
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: Roobarb on Sunday 23 May 21 23:00 BST (UK)

Title: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 23 May 21 23:00 BST (UK)
I'd been hoping that as I didn't have any ill effects from the first Covid vaccination I wouldn't from the second one. My hopes were dashed.

Despite not being able to get warm earlier, after I'd had a bath and got in bed I was having the opposite problem, too warm although my skin didn't feel hot. Felt exhausted and soon went to sleep, only to wake at 1.30 am. There was a light showing behind the curtains, it went off and back on a couple of times. Looked out of the window to see what it was, it was my security light that shines on the patio. I could see that a bit of the creeper that grows up the fence was blowing across it in the wind and activating the light. I couldn't leave it like that, apart from the fact that it would keep me awake it might disturb my neighbours. The last thing I felt like doing was going out in the garden but there was no option so I put some clothes and shoes on, went out with the kitchen scissors and snipped the offending bits off.

Was feeling pretty rough at that point, got back in bed, woke up every two hours after that. Don't know what time it was when I took some paracetamol as a headache was developing. Felt quite weak when I eventually got up but not overheated. Just rested then until lunchtime when I was hungry.

In the afternoon I decided to go for a short walk, was still feeling a bit spaced out. It was bright but there was a chilly wind. Spent most of the rest of the day just reading, doing nothing doesn't come easily to me but although I was okay I didn't feel like doing anything strenuous. Finished my book, The Foundling by Stacey Halls. I've read it quite quickly, I enjoyed it although not quite as much as her previous one, The Familiars. Was gradually feeling better towards evening but still gave the wine a miss.

Hoping to be back to normal on Monday so I can do some gardening although the forecast isn't looking too promising.
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Caw1 on Sunday 23 May 21 23:37 BST (UK)
Oh dear Roobarb sorry to hear you were feeling the after affects from your second jab... I had heard that it could be the case... then having to go outside at that time in the night to deal with some greenery goes beyond the call of kindness to neighbours!
A rest during the day should hopefully do the trick and after a good nights sleep I’ll keep fingers crossed for tomorrow...
I’ve read The Foundling too and I preferred her first book... new one out now called Mrs England not read it yet...

Well having not posted for must be over a week now I thought it was time to rejoin the diary thread... I’ve not caught up much with what’s been going on with everyone so I hope everyone is doing ok... apart from all this appalling weather... we’ve had the heating on from time to time and even had an open fire last night 😱😳.. nearly at the end of May for heavens sake...
I’ve been busy with my new cousins trying to find some links and lots of chat back and forth... been very exciting and lovely to finally find a branch of my Dads side of the family...
This past week I’ve been down at my daughters in London... first time in her house since Feb last year.... so excited to visit them and my grandsons were beside themselves.... never had so many involuntary hugs from them before... the main reason for the visit was to make the boys new bedroom curtains... a task in itself as the fabric was a handmade design of the stripes and actually circles of a zebra ....
I got on very well on the Thursday with them breaking the back ofthe work... lots of hand sewing hems at tops... Friday morning I woke up with the mother of migraines which I’ve not suffered from for a number of years... thankfully I have some miracle prescription pills that work fairly quickly... so by mid morning I felt a lot better although they do always leave me feeling tired and a little fragile for a few days. We finally finished them after the boys had gone to bed so they went up on Saturday morning... they were suitably impressed, my daughter was delighted and I was relieved they were ok! I returned home on Saturday afternoon and have felt quite tired today and just taken it easy... so that’s why I’ve been off the radar for awhile...
OH enjoyed his peace and quiet for the three days I was away but did admit he’d missed me! Aww how nice!
Today has been a mixed day, chilly, sunny and wet... I can’t believe how the garden has grown over the past week and so much needs chopping, weeding and tying up! All the blossom from the crab apple has virtually gone... the peonies just about to flower... hope they don’t get battered by all the wind and rain over the next few days... my alliums are out now but in a sheltered position so hope they’ll be ok. The strawberry plants have got so many flowers on that it could be a bumper crop if we can keep the slugs from getting to them first!
Our friend M who is having chemo has coped with it well and is hoping to go home for a short indefinite period at the end of this coming week which is good news... then back in for another dose of chemo before stem cell treatment,,,,
My friend C with the knee problem from the fall in her garage has been for an X-ray so hope they can sort her out as she’s in a great deal of pain... added to which her 94 yr old mother has just had a second cateract op and C’s been staying with her... her mums freezer packed up so she’s had to remove all items and get a new one ordered...some people don’t have much luck...
Not really much else to report...

Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: DianaCanada on Monday 24 May 21 01:16 BST (UK)
I have just posted to Saturday‘a thread...oh well.
Sorry to hear both of you, Roobarb and Caroline, have not been feeling well.  How inconvenient to have to get up in the night to fix something. Caroline, I had noticed your absence, and wondered if you were okay.  Other than the migraine, sounds like you had a good trip to London.  Wonder if you drove or took the train, are there any restrictions on the latter?
Mentioned in my Saturday post I did a little family history today, found my father’s second cousin died in WWI in the torpedoing of the Royal Edward ship in the Aegean. There was a huge loss of life. He was only 22, married with two babies.  Very sad.  KG I believe you helped me with this branch, his grandfather died fighting a school fire on the Isle of Man around 1870.
Must go, nightly yogurt awaits, and dog is waiting to lick out the container- he is giving me impatient looks.
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Ruskie on Monday 24 May 21 04:53 BST (UK)
Oh Roobarb, I’m sorry to hear you’ve been so unwell. It still surprises me that the effects from the vaccination can differ so much between people, but I suppose it’s the same with all vaccinations - it’s probably just that this one is being delivered quickly en masse and people are talking about it more.

I’m afraid I would’ve left the trimming till the morning too and just hope the neighbours had heavy curtains. Presumably this is on the side of our nice neighbours?  :)

I noticed your absence Caroline, and thought it must have been due to your skills being required for curtain making. I don’t suppose you took any photos of the curtains in situ that you would be willing to share? Do you think that sewing the black and white fabric might have been the cause of your migraine? Like Diana, I wondered if you drove or trained it down to London?

Dogs can get very antsy when waiting for their treats - yoghurt pot “lick outs” are a favourite in this house too.

I managed to do a few things on Sunday - ventured out to IKEA - not my favourite place due to the huge crowds but there are always some interesting ideas on display. We just bought a couple of useless items.

Decided to grab an early lunch at an American style burger place. I don’t think I’ve had a burger out for about three years. It was quite enjoyable.

Watched “Cheat” which I thought was pretty good. Took dog for a longer walk than usual. Luckily there were no embarrassing incidents.

I received a message from a DNA match distant cousin. Actually it is odd - she is a match with my father but not me. That seems to happen every now and then.

It’s very rare that someone contacts me, so it is quite exciting especially since she matches on my father’s paternal side, and we know very little about that branch of the family.

Her great grandmother’s maiden name is the same as my surname, and our families came from the same part of the world.

The problem with finding out our connection is my lack of knowledge. The farthest back I can go is my great grandfather and all I know about him is his name, year of death, and occupation. She is a 3rd to 5th cousin match with my father, so fairly distant, but I am hoping she may be able to help me expand this side of my family.
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Caw1 on Monday 24 May 21 08:07 BST (UK)
Thanks for your concern Diana and Ruskie... yes I did take photos although not easy with the curtains shut! Had to put lights on as they’re blackout ones... I’ll add a picture here for you.... I drove down.. wouldn’t dream of using public transport plus I took my sewing machines and all associated clobber!
Think the migraine was probably mixture of stress, not drinking enough fluids and rushing around...

Ruskie do hope you’re able to glean some information about your fathers side of the family from this DNA response you’ve had, it’s always exciting when there is hope of learning more... will keep my fingers crossed for you.
We have a trip to IKEA coming up as need more shelving for my work room... covid restrictions got in the way last year so we never went!

Diana - hope you are feeling better with your back/hip problems now, perhaps you’ve managed to get some physio?

Here are the curtains
I can’t seem to get the pic the right way round.... sorry... perhaps Gadget will come to my rescue again!
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: KGarrad on Monday 24 May 21 08:21 BST (UK)
Mentioned in my Saturday post I did a little family history today, found my father’s second cousin died in WWI in the torpedoing of the Royal Edward ship in the Aegean. There was a huge loss of life. He was only 22, married with two babies.  Very sad.  KG I believe you helped me with this branch, his grandfather died fighting a school fire on the Isle of Man around 1870.

Ah, yes! Dixon Brierley. Died February 1868.
I still have all the documentation I found, on my PC.
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Mowsehowse on Monday 24 May 21 08:21 BST (UK)
Hi Caroline, good to see you back. Well done on the curtains and very sorry about the migraine... awful affliction. 
Somewhere I worked had another staff member who lived close to me.  A few times she was felled by a migraine at work, and Personnel summoned me to drive her home, giving me the rest of the day off.  Better for me than for her!!
Hopefully you will be feeling better today Roobarb.  Like Ruskie, I am fascinated by the diversity of reactions recipients have noted.
So marvellous for Diana and others to have solid information about ancestors, rather than only bmd dates, though in Diana's case the stories are so sad.
Lashing rain and gale force winds here for the entire day, so just pottering around doing not much.
We haven't turned off the night storage heaters yet, and it was cold enough to put the living room heater on for a short while.  Sudoku skills improving, and started another Maggie O'Farrell I picked up from the library last week.
Around 8 p.m. the rain diminished enough to venture out for a brisk stroll. A small group of oyster catchers passed us calling to each other, and landed on the rocks nearby pecking around in the seaweed for food. 4 cruise ships at anchor though the sailing ship left during the morning.
Hoping for brighter days soon.
Ruskie: you "received a message from a DNA match distant cousin. Actually it is odd - she is a match with my father but not me. That seems to happen every now and then". 
Because every child receives DNA from both parents, each generation has about half DNA the parent had from each grandparent. Thus the quantities are diluted very quickly, and after a few generations the amount of shared DNA in cousins becomes negligible.  I think some of the companies don't register 1% or less as being a match.
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Ruskie on Monday 24 May 21 09:32 BST (UK)
Yes that’s correct MH, but the amount of DNA passed down can vary too. As an example, I’ve noticed a few people which my daughter matches, but I do not and she is obviously a generation below me. Looking to try to find an example and of course I can’t find one. I will try to remember to look later when I am on my PC.  :)

Caroline, the curtains look fabulous. I really like the pattern. It’s versatile and timeless, and the boys shouldn’t get tired of it like they would with some cartoon type character or other fad which would date in no time. Very nice.   :)

Traffic around London must be a nightmare Caroline. I can’t believe I was ever brave enough to tackle it.  ;D  Mind you, public transport is a nightmare too, and having the car gives you more flexibility of course.

PS. I spy a tiger’s bottom and a little blondie in that photo.  :)
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Roobarb on Monday 24 May 21 10:04 BST (UK)
Good to see you back Caroline.  :) How exciting for you to visit your daughter and family after all this time, the curtains look terrific, so unusual. Sorry to hear about your migraine, what a relief in all ways that you got over it quickly with the aid of your magic pills. It's amazing what the garden gets up to when we don't see it even for a few days, particularly at this time of year.

Good to have found some new family history information Diana, what a very sad story. Hope the heat there subsides a bit to a more comfortable level. I'm pleased to hear that your vaccination rollout is going well.

Ruskie, I'm afraid the early hours foray into the garden wasn't entirely unselfish, I wouldn't have been able to sleep with the light going on and off, it's quite bright. Yes,it's the nice neighbours side! One thing I did do yesterday was to chop off lots around it to avoid a repeat performance.
Good for you to have had a trip to IKEA, a change of scenery even though you didn't buy much.

What dreadful weather for you again MH, you seem to have had the brunt of the winds, we've only had it breezy here. Good that you managed a walk out eventually, very much hope your weather soon improves.

I'm feeling much better today thank you everyone, the sun is shining too after some rain last night.
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Caw1 on Monday 24 May 21 10:05 BST (UK)
Yes that’s correct MH, but the amount of DNA passed down can vary too. As an example, I’ve noticed a few people which my daughter matches, but I do not and she is obviously a generation below me. Looking to try to find an example and of course I can’t find one. I will try to remember to look later when I am on my PC.  :)

Caroline, the curtains look fabulous. I really like the pattern. It’s versatile and timeless, and the boys shouldn’t get tired of it like they would with some cartoon type character or other fad which would date in no time. Very nice.   :)

Traffic around London must be a nightmare Caroline. I can’t believe I was ever brave enough to tackle it.  ;D  Mind you, public transport is a nightmare too, and having the car gives you more flexibility of course.

PS. I spy a tiger’s bottom and a little blondie in that photo.  :)

Yes, they will go with any decor but do look good with the green walls... very striking and large enough to fit most windows and as you say timeless... thankfully!
Blondies head is youngest grandson and tigers bottom is a large stuffed tiger they sit on... poor thing..
Traffic not too bad , north circular busy but not as much as usual... lots of people driving like nutters either they’ve been shut up for too long or else they’ve been used to roads without many cars... either way you need your wits about you!
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: louisa maud on Monday 24 May 21 10:10 BST (UK)
" A few times she was felled by a migraine at work"

Try a banana every day for a migraine, worked wonder fro my husband and myself, so now we seldom go a day without one but I do believe it is possible to grow out of migraines, worth a try, I talked my husband into trying it 

Louisa Maud
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Caw1 on Monday 24 May 21 10:45 BST (UK)
" A few times she was felled by a migraine at work"

Try a banana every day for a migraine, worked wonder fro my husband and myself, so now we seldom go a day without one but I do believe it is possible to grow out of migraines, worth a try, I talked my husband into trying it 

Louisa Maud

I’ve had then since I was in my teens... they got progressively worse from mid 40’s until finally I managed to have some wonder tablets prescribed ... Sumatriptan.... they are truly great, can’t take as a preventative but once taken they react quickly.... not sure about bananas... I used to eat them regularly but sadly didn’t make any difference to the headaches...
When I was working I got them a lot mainly at W/ends 😩 stress related I think and lack of liquids....

Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Mowsehowse on Monday 24 May 21 10:54 BST (UK)
Rsukie: "Yes that’s correct MH, but the amount of DNA passed down can vary too. As an example, I’ve noticed a few people which my daughter matches, but I do not and she is obviously a generation below me."

Well that's my theory out of the window!! :-\
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: DianaCanada on Monday 24 May 21 10:58 BST (UK)
Rsukie: "Yes that’s correct MH, but the amount of DNA passed down can vary too. As an example, I’ve noticed a few people which my daughter matches, but I do not and she is obviously a generation below me."

Well that's my theory out of the window!! :-\

I have the same types of matches, just a few  - my daughter will match higher than I do.  I have wondered how this could possibly be.

Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Viktoria on Monday 24 May 21 17:00 BST (UK)
Years since I had a “ half head “ headache, just went.
No links to what caused them or why they ceased.

That was some reaction Roobarb!
And a long time too.
Hope you are all better .
Those curtains remind me of tribal tattoos ,and some Aborigine artwork.
Dateless ,striking yet neutral .They will be going for years.

Well tomorrow, a Covid  test then self isolate to Friday when the Consultant wants to do the op on my right eye ,it was for 2 nd July but brought forward .
Why I have to go to Rochdale for the test is anyone’s’s guess, a testing station here in Ramsbottom baths!

I thought I had June for visits etc before 2 nd July when op was first scheduled but I am not complaining , it does not look like it will be a nice Summer so hopefully a nice Autumn ,then the new clothes I got will get an airing.Last year’s unaired ones too!

Grandchildren phoned today ,FH )s Daddy said they will be up soon and we will have a fish and chip supper!
Two nice chip shops in Rammy .

Washing dancing on the line in a stiff breeze , lovely.
Few Nasturtiums coming along now ,about time too!
Aquilegias need staking in the strong breezes .

Have tried to take cake round to neighbour’s but she is elusive today ,I can hear when she is upstairs .
Will keep checking in case she has fallen although she has an emergency pendant ,but- will she remember and be able to activate it!

Well up at the crack of dawn tomorrow for journey to Rochdale, son not well again today so explained and a taxi is being sent as I am not at Ramsbottom testing station.
I could do with the XRay bringing forward too, before the eye is operated on.
Must phone tomorrow.
Well just check on neighbour again then washing in and ironed  whilst still not bone dry.
Cheerio , good to get your news ,thanks.
Look after yourselves,Viktoria.
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Gadget on Monday 24 May 21 17:53 BST (UK)

Here are the curtains
I can’t seem to get the pic the right way round.... sorry... perhaps Gadget will come to my rescue again!

Hope I'm not very late:

Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Caw1 on Monday 24 May 21 17:58 BST (UK)

Here are the curtains
I can’t seem to get the pic the right way round.... sorry... perhaps Gadget will come to my rescue again!

Hope I'm not very late:

Thanks so much Gadget! I did try turning the picture round several times in my photo library but it made no difference!
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Maiden Stone on Monday 24 May 21 18:30 BST (UK)
I’m afraid I would’ve left the trimming till the morning too and just hope the neighbours had heavy curtains.

So would I.
My lovely tall honesty flowers now at 45 degrees angles, some across garden path, after days of strong winds + downpours.
Checked weather forecast more than once before deciding if & when to put out bin containing paper & card. They used to be emptied Monday afternoons, by which time contents of some were strewn along the street during gales. Visits of bin operatives now unpredictable, sometimes early morning. Wheeled it round to street in evening when rain had stopped and wind-speed had lessened. Trouser-legs got wet from plants alongside path. I should have worn wellies. (Bin emptied early Mon. so I was right to put it out Sun. evening.)
Watched TV in evening. Turned heating on & up despite still wearing thermal vest, long-sleeved shirt + thick cardie.
Roobarb, take it easy for a few days. A study of flu vaccinations showed them to be more effective in people who were well-rested before & after. (Don't quote me on that, I can't remember where I got it from.) Whatever you think you need to do, there'll be time for it later.
I ignored my own advice re taking it easy. I walked straight from the vaccination centre to the big supermarket, (2nd visit in 15 months) then walked home with shopping. No buses on the route late evening so I couldn't use the 2 travel vouchers for the return bus journeys which came with the appointment letter. I didn't want to wait around for a taxi. It was a proper Spring evening, so a pleasant walk, even laden with bags of shopping. If my appointment had been for an evening last week or this week, I would have come home in a taxi. Took it easy for next few days, eating what I'd bought from supermarket.   
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Roobarb on Monday 24 May 21 23:21 BST (UK)
Oops, too late Maiden Stone, I've been hard at it in the garden today!  :o But thanks for the advice.  ;D 
I definitely rested the day after the vaccination, I wonder if that counts as sufficient.

Your bin collection sounds like mine, they used to come early doors but during the last year have got progressively later until last week when they were here at eight. Luckily I did the same as you, I put my bin out the night before. It always seems to be windy on bin days.

Hope all goes well tomorrow Viktoria, not long then till you can get the op over and done with and a lovely family visit to look forward to. And the fish and chips of course!
Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Viktoria on Monday 24 May 21 23:36 BST (UK)
Thanks, it has to be done ,doesn’t it ,the Covid test .
I should be glad they are being so careful as that protects me when others are tested ,just as my test protects others.

Goodnight everyone,hope you all sleep well and wake refreshed .

Title: Re: Diary > Sunday 23rd May
Post by: Ruskie on Tuesday 25 May 21 00:15 BST (UK)
Rsukie: "Yes that’s correct MH, but the amount of DNA passed down can vary too. As an example, I’ve noticed a few people which my daughter matches, but I do not and she is obviously a generation below me."

Well that's my theory out of the window!! :-\

Not at all MH - I think you are right, but sometimes there are these little DNA quirks.

I have a theory about bad drivers Caroline which I won’t air on this public forum, but drivers in the UK used to always be so polite and thoughtful. If you turned on your indicator you were always let in front of someone despite the traffic being nose to tail and stop start.

Best of luck with your procedure Viktoria. I’m sure it will all go smoothly, and you’ll be back to normal in no time.  :)

Bin services and general issues around rubbish frustrate and anger me MH. Our weekly rubbish pick ups are fine, but we used to have regular pick ups of general waste, green waste and large items, which were put on the footpath and collected by Council. It was an excellent service. The service was gradually reduced and then scrapped altogether. As a consequence people continue to dump any large items on the footpath or fly tip elsewhere. It’s one of my major bugbears.