
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: Roobarb on Sunday 29 November 20 00:27 GMT (UK)

Title: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 29 November 20 00:27 GMT (UK)
Such a cold day today and quite gloomy too. Was hoping my prescription would be delivered today, the pharmacy shuts at 1pm on Saturdays. My grocery delivery was due between one and two so I decided to wait till later in the afternoon to go for a walk. Spent a while reading then set to sorting out the fridge and giving it a good clean. I wish they wouldn't make them with so many nooks and crannies, it makes the job so much longer.

Had some lunch, prescription delivery arrived then the Tesco one about 1.30. The drivers are usually quite chatty, the one today hardly managed to say hello. Perhaps he was having a bad day. Did the usual wiping and storing, by that time it had started to rain.

Went out about 2.30, there was a bit of fine drizzle but I was well wrapped up, it stopped shortly after. Really grey and gloomy but the woods still looked beautiful. Too late to start any painting when I got home, will have to wait till tomorrow. Hung some washing indoors to dry, not ideal but needs must. Tidied away the rest of the art equipment, I'd left it out hoping to get on but it was getting on my nerves.
Put the TV on early, watched Great Art, I recorded the series back in May. This episode was about Van Gogh, such a sad story of his life and death.

Had pizza for tea, haven't eaten it for a couple of years but
as it won't interfere with my social life I decided to see how it went with the aid of lactase tablets. Will see how I am tomorrow. Tried watching Roadkill as my friend recommended it, couldn't get into it so I abandoned it. Only another 23 days before the days start getting longer, can't wait.

Hope the day has gone well for others,

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Caw1 on Sunday 29 November 20 06:11 GMT (UK)
Roobarb- I think the weather definitely reflects ones mood and yours seems to have been a bit lack lustre as the weather was! Still admire your resolution to get out for a walk what ever the weather though!

Well it was certainly a dull day where we are.... I thought back to this time last year and it was our Christmas Craft Fayre.... it had been a beautiful day but very cold, but it brought lots of people out and our village hall was buzzing all day... it was joyous to see all the stall holders taking so much money and us raising a good sum for the organisation we’d chosen.... how different the time is now and how much life can change.... our hall is silent ... not in use.... no revenue ... none of the events we do raising money for all sorts of local organisations... thinking about all this I just wanted to bury my head under the duvet and wake up in another time.....
I’d heard OH get up early as he could book a tee time to restart playing golf again... when I finally went downstairs he was busy making bread...
We sat and chatted about things...
I didn’t do much just moped around .... had to put the lights on as it was so dull...
Lunch was earlier than usual on bread making day but as always a joy to eat freshly baked bread...
Well this wasn’t going to do so decided to get the Christmas stockings finished so I could deliver them on Monday....
My goodness what a mess the fur fabric makes... fine to sew but cutting it into strips the floor, me , table was covered in bits!.... finally all finished got the vacuum out and soon had the  room looking spick and span! Sent a message to Sammy and we’ve arranged to meet on Monday... said I was going to have week off sewing she said we should perhaps now have time off until after Christmas... I’ve still got fabric so at least I can do stuff if I want to without feeling pressure of having to... didn’t tell her that though!...
OH cooked dinner... Saturday night usual... steak, chips peas, mushrooms, toms... it was lovely but could and should have eaten half the piece of meat....
Watched tv.. knitted... same as usual...
Can’t believe how quickly time is going this month seems to have flown by... in fact the last few have.... roll on spring

Hope others days have been better...

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Ruskie on Sunday 29 November 20 09:41 GMT (UK)
Caroline, Roobarb.

I’m sure you won’t understand this, but I am quite envious of your cold short grey days, and your gloom and mist. I love cold weather.  ;)

Saturday for me was scorching and humid, around 32 degrees. Awful weather. Was holed up in an air conditioned room watching the series about the Plague which a couple of you had mentioned - i found it very interesting. Too hot to do anything physical.

Had to take dog for a walk but tried to leave it till later despite being nagged. No embarrassing moments on the walk so that was a plus.

Can’t remember what else I did.  :)
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: candleflame on Sunday 29 November 20 10:53 GMT (UK)
It was certainly very cold on Saturday here too, frost on the ground and on the trees with a bitter cold wind when we went for a very short walk X
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 29 November 20 16:08 GMT (UK)
Caroline, you're right about the weather affecting me, it's the lack of light on these grey short days that really get me down. Ruskie, you're at the opposite extreme, utterly exhausting when it's so hot and humid. Somewhere in between would be nice!

It's such a shame that your craft fayre couldn't go ahead Caroline, hopefully you'll be able to come back bigger and better next year. It's difficult to look forward at the moment but as the politicians say, we will  get through this.
I'm sure both you and your OH will be happy that his golf can resume.

Candleflame, not quite so cold here today, hope it's better for you too.
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 29 November 20 17:11 GMT (UK)
Yesterday and today soooo dark and dull , a quiet day .
Watched some episodes of Ashes to Ashes, the quips from Philip Glenister —-
hilarious .
In one episode ,can’t remember if the first series” Life on Mars “ or the sequel
my mother in law’s house was featured ,just in the background.
Salmon for tea, new potatoes ,green beans, broccoli and some little tomatoes that demand Balsamic vinegar perhaps.
As usual yoghurt for afters.
Must start writing Christmas cards, that reminds me more stamps to go on my Tesco list for Tuesday.
Rain again again!—
Most online shopping arrived ,now how to get it to people ,when I ordered it all we thought things would be much more normal by now.
I can’t think beyond Christmas ,and what it will be like.

People are already complaining about restrictions, why oh why can’t they take the long view .
I must phone tomorrow to make sure hospital appointments are still going ahead.
I feel so for people with really serious conditions.
What a backlog of unavoidable delay there will be .
How the boring weeks fly by, strange isn’t it.

Hope everyone is well and your families ,I know there are those with worries
and we all think of them.

Must get on with tea, cheerio abd look forward to your news.

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 29 November 20 18:14 GMT (UK)
I remember both series, were always good for a laugh. Philip Glenister is such a versatile actor.
Have you previously stamps in your Tesco delivery Viktoria? The reason I ask is that when my delivery arrived yesterday I wondered where the stamps were, found them in an envelope stapled to the back of the invoice.
Hope your appointment goes ahead.
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 29 November 20 19:11 GMT (UK)
Last time I thought they had not put them in, but there they were ,as you say
in an envelope stuck to the big bag which had lined the delivery basket.

But aren’t they dear !
I hoped there would be a bit of a “ concession” this year ,as people can’t get to see one another.

I have some left from last year.Christmas ones,but as the cost has increased
I won’t be able to use them.
If I knew what they cost was last year I could get some to make up the deficit.
I will Google !
Thanks Roobarb.

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 29 November 20 20:03 GMT (UK)
Viktoria, you don't have to pay any extra to use the old ones, as long as they indicate first or second class you could use them years ahead.
I can't remember when they last showed the price on them, quite a few years ago I think. They certainly are a costly item, it brings it home just how much when you add them to your supermarket order!
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Caw1 on Sunday 29 November 20 20:12 GMT (UK)
When I ordered my first lot of stamps with my click and collect shopping I thought they hadn’t sent them.... I searched everywhere and eventually looked in the carrier bags I’d thrown in the bin and there the book was lying in the bottom of one of the bags.... good job tge dustmen hadn’t been or I’d have been throwing away a small fortune... next time I had some they actually put them in an envelope...
I use stamps from one year to the next... after all you’ve bought them so Viktoria I’d use up all your old ones!
Good luck with your hospital appointments hope they stay the same for you 🤞🤞

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 28th November
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 29 November 20 20:25 GMT (UK)
Thanks, , I did look and they were 61p,but if I can use last year’s good.