
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: sugarfizzle on Wednesday 21 April 21 11:29 BST (UK)

Title: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: sugarfizzle on Wednesday 21 April 21 11:29 BST (UK)
BJ was questioned by a general public member yesterday regarding how many hospital admissions/deaths were of people already vaccinated. He said he didn't know exactly figures, but thought it would be very low.

The actual answer is that 32 out of a total of 74,705 patients admitted to hospital with Covid-19 between September and March had had the vaccine 3 weeks or more before.
Considering the time frame given, most if not all of these will have had only one dose of vaccine.

Really excellent news.
Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: Gadget on Wednesday 21 April 21 12:58 BST (UK)

Would the ones that show up before the general roll out in December be those that were in the testing group ?


PS - or is this a feature of the data collection - i.e they are produce every 6 months so that the 32 would have been in the last part of the period.
Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: groom on Wednesday 21 April 21 13:21 BST (UK)

The actual answer is that 32 out of a total of 74,705 patients admitted to hospital with Covid-19 between September and March had had the vaccine 3 weeks or more before.
Considering the time frame given, most if not all of these will have had only one dose of vaccine.

Really excellent news.

Was that number of just admissions - is there any data on how many who had the vaccine died from Covid?
Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: sugarfizzle on Wednesday 21 April 21 14:40 BST (UK)
Difficult to answer your questions, still finding it hard to concentrate very much!

Deaths were not covered in the report, as far as I know, though the figures will be known by somebody.

I think this is the correct link to the report about this, widely publicised in the news today. It says that 1 Sep 2020 was taken as the start of the second wave. Quite a few patients were admitted within a few days of first vaccination, for various reasons.

Hospitalised vaccinated patients during the second wave in the ISARIC4C CO-CIN cohort -
Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: Guy Etchells on Wednesday 21 April 21 16:41 BST (UK)
The PDF suggests those people were infected around the day of vaccination or shortly after, in other words before immunity had developed.
Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: sugarfizzle on Wednesday 21 April 21 17:10 BST (UK)
Guy, I know that, I don't know that I've given the correct link.
Was trying to look for it and that was what I came up with. But today's news reports link to UK Coronavirus Clinical Characterisation Consortium and Professor Calum Semple, who the pdf refer to.

Prof Semple is reported as saying -
 'What you see is most people who were admitted had caught their infection within a week of vaccination – either side of the vaccination – but then there was a really sharp drop off in numbers.

'Three weeks after being vaccinated, we could only count 32 people out of the 2,000 that had been vaccinated and that's a tiny, tiny number – that's less than 2 per cent.

'And that's just after the first vaccine, and that's in your frail, elderly population. So this is really good real world data showing that this vaccine works and that one dose works really well.'

As my powers of concentration have been decimated (either by the pandemic, or by early dementia!!) I would be grateful if anyone can find a link to the correct paper!

In the meantime, as Prof Calum has reportedly said 'And that's just after the first vaccine, and that's in your frail, elderly population.'

We may hear more tomorrow, results have been presented to SAGE and ministers today.

Absolutely fantastic news, I think. I've had both my doses now, just waiting for daughter and her husband, late 30s
Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: sugarfizzle on Wednesday 21 April 21 17:26 BST (UK)
One link out of many - just Google "32 vaccinated hospitalised uk"

Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: sugarfizzle on Wednesday 21 April 21 17:49 BST (UK)
I think it is the right link! At least the Prof thinks so, in reply to Annette from Leicester (BJ didn't know the answer to her question)


Modified: Can find no reference to 32 or 2,000 in that pdf. Hope this isn't fake news that I have posted
Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: groom on Wednesday 21 April 21 20:56 BST (UK)
In the US

"Among the more than 75 million people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States by the second week of April, there were only 5,814 reports of coronavirus infections — a staggeringly low number that shows just how effective the shots are."
Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: sugarfizzle on Thursday 22 April 21 14:48 BST (UK)
Apparently yesterday's news may have been a little premature! But still encouraging.

Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: BushInn1746 on Thursday 22 April 21 16:59 BST (UK)
The figure of 32 deaths come under Thrombo-embolic events with concurrent low platelets, only.

Removed the quote (published in the official link) as the MHRA site suggest they have certain rules on quoting.
I presume "temporal association" is associated with the brain?
But how can we compare yet, we have been following restrictions too, also some drug trials go on for up to 10 years.
Our Hospital which covers two towns, a population of 129,000 and had also been taking Covid-19 cases from elsewhere, was reported one day last week as having zero Covid cases in hospital.

One point is, our Region's hospitals began reporting similar last Summer 2020 after the first Lockdown and after the first Wave and look what happened ... another ... Wave 2.
I don't trust this Coronavirus disease one inch (after reading a few report summaries from Scientists at the US CDC or placed in the Medical Libraries of America) and will continue with all the usual precautions when in or out.

I am waiting to hear the Scientists tell us that all these SARS-CoV-2 variants have all mutated into weaker strains and dying out, Worldwide.

Keep safe, Mark
Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: Davedrave on Thursday 22 April 21 20:45 BST (UK)
“Temporal association” is nothing to do with the temporal lobe of the brain. Temporal here refers to time, not anatomy. What the article is saying here is that if an adverse event (for example developing a fatal blood clot) occurs shortly after someone is vaccinated there may be no connection between the vaccination and the adverse event other than the fact that the vaccination and the adverse event take place around the same time.

Dave :)

Title: Re: Vaccinated people in UK admitted to hospital
Post by: Skoosh on Friday 23 April 21 08:39 BST (UK)
Nice sensible post Dave!
