
Family History Documents and Artefacts => FH Documents and Artefacts => Topic started by: lucimsv on Tuesday 16 February 21 13:30 GMT (UK)

Title: Organising Certificates
Post by: lucimsv on Tuesday 16 February 21 13:30 GMT (UK)
My first post - apologies if this has been asked before. I have a number of certificates, both originals and copies, that I have acquired during my research so far. Most of my research is done online and I store my tree on Ancestry (backed up monthly). I'd be interested to know how people store/file their paper certificates please? I'd like to put mine in a single file in alphabetical order, but then I lose the chronology. If I store by name, where do I put the certificates that cross over 2 family names - maternal or paternal? I know there must be a simple solution to this - your thoughts please.
Title: Re: Organising Certificates
Post by: GrahamSimons on Tuesday 16 February 21 21:19 GMT (UK)
All the documents I've collected are simply in chronological order of acquisition. They have serial numbers to match, and these numbers are recorded in my FH program, and also in an Excel spreadsheet which enables searching and filtering.