing when I saw that NN had hung her washing out again? It was getting soaked  ;D

I'd decided a few days ago to widen one of the borders in my back garden so drew it out with sand then went up to my bedroom to get an aerial view of how it looked. It was okay so got the hose out to outline it and dug along the edge. It's going to to be hard work digging the turf out and I'll have to get some bags of top soil. It was pouring down with rain from time to time and in between the sun came out. We seemed to have had the summer weather in spring and now we're getting spring in the summer.

Phone call from a friend this evening, haven't heard from her for a while, she has such a lot going on. I should be in bed by now, am very tired but here it is not that long before midnight....

Hope it's been a good day for others.
Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: Caw1 on Sunday 02 August 20 23:49 BST (UK)
Oh goodness RTL what a dream.... I like Jamie Oliver and his recipes are generally good because they're quick, no fuss and in no time at all it's ready... I followed his YouTube video on making paste for Thai green curry and it's so easy and very tasty..... I'm sure you shouldn't have a guilty conscience for relaxing!.... good luck with your next lot of shifts and hope your buses and people on them behave themselves!

Roobarb - sorry you had such a poor night but after your upset yesterday it's not surprising... hope tonight's sleep is better.
You are a real grafter in your garden and I'm sure it all looks amazing with the hard work you put in to it... diggings so good to get things out if your system too.... if you know what I mean...😀😀

My diary...

Woken this morning firstly by motor bikes noise... can't believe they're out that early... obviously thinking they're trying to emulate the Grand Prix that's on later.... the next thing I hear is my next door neighbour hammering... heavens knows what as he was painting his front door yesterday... perhaps he didn't like the colour and got cross with it... who knows.... then his wife is talking to someone across the road... or shouting should I say and all this before 8.15 in the morning.... got up in the end... as did OH who I met on the landing muttering about them! Good start to the day...
Sat outside with breakfast and Sunday papers after neighbour had gone inside as she was out watering and can see over the fence and I really didn't want to talk to her... she's very kind but she's definitely gone a bit perculiar since lockdown...
Not much of any consequence in the papers today... skimmed through it... magazines not much better... crossword was more enjoyable today... managed to do about half... go back during the week and usually manage to do more...
As we'd not finished off our scrabble game yesterday we decided to do that... would you believe just when I thought I'd go into the lead he used all his tiles again in one go to score an extra 50 points..... sorry Mowsehowse but your banner didn't help me!....
In disgust I went to do my ironing which took me the rest of the morning...
Sat outside to eat lunch then had a potter about in the garden... picking more courgettes, raspberries and blueberries....
Marinaded some chicken breast cut them up and put them on skewers with peppers to BBQ for dinner...
I really need a new ironing board cover as I'm not good about standing the iron up every time whilst using it ... and it's had a lot of use lately!... as I've so far not found one online and certainly not going into shops to find one I thought I could turn it round as other end not so used... scortched really... when I took it off I found I'd got three others underneath... thought it was well padded... with a bit of cutting here and there sewn together I now have a new one that's multi coloured and different designs.... make do and mend eh!
We got ready to have a Zoom drinks with two sets of friends... one lot who'd come round last Sunday when they were out on their bikes and others we've not seen for months...
Nice to catch up... ones not seen had been away to Holkam in Norfolk with their dog and had lots lovely walks away from people... but we were flabbergasted, as were our other friends, to hear them say they'd eaten out every night in different places.... are they mad... especially as his dad is 102 and been in hospital recently!...
Sat outside for dinner then OH watered veg and we came inside
Caught up with Antiques Roadshow and Michael Portillo in Oz...

Not much excitement really... must do some exercise tomorrow...

Hope others days have been on... at least weathers been decent today

Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: Annette7 on Monday 03 August 20 01:16 BST (UK)
Had a good nights sleep (no dreams for me) and woke up again to glorious sunshine. Forecast said it would cloud over by lunchtime but it didn't.   Sun lasted until around 6pm, clouded over and we then had a light shower.

Felt weary later in the day but think that was because of yesterdays activities in sorting b-i-l's garage.   Finished off the current jigsaw and read on the tablet this evening.  Nothing on TV that I really wanted to watch.   Rang my cousin in Dorset and had a nice long chat.   I should have gone for a visit in April but we all know what happened with that plan!

Our current forecast is cloudy am/light rain pm for tomorrow, cloudy Tuesday and sun for Wed./Thurs./Fri. and Saturday.  Will put up with a couple of iffy days if it's going to be followed by 4 days of sunshine.

I've certainly learnt during lockdown how much the weather dictates my mood.

May you all have a good nights sleep (or a good days sleep for RTL).

Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: Mowsehowse on Monday 03 August 20 07:51 BST (UK)
I hope you all slept better than the night before.
Sorry about the Scrabble Caroline!  :'(

You shouldn't feel guilty RTL; you needed to rest. If I had to do such punishing hours I would only  cut the grass on annual leave!

Such a good idea to consider the flower bed extension from upstairs Roobarb. I wonder if I would have thought of that.

Got rather wet on the morning walk yesterday, despite the local forecast said no rain. Nothing else worth reporting.
Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: pharmaT on Monday 03 August 20 09:38 BST (UK)
Well Wednesday and Thursday were a washout I felt unwell in a washed out kind of way. Friday wasn't much better.  Pretty much just did the absolute basics.  Now got lots of cleaning to catch up on. 

Thursday I had to get a new slow cooker.  Picked the old one up to move it, the handles fell off and it went tumbling.  Thankfully I'd already served dinner.   Chicken chilli chowder for dinner on Saturday, king of like a cross between chilli con carne and clam chowder but made with chicken as the name suggests.  Beef stroganoff for dinner on Sunday.  Had been going to make apple and peach sponge pudding for dinner but realised I didn't have enough apples so made an apple and peach one.
Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: louisa maud on Monday 03 August 20 09:39 BST (UK)
You are quite right about weather dictating the mood of the day, thank God we had some really nice bright days during lockdown, but we do need rain, my plants although I water them frequently look a bit sad, I don't really know why, they started off so well, I ought to give them a plant food water I suppose although it looks like rain today, nothing like rain water to perk the plants up

I feel a bit fed up with being sensible and doing all the right things when the idiots are out, living it up, shoulder to shoulder and they spoil it for us who have been sticking to the rules in the main and staying in, I just hope we don't have lockdown for much longer although I have had to pop to the shops when I discovered it would be quiet

Hope you are feeling better Pharma

Have a nice day folks

Louisa Maud
Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: Roobarb on Monday 03 August 20 17:18 BST (UK)
Caroline, my garden looks quite good but not as good as I would have liked, I have put a lot of work in but unfortunately a lot of time and effort has been spent on dealing with the damage that NN caused. I have enjoyed taking cuttings and doing the rest of the garden though.
You have my sympathy with the unwanted dawn chorus of bikes and neighbours! You've been very resourceful with the ironing board cover, I think we're all finding a bit of wartime spirit during lockdown.

Annette, good to hear you've been getting some decent weather, I think everyone sent their rain up here yesterday!

Mowsehowse, hope you've had a more interesting day today.

PharmaT, you're quite a chef, what a shame about the slow cooker, thank goodness the dinner wasn't wasted.

Louisa Maud, I agree that it's galling that those of us who have stuck to the rules have to potentially suffer from the results of the behaviour of those who haven't.
I'm sure your plants would be grateful for a feed as well as the rainwater.

Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: Caw1 on Monday 03 August 20 23:27 BST (UK)
Annette - How right you are about ones mood and the weather... think we're all feeling that... at least looks like some nice warm sunshine in our part of the world and hopefully for others too..

Mowsehowse - sorry to hear your day wasn't too interesting... not like you not to have a little take about some wildlife you've encountered... hope today's been a better one...

Pharma - your cooking sounds exciting, nice to do different meals... pity about your slow cooker though... ought to make more use of mine a,ways forget I've got it as it's stuffed away in a cupboard!l

LM - you sound a bit down ... its hard to quantify sometimes why we all make the effort to do the right thing when some folk just carry on as if nothing's wrong.... watering plants can be very therapeutic apparently... think that's why my OH does it every day it's not going to or already rained... not much point growing veg and letting it wilt and die he says!
Hope you're feeling better today.
Roobarb- it's great to take pleasure in doing something creative like your gardening and painting... we all need something at the moment to keep us sane!

Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Tuesday 04 August 20 20:44 BST (UK)
Mowsehowse, your comment made me laugh.  Part of me (a big part) does wish I could leave the garden to annual leave.  However, I think I would have a breakdown if I had to face up with any inevitable  jungle on any proper time off.😬😉

Llwyd, yes J.O. did feature in the dream.  He was as pleased with and enthusiastic about his own dishes as he is in his programmes.  I am just thankful that the dream didn't feature Gordon Ramsey.  I think if I had had the worry of his bad temper in my dream I might just have had a heart attack in my sleep and not woken up at all.😜
Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 04 August 20 21:06 BST (UK)
I bought 2 pairs of shoes online recently, not normally an online shopper but we were on lockdown,  so decided today to take one pair back to the only shop in Essex by that name, so refunded one pair and bought 2 more, promised myself I would  throw 2 pairs of shoes out, then managed to go into 2 more shops and get 2 more bargains, hopefully to wear if we get away.

Took advantage of the meal offer and had a lovely meal for half price, just a main and a sweet,  can't do a 3 course nowadays

On the way home called into a nursery hoping to get more bedding plants, for some reason my bizzie lizzies  in my front garden seem to be dying, bought from 2 different places, I water every night but I put them in when it was very hot inJune and we haven't had much rain , so I have to root the dying ones out and replace them, i would like to decrease my front bedding area as it really is to big, something for me to think about

Hope you have all had a good day

Louise Maud
Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: Roobarb on Tuesday 04 August 20 22:07 BST (UK)
I must admit I don't plant things like the experts tell you, I don't have the patience a lot of the time but they do recommend giving the plants a good soaking before you remove them from the containers you bought them in and separate some of the roots to give them a good start. Perhaps you could put some perennials in instead, it would save you having to plant every year. I haven't done that either, I'm not practicing what I preach! 
Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 04 August 20 22:26 BST (UK)
I do have some but it needs plants at the border, am sure it will be OK when I get the new plants in,  would like it to rain before  I plant them to give them a fighting  chance

Title: Re: Diary - Sunday, 2 August 2020
Post by: Roobarb on Tuesday 04 August 20 22:33 BST (UK)
I'll send you some, we've had plenty!  ;D