
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: Mowsehowse on Tuesday 06 April 21 08:05 BST (UK)

Title: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Mowsehowse on Tuesday 06 April 21 08:05 BST (UK)
Tumbled out of bed early for the weekly grocery shop.  On my own again as H is still not recovered from back problem. Feels normal now, the only difficulty is getting all of it from the car through 2 doors and up the stairs.  I may as well continue.
Took a walk around the lakes before lunch. Fairly confident we have two egrets in residence, which could be a breeding pair. That would be fabulous.
Hope everyone has a pleasant day.
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: candleflame on Tuesday 06 April 21 10:17 BST (UK)
Hope everyone is ok as normally by the time I read this thread, there are many replies.
I spent the day indoors as it was very very cold though sunny so I did a lot of sorting of daughters old papers which have lived here for several years. She married two years ago and is preparing to move into their first proper home together and doesn't want any of it as I checked. I now have a lot of recycling and a mountain of stuff to shred so I'll continue with that today. It brought back lots of memories though with old payslips from her holiday jobs at school and university and previous jobs.
I can't wait to go and see them as they now have a baby . They tell him that ' grandma lives in the phone' , which is good I think and sometimes ( when it's allowed) grandma and grandad will not live in the phone but will actually visit ! At least when that's allowed I'll have had several haircuts rather than home haircuts by myself by then so I won't scare the little thing .
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Mowsehowse on Tuesday 06 April 21 10:24 BST (UK)
Hello Candleflame..... yes, I am somewhat surprised how quiet it is this morning!  :P
Sounds like you are doing a very useful chore for your daughter, and I hope you get to see them soon.
(H now has a 9 week old grandson whom we have yet to meet!  :'(  )
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Roobarb on Tuesday 06 April 21 10:37 BST (UK)
My Easter Monday is not very interesting reading, slept late today so hence late post.

You seem to have lots of interesting bird life around your way MH, hope the egrets do turn out to be a breeding pair.

Candleflame, these sorting out jobs often turn into a trip down memory lane don't they? Hope it's not too long before you get to see your grandson.

This was my day:

There had been a sprinkling of snow this morning but it was lovely and sunny for most of the day, although back to woolly hat and gloves weather. The sun was warm in sheltered places but across the open field the wind was cold. I was pleased to see that the bottles and cans had been removed from the woods, I think it was probably some public spirited person, can't see it being the council who removed it on a bank holiday.

A friend phoned in the afternoon, it was good to have a catch up. After that I did a bit of gardening, the seedlings have survived so far, hope that continues. Looked out of the window when I was making my tea and saw that it was snowing, then it stopped as quickly as it started.
Didn't bother to watch the government broadcast, we all pretty well knew what would be said anyway. Watched the usual TV in the evening.
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Mowsehowse on Tuesday 06 April 21 10:41 BST (UK)
Roobarb, the astounding announcement from the very expensive press room yesterday, was that our esteemed BoJo is looking forward to going a pub for a "cautious" pint.  :-\
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: DianaCanada on Tuesday 06 April 21 12:47 BST (UK)
Mowsehouse, don’t envy your having to go up two flights of stairs with the groceries.  Hopefully your H’s back will recover soon (for his sake too!).
Roobarb, am shocked by reports of such awful behaviour in parks, etc. What has happened! I always thought of UK as a model of civilized behaviour. Hopefully only an aberration due to Covid.
Candle flame, I have been sorting through papers, too, and filling my recycling bin.  These relate to my online work, mostly connected to proofreading and research.  I like to use each side of the paper so have two piles - recycle at home and recycle for the last time! Nice of you to do this for your daughter.
Doing the diary at an unusual time for me, as OH is downstairs in basement watching basketball, which he recorded last night.  Big tournament called March Madness, big deal in US each spring, but last two years it has been very subdued.
Quiet Easter weekend, we did visit OH’s daughter and family briefly, outside on their deck, we were masked but no one else was.  Children, girls, very cute, ages 5 and 2, running around full of beans. 
Watched the last episode of the Canadian Bake Off, we were very happy with the winner, we were rooting for her all along.
We have also been watching a documentary called Touring Niagara, 3 hours of drone footage up the Niagara River, am sure it will end up at the falls!  No narration, either, but super graphics where it changes from modern footage to the past, such as battles where the British drove the Americans back (thankfully), and showing the hydroelectric dams.  I didn’t know that 20% of the world’s fresh water flows through the river (sorry, can’t help it, it’s the teacher in me!).  The drone also went over the town where my daughters live, could not spot their houses, but did see some places I have been.

Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: candleflame on Tuesday 06 April 21 13:21 BST (UK)
There isn’t anything really nice about me doing this for my daughter Diana  - it means I get a whole shelf back from a storage shelving unit in her former bedroom! When they move out, they sort of move out , but they leave stuff behind that they can’t be bothered to sort out or think is ‘best kept at mums house. ‘ Well in my world, once they get their forever home, they get their stuff from our house too! So I did this with eldest daughter when she married and got her own home so now it’s youngest turn. It’s partly as my own mum had a tendency to keep lots of memorabilia which I’ve had to sort through after my dad died and I don’t want the girls to be left with a mountain of stuff to sort . So I’m being sensible and ruthless all at the same time and I’m labelling things too.
Mowsehouse you mention the pm and him visiting his pub next week. I hope he’s booked in advance or he’ll get turned away!
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Mowsehowse on Tuesday 06 April 21 14:08 BST (UK)
Fair comments Candleflame..... I don't disagree.
My son left me with masses of stuff when he went off to Oz about 15 years ago! 
I have carted it through more removals than I care to calculate, and I doubt there is any chance of him ever being reunited with it....
Last year he asked me to post his collection of dinky cars for his son, but they are heavy and the cost, even in a small carton, was prohibitive!
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Ruskie on Tuesday 06 April 21 15:06 BST (UK)
Good to hear what everyone has been up to.

Nothing much going on with me - a drizzly cool day (about 25 degrees). I can't recall what I did, but whatever it was it involved staying indoors until dog walking time. The less said about that the better. Watched a TV series called Innocent starring Lee Ingleby. Recommended.

Daughter rang late afternoon - she hurt her back while visiting a friend (swerving to avoid her friend's attack cat who was in a silly mood). Poor daughter had to get picked up and brought home by boyfriend. I took her a back brace corset type thing of her fathers - he also suffers with a bad back. I then drove boyfriend to pick up her car from friend's house. What a palaver. I feel so sorry for her - she was fairly incapacitated and had very little movement.
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Mowsehowse on Tuesday 06 April 21 15:29 BST (UK)
Oh heck Ruskie.... hope daughter improves rapidly.
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Roobarb on Tuesday 06 April 21 23:02 BST (UK)
Sounds awful, and all because of the pesky moggy. And I'm guessing that your own furry friend has been making her voice heard again Ruskie. Hope things have improved since (your) yesterday.

Diana, I'm enjoying the educational facts, keep them coming.  :) I didn't absorb a lot in geography lessons at school but it's never too late to learn.
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: DianaCanada on Wednesday 07 April 21 00:43 BST (UK)
Thanks Roobarb.  I had a great teacher for geography in high school, although I must admit I always preferred history.
In reference to offspring and the stuff they leave behind, when my ex and I split most of the kids’ possessions went to his new house at the time, I could only afford a small bungalow, so didn’t have room to store a lot.  I did keep mementos from their early years, of course.
Went down to the local park today, in the car, and parked by the Thames.  What a racket the geese are making!  Saw a creature in its burrow, one person said it was a beaver, another said it was a groundhog.  Couldn’t see its tail to verify for former, but no big teeth.  It was quite sweet and small and not shy, maybe a young one, but a bit early for a 2021 baby to be out and about on its own. Lots of people walking about, was around 20 C. 
Got a few things done today - laundry, online work, made lemon squares, finished the jigsaw and a good walk.
Good news - local health unit has now opened vaccines to 65 and up, so I am in luck.  Just need to book a time!  No luck yet, will keep trying. 
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Roobarb on Wednesday 07 April 21 17:27 BST (UK)
Good luck with your booking Diana, soon be V day!  :)
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: DianaCanada on Thursday 08 April 21 01:30 BST (UK)
Good luck with your booking Diana, soon be V day!  :)

Thank you Roobarb, fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Mowsehowse on Thursday 08 April 21 07:34 BST (UK)
I was looking at your local geography Diana..... no wonder it is so cold where you are!!
Added, and now I see you have gone fabulously warm.... well obviously you don't find it fabulous, but I think we would. :P
It has gone really cold again here, so I dread to think about Roobarb and RTL in the Frozen North!  :'(
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: candleflame on Thursday 08 April 21 10:19 BST (UK)
It has gone really cold again here, so I dread to think about Roobarb and RTL in the Frozen North!  :'(

And Gadget and myself ( plus probably others). We get used to cold weather up here and also know where the wind comes from - sometimes you can tell it's heading from the North just my sniffing the air through a slightly open window. We all have different coats / jackets depending on if it's rain that's going to soak you as against just getting slightly wet , and I know I have a particular coat I wear from a mountain type company for when the wind is the sort that goes right through you !
However today the sun is shining, the acer is starting to unfurl it's leaves and it's a coat and scarf day but gloves probably not needed lol. The old adage ne'er cast a clout till May is out, is often useful up here, though even we too had that hot spell pre Easter!
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Mowsehowse on Thursday 08 April 21 10:29 BST (UK)
Sorry Candleflame, Gadget and many others.
Anywhere North of the Severn I expect!  ;)

Down here, even the swans anticpate the wind and move from place to place accordingly seeking the best shelter.

Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: candleflame on Thursday 08 April 21 10:37 BST (UK)
Sorry Candleflame, Gadget and many others.
Anywhere North of the Severn I expect!  ;)

Down here, even the swans anticpate the wind and move from place to place accordingly seeking the best shelter.

The Severn! We're all between the Tweed and the Esk I think . I've often wondered if we've ever seen each other somewhere at some event but not known each other. I know down south, folk like groom and greensleeves and others have met up back in the day as rootschatters . Will those days of meeting up happen again? Like some others I'm just wanting to meet up with family , but when I retire , I'd like to join a walking group as husband can't walk far and I miss walking a decent distance and I'm to much of a nervous soul to go to certain places on my own. I've found I've become more nervous as I've got older..... Anyone else?
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Roobarb on Thursday 08 April 21 16:58 BST (UK)
I definitely have less confidence than I used to, this last year hasn't helped that at all.

MH, yes it's been a bit parky around these parts for a few days, when there's a brisk North Easterly coming straight off the sea you can certainly feel it!
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: Mowsehowse on Thursday 08 April 21 23:15 BST (UK)
On Tuesday even the North Westerlies fair cut us in half!!
Title: Re: Diary > Easter Monday 5th April
Post by: DianaCanada on Friday 09 April 21 00:41 BST (UK)
I was looking at your local geography Diana..... no wonder it is so cold where you are!!
Added, and now I see you have gone fabulously warm.... well obviously you don't find it fabulous, but I think we would. :P
It has gone really cold again here, so I dread to think about Roobarb and RTL in the Frozen North!  :'(

The middle of North America is a place of extreme temperatures, cold winters and hot summers.  It can go to -30 and up to +30.  The two coasts are much more temperate, I think if I won the lottery I would buy a summer place in Nova Scotia.
My area is one of the warmest in Canada.  There are vineyards a couple of hours away (but their specialty is ice wine 😁).