
Research in Other Countries => Europe => Topic started by: JenClark on Wednesday 17 March 21 11:39 GMT (UK)

Title: Civil registration births - Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Post by: JenClark on Wednesday 17 March 21 11:39 GMT (UK)
Hello All,

I have not done any French research before, but I am trying to locate the birth record for George Robert Curry Nicoll reportedly born in Marseille, France in December 1878.

His parents were George Nicoll (Mariner) and Theresa Davidge. George was Scottish and Theresa was English. They married in Marseille (from the GRO Consular Marriages index), but I am yet to order the certificate. George senior died at sea in 1885, and Theresa and little George lived in Scotland. I have all of young George's records in Scotland from the 1881 census to his death in 1926, but would really love to pin down his birth in France.

I have discovered the French Archives Online, and have located what I believe to be his birth in the Marseille Table décennale for Naissance (births) 1873-1882. Snip attached. I believe it states that he was born on 16 Dec 1878.

I am not sure where to go from here....I cannot for the life of me see his actual birth record in the other books on this site for December 1878 (Acte, Registre de reconnaissances & Registre de transcriptions)....but I cannot read French, and have just scanned as best I could for names. Would his birth be recorded differently as he was a British National?

I figured that if he shows in the index though, that his record is in there somewhere..... :-\

Would love it if someone else could take a look or maybe point me in the right direction  ;)

Thanks so much

Title: Re: Civil registration births - Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Post by: manukarik on Wednesday 17 March 21 13:53 GMT (UK)
The Archive website is almost impossible to navigate. Have been looking elsewhere too. Will go back to this once I've rested my eyes!
Title: Re: Civil registration births - Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Post by: JenClark on Wednesday 17 March 21 20:54 GMT (UK)
Thanks Manukarik!

I found the site a challenge to navigate too....but I figured it was my lack of French  ;)
Title: Re: Civil registration births - Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Post by: manukarik on Wednesday 17 March 21 21:23 GMT (UK)
The acte de naissance should be in registre 7, I think according to the tables décennales. However, nothing comes up for 1878. I looked through the December births and found nothing. 1879 has only 3 months covered for 1879 and some are water damaged. I wonder if some of the books are missing or damaged. I didn't find anything in Transcriptions either, as I wondered if the birth was registered in the British Consulate or Embassy and then transcribed into the French records. I've searched on Filae, Geneanet and Heredis and found nothing either.

I'll bookmark this so that if I do find anything, I can post my findings here.


Just checked les actes en vrac - nothing there either.

Title: Re: Civil registration births - Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Post by: JenClark on Thursday 18 March 21 08:22 GMT (UK)
Thank you so much for looking Manukarik  :)

That explains why I could find Bertha Nicolas listed under my entry (in Registre 8 ), but not Louis Ninet listed above my entry (Registre 7)...I didn't realise that the number at the end was the Registre number  ::)

Perhaps like you say Registre 7 might be missing or damaged. At least I know from the tables décennales his birth date and that he was definitely born in Marseille.

Please do let me know if anything pops up in your travels, that is much appreciated.

Title: Re: Civil registration births - Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Post by: joger on Saturday 20 March 21 12:06 GMT (UK)
Hello All,

I have not done any French research before, but I am trying to locate the birth record for George Robert Curry Nicoll reportedly born in Marseille, France in December 1878.

His parents were George Nicoll (Mariner) and Theresa Davidge. George was Scottish and Theresa was English. They married in Marseille (from the GRO Consular Marriages index), but I am yet to order the certificate. George senior died at sea in 1885, and Theresa and little George lived in Scotland. I have all of young George's records in Scotland from the 1881 census to his death in 1926, but would really love to pin down his birth in France.

I have discovered the French Archives Online, and have located what I believe to be his birth in the Marseille Table décennale for Naissance (births) 1873-1882. Snip attached. I believe it states that he was born on 16 Dec 1878.

I am not sure where to go from here....I cannot for the life of me see his actual birth record in the other books on this site for December 1878 (Acte, Registre de reconnaissances & Registre de transcriptions)....but I cannot read French, and have just scanned as best I could for names. Would his birth be recorded differently as he was a British National?

I figured that if he shows in the index though, that his record is in there somewhere..... :-\

Would love it if someone else could take a look or maybe point me in the right direction  ;)

Thanks so much



Georges Nicole is registered born 16 december 1878 in the decenal tables , The last number on the line means that the birth is to be found in the 7th register , unfortunately missing  (lost? ruined?...we won't know)
Title: Re: Civil registration births - Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Post by: JenClark on Saturday 20 March 21 12:34 GMT (UK)
Hi Joger, yes that is the conclusion that Manukarik and I came to as well.

So tantalizingly close...but not to be it seems  ;)