
Research in Other Countries => United States of America => Topic started by: Erato on Monday 10 August 20 20:00 BST (UK)

Title: Wisconsin - naturalization documents, 1855
Post by: Erato on Monday 10 August 20 20:00 BST (UK)
FamilySearch has naturalization records for Marquette County, Wisconsin in the 1850s.  These are in a database entitled "Declaration of intention index 1848-1858 vol 2."  There are no declarations  recorded for 1854 and only three for 1855.  There were numerous declarations in the preceding and following years.  I am looking for a record in 1855 - the declaration of John Ennis.  I have a copy of his declaration that was apparently made at the time, either by John himself or by someone in the county clerk's office.  But there is no record of it in the index book.

Does volume 1 exist?  Is it perhaps available at one of the commercial sites to which I do not have access?
Title: Re: Wisconsin - naturalization documents, 1855
Post by: oldohiohome on Tuesday 11 August 20 17:40 BST (UK)
Results from Googling " marquette wisconsin naturalization records" then searching the three specific databases on the page on the top hit,

All Wisconsin, Federal Naturalization Records, 1848-1992 results for
Ennis, 1855, in Marquette County
none found
Besides you said the copy of his declaration came from the county clerk, not a federal court.

All Web: Oshkosh Area, Wisconsin, Naturalizations Index, 1840-1970 results for
Ennis, 1855, in Marquette County

Peter 4 Nov 1856, Fond du Lac
Lawrence 3 Nov 1856, Fond du Lac

clicking on the links at for Peter (and Lawrence) took me to this site, which might be able to answer your question:

All Web: Oshkosh Area, Wisconsin, Court Records Index, 1848-1977 results for
Ennis, 1855 +/- 2 years, Marquette County
none for that time period. Lots later -  property, debt, foreclosures, etc.

Title: Re: Wisconsin - naturalization documents, 1855
Post by: Erato on Tuesday 11 August 20 17:59 BST (UK)
My mistake.  I called him the county clerk but he was actually the circuit court clerk.  Here's a scan of the document.  I found a xerox copy of it among some papers my father had stashed away.  It purports to be a true copy of the original official document.  I assume it was made so that John Ennis would have a record of his declaration.
Title: Re: Wisconsin - naturalization documents, 1855
Post by: oldohiohome on Tuesday 11 August 20 18:02 BST (UK)
I guess the Circuit Court would be the people to ask if the U. Wisconsin at Oshkosh site doesn't have the answers.
Title: Re: Wisconsin - naturalization documents, 1855
Post by: Erato on Tuesday 11 August 20 20:28 BST (UK)
Thanks for the link to the Oshkosh site.  It provided answers to a few mysteries [George did divorce Hannah] and raised several new ones [who the heck were Tom and Dave Ennis in 1932?].  If I had a pile of money and if the postal service were currently functioning in Ecuador, I'd send for some of the documents.  For now, I'll put them on the back burner.

I'm still mystified as to why John Ennis's declaration was not recorded.  Maybe he backed out and withdrew his application although he was recorded as a citizen in 1870.