
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: Mowsehowse on Sunday 11 April 21 09:19 BST (UK)

Title: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Sunday 11 April 21 09:19 BST (UK)
A cold but bright morning, fairly strong gusts from the North West.  I walked into town for bread, before 8 to avoid Saturday shoppers.  Lots of bird song and the Spring wild flowers seem to be more abundant this year. Perhaps there was less toxic spraying going on last year?
Decided to take a stroll around the lakes before lunch, because the beach front looked quite busy. Suddenly the 2 Dutch cruise ships at anchor in the Bay started sounding their horns, and repeated at intervals until we were returning to the seafront to get home. 
Checking it out, we learned about the 41 gun salutes from noon, which had been fired in honour of HRH, and realised the ships had been sounding their horns for that, as they were going for around 40 minutes. 
4 ships around the corner off Babbacombe, (in Lyme Bay,) including 2 Queens, so that must have been tremendous.
I am reading the latest Robert Goddard, which is enjoyable.
Watched the Grand National. Great a woman jockey has won it.
After a tuna pasta bake and veges for tea, H and I walked along the front as the sun was going down, which caused the heavy grey clouds to turn very interesting colours of purple through to rose pink.
Watched an episode of Young Montalbano..... he is a lovely character.

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Ruskie on Sunday 11 April 21 10:43 BST (UK)
It sounds like you had an uplifting day MH, and time spent outdoors when the weather is nice must cheer you up. The Royal pomp and ceremony is certainly very stirring, despite the sad circumstances. An historic event.

I was comandiered to ferry my daughter to the physio on Saturday morning. All went well, she seems to have gained more movement and has less back pain, so good news. She has exercises and other rules to follow.  :)

Other daughter and partner visited for a late lunch.

Day was quite hot - around 35 degrees. Unpleasant.

Dog walk was uneventful thank goodness but I kept it short as it was hot.

Nothing else to report.
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 11 April 21 10:58 BST (UK)
Listening to the gun salute must have been quite an impressive experience MH. Those sort of things always bring a lump to my throat, I'm sure the funeral will be even more so despite it being a rather different occasion than we would have expected pre pandemic. Your walks sound really enjoyable.

Pleased to hear your daughter is doing better Ruskie, that must be a relief in every way.

Not a lot to report in my day:

Usual walk late morning, sunny again but cold air, could see the sea sparkling blue from the bridge. Decided to do some gardening in the afternoon, spent the time mainly on sorting out my potting bench, I'd just shoved things onto the shelves any old how. Checked the plants I'd overwintered in pots, most had survived. I have so many seedlings now that it's difficult to organise them all. The sun had gone in and I felt cold, was just just thinking I'd finish and go for a cuppa when it came out again so I carried on a little longer then gave up.

Phoned my friend L for a chat, as usual we spent ages so it was late by the time I ate. Watched Line of Duty, I'm lagging behind with the episodes but one at a time is enough for me. Didn't get round to watching the Eye of the Storm programme but will watch it soon.
Just another ordinary day but it was okay.
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Sunday 11 April 21 11:17 BST (UK)
It is so nice you are close enough, Ruskie, to be able to help out and see your family regularly, and great news your daughter's back problem is easing. :D

It is just about 4 weeks H has been suffering with his back, (again,) but he says it is vastly better at present, though he won't be permitted to join in the weekly grocery foray just yet!!

Sounds like you had a pleasant and productive day Roobarb. A walk in sunshine, a gleaming shed and a good chat with your friend. Hang in there.

Hope everyone is able to pass the day focussing on moments of joy and tranquility to sustain them.
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Caw1 on Sunday 11 April 21 11:53 BST (UK)
MH - I do love to hear about your walks and the nature going on around you... I think sometimes living in a rural area I take for granted what’s around us..
the muntjac that wanders across our lawn,
 the woodpecker, green one I think, who I wake up hearing every morning drilling away into neighbouring trees.
The afternoon visit from a beautiful male pheasant as it struts across our back lawn to visit next doors garden for seed left out!
We have a pair of blue tits nesting in the box on the hawthorn tree and it’s delightful to watch them flying in and out.
At night while trying to drift off to sleep the owls calling to one another along with the barking of the foxes that seem to use our front lawn as their meeting place!
We’ve a hedgehog, hope he’s still living under the water butt but not sure although we do see his little messages left on the lawn!
Too early yet to have the moorhens from our friends pond coming in to the garden... all delightful.
I’ll bet the horns from the ships was quite an emotional rousing sound to hear too..

Ruskie - I hope your daughters back will improve with exercise and care... important to keep mobile... OH suffered for years resulting in aback operation on L4 & 5 over twenty years ago now... think it might be hereditary as his mother suffered and now our daughter too... when speaking to her yesterday she’d done something and had a hot water bottle strapped to her back... moving furniture I expect didn’t help!

Roobarb - sounds like you need to set up a little nursery to sell your plants as you’re inundated with seedlings.... a table outside your front gate with a box secured for passing punters to add some money too perhaps... could do with you down here when we have fairs in the summer as the lady who used to sell her plants has moved away...

My day

For me it started a great deal earlier than normally... we were out of the house just before 8.30 to go to the vaccination centre for me to have my second Pfizer jab... lots of people even at that time but very slick and it was all soon over... one of the volunteers told me, when asked, they’re doing about 1,000 a day which for a small place was excellent. Pfizer in the morning then AZ in the a/noon.
Once home a welcome cuppa and some breakfast.
It was a dull morning and couldn’t make up its mind whether to be sunny, cloudy, rainy.. so we had it all!
 Messaged my daughter who said they’d all been for a test as eldest grandson had sore throat, sniffles and a temp so they thought it best to go... as mentioned her back is playing up and they’re obviously having to stay at home until test results return... usually within 24hrs but they went to a centre nearby rather than Twickenham as she couldn’t sit for too long...
Got shown the bedroom again by J youngest grandson who was so excited about having their bunk beds in the cloud forest!
OH decided to plant the fir tree our friends had given us at the end of the new fencing.. then he repaired the boards on his raised veg beds.
I did the ironing! Recommend by a book group friend I watched Anne with an E all about Anne of Greengables...charming and innocent with beautiful Canadian scenery and just a bit of escapism at the moment!
Late afternoon we had a game of scrabble which I won ... used all my tiles on one occasion adding to the last game where I used them all up twice 😀😀 now I’m just three behind!
Dinner was just sausage, mash, cabbage...
We watched a film that had been recommended Chicago 7 on Netflix very good with Mark Rylance, Eddie Redmayne...
OH watched the golf  and I was beginning to feel very tired and my arm was sore so I retired to bed...

Pausing for thought about the death of Prince Philip... it’s hard to imagine that he has been around for the majority of people’s lives apart from the few over 100’s ... a sobering  thought and I can’t imagine how The Queen must be feeling at the moment. When he retired from formal duties i felt for her especially when she entered, was it Westminster Abbey, walking alone she looked so small and unguarded  without him being just behind as he has been for the past 70 years...
I signed the online book of condolences and our village church is open on Monday to sign a book to be sent to her from our village... a nice touch and I hope that most will do that...

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 11 April 21 12:59 BST (UK)
Yes,it seems a great pity the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral will be very private and not as grand as he deserves, but it is what he wanted anyway and what an ordeal for Her Majesty so given the blows she has had very recently better for her I am sure .

Have you seen the very curt message from Harry?
The sort of thing  that  would be sent to a long serving butler!

Well Hairdresser phoned yesterday, got an appointment for 24 thApril so three weeks after my second vaccination .
Short and if possible given its weak condition ,silver.

Lovely day, clear blue sky with some cotton wool clouds in the S.E.
A thin layer of snow already melting .

Chicken for tea, carrots ,braised celery, broccoli, roast new potatoes with rosemary stuffing ,etc.
Boring yoghurt for afters.
Got to watch the  amount of sugar I have .

Hope everyone is well, and looking after themselves.
I am alright.
Daughter phones tomorrow ,so lots of news ,and the latest re FH and her horse .
I lose track about the horse, such a complicated set of symptoms ,but he is so much better ,still some physical things to sort out but is so happy now.
You really see it in his demeanour and cockyness !
In addition he sees FH almost everyday ,those two are real pals.
Cheerio, lovely to read your news , your gardens,walks ,babies, families ,books ,painting even neighbours!


Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Sunday 11 April 21 15:22 BST (UK)
I wish I had a pound for everyone who has described to me just how desperate they are to visit their hairdresser! :D You must be so excited to have an appointment Viktoria, though I am sure it isn't as bad as you say.

What you wrote about the wildlife around your home Caroline is absolutely lovely. Thank you for sharing it.
Sorry to note your daughter is also suffering with her back, and I hope she too gets some relief from it very soon.
Well done for using all tiles in the latest Scrabble game.
I intend to check out Chicago 7.

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 11 April 21 17:04 BST (UK)
Caroline, you do paint a lovely picture of the wildlife around where you live, so lovely to see all those creatures. I think there goldfinches are nesting in the garden behind me, I love to see them coming for a drink out of my birdbath, I try to keep it topped up as they're so little it's sometimes hard for them to reach.
I'll be giving the excess plants to my friends if the seedlings all make it, you could have had some if I lived nearer.  :) 
Hope you're feeling okay today after your jab and your daughter too with her bad back. Well done on the scrabble win, keep it up!

Not long to go Viktoria before your transformation.  :)
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Sunday 11 April 21 18:54 BST (UK)
That is what l meant to say Caroline, but got distracted.
(If l had a brain l would be dangerous!! 🙄)
I am surprised that you have found the 2nd vac more troublesome than the first, and l do hope you are feeling more comfortable today.
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Caw1 on Sunday 11 April 21 19:55 BST (UK)
That is what l meant to say Caroline, but got distracted.
(If l had a brain l would be dangerous!! 🙄)
I am surprised that you have found the 2nd vac more troublesome than the first, and l do hope you are feeling more comfortable today.

😂😂😂 - never mind MH we all have those moments!
Can honestly say I’ve felt like chewed string today! Glad there isn’t a third jab... yet!

Viktoria - I’m so pleased for you that you’ve got a hair appointment... I wish... trying a new one ( after 15 years with old one) and still waiting to hear.... not so bad can put it up over the summer... can’t decide what to do with it re cut or keep... definitely don’t like the grey coming through though...
Glad the horse has made a good recovery and that he and FH have a great affinity.... great for children to appreciate animals and have some responsibilities...


Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 11 April 21 21:07 BST (UK)
Sorry to hear the second vaccination was worse than the first,just jog my memory did you have the Pfeizer or Astro Zeneca.?
Quite a number who had the AZ have been really unwell for up to a week.
Both times.

Sunny all day,but really cold.
Planted ,in a tub my Captain Sir Tom rose , some tiny shoots coming now .
Hopefully will be OK, son took his on Friday.

Lily of the Valley not looking good,bought from M&S as a pad, by son for Mothering Sunday with some very scented Dianthus ,I never have success with them ,L of V ,my favourite flowers.

Tulips almost open , and apple blossom buds too, and we have yet to have some frosts I expect.
Daffodils going over now, have been lovely but  harsh weather has battered them.
Such lovely birdsong in the nearby huge Ash tree.It is a curse re falling leaves and pesky seeds but so many birds sing in it ,lovely.

Number two son usually rings  today,  but they may have gone somewhere, wherever  they are allowed to go.!
Often a walk .

Chicken tasty ,and so much left ,I might freeze some in slices for butties .
I like chicken and mushroom pie and chicken and leek pie too.mmmm.

I need some serious anti wrinkle cream!
Squinting through specs no longer the correct prescription has given me deep lines on my forehead and   bridge of my nose !
Got some  Nivea Q10 oil— £20!!! - been using it just over a week and no improvement!Rubbish!
I wanted instant transformation. ::)Preferably back to being as I was at 21!
Well it hasn’t worked  >:(
I suppose being in so much hasn’t helped.

Keep well folks  and enjoy your art classes, books gardening,family contacts 
and your walks.
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Caw1 on Sunday 11 April 21 23:18 BST (UK)
Sorry to hear the second vaccination was worse than the first,just jog my memory did you have the Pfeizer or Astro Zeneca.?
Quite a number who had the AZ have been really unwell for up to a week.
Both times.

It was the Pfizer one I had...still felt ropy today! At least it’s the last one... for now!

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 11 April 21 23:38 BST (UK)
Hope you feel better tomorrow Caroline.  :)
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Ruskie on Sunday 11 April 21 23:44 BST (UK)
That’s the trouble with getting in early in the diary threads - there are so many posts after, and so many comments I want to make.

Keep is informed about how you are feeling after the second jab Caroline. It’s a bit scary not knowing how you might react to the jobs. Some sail through and some are very poorly.

There is still a lot of talk here about the merits, and otherwise, of the two vaccinations we will have in this country. We have had supply issues, and they are saying it could be a couple of years before everyone is offered the jab. Still, if we continue to control the spread here, then we are in not so much of a rush to roll it out. Now there is talk of the vaccination not being effective against new variants of covid.  ::)

My OH also has a bad back Caroline. He has a few issues with his spine. When he is laid up I think I suffer almost as much as he does.  ;D I sympathise with your daughter as I have also had a bad back, though comparatively minor I think. I found the exercises give good relief - there are lots of suggestions on the internet.

Viktoria, I am so pleased that the horse seems better. Lovely that FH can visit regularly - that will be positive for both of them. You made me smile with your wrinkle cream story.  :) I’m sure you will look gorgeous after your haircut - and there will be no need to worry about a couple of wrinkles. Perhaps you could consider a procedure or two - a nip and a tuck - and maybe some lip fillers to give yourself a young modern look.  ;D

Prince Philip’s funeral sounds like it will be just as he wished. I see that Harry has returned already. It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall during the family conversations, but we’ll probably find out what was said from Oprah Winfrey or her pal Gayle whatshername.  ;D  I think I would be recording everything if I were a member of the Royal Family.  ;D
Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Caw1 on Monday 12 April 21 00:06 BST (UK)
Having a bad back can be a dreadful drain on ones stamina... I know what you mean Ruskie about living with it when someone else has it....
when OH was building the front of the house I came home one day from work to find him laid out on the kitchen floor... he’d injured his back whilst digging a trench and had crawled back into the kitchen! I got quite a fright when I saw him... thought he was a goner! He used to do Pilates exercises on a large ball he could sit on but once his hips started to trouble him that was the end of the ball!

Title: Re: Diary > Saturday 10th April.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Monday 12 April 21 10:02 BST (UK)
Gosh that must have been an awful shock Caroline!!
H slept on the floor for weeks back in 1997...... thankfully it didn't get quite that bad this time.