
Research in Other Countries => Immigrants & Emigrants - General => Topic started by: davidwgrobinson on Saturday 25 March 23 18:05 GMT (UK)

Title: Zipfel in Lenzkirch?
Post by: davidwgrobinson on Saturday 25 March 23 18:05 GMT (UK)

 I'm starting to dip into the Partners side of the tree, and once branch leads to Lenzkirch and the Zipfel surname.

 Berlin-Bob mentioned on another post from 2004/5 when someone else mentioned the same names to post on this board, so hopefully I can get some help.

 I think I have gone as far back as John Zipfel (I presume the John is an anglicised version of the German name) born in 1745 in Lenzkirch.

 The family from there move to Norfolk and Brandon. 

 My german is basic, but I can look around sites and use translate sometimes, but if anyone can narrow down a couple of pages to help that would be really good.

 I don't even know which 'country' Lenzkirch belonged to in 1745 as unification wasn't till the 1800's.

 Any help appreciated.

Title: Re: Zipfel in Lenzkirch?
Post by: JustinL on Sunday 26 March 23 09:14 BST (UK)
Hello David,

I had a quick look on ancestry and found the numerous records for Zipfels in Norfolk from 1807 onwards, but nothing from the 18th century.

What records have you found that indicate that the family came from Lenzkirch? German records on ancestry suggest that the surname could be found in many German territories in the 18th century.

German Wikipedia reports that the medieval Lenzkirch dominion (Herrschaft Lenzkirch) was owned and ruled by the Counts von Fürstenberg from 1491 until 1806 when Napoleon dissolved the Holy Roman Emperor and created the Rheinische Bundesstaaten (Confederated States of the Rhine). At that point, the small dominion became part of the Grand Duchy of Baden.


Title: Re: Zipfel in Lenzkirch?
Post by: davidwgrobinson on Sunday 26 March 23 11:00 BST (UK)
Thanks Justin.

 When I started the tree about 3 year ago, I would have used ancestry and just followed the Census returns back to 1841.  I presume I added the extra further from somone else's tree.
 I have as far back as Charles Zipfel a Clockmaker on the 1841 Census, and it would be his father who I have down as being from Lenzkirch.

 At some point I lost most of the research documents from my hard drive and I've only gone back as far as the Census will allow on all my branches, because I wanted to find the information myself rather than relying on someone else.

 I'm just starting to poke around beyond 1841 now, and on the old spreadsheet John is still there, I'm just looking now for some confirmation.

 I was looking at old maps and buts and thought it might have been part of the Hapsburg Territories.

Title: Re: Zipfel in Lenzkirch?
Post by: TreeSpirit on Sunday 26 March 23 11:33 BST (UK)

Could this be your Charles' birth as Karolus Zipfel?:

Unless there is some other source, you'd need to visit a FHC to view film #007990590 (image#376),
Title: Re: Zipfel in Lenzkirch?
Post by: ES2377 on Monday 26 February 24 23:09 GMT (UK)
Hello David,

Appreciate this thread has been dormant for a while but reaching out to find out how you got on with the Lenzkirch Zipfels. I have also been researching the family - my great x5 grandfather Joseph Zipfel was also a clock/watchmaker in Norwich in the early 1840's and his father was Andrew/Andreas Zipfel. I have recently sourced some articles that suggest that the other Zipfels in Norwich at the time were his brothers (John and George, and potentially Charles), and from research from a distant relative I know that John Zipfel was born in Lenzkirch.

Did you get any further with your John Zipfel?
