
Scotland (Counties as in 1851-1901) => Scotland => Caithness => Topic started by: lydiaann on Friday 19 November 21 15:42 GMT (UK)

Title: Dunbeath Castle and Estate
Post by: lydiaann on Friday 19 November 21 15:42 GMT (UK)
I have finally decided to try and finish sorting out the Gunns, Sinclairs, Sutherlands, Hendersons, etc.  Like many people's history, these families have run riot through the 1840s-1890s in Himself's line.  One thing I would like to find, and seems to be very short in information, is the history of the Castle and, more importantly, the estate.  There seems to be little or no gen on the latter and only basic information on the former.  This is more a matter of interest in the context of the family lines than trying to prove Himself as being 'heir to the castle'. 

The families seem to consist mainly of fishermen with a couple of Ag Labs thrown into the mix according to the 1871 census.  I've followed one part of it down to the present day, through Catherine Sutherland (1839-1911) who seems to have moved away from Caithness to Midlothian as a youngish woman and married George McKinlay.  She was the third of 15 children; did the family just get too big for her (although it looks as though 2 or 3 died young as others of the same name followed)?  Did she move for a job?  Was it impossible for the workers on the estate, as their families grew (and boy, did they grow!) to look after their children properly - I would imagine that the estate could not possibly employ all of the eventual crowd that ended up there.  Because of the 'population explosion' on the estate itself, did it finally buckle under the strain?  Was it sold on and the new owner refuse to take all the workforce?  So many questions/possible variables.  It's such a shame that there doesn't seem to be too much information.

BTW, I do have fairly extensive research on the family coming down the line, so I don't want to waste people's time in thinking I need information on them, thank you.
Title: Re: Dunbeath Castle and Estate
Post by: manukarik on Friday 19 November 21 16:35 GMT (UK)
I live in Caithness and will see what I can find.

For those who don't know it, the link below has some aerial views of the castle: (

According to Nucleus: The Nuclear and Caithness Archives, Dunbeath comes under Latheron Estate, but I haven't tracked down anything yet. (

You'll find an old map here (with Dunbeath Castle): (

Sorry , not much appears to be online…

Title: Re: Dunbeath Castle and Estate
Post by: lydiaann on Friday 19 November 21 17:03 GMT (UK)

That's what I thought ('not much appears to be on-line').  It seems strange as there seems to be so much info about other places.  Do you suppose there'll be an archivist at the current castle?  Surely, the current owners must (want to) know all about the place they are living in?  Or this there a dark secret (how thrilling if there was :o :o) about the place that they don't want anyone to know?  Mind you, it appears from the little I have seen that the ones living there are no relation whatsoever to the Sutherlands and, anyway, a few centuries have passed since then...surely no embarrassment/shame remains!! :-[ :-[.

Thank you for saying you'll look manukarik...maybe there is something locally that you will find.  We do hope to go up there sometime in the next couple of years (before old age finally hits us even more badly) but it would be nice to know sooner!
Title: Re: Dunbeath Castle and Estate
Post by: manukarik on Friday 19 November 21 17:13 GMT (UK)
Not sure if it's still the case, but certainly for a long while Americans owned the Castle.
Title: Re: Dunbeath Castle and Estate
Post by: lydiaann on Saturday 20 November 21 09:14 GMT (UK)
Found this:

"...Stuart Wyndham Murray Threipland, a descendant of Bonnie Prince Charlie's personal physician, is now the owner of the spectacular 30,000 acre Dunbeath Estate in Caithness and its dramatic medieval castle. The estate was put on the market three years ago for #3m by the ageing American millionaire Stanton Avery, who made a fortune from sticky labels..."

I think maybe I'll write and see if they have any information on what happened to the estate.  So glad to hear it's back in Scottish hands again!