
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: louisa maud on Monday 24 April 23 07:51 BST (UK)

Title: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Monday 24 April 23 07:51 BST (UK)
Good  morning  folks
I'll  start if this week as I was a bit lax last week,

After thunder and lightening and torrential rain it is a sunny brisk morning, only downside it the grass is now to wet to mow

Hope everyone is feeling brighter today.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Monday 24 April 23 11:28 BST (UK)
Candleflame, I hope you got an appointment this morning without too much hassle.  Hopefully, you will be getting treatment very soon and your tonsilitis will clear up fast. :)

Well, mission accomplished I now have an appointment for tomorrow.
I set off early this morning on the bus and was able to walk through the surgery doors at exactly 8 am.  The receptionist was nice - smiley and bright. 
I have booked for tomorrow morning as it will be before work, so if the doctor says anything which might make me feel anxious I will have work to follow which will likely take my mind off it.  My appointment will be with a new, unfamiliar doctor so I haven't got a clue what to expect.

The weather here can't make it's mind up it's been raining then sunny then raining and now slightly brighter again.  But it is windy and very cold; that is a constant.

Will have an early lunch now before I have to head off for my back shift - tuna and tomato in stottie and some grapefruit.  I love grapefruit but unfortunately I know this will have to come to an end if I do have to go on meds. :(
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: Roobarb on Monday 24 April 23 12:21 BST (UK)
Well done on getting an appointment RTL, hope Candleflame has been successful too, the tonsillitis seems to have been going on for a long time.

Back to winter today. Yesterday I was sitting in the garden having a break from the gardening, the sun was burning me through my jeans! Any doubts I may have had about climate change are no more!
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Monday 24 April 23 15:24 BST (UK)
After a deluge last night it has turned out to be a nice day, did a bit of weeding and it was quite hot, little and often is all I can do now, Viktoria, where do you get your energy from?.

Drs, yes I waited  at the Dr's and was first in the queue a few weeks ago,  worth the wait , in fact a friend if mine was given an appt 2 weeks hence,  wasn't happy so she queued up at 8am and got one that day, cancelled the one 2 weeks ahead,  one morning  our surgery opens at 7am, I would be there at 06.45 if need be.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: candleflame on Monday 24 April 23 19:01 BST (UK)
Hi all
Sorry I replied to your good wishes about my tonsillitis on last weeks thread!
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Tuesday 25 April 23 08:49 BST (UK)
I'm in the waiting room now.  Only me here.
Unnervingly quiet, apart from a loud ticking clock .. and the beating of my heart! :-X
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 25 April 23 08:51 BST (UK)
Keep calm, won't  be long now.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Tuesday 25 April 23 08:54 BST (UK)
Thanks LM.  I'm trying my best; but not doing very well. :-\
I have a feeling I'm going to be condemned to grapefruitless life very soon! :'(
Surgery filling up fast now.   
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 25 April 23 09:17 BST (UK)
You can always double check grapefruit with medication with your Dr today, my husband  is on warfarin and certain things he is not allowed  but it doesn't seem to bother him  , get something else in its place you will grow to enjoy.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Tuesday 25 April 23 10:23 BST (UK)
Appointment went very well.  Doctor came out to meet me and she had a lovely, supportive manner, explained things very well and listened to me.
Up shot is Doctor thinks I should go on med (only one a day but nothing she said made me anxious, thankfully.)  She says getting bp down  will reduce risk of heart attack or stroke within next ten years massively.  Obviously a good thing. 
She says she can put me on med which won't  interact with grapefruit! :D
Will be remonitored again in a month.
It was actually a stress free appointment and I'm feeling very relaxed now. :)  Just waiting for bus home and will have early lunch before heading off for work
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 25 April 23 10:42 BST (UK)
So pleased it went well and you feel more relaxed, AND more to the point you can still eat grapefruit which you enjoy.
I haven't had my B P  checked for a very long  time, I would say before Covid, I think a once a year check should be called for,  I am sure it used to be,
Enjoy your day RTL  stress free
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: candleflame on Tuesday 25 April 23 11:44 BST (UK)
Delighted to hear it went so well RTL. Enjoy the grapefruit too! My husband has high bp and takes two different meds now and they put him on a statin too but no one has ever told him to not eat grapefruit. Fortunately he says he hasn’t had a grapefruit for years lol. Neither have I - it’s just not something we eat . Now if you’re talking fresh pineapple then that’s one of my favourites.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Wednesday 26 April 23 09:58 BST (UK)
Thanks LM and Candleflame.  I really liked that Doctor.  She seemed very kind and supportive, and had a practical 'this is what can be done' approach.
LM, I think people can just pop into some chemists now to have bp checked.
Candleflame, perhaps your husband might be on same med as I will be getting if he can still have grapefruit if he chose to?  I hope you enjoy some fresh pineapple soon. :)
I do know others who are not able to have it.  I had bought a tin of grapefruit in juice in the expectation this would be my last.  It was fortunate that I lamented about enjoying it so much and having to give it up and so the Doctor said not a problem and I could go on a med which wouldn't interact.  Not that I  have it every day but I didn't like the thought of having to give it up altogether.
Doc talked about lifestyle changes such as reducing salt and increasing exercise.  I said I don't add salt to cooking anyway and that I do plenty of walking at work and I said I have not had a problem in past with bp etc so why has this happened?  Doctor said sometimes it can be down to getting older and genetics.  She said that someone could be like Mo Farrer and still get high blood pressure.  Somehow, that makes me feel better that I might not be to blame for this - if that makes sense?
I called at M&S before work yesterday to get some broad beans.  I was told they do stock them but they were all out of these.  Will have to try another time.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Wednesday 26 April 23 19:36 BST (UK)
Darn and blast it!  I've been to the chemist today.  Double checked with assistant about grapefruit.   She sought confirmation out the back and two pharmacists  have both given a resounding no for having grapefruit with the prescription med sent.  And I've had some today, thinking it would be alright.
I told a Pharmacist what doctor said and he confirmed there is another one which doesn't interact but not this one.
Will need to chase this up.
It certainly pays to double check things! :-\
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: candleflame on Thursday 27 April 23 09:54 BST (UK)
How frustrating for you RTL.
I've just looked at my husband's two meds for blood pressure and his Amlodopine has printed by the pharmacy on the sticky label not to take grapefruit. However his Lisinopril doesn't have any warning on it so presumably it's ok for that one. His Statin med has a no grapefruit label on it too. Obviously you might be on a totally different med and a different chemist but certainly our chemist has put clear instructions on them.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Thursday 27 April 23 11:47 BST (UK)
RTL,  what a shame after you were told you could have grapefruit, what is your next best fruit to enjoy.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Thursday 27 April 23 21:56 BST (UK)
Hi Candleflame and LM, I've been at work all day so just getting a chance to respond now.  I have had a text from Doctor and bizarrely she disagrees with the pharmacists and says I can have grapefruit with Amlodipine as long it is not very large amounts.  However, I have checked the patient information leaflet for this med and it says grapefruit or grapefruit juice should not be taken.
How very strange that there isn't a concensus  about this.  I'm not going to risk it.
When I get the chance I think I will return to the chemist and show them the text and I think I might email a photo of the part mentioned on the leaflet to the doctor.  I don't like to get into conflict about it with them but I think this is very odd that I am getting such contradictory advice. ???

Just to add the doctor did send me this link and on this website it does say to avoid large amounts.  I feel wary about it now. :-\
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Friday 28 April 23 08:02 BST (UK)
I do think this  contradiction does happen sometimes and who to believe, think if it were me I would not  have the grapefruit to be on the safe side, a shame if you really enjoy it though.

Weather-wise have not had the best of weeks here, plenty of rain,  my neighbours away but coming  home today,  I had plans to tidy up our shared drive, only had  one afternoon warm enough  to go outside, so it hasn't been done.

Bank Holiday weekend coming up, our local bowls club has spare seats on their coach for an away match to Herne Bay,  weather permitting I will take up a seat  on Sunday, my husband won't go as his legs aren't so good but I will leave him stocked up so that he won't miss me, ha  ha!!

I am hoping  the weather cheers up today, my daughter is having a new kitchen installed and I am helping out with her washing,  I need a good drying day today .
Hope everyone is feeling better after their vaccinations, I have had the  call  so I will be next,  all centres are a drive away now which is a nuisance

Take care everyone

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Friday 28 April 23 09:25 BST (UK)
LM, I hope you enjoy the bowling day excursion; yeah, your husband will be fine without you, if left well stocked up. ;)
Also, hope there might be a break in the weather too so you can get your daughter's washing out.
I had thought to get grass cut today and washing out on line but no chance of that now as it is too wet.
Re: new med, I agree with you, I think I will be erring on the side of caution, disappointing as that is.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: candleflame on Friday 28 April 23 09:42 BST (UK)
We have the wet stuff coming down today too so no grass cutting. We have the three grandkids for a sleepover tonight so it's going to be busy and noisy here!
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: mare on Friday 28 April 23 11:55 BST (UK)
Good to eventually get that BP done RTL, at least can review meds again with your follow-up visit and tweak to suit if necessary but is some concern if conflicting info both oral and written. Lucky to not have any prescriptions, one I did need authority to take for a while some years back had so many restrictions and side affects listed in printout. Looking back on it now quickly on line it says ideally max of one year and I think it was more than twice that but I gradually came off it and think specialist still has his overseas holidays without my input! Expensive to see him and meds without any subsidy but did have medical insurance for claims. Some time since visiting doc and ours has retired in meantime, however I received a letter last week to say I was due for blood tests to check for pre-diabetes and colesterol and the next day we went in for our jabs with the nurse and she mentioned it again, so all done and OK. She also took our BP and did my height and weight, haven't shrunk too much vertically at least, husband is a bit borderline on BP and it varies a bit but mine was OK so quite happy I've passed this WOF with a tick.

Tuesday was ANZAC Day, not sure but think Australia may have a full day public holiday, in NZ shops etc are allowed to open after 1pm. I attended a couple of local services to observe but not the dawn one this year, miss 8 granddaughter joined her Sea Scouts group in their city dawn parade at 6am and then as one of the 6 children her group that attend same school wore their uniforms for a small service the next morning there as well. Schools went back for start of term 2 this week, many having Monday off as a teacher only day and extension of school holidays with Anzac Day and Easter at the beginning of it so only about a week school for this April!

Funeral yesterday for husband of lifetime friend, they married 3 weeks after us and at the same place as we've lived not far apart and paths cross in various ways. Also fortunate that they made their 50th anniversary as his illness was diagnosed 43 years ago when their son and daughter had just started school, amazing strength both of them to manage it throughout but with great difficulty recently. Really sad but also really well prepared and a great service … from them jointly as well as the celebration of his life.
Lots of reflection afterwards as we drove out in the country on an errand later in the afternoon, a nice coastal trip today on another mission and fish and chips at the beach when that was done and good day for the drive.
Lawns all done while we were away today too, a bonus. Forecast not so good over the next week with weather watch on incoming tropical storm, will see what that delivers as it comes through.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: Viktoria on Friday 28 April 23 15:29 BST (UK)
Oh contradictions! They are worrying ,what to believe?
Hope you get a reply that brings your confidence back RTL.

Am I the only one who is getting quite offended by the ads for programmes knocking The Monarchy?
I wonder if the private lives of those involved would bear such scrutiny ?

Son down at Head  Office  today,back tomorrow,such a long haul.
All his bedding washed and in the line , will air it,all windows open already, make it up with fresh bedding tonight and that is done.

I have lost my papers for booking Covid jab!.Would nit throw them away so another good look ,I dud have a filing frenzy—- all divuments like statements etc in their respective files ,so will have to look there !
Oh Hecky thump!
Still a bit if sewing to do for the sheets etc fir baby Kyra’s pram and a dolly to make and dress.
We will take it down next visit .

Must crack on , cheerio, hope all are feeling reasonably well at least .
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: River Tyne Lass on Friday 28 April 23 20:54 BST (UK)
Candleflame, I hope you enjoy time with Grandkids and aren't too worn out tomorrow. ;)

Mare, sorry to hear about the passing of your friend's husband.  That is good though that he kept going all those years after diagnosis and was able to see his 50th anniversary in.
I'm glad you enjoyed fish and chips at the beach.  We have to be very careful here as sometimes seagulls like to share if people venture to eat outdoors at the coast.

Viktoria, I hope your Covid booking papers turn up.  Also, I hope baby Kyra enjoys your home made gifts.  I recall my Auntie Dot (who was quite a dab hand at sewing) making me a bagful of dollies things out of her scraps, when I was a child and I was over the moon to receive such a gift.  I hope your Kyra will  be just as pleased to when she sees what you have made for her.
I agree with you re not liking people knocking the Monarchy.  I for one, would not like to live under such scrutiny.  I like King Charles, I think he seems to be a kind and caring person and I also think he has done a lot for this country through his charities and environmental concerns.

Re: contradictions .. well, I couldn't let it lie.  I had the opportunity to go back down to the same chemist this morning so  I did.  I told the assistant that I wished to speak to a Pharmacist and she went out the back and then out came a young chap.  Different one to the other young chap I spoke to the other day.  I told him that I was very confused about whether or not I can have grapefruit with my med.  I showed him the leaflet which says no, I said I was also told no at this very Chemist and then the grande finale .. I showed him the Doctor's text.  I half expected him to say he was going to ring the Doctor to put her right.  However, would you believe it he said he agreed with the Doctor that I can have it!  He says it is safe to have small daily amounts.  I said "Like a small tin?". " Yes" he said.  "And the juice?" I added.  " Yes" he said.
He explained that the manufacturer will not stipulate amount which is safe and large amounts aren't safe so they just say to avoid, however Pharmacist said he agrees with Doctor that a small daily amount is safe.
If this really is so, I wish that the manufacturer was a bit more clear on this instead of seeming to give a blanket ban.
Usually, I'm all for people having different opinions but when it comes to medication it would much clearer to hear everyone singing from the same hymn sheet.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: Viktoria on Friday 28 April 23 22:19 BST (UK)
When my Christmas stay at my daughter’s was longer due to testing positive on Christmas morning ,I needed more of my prescription drugs beyond the extra ones I had with me.
My daughter went to the local Chemists ,a Lloyd’s branch , and they got my prescriptions up on the computer, and gave them all to her.

My Thyroxine had a dire warning  on it not to have any caffein  within one hour before or after.
It says nothing like that in the notes with the tablets , except to take them at least one hour before or after breakfast .
It is puzzling.

Phoned re Covid papers, to local Health Centre and was told to ignore them as un a couple of weeks they will be doing them there and we will be invited to attend ,so one hundred per cent better.
I also reminded the a hospital I was to have an appointment re eyes in a couple of weeks time so the first was June, so not too bad,a bit over the four months stipulated by the Consultant ,and had I not phoned goodness knows when it would have been.

I never know how long we should keep such things as statements and paid bills.I must throw some away the first couple of years say .
So tidied lots of papers away today, bank statements, all statements for the standing orders I pay each month by direct debit etc etc.
I feel,quite smug !
I remember my mother in law’s filing cabinet ,it was a musical one ,honestly, well actually it was under the piano lid!

I always thought when I was little I would have one of those like a hook that you threaded bills and receipts on then hung it from the ceiling !
They did that in Shropshire .

I get impatient and choke up the shredder!

Well and truly tired now ,so an earlier night ,shopping tomorrow  and  a tidy round.

Just the dolly and her clothes to make before the latter end iof May  when  we will visit .
I said that earlier didn’t I !

Sad to read of your good friend ‘s death mare, but amazing he did so well for so long after the diagnosis .

Goodnight and God Bless ,as my Mum would say .
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 30 April 23 09:30 BST (UK)
Hope everyone is enjoying  the sunshine , I am off now to Herne Bay taking up a spare seat with the bowls club,  bought new suncream so I am optimistic about the weather. Went to 8am church so i will  be forgiven,  done my duty today.

Do hope everyone is feeling better after their vaccinations , mine soon so I hope I don't get any ill effects

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: candleflame on Sunday 30 April 23 10:21 BST (UK)
Have a lovely time LM. No sun here, just the wet stuff so still no grass cutting can get done.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: Roobarb on Sunday 30 April 23 13:10 BST (UK)
No sun here either, a short splash of the wet stuff. Enjoy it while you have it, seems to be four seasons in one week these days.  :)
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: radstockjeff on Sunday 30 April 23 14:24 BST (UK)
No sun here either, a short splash of the wet stuff. Enjoy it while you have it, seems to be four seasons in one week these days.  :)
Not quite like Melbourne then where it is said that you can have four seasons weather in just one day. And that is not far from reality, which we experienced on a number of occasions.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: frostyknight on Sunday 30 April 23 18:21 BST (UK)
Very mixed weather here in Dublin for the last few days. Today, there is lovely warm sunshine interspersed with very heavy rain, and we had some thunder yesterday. Tomorrow is supposed to be dry and sunny, I hope to get some gardening done if it is.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 30 April 23 20:58 BST (UK)
Well folks, for all who have not had a good day I must say Herne Bay was a nice trip, it has changed over the years for the better, the pier during the summer has music going on in  the evenings at weekends, some interesting and reasonable I was told, can't think of anywhere nicer on a beautiful  summer weekend if you live in that area.
Considering  it is a BH  weekend the traffic was free flowing , a nice day doing not a  lot but tiring
A new week tomorrow,  how quickly the weeks are flying by


Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 30 April 23 22:02 BST (UK)
Glad you enjoyed your trip L.M .
My son was delayed for hours yesterday , tea was ruined.

Rain all day today.
No Church here today ,a group Church service at Edenfield , four Churches in the group and only one Minister!
Edenfield Church was a Chapel of Rest for Pilgrims on their way to Whaley Abbey ,up the valley .
There four Churches are ,Edenfield,St Philip’s ,St, Andrew’s, and St,Paul’s.
There  is no public transport to  Edenfield from Ramsbottom.

I can’t find my flag!

Had it for The Jubilee ,and at half mast for The Queen’s funeral ,got the bunting but no big flag .Some small ones. Time enough to buy another.
Have a very old one ,flown at Queen Victoria’s  funeral.
Out of my Grandma’s  bedroom window on a brush stele.( a broom handle, )
But a bit precious .
It must be in the  cupboard where  the  bunting was.

Had chicken for tea, did what it said ,ie put a quartered lemon inside with rosemary and thyme ,not a trace of flavour in the meat but nice gravy .
Why do I fall for the blurb ???

Well an early night I think, son wants to go to look at furniture tomorrow, how exciting ,we saw a run of high quality modern furniture some months ago ,in a big mill which was an antiques centre ,it was a well known brand which is so well known I can’t oh yes—- Ercol, incredibly cheap, let’s hope it is still there .
Oh I am tired o a milky coffee and some toasted cinnamon fruit loaf then a crossword in bed and bo bos.
Look after yourselves folks .

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: radstockjeff on Monday 01 May 23 10:42 BST (UK)
Sunday evening Telly Grump. Not an awful lot to choose from but we persevered with Antiques Roadshow (repeat), then Countryfile -ugh why show so many lambs being born, just around the time we were having an early supper snack! Then the piece about Charlie, his life and thoughts about the future-bit boring and I suppose we shall have this now for the next goodness knows how long. I was really looking forward to ITV3 on Channel 10  Jimmy Tarbuck in conversation- may have been a repeat but I needed something to brighten the evening- but no , it was the man with Big Red Book, a repeat from way back of This is Your Life Eric Sykes. Not that I don't like Eric Sykes but does anyone know the reason for the change of programme- did I miss something at the very beginning?.............
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: louisa maud on Monday 01 May 23 10:58 BST (UK)
Eamon Andrews  did this I your life for years, I think he died quite young

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th April
Post by: Viktoria on Monday 01 May 23 23:41 BST (UK)
Grand daughter phoned today ,has been looking at a house with fiancé, sent pics ,but I gave my opinion and the thumbs down.
The huge kitchen is as high as the apex of the roof ,all that space and heat rising ,no energy rating as a listed building , damp course bridged by pavement having been raised ,a cockeyed window!
So they decided no.
Her fiancée with a group of friends rode from Suffolk to John O’Groats ,then back tomLowestoft, St.David’s then Lands’End , back to Suffolk, 32 hours all in .
1452 miles and raised £ 3,451 , each , for a hospice for children in Suffolk.
I could not believe it , on bikes—— but of course motor bikes!
I envisaged cycles !
Not sure how many did it ,but a wonderful feat .
I would have sponsored him. I suppose I can still do something.

Son wanted to go to Darwen today,  an antiques centre but even though it was supposed to be open it wasn’t.
But Darwen— some wonderful buildings ,big Victorian edifices, and the countryside was lovely ,so green, stone walls ,blossom out and daffodils and even flowering cherry trees.
So a pleasant afternoon .
And easy tea, cold chicken ,lots of salad and chips!
Chatted with daughter this evening as usual, she told me about our Freddy Flintoff lookalike and his charity bike ride.

Next weekend Flash Harry and friend are going with F,H’s parents and Kyra, camping as friend’s Birthday treat ,Flash Harry’s on 11 thMay so  both close together .
He is doing advanced swimming and is good as his Daddy was -so smooth in the water there was hardly even a ripple .
He learnt at QUEG’S ( Queen Elisabeth Grammar School in Blackburn ) where there was a good Swimming class.He was not a pupil there ,the class was open to all and  was well known as very good.

He is growing up fast .
His friend who is not so confident was starting to be unhappy at school also so his parents too went in to see the Head, and explained he rarely needs to be disciplined and gets very distressed by the teacher’s very strident voice and loud shouting , and have said they hope in the forthcoming staff re shuffle he does not have her again next year as they will have to move him !
FH is much better now the “ elocution lessons”  have stopped and he is not being corrected for his Northern accent.
With a bit of luck they will all be speaking as he does!

Well bed calls , so hope everyone is alright and the the weather is good for
The Coronation ,it rained I seem to remember ,for The  Queen’s .
