
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: Roobarb on Friday 29 January 21 09:44 GMT (UK)

Title: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Roobarb on Friday 29 January 21 09:44 GMT (UK)
Well it looks like I'm first, not much to report I'm afraid.

Did very little on Thursday, didn't even get out for a walk. Other parts of the country had a very mild day but it was cold and wet here. Washed some towels, had to dry them indoors of course.
Had a doorstep visit from my friend A, haven't seen her for a while so that was good. My sister phoned in the afternoon and that was nearly all of the afternoon gone! She had nice sunny weather there in the Midlands.
Made a chicken casserole and put it in the oven to cook slowly. Can't remember what I watched on TV.

That's about it I'm afraid, hope others had a good day and more interesting things to report.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: oldfashionedgirl on Friday 29 January 21 10:06 GMT (UK)
I think we are all running out of steam. We all need a dose of what Victoria runs on  :D she’s always so positive and cheerful.
It’s a bit of a flat time of year at the best of times. Hopefully the signs of Spring will perk us all up a bit.
I must plan what I’m going to do in the garden this year, especially vegetables.
I have no excuse not to hit the ground running this year as I have so much time. Must think about planting seeds for veg and sweet peas etc.
It always takes longer than I think as I have to tidy up all the mess in my shed where I have chucked everything in in the late Autumn plus washing all the pots etc.
I must order some potting compost as I missed the boat last year and it held me back no end.

The days and weeks all seem to be merging into each other, I never know what time it is, I have given up looking at the clock and wearing a watch.
I’m quite enjoying the ‘natural’ lifestyle I’m living at the moment, I eat when I’m hungry and go to bed when I’m tired. I’m actually eating less and sleeping more.
It will be a rude awakening on Wednesday when I have to take my OH for his jag for 8 am  ;)

Keep going everyone, nothing ever stays the same for ever, there will be better days than this.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Mowsehowse on Friday 29 January 21 10:32 GMT (UK)
We had similar here Roobarb, another grey and wet start, with poor visibility.  It was tricky to pick a dry spell between showers but I had arranged to meet a very isolated friend so had to go out after lunch, despite threatening clouds.
We walked along the beach, as the incoming tides till gave a wide expanse of sand. I noticed numbers of pied wagtails scurrying around, and drinking from the rain puddles on the Esplanade.
Currently 4 Dutch cruise ships at anchor in Torbay, plus 2 Marella and Queens Victoria and Mary ll round the corner in Lyme Bay.
Good thing I bothered to take my umbrella, as it did rain after friend and I went our separate ways, and I was somewhat bedraggled by the time I reached my front door.
Started reading "About a Boy", which I am enjoying.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Friday 29 January 21 10:42 GMT (UK)
I was just wondering if someone had better send a search party for you Roobarb .. That is good that you had a good social time yesterday with a distanced visit from your friend on the doorstep and a nice chat with your sister.

Hope all goes well with jag OFG.  Re: the natural lifestyle, this sounds a quite positive way to live.  Perhaps you will keep it up even when things do get better?

That sounds like a lovely walk on the beach despite the weather, Mowsehowse.  I think it must have been quite relaxing to watch the wagtails. 
I haven't read that book - is this the one that was made into a film with Hugh Grant?

I am afraid I didn't do anything very exciting yesterday before my nightshift.  I did make some mediocre soup though.  It is one of my new year resolutions to try not to waste things and I had a bit of red cabbage to use up so decided to have a go making soup with it.  It was okay but I won't be rushing to make it again.   The colour was a bit strange as expected but I just hoped it would taste alright.  I could eat it but it was a bit bland.  It reminded me of a time when I was a teenager and decided to make my first soup.  I had got the idea from somewhere that you can't go wrong with soup.  However, I found out that this is not true.  I didn't follow a recipe I just added a lot of wholesome items to onions and stock and blended.  It turned out a vile looking brown colour.  I offered some to my Dad as he was always a 'waste not want not' type of person probably on account of growing up in a poor mining background.  Dad took a couple of sips and then announced he was full.  I urged him to have a bit more but he said he couldn't, he was too full.  Very diplomatic. I tried it and after a couple of vile tasting mouthfuls, I told Dad I was too full as well. 
Went to work in the evening, no problems with the buses, so that was good.
Called at M&S this morning to get food on way home.  Noticed they have all the hot cross bun varieties in already.  I saw some cheese and marmite ones which I think I will buy another time.
Will be going to bed soon as I am back in tonight.  There is a lovely rainbow in the sky this morning. :)

Perhaps we should send a search party for Caroline .. not too worried about others, they will probably be along soon - late for Caroline though - has she gone awol? ;).  Viktoria, have you heard from PharmaT?  Hope she is okay.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Caw1 on Friday 29 January 21 10:49 GMT (UK)
Like both of you Roobarb and OFG I’m feeling very lack lustre these days... motivation not as it was before Christmas almost as if I’ve just run out of steam...
I don’t know how Viktoria stays so cheerful but she certainly does all of us good and is such a positive person.... I’ll have what ever she has too!

My day - yesterday again now!

It was a bright sunny day and all the snow had gone... I wished I’d set the machine the previous night as I’d got sheets to wash.... too late now!
The plumber arrived at about 9.30 to replace our leaky kitchen sink tap with the new one OH had bought on the internet....
I suggested OH leave the window and the back door open and shut the door into the hall whilst the plumber was in there working... I stayed well away!
Once he’d left the cleaning operation was set in motion... it took a while to clean everything to my satisfaction! The tap works wonderfully without water escaping so it was worth having him in the house!
By the time I’d done all this and washed my hair it was time to have lunch and then set off for my vaccination.... OH decided he’d drive me which was sweet of him!
There was a little wait for the clinic to open, we’d arrived early, but I was first in the queue... there were lots of smiling volunteers and I was dealt with swiftly... no smartie, lollipop just a sticker with the time I could leave which they asked to stick on my knee so they could see! There was a clock in the room and the 15 minutes went quickly. Talking to one of the volunteers she told me that just this one small centre had vaccinated 3,000 last week.
Once home we had a welcomed cuppa...
We had a game of scrabble which I won.... now 4 games ahead 😀😀 much to OH’s chagrin!
I used some of the minced steak bought from my online meat purchase and made a pasta sauce.....
Watched some tv series with Keeley Hawes... having thought we’d watched the first one the other night we’d actually seen episode 5 so caught up with the first 4 to understand the story line!
Early night as was quite tired... tried listening to my audio book but after falling asleep whilst listening to it gave up and went to sleep!

Like others wearing watches and marking time is a thing of the past! Get up when you wake up, eat when you’re hungry and bed when you’re tired... as OFG says the prospect of getting up for a specific timed event is a shock to the system!

Keep going everyone... let’s hope warmer, drier, sunnier weather will bring a bit more of a release for us all...

Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Mowsehowse on Friday 29 January 21 10:51 GMT (UK)
4th attempt to add a cheer up photo.... losing the will to live!!  :'(
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Caw1 on Friday 29 January 21 10:58 GMT (UK)
What a lovely bright picture MH.... the joys of spring.... lifts the heart and spirits..thanks for giving us this joy to look at.


ADDED - I’m intrigued as to to how you know exactly what ships are anchored in your vicinity MH....
You are brave going out in all weathers.... I’m afraid I’m not... one whiff of rain and that’s it for me!

RTL - I’m here as you see not gone away just late starting these days... I always read the posts but sometimes I’m just too tired at night time to post these days...
Pleased to hear your buses were ok and no one misbehaved!
Your soup, I have to say, does not sound the most appetising but like you I can’t bear to waste anything so probably do the same sort of thing... always add lots hers/spices can make something a lot more palatable!

Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Friday 29 January 21 11:00 GMT (UK)
Oh what a lovely cheerful image Mowsehowse! :D. Thank you for sharing this. I think you have brightened all our day with this. :D
Goodnight from me everyone, really must get off to bed now.  See you soon.

Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: IgorStrav on Friday 29 January 21 11:02 GMT (UK)
Just popping in to ask RTL if she swerved the M&S Cheese and Marmite hot cross buns because she was "too full".

They don't have sultanas and raisins in too, do they? :o ::) :P
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: louisa maud on Friday 29 January 21 11:09 GMT (UK)
What a lovely bright picture

I planted Russian snowdrops last year, not a sign of them coming up but the daffodils are, wonder why?

I think we are all feeling a bit down, the brighter days lift our spirits, had a few bright days  in between heavy showers,  but we all have to think positive and think towards coming out of lockdown to socialise again,

Had my jab yesterday and all I had was a bit of an achy arm, small price to pay but it is Ok today, no Caroline, no smartie, the paramedic told me he had eaten them all, he was a cheerful jolly chap

The only good thing I can find about being in lockdown in the winter months is, I don't have to go out on Sunday mornings at 08.20 to church and at 08.00 on Friday to go shopping, that is before I have cleared the ice from the windscreen on cold nights

Take care, stay safe

Louisa Maud
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Caw1 on Friday 29 January 21 11:13 GMT (UK)
Good to hear you had your jab to LM.... they’re such bright cheery folk in the centres aren’t they....
My arm is aching today... slight headache and feeling bit shivery.... otherwise ok..

Yes it’s nice not to have to go out when the weathers bad... so glad I’ve managed to get delivery slots for my shopping at this time of the year...

Have a good day today everyone!

Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Friday 29 January 21 11:14 GMT (UK)
Igor!  You are keeping me up, here.  ;)
No, I tried to resist because I had already bought a nice dessert at a knock down price.  I try not to buy too many not totally healthy things in one go.  The packaging said '4 cheese and marmite'. Yummy! I do love cheese and definitely love marmite.  I don't think I'll be able to keep resisting them though.
Now, if I sleep in for my nightshift tonight, I will blame you Igor. 8) ;)

Glad to read you've had your jab LM,  :) even though no smartie reward.

Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: DianaCanada on Friday 29 January 21 13:04 GMT (UK)
Flowers in January! Oh, my.
Mowsehouse, have read a few books by Nick Hornby and have enjoyed them, have not read About a Boy but have seen the movie several times, a favourite.
We have had light snow most of the week, but got quite an accumulation overnight, -10 c when I took dog out at 6:30 this morning, and big fat flakes, very sparkly.  We must have had 10 inches since noon yesterday, poor pup was up to the top of his legs even on the patio and could not get into the yard proper.  Very light snow though.  OH is just itching to get the snowblower out, he bought it last year and only used it a couple of times.
More snow on its way today.
Went for our “park and pickup” grocery run yesterday, and I mailed a parcel of 4 books to a friend, she is sending me one too.  I added a jigsaw I recently finished as a little surprise.  Her son had tested positive for Covid but has not shown any symptoms, thankfully. 
OH did the library stop and also picked up a prescription at our local drugstore. 
Other than that, not a lot happening, yesterday was a big day for us!
We are worried about getting our vaccines, we don’t manufacture any of them in Canada, and there seems to be a shortage everywhere. 
Take care everyone, and enjoy your flowers!
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Friday 29 January 21 13:34 GMT (UK)
Well, this is turning out to be a fun day!
The OH's wound from her feeding peg removal isn't healing, it's supposed to take 24 hours before stomach contents stop oozing out, only being stopped by special dressings with an extremely wide, sticky border.
But 72 hours later, the "goo" keeps pushing through the border.
I had to nip out for an hour and when I came back, I had to change her nightdress after I'd cleaned it up, and the quilt cover.
So, a phone call to nutrition support and there's a nurse coming to fit a bag to the wound so they can measure the "spillage" which, being a weekend coming up, I'll need to change it if it fills up. Oh joy!
Meanwhile, my outing was to the Dr's for an annual blood test.
Managed to penetrate the outer perimeter and enter the building, got as far as reception to be greeted by the rottweiler on the other side of the bullet proof screen........ Oh, you're supposed to be at our other surgery, 4 miles away 🤔 well, I'm not signed up with them so how did that happen?
“OK, go and sit on the naughty chair", pointing to a lone, slightly tattered faux leather seat inside the door, "I'll see what I can do"
A few minutes of scurrying about by the rottweiler and I was in! Blood taken, cotton pad taped down and on my way. I love visiting my medical centre.
And its only 1.30pm. What else can happen?  ;D
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: DianaCanada on Friday 29 January 21 14:24 GMT (UK)
Griff, you seem to be having a challenging day, but keeping your sense of humour.  Had to laugh about the Rottweiler, we have one who is oh so pleasant but doesn’t seem to know what she is doing.
Hope your day gets easier!
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Friday 29 January 21 14:30 GMT (UK)
Griff, you seem to be having a challenging day, but keeping your sense of humour.  Had to laugh about the Rottweiler, we have one who is oh so pleasant but doesn’t seem to know what she is doing.
Hope your day gets easier!
Thank you, without humour, I'd have walked off into the sunset and be sleeping under a pier somewhere by now.
But its a good job I see the funny side of things.
As for the rottweiler, my younger sister was one till she retired, now she's more like a Jack Russel 😂
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Caw1 on Friday 29 January 21 15:26 GMT (UK)
Griff - I love your sense of humour when these trying circumstances would fold most of us!
It’s great to be such a positive person and I take my hat of to you... I’d never cope with any of what you do....
Take care and hope your day has improved 😀😀

Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Caw1 on Friday 29 January 21 15:35 GMT (UK)
Just to brighten up your day here is a picture of the aconites around our sycamore tree in the front garden... had to reduce size so hopefully it’ll post it.... 🤞🤞
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Friday 29 January 21 15:50 GMT (UK)
Griff - I love your sense of humour when these trying circumstances would fold most of us!
It’s great to be such a positive person and I take my hat of to you... I’d never cope with any of what you do....
Take care and hope your day has improved 😀😀

Thank you Caroline.
It's OK at the moment, sat down, feet up and a nice frothy cappuccino
Waiting for the nurse to come 👍
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Mowsehowse on Friday 29 January 21 17:08 GMT (UK)
RTL: "That sounds like a lovely walk on the beach despite the weather, Mowsehowse.  I think it must have been quite relaxing to watch the wagtails.
I haven't read that book - is this the one that was made into a film with Hugh Grant?"

Yes, it was nice to watch the wagtails, one of my favourite little birds... the males always make me think of city gents bustling around importantly. ;)

As Diana said, "About a Boy" is by Nick Hornby, and is the one made into a film with Hugh Grant.
I am finding it very readable, though it does make me want to cry quite often.

Griff you are brilliant, and you don't want to sleep under a pier, in case a barn owl eats you!!  :P
["Winter Watch" if that is too cryptic.]
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Friday 29 January 21 17:53 GMT (UK)
It's nice when we can escape in a good book, Mowsehowse.  I am glad to hear you are enjoying this book, it sounds very moving.
I have just started on the Killing Snows by Charles Egan.  I once saw it recommended somewhere on RC and I am interested in it to learn a bit more about my Irish side heritage.
I, like you, like watching nature.  I haven't been since the new lockdown but I used to like walking around our local cemetery, which has a wooded  area and watching the birds and squirrels (probably now in hibernation).  I used to take photos for Find A Grave there. Hope to again when things get better.  Last year, I have two beautiful sights etched on my mind - all the breathtaking bluebells at the cemetery which I saw after first lockdown eased.  Also, there was one day when things were much better when I went with Son and Grandson to Tynemouth.  We were at the monument near Priory Castle and it was a glorious sunny day and the sea and sky were so vivid blue and the sunlight seemed to sparkle on the water.  It was one of those beautiful sights which makes you feel happy inside and that all is alright with the world.  Unlike now when it is raining and horribly cold. 
Well, Igorstrav hasn't made me sleep in through questions about the hot cross buns, after all.  I can't remember if the packaging promised raisons and sultanas too, Igor.  But I would imagine so.  I hope so.
Roobarb, going back to an earlier post - yes, those women were indeed fearsome.  Not the type of experience you might usually come across on Tyneside.  This stirred up lots of emotions in me - I felt glad he got told off, then felt a bit sorry for him and also felt a bit guilty about feeling glad he was told off.  At least, the man and driver might think twice next time.
Not looking forward to going out in the cold shortly but I do look forward to the bus ride, so at least that is a plus.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: IgorStrav on Friday 29 January 21 22:01 GMT (UK)
Oh I'm pleased I didn't make you oversleep RTL - I popped in because I enjoyed your 'too full for soup' stories, but the hot cross buns of cheddar and marmite flavour brought me up short.....

I do hope they don't have raisins and sultanas in, because if they don't they'll be savoury and I should think really lovely toasted with lots of butter!!  :D
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Viktoria on Friday 29 January 21 22:20 GMT (UK)
Gosh, some do have it hard, Griff, I hope things get sorted for yourOH and so you too.
Lovely flower pictures, many thanks they are very cheering.
I think we are all doing well,I really do.
It is almost a year since ;D normal life ,family hugs and friends ,shopping and visiting.
We will get there , things might never be the same again but in the last hundred years there have been three cataclysmic events and we and or our ancestors ,got through.
By the way my big black boots are not slim patent leather thigh high stiletto
 heeled ones ,they are black suede with a sheepskin lining which gets stuck in the zip sometimes.  ;D
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Mowsehowse on Friday 29 January 21 22:36 GMT (UK)
 :'(  Oh heck V,  you've ruined the image now!
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Friday 29 January 21 23:03 GMT (UK)
Victoria, thank you.
It's easier than it has been in the past and after the ordeal of earlier today, the community matron appeared late afternoon with a pack of the biggest absorbant pads and plasters I've ever seen and dressed the wound again, but I just checked it and I don't think it will last the night without leaking. It might take a few more days to heal.  ::)
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Mowsehowse on Friday 29 January 21 23:08 GMT (UK)
I don't know what to say Griff.....
Hope the nurse will be back early to help dress the wound again.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Friday 29 January 21 23:15 GMT (UK)
I don't know what to say Griff.....
Hope the nurse will be back early to help dress the wound again.
Ummm, no. She left lots of dressings for me. 😁 She's back Tuesday.
It's not the worst thing I've ever had to do. The OH is in the bedroom having a nap at the moment so I'm having a nice little break before bedtime.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Mowsehowse on Friday 29 January 21 23:31 GMT (UK)
Clearly you are a bit of a star Griff.
Hats off to you.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Caw1 on Friday 29 January 21 23:49 GMT (UK)
Here here MH.... Griff is a ⭐️.... he just needs to read  Viktoria’s posts to keep smiling and laughing... it’s a rare talent to have and she’s got it in spades...

Viktoria did you never think of taking to the stage with all your wonderful stories... I’m sure you’d have gone down a storm....😀😀

I like wagtails too MH .... we used to see a lot of them in our next door neighbours garden such pretty little birds.... not so many now.... are you going to do the bird count for the RSPB tomorrow?

Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Saturday 30 January 21 00:01 GMT (UK)
Clearly you are a bit of a star Griff.
Hats off to you.
Thank you for the compliment but I wouldn't go that far.
I think the OH is the hero,
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Saturday 30 January 21 00:02 GMT (UK)
Here here MH.... Griff is a ⭐️.... he just needs to read  Viktoria’s posts to keep smiling and laughing... it’s a rare talent to have and she’s got it in spades...

Viktoria did you never think of taking to the stage with all your wonderful stories... I’m sure you’d have gone down a storm....😀😀

I like wagtails too MH .... we used to see a lot of them in our next door neighbours garden such pretty little birds.... not so many now.... are you going to do the bird count for the RSPB tomorrow?

Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Roobarb on Saturday 30 January 21 00:02 GMT (UK)
So many posts by the time I looked in again in the late afternoon, didn't get to join in the conversation. Would just like to say how amazing Griff is in his home life (modest too) and RTL in her work. Good to hear everyone's news.
Thanks MH for the lovely photo and Viktoria for all the laughs.  :D
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Saturday 30 January 21 00:13 GMT (UK)
So many posts by the time I looked in again in the late afternoon, didn't get to join in the conversation. Would just like to say how amazing Griff is in his home life (modest too) and RTL in her work. Good to hear everyone's news.
Thanks MH for the lovely photo and Viktoria for all the laughs.  :D
To be honest, I haven't talked about what my days are like till I found the daily diary. And I think it's good to read other people's experiences, how you're all getting through your days in this extraordinary time. My days have been like this for so long that the lockdown didn't make as much difference to me as it might have to others. Everyone seems to be dealing with it though.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Caw1 on Saturday 30 January 21 00:39 GMT (UK)
So many posts by the time I looked in again in the late afternoon, didn't get to join in the conversation. Would just like to say how amazing Griff is in his home life (modest too) and RTL in her work. Good to hear everyone's news.
Thanks MH for the lovely photo and Viktoria for all the laughs.  :D
To be honest, I haven't talked about what my days are like till I found the daily diary. And I think it's good to read other people's experiences, how you're all getting through your days in this extraordinary time. My days have been like this for so long that the lockdown didn't make as much difference to me as it might have to others. Everyone seems to be dealing with it though.

How right you are... when I read what you do in a day and your complete and utter dedication to your wife I shall think hard when I complain about how things are and just think twice...
Having this diary has been such a help to us all I think as it’s somewhere to express how you feel and know that everyone understands....
I for one am pleased you felt you could write and share with us all that goes on in your daily life and hope that it has helped you...

Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Roobarb on Saturday 30 January 21 00:43 GMT (UK)
Couldn't have put it better Caroline, I completely agree with your words.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: DianaCanada on Saturday 30 January 21 01:00 GMT (UK)
Griff, I agree with Caroline and Roobarb.  Your selflessness is really an inspiration .
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Saturday 30 January 21 01:23 GMT (UK)
Griff, I agree with Caroline and Roobarb.  Your selflessness is really an inspiration .

Thank you, but I'm sure anyone would do the same for a loved one.
There was a time when the thought of doing some of the things would scare the heck out of me, especially giving injections, which I did for about a year. That helped me get over the fear of needles and now I don't mind watching, even when they're stuck into me. I've seen a few nurses struggle with giving them, one in particular was shaking like a leaf. 😏
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Viktoria on Saturday 30 January 21 10:50 GMT (UK)
I don’t know your age group Griff, but I guess not young,  but you are a perfect example of those words we say when we get  married ,if you and your dear lady are partners well you are keeping the vows you made to each other.
For better or for worse ,I am sure you don’t see it like that but it seems like that to we who read your posts and admire your devotion and stoicism.
It is good to hear from you ,and thanks,it makes me appreciate just how easy by comparison my  life is,

I don’t know what it is but I just like to laugh as indeed everyone does.
I was in a crowded room once ,someone was looking for me and when they found me they said “ I could hear laughter and thought that’s where she will be.”
It is not me really,just Northern comedians  and  the everyday attitude of
my generation of working class people and even more the one before this.
They could laugh at themselves and see humour in quite awful situations .
It is how they got through ,and it has lasted but will go eventually as the things they saw humour in are rapidly disappearing .
Meanwhile we oldies laugh on.
I have given talks at our Ladies’s Group at Church when a guest speaker let us down .
One was “ On being Northern”,a compilation of all sorts of things ,poems,readings and jokes.
I see the funny side of lots of things ,my Mum’s family ,well my aunties were jokers.
The youngest lived in a house very near a bus stop.
She had a Pianola ,and lots of the cylinders which played classical piano pieces .
In the Summer she would open the window ,the little front garden gave enough distance ,and she would “ play” beautiful music to the people waiting at the bus stop .
She was asked once if she would give a concert for some project or other but quite honestly said she could only play that piano,was rubbish on any other,!
See what I mean ,must be in my genes.
But  it not me ,it is” Lancashire”.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Saturday 30 January 21 11:21 GMT (UK)
Morning Victoria,
I'm 66.
My maternal granddad and his siblings, births ranging from 1891 to 1905 (10 children) all had a wicked sense of humour and I think I inherited it too, even though its hard to find things to laugh at sometimes.
I have a vivid picture in my mind of granddad in his front garden one Sunday when his brother turned up, they greeted each other then started giggling, I've no idea what for, but eventually they were bent double with tears streaming down their faces, laughing their heads off, when they'd finished and wiped their eyes, they carried on talking like nothing had happened.
His brother, my great uncle was a musician with his own dance band from about 1920 onwards, someone once told me he'd gone over to the Isle of Wight, to Cowes and played there.
He greeted his audience with "it's so nice to see all the cowes faces"
Which bought a few giggles.
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Viktoria on Saturday 30 January 21 11:49 GMT (UK)
The same auntie once at Rhyl,put her cardigan on her legs ,legs down the sleeves, like tights,with her hand on the back of a bench she did ballet exercises,” One plie,two plié three plié four “
Being tall and slim ,she got her leg on the “ barre” quite easily and
continued .(For barre read the back of the bench )
I have a photograph somewhere  of her on tip toes  ,legs down cardigan sleeves “ dancing”.
Her husband was used to it ,just patiently waited.
I can hear her’s,another sister ‘s and my mother’s laughter.
The family were two halves, tall slender like Grandad and small
 and plump like grandma who I never knew.
My Mum and the eldest sister were alike and the two youngest alike .
Twelve children in all ,but in those days ( late 1800’s )baby
deaths and young people too.
Then grandma adopted four more!She must have had a great sense of humour!
She the one who totally enthralled by the silent movies shouted out to wimpy heroines not to trust the dastardly villain!
She was frequently escorted out!.
See what I mean? V
Title: Re: Diary > Thursday 28th January
Post by: Gone on Saturday 30 January 21 12:02 GMT (UK)
Victoria, that made me laugh and I can imagine it.
My granddad's family were like 2 halves too, gt granddad although not very tall, was plump, his wife was tiny, but she ruled the roost!
Some of my great aunts and uncles were tallish, some quite short.
My favourite great aunt Edith was 4'11" with silver grey hair to her knees, a very strong character.
A couple of her sisters played piano in the local cinema for silent films, they were all very musical.
My gran too played piano in a dance band in her younger days.
As children, we'd love going to hers and get her to play while we all sung.